import { Account, Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js" import { Market, decodeEventQueue } from "@project-serum/serum" import cors from "cors" import express from "express" import { Tedis, TedisPool } from "tedis" import { URL } from "url" import { Order, Trade, TradeSide } from "./interfaces" import { RedisConfig, RedisStore, createRedisStore } from "./redis" import { encodeEvents } from "./serum" function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } const MINUTES = 60 * 1000 class OrderBuffer { cache: Map cleanupInterval: number lastCleanup: number timeToLive: number constructor(timeToLive = 10 * MINUTES, cleanupInterval = 30 * MINUTES) { this.cache = new Map() this.cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval this.lastCleanup = this.timeToLive = timeToLive } // returns a list of unique trades that have not been observed by the order buffer // guarantees to not emit a new trade even if the same fills have been supplied twice filterNewTrades(fills: Order[]): Trade[] { const now = const takerOrders = fills.filter((o) => !o.eventFlags.maker) const allTrades = => { return { id: o.orderId.toString(16), price: o.price, side: o.side === "buy" ? TradeSide.Buy : TradeSide.Sell, size: o.size, ts: now, } }) const newTrades = allTrades.filter((t) => !this.cache.has( // store newTrades in cache newTrades.forEach((t) => this.cache.set(, now)) // cleanup cache if (now > this.lastCleanup + this.cleanupInterval) { let staleCacheEntries: string[] = [] this.cache.forEach((ts: number, key: string, _) => { if (ts > now + this.timeToLive) { staleCacheEntries.push(key) } }) staleCacheEntries.forEach((key) => { this.cache.delete(key) }) this.lastCleanup = now } return newTrades } } interface MarketConfig { clusterUrl: string programId: string marketName: string marketPk: string } async function collectTrades(m: MarketConfig, r: RedisConfig) { const store = await createRedisStore(r, m.marketName) const marketAddress = new PublicKey(m.marketPk) const programKey = new PublicKey(m.programId) const connection = new Connection(m.clusterUrl) const market = await Market.load(connection, marketAddress, undefined, programKey) async function storeTrades(ts: Trade[]) { if (ts.length > 0) { console.log(m.marketName, ts.length) for (let i = 0; i < ts.length; i += 1) { await store.storeTrade(ts[i]) } } } const orderBuffer = new OrderBuffer() while (true) { try { let fills = await market.loadFills(connection) let trades = orderBuffer.filterNewTrades(fills) storeTrades(trades) } catch (err) { const error = err.toString().split("\n", 1)[0] console.error(m.marketName, { error }) } await sleep(10000) } } async function collectEventQueue(m: MarketConfig, r: RedisConfig) { const store = await createRedisStore(r, m.marketName) const marketAddress = new PublicKey(m.marketPk) const programKey = new PublicKey(m.programId) const connection = new Connection(m.clusterUrl) const market = await Market.load(connection, marketAddress, undefined, programKey) while (true) { try { const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo(market["_decoded"].eventQueue) if (accountInfo === null) { throw new Error(`Event queue account for market ${m.marketName} not found`) } const events = decodeEventQueue(, 1000).filter((e) => e.eventFlags.fill) if (events.length > 0) { const encoded = encodeEvents(events) store.storeBuffer(, encoded) } } catch (err) { const error = err.toString().split("\n", 1)[0] console.error(m.marketName, { error }) } await sleep(10000) } } const redisUrl = new URL(process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL || "redis://localhost:6379") const host = redisUrl.hostname const port = parseInt(redisUrl.port) let password: string | undefined if (redisUrl.password !== "") { password = redisUrl.password } const network = "mainnet-beta" const clusterUrl = "" const programIdV3 = "9xQeWvG816bUx9EPjHmaT23yvVM2ZWbrrpZb9PusVFin" const marketsV3: Record = { "BTC/USDT": "5r8FfnbNYcQbS1m4CYmoHYGjBtu6bxfo6UJHNRfzPiYH", "ETH/USDT": "71CtEComq2XdhGNbXBuYPmosAjMCPSedcgbNi5jDaGbR", } const nativeMarketsV3: Record = { "BTC/USDT": "C1EuT9VokAKLiW7i2ASnZUvxDoKuKkCpDDeNxAptuNe4", "ETH/USDT": "7dLVkUfBVfCGkFhSXDCq1ukM9usathSgS716t643iFGF", "BTC/USDC": "A8YFbxQYFVqKZaoYJLLUVcQiWP7G2MeEgW5wsAQgMvFw", "ETH/USDC": "4tSvZvnbyzHXLMTiFonMyxZoHmFqau1XArcRCVHLZ5gX", "SOL/USDC": "9wFFyRfZBsuAha4YcuxcXLKwMxJR43S7fPfQLusDBzvT", "SOL/USDT": "HWHvQhFmJB3NUcu1aihKmrKegfVxBEHzwVX6yZCKEsi1", "SRM/USDC": "ByRys5tuUWDgL73G8JBAEfkdFf8JWBzPBDHsBVQ5vbQA", "SRM/USDT": "AtNnsY1AyRERWJ8xCskfz38YdvruWVJQUVXgScC1iPb", "RAY/USDT": "teE55QrL4a4QSfydR9dnHF97jgCfptpuigbb53Lo95g", "MCAPS/USDC": "GgzXqy6agt7nnfoPjAEAFpWqnUwLBK5r2acaAQqXiEM8", } const symbolsByPk = Object.assign( {}, ...Object.entries(marketsV3).map(([a, b]) => ({ [b]: a })), ...Object.entries(nativeMarketsV3).map(([a, b]) => ({ [b]: a })) ) function collectMarketData(programId: string, markets: Record) { Object.entries(markets).forEach((e) => { const [marketName, marketPk] = e const marketConfig = { clusterUrl, programId, marketName, marketPk } as MarketConfig collectTrades(marketConfig, { host, port, password, db: 0 }) //collectEventQueue(marketConfig, { host, port, password, db: 1}); }) } collectMarketData(programIdV3, marketsV3) collectMarketData(programIdV3, nativeMarketsV3) interface TradingViewHistory { s: string t: number[] c: number[] o: number[] h: number[] l: number[] v: number[] } const app = express() app.use(cors()) const max_conn = parseInt(process.env.REDIS_MAX_CONN || "") || 200; const redisConfig = { host, port, password, db: 0, max_conn } const pool = new TedisPool(redisConfig) const HOURS = 60 * MINUTES const resolutions: { [id: string]: number | undefined } = { "1": 1 * MINUTES, "3": 3 * MINUTES, "5": 5 * MINUTES, "15": 15 * MINUTES, "30": 30 * MINUTES, "60": 1 * HOURS, "120": 2 * HOURS, "180": 3 * HOURS, "240": 4 * HOURS, "1D": 24 * HOURS, } app.get("/tv/config", async (req, res) => { const response = { supported_resolutions: Object.keys(resolutions), supports_group_request: false, supports_marks: false, supports_search: true, supports_timescale_marks: false, } res.send(response) }) app.get("/tv/symbols", async (req, res) => { const symbol = req.query.symbol as string const response = { name: symbol, ticker: symbol, description: symbol, type: "Spot", session: "24x7", exchange: "Mango", listed_exchange: "Mango", timezone: "Etc/UTC", has_intraday: true, supported_resolutions: Object.keys(resolutions), minmov: 1, pricescale: 100, } res.send(response) }) app.get("/tv/history", async (req, res) => { // parse const marketName = req.query.symbol as string const marketPk = nativeMarketsV3[marketName] || marketsV3[marketName] const resolution = resolutions[req.query.resolution as string] as number let from = parseInt(req.query.from as string) * 1000 let to = parseInt( as string) * 1000 // validate const validSymbol = marketPk != undefined const validResolution = resolution != undefined const validFrom = true || new Date(from).getFullYear() >= 2021 // respond if (!(validSymbol && validResolution && validFrom)) { const error = { s: "error", validSymbol, validResolution, validFrom } console.error({ req, error }) res.status(500).send(error) return } try { const conn = await pool.getTedis() try { const store = new RedisStore(conn, marketName) // snap candle boundaries to exact hours from = Math.floor(from / resolution) * resolution to = Math.ceil(to / resolution) * resolution // ensure the candle is at least one period in length if (from == to) { to += resolution } const candles = await store.loadCandles(resolution, from, to) const response = { s: "ok", t: => c.start / 1000), c: => c.close), o: =>, h: => c.high), l: => c.low), v: => c.volume), } res.send(response) return } finally { pool.putTedis(conn) } } catch (e) { console.error({ req, e }) const error = { s: "error" } res.status(500).send(error) } }) app.get("/trades/address/:marketPk", async (req, res) => { try { const conn = await pool.getTedis() try { const marketPk = req.params.marketPk as string const marketName = symbolsByPk[marketPk] const store = new RedisStore(conn, marketName) const trades = await store.loadRecentTrades() const response = { success: true, data: => { return { market: marketName, marketAddress: marketPk, price: t.price, size: t.size, side: t.side == TradeSide.Buy ? "buy" : "sell", time: t.ts, orderId: "", feeCost: 0, } }), } res.send(response) return } finally { pool.putTedis(conn) } } catch (e) { console.error({ req, e }) const error = { s: "error" } res.status(500).send(error) } }) const httpPort = parseInt(process.env.PORT || "5000") app.listen(httpPort)