# Security Policy 1. [Reporting security problems](#reporting) 4. [Security Bug Bounties](#bounty) 2. [Incident Response Process](#process) ## Reporting security problems to Solana **DO NOT CREATE AN ISSUE** to report a security problem. Instead, please send an email to security@solana.com and provide your github username so we can add you to a new draft security advisory for further discussion. Expect a response as fast as possible, within one business day at the latest. ## Security Bug Bounties We offer bounties for critical security issues. Please see [Bug Bounty Compensation](https://forums.solana.com/t/tour-de-sol-updates-to-tour-de-sol-and-bug-bounty-compensation-structure/1132) for more details. ## Incident Response Process In case an incident is discovered or reported, the following process will be followed to contain, respond and remediate: ### 1. Establish a new draft security advisory In response to an email to security@solana.com, a member of the `solana-labs/admins` group will 1. Create a new draft security advisory for the incident at https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/security/advisories 2. Add the reporter's github user and the `solana-labs/security-incident-response` group to the draft security advisory 3. Respond to the reporter by email, sharing a link to the draft security advisory ### 2. Triage Within the draft security advisory, discuss and determine the severity of the issue. If necessary, members of the `solana-labs/security-incident-response` group may add other github users to the advisory to assist. If it is determined that this not a critical network issue then the advisory should be closed and if more follow-up is required a normal Solana public github issue should be created. ### 3. Prepare Fixes For the affected branches, typically all three (edge, beta and stable), prepare a fix for the issue and push them to the corresponding branch in the private repository associated with the draft security advisory. There is no CI available in the private repository so you must build from source and manually verify fixes. Code review from the reporter is ideal, as well as from multiple members of the core development team. ### 4. Notify Security Group Validators Once an ETA is available for the fix, a member of the `solana-labs/security-incident-response` group should notify the validators so they can prepare for an update using the "Solana Red Alert" notification system. The teams are all over the world and it's critical to provide actionable information at the right time. Don't be the person that wakes everybody up at 2am when a fix won't be available for hours. ### 5. Ship the patch Once the fix is accepted, a member of the `solana-labs/security-incident-response` group should prepare a single patch file for each affected branch. The commit title for the patch should only contain the advisory id, and not disclose any further details about the incident. Copy the patches to https://release.solana.com/ under a subdirectory named after the advisory id (example: https://release.solana.com/GHSA-hx59-f5g4-jghh/v1.4.patch). Contact a member of the `solana-labs/admins` group if you require access to release.solana.com Using the "Solana Red Alert" channel: 1. Notify validators that there's an issue and a patch will be provided in X minutes 2. If X minutes expires and there's no patch, notify of the delay and provide a new ETA 3. Provide links to patches of https://release.solana.com/ for each affected branch Validators can be expected to build the patch from source against the latest release for the affected branch. Since the software version will not change after the patch is applied, request that each validator notify in the existing channel once they've updated. Manually monitor the roll out until a sufficient amount of stake has updated - typically at least 33.3% or 66.6% depending on the issue. ### 6. Public Disclosure and Release Once the fix has been deployed to the security group validators, the patches from the security advisory may be merged into the main source repository. A new official release for each affected branch should be shipped and all validators requested to upgrade as quickly as possible. ### 7. Security Advisory Bounty Accounting and Cleanup If this issue is eligible for a bounty, prefix the title of the security advisory with one of the following, depending on the severity: * `[Bounty Category: Critical: Loss of Funds]` * `[Bounty Category: Critical: Loss of of Availability]` * `[Bounty Category: Critical: DoS]` * `[Bounty Category: Non-critical]` * `[Bounty Category: RPC]` Confirm with the reporter that they agree with the severity assessment, and discuss as required to reach a conclusion. We currently do not use the Github workflow to publish security advisories. Once the issue and fix have been disclosed, and a bounty category is assessed if appropriate, the GitHub security advisory is no longer needed and can be closed. Bounties are currently awarded once a quarter (TODO: link to this process, or inline the workflow)