import io import anchorpy from dataclasses import dataclass from solana.keypair import Keypair from solana.publickey import PublicKey from solana.system_program import CreateAccountParams, create_account from switchboardpy.compiled import OracleJob from switchboardpy.common import AccountParams, parseOracleJob from switchboardpy.program import ProgramStateAccount from .generated.accounts import JobAccountData # Parameters for initializing a JobAccount @dataclass class JobInitParams: """A serialized protocol buffer holding the schema of the job.""" data: bytes """An optional name to apply to the job account.""" name: bytes = None """unix_timestamp of when funds can be withdrawn from this account.""" expiration: int = None """A required variables oracles must fill to complete the job.""" variables: list[str] = None """A pre-generated keypair to use.""" keypair: Keypair = None """ An optional wallet for receiving kickbacks from job usage in feeds. """ authority: PublicKey = None class JobAccount: """ A Switchboard account representing a job for an oracle to perform, stored as a protocol buffer. Attributes: program (anchor.Program): The anchor program ref public_key (PublicKey | None): This aggregator's public key keypair (Keypair | None): this aggregator's keypair """ def __init__(self, params: AccountParams): if params.public_key is None and params.keypair is None: raise ValueError('User must provide either a publicKey or keypair for account use.') if params.keypair and params.public_key and params.keypair.public_key != params.public_key: raise ValueError('User must provide either a publicKey or keypair for account use.') self.program = params.program self.public_key = params.keypair.public_key if params.keypair else params.public_key self.keypair = params.keypair """ Load and parse JobAccount state based on the program IDL. Returns: name (JobAccount): data parsed in accordance with the Switchboard IDL. Args: Raises: AccountDoesNotExistError: If the account doesn't exist. AccountInvalidDiscriminator: If the discriminator doesn't match the IDL. """ async def load_data(self): return await JobAccountData.fetch(self.program.provider.connection, self.public_key) """ Load and parse the protobuf from the raw buffer stored in the JobAccount. Returns: OracleJob Raises: AccountDoesNotExistError: If the account doesn't exist. AccountInvalidDiscriminator: If the discriminator doesn't match the IDL. """ async def load_job(self): job = await self.load_data() return parseOracleJob(; """ Load and parse JobAccount data based on the program IDL from a buffer. Args: program (anchorpy.Program) buf (bytes): Bytes representation of the JobAccount Returns: Any: JobAccountData parsed in accordance with the Switchboard IDL. """ @staticmethod def decode(program: anchorpy.Program, buf: bytes): coder = anchorpy.Coder(program.idl) return coder.accounts.decode(buf) """ Create and initialize the JobAccount Args: program (anchor.Program) params (JobInitParams) Returns: JobAccount """ @staticmethod async def create(program: anchorpy.Program, params: JobInitParams): job_account = params.keypair or Keypair.generate() size = 280 + len( + (''.join(params.variables) if params.variables else 0) state_account, state_bump = ProgramStateAccount.from_seed(program) state = await state_account.load_data() response = await program.provider.connection.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(size) lamports = response["result"] await program.rpc["job_init"]( { "name": or bytes([0] * 32), "expiration": params.expiration or 0, "data":, "variables": [bytes(b'') for _ in params.variables] if params.variables else [], "state_bump": state_bump }, ctx=anchorpy.Context( accounts={ "job": job_account.public_key, "authority": params.authority or state.token_vault, "program_state": state_account.public_key }, signers=[job_account], pre_instructions=[ create_account( CreateAccountParams( from_pubkey=program.provider.wallet.public_key, new_account_pubkey=job_account.public_key, lamports=lamports, space=size, program_id=program.program_id ) ) ] ) ) return JobAccount(AccountParams(program=program, keypair=job_account))