import dotenv from "dotenv" dotenv.config() import { Command, option } from "commander" import { jsonReplacer, loadJSONFile } from "./json" import { AggregatorDeployFile, Deployer } from "./Deployer" import { conn, network } from "./context" import { AggregatorObserver } from "./AggregatorObserver" import { Aggregator, Answer } from "./schema" import { PriceFeeder } from "./PriceFeeder" import { sleep, walletFromEnv } from "./utils" import { PublicKey, Wallet } from "solray" import { log } from "./log" const cli = new Command() async function maybeRequestAirdrop(pubkey: PublicKey) { if (network != "mainnet") {"airdrop 10 SOL", { address: pubkey.toBase58() }) await conn.requestAirdrop(pubkey, 10 * 1e9) await sleep(500) } } function deployFile(): AggregatorDeployFile { return loadJSONFile(process.env.DEPLOY_FILE!) } cli.command("new-wallet").action(async (name) => { const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic() const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, conn)`address: ${wallet.address}`)`mnemonic: ${mnemonic}`) await maybeRequestAirdrop(wallet.pubkey) }) cli.command("setup ").action(async (setupFile) => { const wallet = await walletFromEnv("ADMIN_MNEMONIC", conn) await maybeRequestAirdrop(wallet.pubkey) const deployer = new Deployer(process.env.DEPLOY_FILE!, setupFile, wallet) await deployer.runAll() }) cli.command("oracle").action(async (name) => { const wallet = await walletFromEnv("ORACLE_MNEMONIC", conn) await maybeRequestAirdrop(wallet.pubkey) let deploy = loadJSONFile(process.env.DEPLOY_FILE!) const feeder = new PriceFeeder(deploy, wallet) feeder.start() }) cli.command("observe").action(async (name?: string) => { let deploy = loadJSONFile(process.env.DEPLOY_FILE!) for (let [name, aggregatorInfo] of Object.entries(deploy.aggregators)) { const observer = new AggregatorObserver(aggregatorInfo.pubkey, conn) let agg = await Aggregator.load(aggregatorInfo.pubkey) log.debug("observe aggregator", { name }) function printAnswer(answer: Answer) {"update", { description: aggregatorInfo.config.description, decimals: aggregatorInfo.config.decimals, roundID: answer.roundID.toString(), median: answer.median.toString(), updatedAt: answer.updatedAt.toString(), createdAt: answer.createdAt.toString(), }) } async function go() { printAnswer(agg.answer) for await (let answer of observer.answers()) { printAnswer(answer) } } go() } }) cli.parse(process.argv)