import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias'; import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; import path from 'path'; import nodeResolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'; import {terser} from 'rollup-plugin-terser'; const env = process.env.NODE_ENV; const extensions = ['.js', '.ts']; function generateConfig(configType, format) { const browser = configType === 'browser'; const bundle = format === 'iife'; const config = { input: 'src/index.ts', plugins: [ alias({ entries: [ { find: /^\./, // Relative paths. replacement: '.', async customResolver(source, importer, options) { const resolved = await this.resolve(source, importer, { skipSelf: true, ...options, }); if (resolved == null) { return; } const {id: resolvedId} = resolved; const directory = path.dirname(resolvedId); const moduleFilename = path.basename(resolvedId); const forkPath = path.join( directory, '__forks__', configType, moduleFilename, ); const hasForkCacheKey = `has_fork:${forkPath}`; let hasFork = this.cache.get(hasForkCacheKey); if (hasFork === undefined) { hasFork = fs.existsSync(forkPath); this.cache.set(hasForkCacheKey, hasFork); } if (hasFork) { return forkPath; } }, }, ], }), commonjs(), nodeResolve({ browser, dedupe: ['bn.js', 'buffer'], extensions, preferBuiltins: !browser, }), babel({ exclude: '**/node_modules/**', extensions, babelHelpers: bundle ? 'bundled' : 'runtime', plugins: bundle ? [] : ['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'], }), replace({ preventAssignment: true, values: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(env), 'process.env.BROWSER': JSON.stringify(browser), }, }), ], onwarn: function (warning, rollupWarn) { rollupWarn(warning); if (warning.code === 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY') { throw new Error( 'Please eliminate the circular dependencies listed ' + 'above and retry the build', ); } }, treeshake: { moduleSideEffects: false, }, }; if (configType !== 'browser') { // Prevent dependencies from being bundled config.external = [ /@babel\/runtime/, '@solana/buffer-layout', 'bigint-buffer', 'bn.js', 'borsh', 'bs58', 'buffer', 'crypto-hash', 'jayson/lib/client/browser', 'js-sha3', 'cross-fetch', 'rpc-websockets', 'secp256k1', 'superstruct', 'tweetnacl', ]; } switch (configType) { case 'browser': switch (format) { case 'iife': { config.external = ['http', 'https']; config.output = [ { file: 'lib/index.iife.js', format: 'iife', name: 'solanaWeb3', sourcemap: true, }, { file: 'lib/index.iife.min.js', format: 'iife', name: 'solanaWeb3', sourcemap: true, plugins: [terser({mangle: false, compress: false})], }, ]; break; } default: { config.output = [ { file: 'lib/index.browser.cjs.js', format: 'cjs', sourcemap: true, }, { file: 'lib/index.browser.esm.js', format: 'es', sourcemap: true, }, ]; // Prevent dependencies from being bundled config.external = [ /@babel\/runtime/, '@solana/buffer-layout', 'bigint-buffer', 'bn.js', 'borsh', 'bs58', 'buffer', 'crypto-hash', 'http', 'https', 'jayson/lib/client/browser', 'js-sha3', 'rpc-websockets', 'secp256k1', 'superstruct', 'tweetnacl', ]; break; } } // TODO: Find a workaround to avoid resolving the following JSON file: // `node_modules/secp256k1/node_modules/elliptic/package.json` config.plugins.push(json()); break; case 'node': config.output = [ { file: 'lib/index.cjs.js', format: 'cjs', sourcemap: true, }, { file: 'lib/index.esm.js', format: 'es', sourcemap: true, }, ]; break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown configType: ${configType}`); } return config; } export default [ generateConfig('node'), generateConfig('browser'), generateConfig('browser', 'iife'), ];