#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Delegate stake to a validator # set -e here=$(dirname "$0") # shellcheck source=multinode-demo/common.sh source "$here"/common.sh stake_lamports=42 # default number of lamports to assign as stake url= # default RPC url usage() { if [[ -n $1 ]]; then echo "$*" echo fi cat < Add stake to a validator OPTIONS: --url RPC_URL - RPC URL to the cluster ($url) --label LABEL - Append the given label to the configuration files, useful when running multiple validators in the same workspace --no-airdrop - Do not attempt to airdrop the stake --keypair FILE - Keypair to fund the stake from --force - Override delegate-stake sanity checks EOF exit 1 } common_args=() label= airdrops_enabled=1 maybe_force= positional_args=() while [[ -n $1 ]]; do if [[ ${1:0:1} = - ]]; then if [[ $1 = --label ]]; then label="-$2" shift 2 elif [[ $1 = --keypair || $1 = -k ]]; then common_args+=("$1" "$2") shift 2 elif [[ $1 = --force ]]; then maybe_force=--force shift 1 elif [[ $1 = --url || $1 = -u ]]; then url=$2 shift 2 elif [[ $1 = --no-airdrop ]]; then airdrops_enabled=0 shift elif [[ $1 = -h ]]; then usage "$@" else echo "Unknown argument: $1" exit 1 fi else positional_args+=("$1") shift fi done common_args+=(--url "$url") if [[ ${#positional_args[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then usage "$@" fi if [[ -n ${positional_args[0]} ]]; then stake_lamports=${positional_args[0]} fi config_dir="$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR/validator$label" vote_keypair_path="$config_dir"/vote-keypair.json stake_keypair_path=$config_dir/stake-keypair.json if [[ ! -f $vote_keypair_path ]]; then echo "Error: $vote_keypair_path not found" exit 1 fi if [[ -f $stake_keypair_path ]]; then # TODO: Add ability to add multiple stakes with this script? echo "Error: $stake_keypair_path already exists" exit 1 fi vote_pubkey=$($solana_keygen pubkey "$vote_keypair_path") if ((airdrops_enabled)); then declare fees=100 # TODO: No hardcoded transaction fees, fetch the current cluster fees $solana_wallet "${common_args[@]}" airdrop $((stake_lamports+fees)) fi $solana_keygen new -o "$stake_keypair_path" stake_pubkey=$($solana_keygen pubkey "$stake_keypair_path") set -x $solana_wallet "${common_args[@]}" \ show-vote-account "$vote_pubkey" $solana_wallet "${common_args[@]}" \ delegate-stake $maybe_force "$stake_keypair_path" "$vote_pubkey" "$stake_lamports" $solana_wallet "${common_args[@]}" show-stake-account "$stake_pubkey"