#!/usr/bin/env bash # |source| this file # # Utilities for working with Colo instances # # COLO_PARALLELIZE is not ready for use, disable it declare COLO_PARALLELIZE=false __cloud_colo_here="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" # shellcheck source=net/scripts/colo-utils.sh source "${__cloud_colo_here}/colo-utils.sh" # Default zone cloud_DefaultZone() { echo "Denver" } cloud_RestartPreemptedInstances() { : # Not implemented } # # __cloud_FindInstances # # Find instances matching the specified pattern. # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:zone:public IP:private IP" # # filter - The instances to filter on # # examples: # $ __cloud_FindInstances "name=exact-machine-name" # $ __cloud_FindInstances "name~^all-machines-with-a-common-machine-prefix" # __cloud_FindInstances() { declare HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME INSTANCES_TEXT declare filter=${1} instances=() if ! ${COLO_PARALLELIZE}; then colo_load_resources colo_load_availability false fi INSTANCES_TEXT="$( for AVAIL in "${COLO_RES_AVAILABILITY[@]}"; do IFS=$'\v' read -r HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME <<<"${AVAIL}" if [[ ${INSTNAME} =~ ${filter} ]]; then printf "%-40s | publicIp=%-16s privateIp=%s zone=%s\n" "${INSTNAME}" "${IP}" "${PRIV_IP}" "${ZONE}" 1>&2 echo -e "${INSTNAME}:${IP}:${PRIV_IP}:${ZONE}" fi done | sort -t $'\v' -k1 )" if [[ -n "${INSTANCES_TEXT}" ]]; then while read -r LINE; do instances+=( "${LINE}" ) done <<<"${INSTANCES_TEXT}" fi } # # cloud_FindInstances [namePrefix] # # Find instances with names matching the specified prefix # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:public IP:private IP" # # namePrefix - The instance name prefix to look for # # examples: # $ cloud_FindInstances all-machines-with-a-common-machine-prefix # cloud_FindInstances() { declare filter="^${1}.*" __cloud_FindInstances "${filter}" } # # cloud_FindInstance [name] # # Find an instance with a name matching the exact pattern. # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:public IP:private IP" # # name - The instance name to look for # # examples: # $ cloud_FindInstance exact-machine-name # cloud_FindInstance() { declare name="^${1}$" __cloud_FindInstances "${name}" } # # cloud_Initialize [networkName] # # Perform one-time initialization that may be required for the given testnet. # # networkName - unique name of this testnet # # This function will be called before |cloud_CreateInstances| cloud_Initialize() { # networkName=${1} # unused # zone=${2} #unused colo_load_resources if ${COLO_PARALLELIZE}; then colo_load_availability fi } # # cloud_CreateInstances [networkName] [namePrefix] [numNodes] [imageName] # [machineType] [bootDiskSize] [enableGpu] # [startupScript] [address] # # Creates one more identical instances. # # networkName - unique name of this testnet # namePrefix - unique string to prefix all the instance names with # numNodes - number of instances to create # imageName - Disk image for the instances # machineType - GCE machine type. Note that this may also include an # `--accelerator=` or other |gcloud compute instances create| # options # bootDiskSize - Optional size of the boot disk in GB # enableGpu - Optionally enable GPU, use the value "true" to enable # eg, request 4 K80 GPUs with "count=4,type=nvidia-tesla-k80" # startupScript - Optional startup script to execute when the instance boots # address - Optional name of the GCE static IP address to attach to the # instance. Requires that |numNodes| = 1 and that addressName # has been provisioned in the GCE region that is hosting `${zone}` # bootDiskType - Optional specify SSD or HDD boot disk # additionalDiskSize - Optional specify size of additional storage volume # preemptible - Optionally request a preemptible instance ("true") # # Tip: use cloud_FindInstances to locate the instances once this function # returns cloud_CreateInstances() { #declare networkName="${1}" # unused declare namePrefix="${2}" declare numNodes="${3}" #declare enableGpu="${4}" # unused declare machineType="${5}" # declare zone="${6}" # unused #declare optionalBootDiskSize="${7}" # unused #declare optionalStartupScript="${8}" # unused #declare optionalAddress="${9}" # unused #declare optionalBootDiskType="${10}" # unused #declare optionalAdditionalDiskSize="${11}" # unused #declare optionalPreemptible="${12}" # unused declare sshPrivateKey="${13}" declare -a nodes if [[ ${numNodes} = 1 ]]; then nodes=("${namePrefix}") else for node in $(seq -f "${namePrefix}%0${#numNodes}g" 1 "${numNodes}"); do nodes+=("${node}") done fi if ${COLO_PARALLELIZE}; then declare HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME INDEX RES LINE declare -a AVAILABLE declare AVAILABLE_TEXT AVAILABLE_TEXT="$( for RES in "${COLO_RES_AVAILABILITY[@]}"; do IFS=$'\v' read -r HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME <<<"${RES}" if [[ "FREE" = "${STATUS}" ]]; then INDEX=$(colo_res_index_from_ip "${IP}") RES_MACH="${COLO_RES_MACHINE[${INDEX}]}" if colo_machine_types_compatible "${RES_MACH}" "${machineType}"; then if ! colo_node_is_requisitioned "${INDEX}" "${COLO_RES_REQUISITIONED[*]}"; then echo -e "${RES_MACH}\v${IP}" fi fi fi done | sort -nt $'\v' -k1,1 )" if [[ -n "${AVAILABLE_TEXT}" ]]; then while read -r LINE; do AVAILABLE+=("${LINE}") done <<<"${AVAILABLE_TEXT}" fi if [[ ${#AVAILABLE[@]} -lt ${numNodes} ]]; then echo "Insufficient resources available to allocate ${numNodes} ${namePrefix}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi declare node declare AI=0 for node in "${nodes[@]}"; do IFS=$'\v' read -r _ IP <<<"${AVAILABLE[${AI}]}" colo_node_requisition "${IP}" "${node}" >/dev/null AI=$((AI+1)) done else declare RES_MACH node declare RI=0 declare NI=0 while [[ ${NI} -lt ${numNodes} && ${RI} -lt ${COLO_RES_N} ]]; do node="${nodes[${NI}]}" RES_MACH="${COLO_RES_MACHINE[${RI}]}" IP="${COLO_RES_IP[${RI}]}" if colo_machine_types_compatible "${RES_MACH}" "${machineType}"; then if colo_node_requisition "${IP}" "${node}" "${sshPrivateKey}" >/dev/null; then NI=$((NI+1)) fi fi RI=$((RI+1)) done fi } # # cloud_DeleteInstances # # Deletes all the instances listed in the `instances` array # cloud_DeleteInstances() { declare _ IP _ _ for instance in "${instances[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r _ IP _ _ <<< "${instance}" colo_node_free "${IP}" >/dev/null done } # # cloud_WaitForInstanceReady [instanceName] [instanceIp] [instanceZone] [timeout] # # Return once the newly created VM instance is responding. This function is cloud-provider specific. # cloud_WaitForInstanceReady() { #declare instanceName="${1}" # unused #declare instanceIp="${2}" # unused #declare timeout="${4}" # unused true } # # cloud_FetchFile [instanceName] [publicIp] [remoteFile] [localFile] # # Fetch a file from the given instance. This function uses a cloud-specific # mechanism to fetch the file # cloud_FetchFile() { #declare instanceName="${1}" # unused declare publicIp="${2}" declare remoteFile="${3}" declare localFile="${4}" #declare zone="${5}" # unused scp \ -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \ -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \ -o "User=solana" \ -o "LogLevel=ERROR" \ -F /dev/null \ "solana@${publicIp}:${remoteFile}" "${localFile}" } cloud_StatusAll() { declare HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME if ! ${COLO_PARALLELIZE}; then colo_load_resources colo_load_availability false fi for AVAIL in "${COLO_RES_AVAILABILITY[@]}"; do IFS=$'\v' read -r HOST_NAME IP PRIV_IP STATUS ZONE LOCK_USER INSTNAME <<<"${AVAIL}" printf "%-30s | publicIp=%-16s privateIp=%s status=%s who=%s zone=%s inst=%s\n" "${HOST_NAME}" "${IP}" "${PRIV_IP}" "${STATUS}" "${LOCK_USER}" "${ZONE}" "${INSTNAME}" done }