#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [--nopull] [docker image name] [command]" echo echo Runs command in the specified docker image with echo a CI-appropriate environment. echo echo "--nopull Skip the dockerhub image update" echo "--shell Skip command and enter an interactive shell" echo } cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." INTERACTIVE=false if [[ $1 = --shell ]]; then INTERACTIVE=true shift fi NOPULL=false if [[ $1 = --nopull ]]; then NOPULL=true shift fi IMAGE="$1" if [[ -z "$IMAGE" ]]; then echo Error: image not defined exit 1 fi $NOPULL || docker pull "$IMAGE" shift ARGS=( --workdir /solana --volume "$PWD:/solana" --rm ) if [[ -n $CI ]]; then # Share the real ~/.cargo between docker containers in CI for speed ARGS+=(--volume "$HOME:/home") else # Avoid sharing ~/.cargo when building locally to avoid a mixed macOS/Linux # ~/.cargo ARGS+=(--volume "$PWD:/home") fi ARGS+=(--env "HOME=/home" --env "CARGO_HOME=/home/.cargo") # kcov tries to set the personality of the binary which docker # doesn't allow by default. ARGS+=(--security-opt "seccomp=unconfined") # Ensure files are created with the current host uid/gid if [[ -z "$SOLANA_DOCKER_RUN_NOSETUID" ]]; then ARGS+=(--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)") fi if [[ -n $SOLANA_ALLOCATE_TTY ]]; then # Colored output, progress bar and Ctrl-C: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/41099052/10242004 ARGS+=(--interactive --tty) fi # Environment variables to propagate into the container ARGS+=( --env BUILDKITE --env BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN --env BUILDKITE_JOB_ID --env CI --env CI_BRANCH --env CI_BASE_BRANCH --env CI_TAG --env CI_BUILD_ID --env CI_COMMIT --env CI_JOB_ID --env CI_PULL_REQUEST --env CI_REPO_SLUG --env CRATES_IO_TOKEN ) # sccache ARGS+=( --env "RUSTC_WRAPPER=/home/.cargo/bin/sccache" --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --env SCCACHE_BUCKET --env SCCACHE_REGION ) # Also propagate environment variables needed for codecov # https://docs.codecov.io/docs/testing-with-docker#section-codecov-inside-docker # We normalize CI to `1`; but codecov expects it to be `true` to detect Buildkite... # Unfortunately, codecov.io fails sometimes: # curl: (7) Failed to connect to codecov.io port 443: Connection timed out CODECOV_ENVS=$(CI=true bash <(while ! curl -sS --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 --retry-connrefused https://codecov.io/env; do sleep 10; done)) if $INTERACTIVE; then if [[ -n $1 ]]; then echo echo "Note: '$*' ignored due to --shell argument" echo fi set -x # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exec docker run --interactive --tty "${ARGS[@]}" $CODECOV_ENVS "$IMAGE" bash fi set -x # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exec docker run "${ARGS[@]}" $CODECOV_ENVS "$IMAGE" "$@"