212 lines
7.3 KiB
212 lines
7.3 KiB
import anchorpy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from spl.token.async_client import AsyncToken
from spl.token.constants import TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, WRAPPED_SOL_MINT
from solana import system_program
from solana import keypair
from solana.publickey import PublicKey
from solana.keypair import Keypair
from solana.system_program import CreateAccountParams, create_account
from switchboardpy.common import SwitchboardDecimal
from switchboardpy.common import AccountParams
from .generated.accounts import OracleQueueAccountData
# Parameters for initializing OracleQueueAccount
class OracleQueueInitParams:
"""Mint for the oracle queue"""
mint: PublicKey
"""Rewards to provide oracles and round openers on this queue."""
reward: int
"""The minimum amount of stake oracles must present to remain on the queue."""
min_stake: int
The account to delegate authority to for creating permissions targeted
at the queue.
authority: PublicKey
"""Time period we should remove an oracle after if no response."""
oracle_timeout: int = None
The tolerated variance amount oracle results can have from the
accepted round result before being slashed.
slashBound = varianceToleranceMultiplier * stdDeviation
Default: 2
variance_tolerance_multiplier: Decimal = None
"""Consecutive failure limit for a feed before feed permission is revoked."""
consecutive_feed_failure_limit: int = None
Consecutive failure limit for an oracle before oracle permission is revoked.
consecutive_oracle_failure_limit: int = None
"""the minimum update delay time for Aggregators"""
minimum_delay_seconds: int = None
"""Optionally set the size of the queue."""
queue_size: int = None
Enabling this setting means data feeds do not need explicit permission
to join the queue.
unpermissioned_feeds: bool = None
"""Whether slashing is enabled on this queue"""
slashing_enabled: bool = None
After a feed lease is funded or re-funded, it must consecutively succeed
N amount of times or its authorization to use the queue is auto-revoked.
feed_probation_period: int = None
"""A name to assign to this OracleQueue."""
name: bytes = None
"""Buffer for queue metadata."""
metadata: bytes = None
Enabling this setting means data feeds do not need explicit permission
to request VRF proofs and verifications from this queue.
unpermissioned_vrf: bool = None
class OracleQueueAccount:
"""A Switchboard account representing a queue for distributing oracles to
permitted data feeds.
program (anchor.Program): The anchor program ref
public_key (PublicKey | None): This OracleQueueAccount's public key
keypair (Keypair | None): this OracleQueueAccount's keypair
def __init__(self, params: AccountParams):
if params.public_key is None and params.keypair is None:
raise ValueError('User must provide either a publicKey or keypair for account use.')
if params.keypair and params.public_key and params.keypair.public_key != params.public_key:
raise ValueError('User must provide either a publicKey or keypair for account use.')
self.program = params.program
self.public_key = params.keypair.public_key if params.keypair else params.public_key
self.keypair = params.keypair
Get the size of an OracleQueueAccount on chain
int: size of the OracleQueueAccount type on chain
def size(self):
return self.program.account["OracleQueueAccountData"].size
Load and parse OracleQueueAccount data based on the program IDL
AccountDoesNotExistError: If the account doesn't exist.
AccountInvalidDiscriminator: If the discriminator doesn't match the IDL.
async def load_data(self):
return await OracleQueueAccountData.fetch(self.program.provider.connection, self.public_key)
Fetch the token mint for this queue
async def load_mint(self) -> AsyncToken:
payer_keypair = Keypair.from_secret_key(self.program.provider.wallet.payer.secret_key)
queue = await self.load_data()
mint_key = queue.mint
if not mint_key:
token_mint = AsyncToken(self.program.provider.connection, mint_key, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, payer_keypair)
return token_mint
Create and initialize the OracleQueueAccount
program (anchor.Program)
params (OracleQueueInitParams)
async def create(program: anchorpy.Program, params: OracleQueueInitParams):
oracle_queue_account = Keypair.generate()
buffer = Keypair.generate()
queue_size = params.queue_size or 500
queue_size = queue_size * 32 + 8
response = await program.provider.connection.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(queue_size)
lamports = response["result"]
await program.rpc["oracle_queue_init"](
"name": params.name or bytes([0] * 32),
"metadata": params.metadata or bytes([0] * 64),
"reward": params.reward or 0,
"min_stake": params.min_stake or 0,
"feed_probation_period": params.feed_probation_period or 0,
"oracle_timeout": params.oracle_timeout or 180,
"slashing_enabled": params.slashing_enabled or False,
"variance_tolerance_multiplier": SwitchboardDecimal.from_decimal(params.variance_tolerance_multiplier or Decimal(2)).as_proper_sbd(program),
"authority": params.authority,
"consecutive_feed_failure_limit": params.consecutive_feed_failure_limit or 1000,
"consecutive_oracle_failure_limit": params.consecutive_oracle_failure_limit or 1000,
"minimum_delay_seconds": params.minimum_delay_seconds or 5,
"queue_size": params.queue_size or 0,
"unpermissioned_feeds": params.unpermissioned_feeds or False,
"mint": params.mint
"oracle_queue": oracle_queue_account.public_key,
"authority": params.authority,
"buffer": buffer.public_key,
"system_program": system_program.SYS_PROGRAM_ID,
"payer": program.provider.wallet.public_key
signers=[oracle_queue_account, buffer],
return OracleQueueAccount(AccountParams(program=program, keypair=oracle_queue_account));