
347 lines
9.5 KiB

import { Command, option } from "commander"
import fs from "fs"
import path from "path"
import {
BPFLoader, PublicKey, Wallet, NetworkName,
solana, Deployer, SPLToken, ProgramAccount
} from "solray"
import dotenv from "dotenv"
import FluxAggregator, { AggregatorLayout, OracleLayout } from "./FluxAggregator"
import {
} from "./utils"
import * as feed from "./feed"
const cli = new Command()
const FLUX_AGGREGATOR_SO = path.resolve(__dirname, "../build/")
const network = (process.env.NETWORK || "local") as NetworkName
const conn = solana.connect(network)
class AppContext {
static readonly AGGREGATOR_PROGRAM = "aggregatorProgram"
static async forAdmin() {
const deployer = await openDeployer()
const admin = await walletFromEnv("ADMIN_MNEMONIC", conn)
return new AppContext(deployer, admin)
static async forOracle() {
const deployer = await openDeployer()
const wallet = await walletFromEnv("ORACLE_MNEMONIC", conn)
return new AppContext(deployer, wallet)
constructor(public deployer: Deployer, public wallet: Wallet) { }
get aggregatorProgramID() {
return this.aggregatorProgramAccount.publicKey
get aggregator() {
return new FluxAggregator(this.wallet, this.aggregatorProgramID)
get aggregatorProgramAccount() {
const program = this.deployer.account(AppContext.AGGREGATOR_PROGRAM)
if (program == null) {
throw new Error(`flux aggregator program is not yet deployed`)
return program
function color(s, c = "black", b = false): string {
// 30m Black, 31m Red, 32m Green, 33m Yellow, 34m Blue, 35m Magenta, 36m Cyanic, 37m White
const cArr = ["black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "megenta", "cyanic", "white"]
let cIdx = cArr.indexOf(c)
let bold = b ? "\x1b[1m" : ""
return `\x1b[${30 + (cIdx > -1 ? cIdx : 0)}m${bold}${s}\x1b[0m`
function error(message: string) {
console.error(color(message, "red"))
function log(message: any) {
.command("generate-wallet").action(async () => {
const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic()
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, conn)
log(`address: ${wallet.address}`)
log(`mnemonic: ${mnemonic}`)
.command("airdrop <address>")
.description(`request airdrop to the address`)
.option("-m, --amount <amount>", "request amount in sol (10e9)", "10")
.action(async (address, opts) => {
const dest = new PublicKey(address)
const { amount } = opts
log(`requesting 10 sol airdrop to: ${address}`)
await conn.requestAirdrop(dest, amount * 1e9)
log("airdrop success")
.description("deploy the aggregator program")
.action(async () => {
const { wallet, deployer } = await AppContext.forAdmin()
const programAccount = await deployer.ensure(AppContext.AGGREGATOR_PROGRAM, async () => {
const programBinary = fs.readFileSync(FLUX_AGGREGATOR_SO)
log(`deploying ${FLUX_AGGREGATOR_SO}...`)
const bpfLoader = new BPFLoader(wallet)
return bpfLoader.load(programBinary)
log(`deployed aggregator program. program id: ${color(programAccount.publicKey.toBase58(), "blue")}`)
.description("create an aggregator")
.option("--feedName <string>", "feed pair name")
.option("--submitInterval <number>", "min wait time between submissions", "6")
.option("--minSubmissionValue <number>", "minSubmissionValue", "0")
.option("--maxSubmissionValue <number>", "maxSubmissionValue", "18446744073709551615")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { deployer, wallet, aggregatorProgramAccount: aggregatorProgram } = await AppContext.forAdmin()
const { feedName, submitInterval, minSubmissionValue, maxSubmissionValue } = opts
const aggregator = new FluxAggregator(wallet, aggregatorProgram.publicKey)
const feed = await deployer.ensure(feedName, async () => {
return aggregator.initialize({
submitInterval: parseInt(submitInterval),
minSubmissionValue: BigInt(minSubmissionValue),
maxSubmissionValue: BigInt(maxSubmissionValue),
description: feedName.substr(0, 32).padEnd(32),
owner: wallet.account
log(`feed initialized, pubkey: ${color(feed.publicKey.toBase58(), "blue")}`)
// cli
// .command("aggregators")
// .description("show all aggregators")
// .action(() => {
// // show current network
// showNetwork()
// if (!fs.existsSync(deployedPath)) {
// error("program haven't deployed yet")
// }
// const deployed = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(deployedPath).toString())
// if ( != network) {
// error("deployed network not match, please try `npm run clean:deployed`, and deploy again")
// }
// if (!deployed.programId) {
// error("program haven't deployed yet")
// }
// log(deployed.pairs)
// })
.description("add an oracle to aggregator")
.option("--index <number>", "add to index (0-20)")
.option("--feedAddress <string>", "feed address")
.option("--oracleName <string>", "oracle name")
.option("--oracleOwner <string>", "oracle owner address")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { wallet, aggregator, deployer } = await AppContext.forAdmin()
const { index, oracleName, oracleOwner, feedAddress } = opts
if (!index || index < 0 || index > 21) {
error("invalid index. requires (0-20)")
log("add oracle...")
const oracle = await deployer.ensure(`oracle[${index}]`, async () => {
return aggregator.addOracle({
owner: new PublicKey(oracleOwner),
description: oracleName.substr(0, 32).padEnd(32),
aggregator: new PublicKey(feedAddress),
aggregatorOwner: wallet.account,
log(`added oracle. pubkey: ${color(oracle.publicKey.toBase58(), "blue")}`)
.option("--index <number>", "remove oracle from index (0-20)")
.option("--feedAddress <string>", "feed to remove oracle from")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { index, feedAddress } = opts
const { aggregator } = await AppContext.forAdmin()
await aggregator.removeOracle({
aggregator: new PublicKey(feedAddress),
// cli
// .command("oracles")
// .description("show all oracles")
// .action(() => {
// // show current network
// showNetwork()
// if (!fs.existsSync(deployedPath)) {
// error("program haven't deployed yet")
// }
// const deployed = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(deployedPath).toString())
// if ( != network) {
// error("deployed network not match, please try `npm run clean:deployed`, and deploy again")
// }
// if (!deployed.programId) {
// error("program haven't deployed yet")
// }
// log(deployed.oracles)
// })
.description("poll current feed value")
.option("--feedAddress <string>", "feed address to submit values to")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { feedAddress } = opts
while (true) {
const feedInfo = await conn.getAccountInfo(new PublicKey(feedAddress))
await sleep(1000)
.description("oracle feeds to aggregator")
.option("--feedAddress <string>", "feed address to submit values to")
.option("--oracleAddress <string>", "feed address to submit values to")
.option("--pairSymbol <string>", "market pair to feed")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { wallet, aggregatorProgramAccount: aggregatorProgram } = await AppContext.forOracle()
const { feedAddress, oracleAddress, pairSymbol } = opts
oracle: new PublicKey(oracleAddress),
oracleOwner: wallet.account,
feed: new PublicKey(feedAddress),
pairSymbol: pairSymbol,
payerWallet: wallet,
programId: aggregatorProgram.publicKey,
.description("create test token")
.option("--amount <number>", "amount of the test token")
.action(async (opts) => {
const { wallet, aggregatorProgramAccount: aggregatorProgram, deployer } = await AppContext.forAdmin()
const { amount } = opts
if (!amount || amount < 0) {
error("invalid amount")
const spltoken = new SPLToken(wallet)
log(`create test token...`)
// 1. create token
const token = await spltoken.initializeMint({
mintAuthority: wallet.account.publicKey,
decimals: 8,
// 2. create tokenOwner (program account)
const tokenOwner = await ProgramAccount.forSeed(
Buffer.from(token.publicKey.toBuffer()).slice(0, 30),
log(`create token acount...`)
// 3. create token account
const tokenAccount = await spltoken.initializeAccount({
token: token.publicKey,
owner: tokenOwner.pubkey
log(`mint ${amount} token to token account...`)
// 4. and then, mint tokens to that account
await spltoken.mintTo({
token: token.publicKey,
to: tokenAccount.publicKey,
amount: BigInt(amount),
authority: wallet.account,
token: token.publicKey.toBase58(),
tokenAccount: tokenAccount.publicKey.toBase58(),
tokenOwner: {
address: tokenOwner.address,
seed: tokenOwner.noncedSeed.toString("hex"),
nonce: tokenOwner.nonce,