#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Project nits enforced here # set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." source ci/_ # Logging hygiene: Please don't print from --lib, use the `log` crate instead declare prints=( 'print!' 'println!' 'eprint!' 'eprintln!' 'dbg!' ) # Parts of the tree that are expected to be print free declare print_free_tree=( ':core/src/**.rs' ':^core/src/validator.rs' ':faucet/src/**.rs' ':ledger/src/**.rs' ':metrics/src/**.rs' ':net-utils/src/**.rs' ':runtime/src/**.rs' ':sdk/sbf/rust/rust-utils/**.rs' ':sdk/**.rs' ':^sdk/cargo-build-sbf/**.rs' ':^sdk/program/src/program_option.rs' ':^sdk/program/src/program_stubs.rs' ':programs/**.rs' ':^**bin**.rs' ':^**bench**.rs' ':^**test**.rs' ':^**/build.rs' ) if _ git --no-pager grep -n "${prints[@]/#/-e}" -- "${print_free_tree[@]}"; then exit 1 fi # Github Issues should be used to track outstanding work items instead of # marking up the code # # Ref: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/issues/6474 # # shellcheck disable=1001 declare useGithubIssueInsteadOf=( X\XX T\BD F\IXME #T\ODO # TODO: Disable TODOs once all other TODOs are purged ) if _ git --no-pager grep -n --max-depth=0 "${useGithubIssueInsteadOf[@]/#/-e }" -- '*.rs' '*.sh' '*.md'; then exit 1 fi # TODO: Remove this `git grep` once TODOs are banned above # (this command is only used to highlight the current offenders) _ git --no-pager grep -n --max-depth=0 "-e TODO" -- '*.rs' '*.sh' '*.md' || true echo "^^^ +++" # END TODO