Use AccountingStage in Tpu

This commit is contained in:
Greg Fitzgerald 2018-05-09 09:40:06 -06:00
parent 98ae80f4ed
commit e4c47e8417
5 changed files with 7 additions and 246 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use std::sync::Mutex;
use transaction::Transaction;
pub struct AccountingStage {
acc: Mutex<Accountant>,
pub acc: Mutex<Accountant>,
historian_input: Mutex<SyncSender<Signal>>,
entry_info_subscribers: Mutex<Vec<SocketAddr>>,

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ mod tests {
use ecdsa;
use packet::{Packet, Packets, SharedPackets};
use std::sync::RwLock;
use tpu::Request;
use accounting_stage::Request;
use transaction::test_tx;
use transaction::Transaction;

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@ -594,6 +594,7 @@ mod test {
//retransmit from leader to replicate target
pub fn retransmit() {

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use signature::{KeyPair, PublicKey, Signature};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, UdpSocket};
use tpu::{Request, Response, Subscription};
use accounting_stage::{Request, Response, Subscription};
use transaction::Transaction;
pub struct ThinClient {

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@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
//! 5-stage transaction processing pipeline in software.
use accountant::Accountant;
use accounting_stage::{AccountingStage, Request, Response};
use bincode::{deserialize, serialize, serialize_into};
use crdt::{Crdt, ReplicatedData};
use ecdsa;
use entry::Entry;
use event::Event;
use hash::Hash;
use historian::Historian;
use packet;
use packet::{SharedBlob, SharedPackets, BLOB_SIZE};
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use rayon::prelude::*;
use recorder::Signal;
use result::Result;
use serde_json;
use signature::PublicKey;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::io::sink;
use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
@ -30,137 +29,14 @@ use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use streamer;
use timing;
use transaction::Transaction;
struct AccountingStage {
acc: Mutex<Accountant>,
historian_input: Mutex<SyncSender<Signal>>,
entry_info_subscribers: Mutex<Vec<SocketAddr>>,
impl AccountingStage {
/// Create a new Tpu that wraps the given Accountant.
pub fn new(acc: Accountant, historian_input: SyncSender<Signal>) -> Self {
AccountingStage {
acc: Mutex::new(acc),
entry_info_subscribers: Mutex::new(vec![]),
historian_input: Mutex::new(historian_input),
/// Process the transactions in parallel and then log the successful ones.
pub fn process_events(&self, events: Vec<Event>) -> Result<()> {
let results = self.acc.lock().unwrap().process_verified_events(events);
let events = results.into_iter().filter_map(|x| x.ok()).collect();
let sender = self.historian_input.lock().unwrap();
debug!("after historian_input");
/// Process Request items sent by clients.
fn process_request(
msg: Request,
rsp_addr: SocketAddr,
) -> Option<(Response, SocketAddr)> {
match msg {
Request::GetBalance { key } => {
let val = self.acc.lock().unwrap().get_balance(&key);
let rsp = (Response::Balance { key, val }, rsp_addr);
info!("Response::Balance {:?}", rsp);
Request::Transaction(_) => unreachable!(),
Request::Subscribe { subscriptions } => {
for subscription in subscriptions {
match subscription {
Subscription::EntryInfo => {
pub fn process_requests(
reqs: Vec<(Request, SocketAddr)>,
) -> Vec<(Response, SocketAddr)> {
.filter_map(|(req, rsp_addr)| self.process_request(req, rsp_addr))
pub fn notify_entry_info_subscribers(&self, entry: &Entry) {
// TODO: No need to bind().
let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("bind");
// copy subscribers to avoid taking lock while doing io
let addrs = self.entry_info_subscribers.lock().unwrap().clone();
trace!("Sending to {} addrs", addrs.len());
for addr in addrs {
let entry_info = EntryInfo {
num_hashes: entry.num_hashes,
num_events: as u64,
let data = serialize(&Response::EntryInfo(entry_info)).expect("serialize EntryInfo");
trace!("sending {} to {}", data.len(), addr);
//TODO dont do IO here, this needs to be on a separate channel
let res = socket.send_to(&data, addr);
if res.is_err() {
eprintln!("couldn't send response: {:?}", res);
pub struct Tpu {
accounting: AccountingStage,
historian: Historian,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(large_enum_variant))]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Request {
GetBalance { key: PublicKey },
Subscribe { subscriptions: Vec<Subscription> },
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Subscription {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EntryInfo {
pub id: Hash,
pub num_hashes: u64,
pub num_events: u64,
impl Request {
/// Verify the request is valid.
pub fn verify(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Request::Transaction(ref tr) => tr.verify_plan(),
_ => true,
type SharedTpu = Arc<Tpu>;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum Response {
Balance { key: PublicKey, val: Option<i64> },
impl Tpu {
/// Create a new Tpu that wraps the given Accountant.
pub fn new(acc: Accountant, historian_input: SyncSender<Signal>, historian: Historian) -> Self {
@ -808,7 +684,6 @@ mod tests {
use crdt::Crdt;
use crdt::ReplicatedData;
use entry;
use entry::Entry;
use event::Event;
use futures::Future;
use hash::{hash, Hash};
@ -828,7 +703,7 @@ mod tests {
use std::time::Duration;
use streamer;
use thin_client::ThinClient;
use tpu::{AccountingStage, Tpu};
use tpu::Tpu;
use transaction::Transaction;
@ -857,46 +732,6 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(rv[1].read().unwrap().packets.len(), 1);
fn test_accounting_sequential_consistency() {
// In this attack we'll demonstrate that a verifier can interpret the ledger
// differently if either the server doesn't signal the ledger to add an
// Entry OR if the verifier tries to parallelize across multiple Entries.
let mint = Mint::new(2);
let acc = Accountant::new(&mint);
let (input, event_receiver) = sync_channel(10);
let historian = Historian::new(event_receiver, &mint.last_id(), None);
let stage = AccountingStage::new(acc, input);
// Process a batch that includes a transaction that receives two tokens.
let alice = KeyPair::new();
let tr = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), alice.pubkey(), 2, mint.last_id());
let events = vec![Event::Transaction(tr)];
// Process a second batch that spends one of those tokens.
let tr = Transaction::new(&alice, mint.pubkey(), 1, mint.last_id());
let events = vec![Event::Transaction(tr)];
// Collect the ledger and feed it to a new accountant.
let entries: Vec<Entry> = historian.output.lock().unwrap().iter().collect();
// Assert the user holds one token, not two. If the server only output one
// entry, then the second transaction will be rejected, because it drives
// the account balance below zero before the credit is added.
let acc = Accountant::new(&mint);
for entry in entries {
.all(|x| x.is_ok())
assert_eq!(acc.get_balance(&alice.pubkey()), Some(1));
fn test_accountant_bad_sig() {
let (leader_data, leader_gossip, _, leader_serve, leader_skinny) = test_node();
@ -963,6 +798,7 @@ mod tests {
/// Test that mesasge sent from leader to target1 and repliated to target2
fn test_replicate() {
let (leader_data, leader_gossip, _, leader_serve, _) = test_node();
@ -1121,79 +957,3 @@ mod tests {
assert!(blob_q.len() > num_blobs_ref);
#[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", test))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use self::test::Bencher;
use accountant::{Accountant, MAX_ENTRY_IDS};
use bincode::serialize;
use hash::hash;
use mint::Mint;
use signature::{KeyPair, KeyPairUtil};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;
use std::time::Instant;
use tpu::*;
use transaction::Transaction;
fn process_packets_bench(_bencher: &mut Bencher) {
let mint = Mint::new(100_000_000);
let acc = Accountant::new(&mint);
let rsp_addr: SocketAddr = "".parse().expect("socket address");
// Create transactions between unrelated parties.
let txs = 100_000;
let last_ids: Mutex<HashSet<Hash>> = Mutex::new(HashSet::new());
let transactions: Vec<_> = (0..txs)
.map(|i| {
// Seed the 'to' account and a cell for its signature.
let dummy_id = i % (MAX_ENTRY_IDS as i32);
let last_id = hash(&serialize(&dummy_id).unwrap()); // Semi-unique hash
let mut last_ids = last_ids.lock().unwrap();
if !last_ids.contains(&last_id) {
// Seed the 'from' account.
let rando0 = KeyPair::new();
let tr = Transaction::new(&mint.keypair(), rando0.pubkey(), 1_000, last_id);
let rando1 = KeyPair::new();
let tr = Transaction::new(&rando0, rando1.pubkey(), 2, last_id);
// Finally, return a transaction that's unique
Transaction::new(&rando0, rando1.pubkey(), 1, last_id)
let req_vers = transactions
.map(|tr| (Request::Transaction(tr), rsp_addr, 1_u8))
let (input, event_receiver) = sync_channel(10);
let historian = Historian::new(event_receiver, &mint.last_id(), None);
let stage = AccountingStage::new(acc, input);
let now = Instant::now();
let duration = now.elapsed();
let sec = duration.as_secs() as f64 + duration.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0;
let tps = txs as f64 / sec;
// Ensure that all transactions were successfully logged.
let entries: Vec<Entry> = historian.output.lock().unwrap().iter().collect();
assert_eq!(entries.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(entries[0].events.len(), txs as usize);
println!("{} tps", tps);