
111 lines
3.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { Account, Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Market } from '@project-serum/serum';
import { IDS } from '@mango/client';
import { Tedis } from 'tedis';
import { Order, Trade } from './interfaces';
import { RedisStore } from './redis';
function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const MINUTES = 60*1000;
class OrderBuffer {
cache: Map<string, number>;
cleanupInterval: number;
lastCleanup: number;
timeToLive: number;
constructor(timeToLive = 10*MINUTES, cleanupInterval = 30*MINUTES) {
this.cache = new Map();
this.cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval;
this.lastCleanup =;
this.timeToLive = timeToLive;
// returns a list of unique trades that have not been observed by the order buffer
// guarantees to not emit a new trade even if the same fills have been supplied twice
filterNewTrades(fills: Order[]) : Trade[] {
const now =;
const takerOrders = fills.filter(o => !o.eventFlags.maker);
const allTrades = o => {
return { id: o.orderId.toString(16), price: o.price, size: o.size, ts: now };
const newTrades = allTrades.filter(t => !this.cache.has(;
// store newTrades in cache
newTrades.forEach(t => this.cache.set(, now));
// cleanup cache
if (now > this.lastCleanup + this.cleanupInterval) {
let staleCacheEntries: string[] = [];
this.cache.forEach((ts: number, key: string, _) => {
if (ts > now + this.timeToLive) {
staleCacheEntries.forEach((key) => {
this.lastCleanup = now;
return newTrades;
// process data from cluster as it arrives
async function observeMarket(clusterUrl: string, programId: string, marketName:string, marketPk: string, tradeCb: (trades: Trade[]) => void) {
const marketAddress = new PublicKey(marketPk);
const programKey = new PublicKey(programId);
const connection = new Connection(clusterUrl);
console.log({ marketName, connection });
const market = await Market.load(connection, marketAddress, undefined, programKey);
console.log({ marketName, market });
const orderBuffer = new OrderBuffer();
while (true) {
try {
let fills = await market.loadFills(connection);
let trades = orderBuffer.filterNewTrades(fills);
if (trades.length > 0) {
} catch (err) {
const error = err.toString().split('\n', 1)[0];
console.error({ marketName, error });
await sleep(5000);
const { log, error } = console;
console.log = (...args: any[]) => log.bind(console)(new Date(), ...args);
console.error = (...args: any[]) => log.bind(error)(new Date(), ...args);
let network = "mainnet-beta"
let clusterUrl = IDS['cluster_urls'][network];
let programId = IDS[network]['dex_program_id'];
Object.entries(IDS[network]['spot_markets']).forEach(e => {
const [marketName, marketPk] = e;
console.log('start processing', {network, clusterUrl, marketName, marketPk});
const connection = new Tedis({
port: 6379,
host: ""});
const store = new RedisStore(connection, marketName);
observeMarket(clusterUrl, programId, marketName as string, marketPk as string, async (trades) => {
console.log({marketName, trades});
for (let i = 0; i < trades.length; i += 1) {