import WebSocket from "ws" import EventEmitter from "events" import { eventsIter } from "./utils" export const UPDATE = "UPDATE" export interface IPrice { decimals: number value: number } export interface IPriceFeed { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => AsyncIterator } export function coinbase(pair: string): IPriceFeed { // TODO: can subscribe to many pairs with one connection const emitter = new EventEmitter() const ws = new WebSocket("wss://") // "btc:usd" => "BTC-USD" pair = pair.replace(":", "-").toUpperCase() ws.on("open", () => { console.log(`${pair} price feed connected`) ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "subscribe", product_ids: [pair], channels: ["ticker"], }) ) }) ws.on("message", async (data) => { const json = JSON.parse(data) if (!json || !json.price) { return console.log(data) } const price: IPrice = { decimals: 2, value: Math.floor(json.price * 100), } emitter.emit(UPDATE, price) // console.log("current price:", json.price) }) ws.on("close", (err) => { // TODO: automatic reconnect console.error(`websocket closed: ${err}`) process.exit(1) }) return eventsIter(emitter, UPDATE) }