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2020-12-09 03:41:15 -08:00
import {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
} from "solray"
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-17 05:39:03 -08:00
import BN from "bn.js"
2020-12-09 03:41:15 -08:00
import {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
} from "@solana/web3.js"
2020-12-09 03:41:15 -08:00
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
import { AggregatorConfig, IAggregatorConfig, schema } from "./schema"
2021-02-02 20:44:17 -08:00
import * as encoding from "./schema"
import { deserialize, serialize } from "borsh"
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
import { conn } from "./context"
2021-02-02 20:44:17 -08:00
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface InitializeParams {
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
config: IAggregatorConfig
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
owner: Account
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface InitializeInstructionParams extends InitializeParams {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
aggregator: PublicKey
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface AddOracleParams {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
aggregator: PublicKey
aggregatorOwner: Account
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
oracleOwner: PublicKey
description: string
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface RemoveOracleParams {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
aggregator: PublicKey
oracle: PublicKey
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
// To prove you are the aggregator owner
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
authority?: Account
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
interface RemoveOracleInstructionParams extends RemoveOracleParams {}
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface SubmitParams {
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
accounts: {
aggregator: { write: PublicKey }
roundSubmissions: { write: PublicKey }
answerSubmissions: { write: PublicKey }
oracle: { write: PublicKey }
oracle_owner: Account
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-17 05:39:03 -08:00
round_id: BN
value: BN
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
interface WithdrawParams {
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
accounts: {
aggregator: PublicKey
faucet: { write: PublicKey },
faucetOwner: PublicKey,
oracle: { write: PublicKey },
oracleOwner: Account,
receiver: { write: PublicKey },
faucetOwnerSeed: Buffer
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
interface WithdrawInstructionParams extends WithdrawParams {}
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
export default class FluxAggregator extends BaseProgram {
private sys: System
constructor(wallet: Wallet, programID: PublicKey) {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
super(wallet, programID)
this.sys = new System(this.wallet)
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2020-12-09 03:41:15 -08:00
public async initialize(params: InitializeParams): Promise<Account> {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
const aggregator = new Account()
const answer_submissions = new Account()
const round_submissions = new Account()
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
const input = encoding.Initialize.serialize({
config: new AggregatorConfig(params.config),
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
await this.sendTx(
await this.sys.createRentFreeAccountInstruction({
newPubicKey: aggregator.publicKey,
space: encoding.Aggregator.size,
programID: this.programID,
await this.sys.createRentFreeAccountInstruction({
newPubicKey: answer_submissions.publicKey,
space: encoding.Submissions.size,
programID: this.programID,
await this.sys.createRentFreeAccountInstruction({
newPubicKey: round_submissions.publicKey,
space: encoding.Submissions.size,
programID: this.programID,
this.instruction(input, [
{ write: aggregator },
params.owner, // signed
{ write: round_submissions },
{ write: answer_submissions },
return aggregator
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2020-12-10 03:39:52 -08:00
public async addOracle(params: AddOracleParams): Promise<Account> {
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
const oracle = new Account()
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
const input = encoding.AddOracle.serialize({
description: params.description,
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
await this.sendTx(
await this.sys.createRentFreeAccountInstruction({
newPubicKey: oracle.publicKey,
space: encoding.Oracle.size,
programID: this.programID,
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
this.instruction(input, [
params.aggregatorOwner, // signed
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
[this.account, oracle, params.aggregatorOwner]
return oracle
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
// public async oracleInfo(pubkey: PublicKey) {
// const info = await this.conn.getAccountInfo(pubkey)
// return decodeOracleInfo(info)
// }
// public async removeOracle(params: RemoveOracleParams): Promise<void> {
// await this.sendTx(
// [this.removeOracleInstruction(params)],
// [this.account, params.authority || this.wallet.account]
// )
// }
// private removeOracleInstruction(
// params: RemoveOracleInstructionParams
// ): TransactionInstruction {
// const { authority, aggregator, oracle } = params
// const layout = BufferLayout.struct([
// BufferLayout.u8("instruction"),
// BufferLayout.blob(32, "oracle"),
// ])
// return this.instructionEncode(
// layout,
// {
// instruction: 2, // remove oracle instruction
// oracle: oracle.toBuffer(),
// },
// [
// //
// { write: aggregator },
// authority || this.wallet.account,
// ]
// )
// }
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
public async submit(params: SubmitParams): Promise<void> {
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
const input = encoding.Submit.serialize(params)
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
let auths = [SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, ...Object.values(params.accounts)]
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
await this.sendTx(
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
[this.instruction(input, auths)],
2021-02-15 00:17:45 -08:00
[this.account, params.accounts.oracle_owner]
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
public async withdraw(params: WithdrawParams): Promise<void> {
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
const input = encoding.Withdraw.serialize(params)
let auths = [SPLToken.programID, ...Object.values(params.accounts)]
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
await this.sendTx(
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
[this.instruction(input, auths)],
[this.account, params.accounts.oracleOwner]
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00
2020-12-08 05:14:05 -08:00
2021-02-19 02:35:30 -08:00
// private withdrawInstruction(
// params: WithdrawInstructionParams
// ): TransactionInstruction {
// const {
// aggregator,
// receiver,
// amount,
// tokenOwner,
// tokenAccount,
// authority,
// } = params
// const layout = BufferLayout.struct([
// BufferLayout.u8("instruction"),
// uint64("amount"),
// ])
// return this.instructionEncode(
// layout,
// {
// instruction: 4, // withdraw instruction
// amount: u64LEBuffer(amount),
// },
// [
// { write: aggregator },
// { write: tokenAccount },
// { write: receiver },
// SPLToken.programID,
// tokenOwner,
// { write: authority },
// ]
// )
// }
2021-02-06 00:13:12 -08:00