log stake history changes

This commit is contained in:
musitdev 2023-10-04 18:08:47 +02:00
parent be86bb7414
commit 2dc96a7a50
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -209,12 +209,17 @@ fn process_leadershedule_event(
//TODO get a way to be updated of stake history.
//request the current state using RPC.
//TODO remove the await from the scheduler task.
let before_stake_histo = stake_history.clone();
let stake_history = crate::bootstrap::get_stakehistory_account(rpc_url)
.map(|account| crate::stakestore::read_historystake_from_account(account))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
log::error!("Error during stake history fetch. Use bootstrap one");
"stake_hsitorique epoch{} before:{before_stake_histo:?} after:{stake_history:?}",
match (extract_stakestore(stakestore), extract_votestore(votestore)) {
(Ok(stake_map), Ok(vote_map)) => {
@ -298,6 +303,58 @@ fn process_leadershedule_event(
// fn calculate_epoch_stakes(stake_map: &StakeMap) {
// let stake_history_entry =
// let stake_delegations: Vec<_> = self.stake_delegations.values().collect();
// // Wrap up the prev epoch by adding new stake history entry for the
// // prev epoch.
// let stake_history_entry = thread_pool.install(|| {
// stake_delegations
// .par_iter()
// .fold(StakeActivationStatus::default, |acc, stake_account| {
// let delegation = stake_account.delegation();
// acc + delegation.stake_activating_and_deactivating(
// self.epoch,
// Some(&self.stake_history),
// new_rate_activation_epoch,
// )
// })
// .reduce(StakeActivationStatus::default, Add::add)
// });
// self.stake_history.add(self.epoch, stake_history_entry);
// self.epoch = next_epoch;
// // Refresh the stake distribution of vote accounts for the next epoch,
// // using new stake history.
// let delegated_stakes = thread_pool.install(|| {
// stake_delegations
// .par_iter()
// .fold(HashMap::default, |mut delegated_stakes, stake_account| {
// let delegation = stake_account.delegation();
// let entry = delegated_stakes.entry(delegation.voter_pubkey).or_default();
// *entry += delegation.stake(
// self.epoch,
// Some(&self.stake_history),
// new_rate_activation_epoch,
// );
// delegated_stakes
// })
// .reduce(HashMap::default, merge)
// });
// self.vote_accounts = self
// .vote_accounts
// .iter()
// .map(|(&vote_pubkey, vote_account)| {
// let delegated_stake = delegated_stakes
// .get(&vote_pubkey)
// .copied()
// .unwrap_or_default();
// (vote_pubkey, (delegated_stake, vote_account.clone()))
// })
// .collect();
// }
fn calculate_leader_schedule_from_stake_map(
stake_map: &crate::stakestore::StakeMap,
vote_map: &crate::votestore::VoteMap,