#!/bin/bash # # Starts an instance of solana-drone # here=$(dirname "$0") # shellcheck source=multinode-demo/common.sh source "$here"/common.sh usage() { if [[ -n $1 ]]; then echo "$*" echo fi echo "usage: $0 [network entry point]" echo echo " Run an airdrop drone for the specified network" echo exit 1 } read -r _ leader_address shift < <(find_leader "${@:1:1}") shift "$shift" [[ -f "$SOLANA_CONFIG_PRIVATE_DIR"/mint.json ]] || { echo "$SOLANA_CONFIG_PRIVATE_DIR/mint.json not found, create it by running:" echo echo " ${here}/setup.sh -t leader" exit 1 } set -ex trap 'kill "$pid" && wait "$pid"' INT TERM $solana_drone \ --keypair "$SOLANA_CONFIG_PRIVATE_DIR"/mint.json \ --network "$leader_address" \ > >($drone_logger) 2>&1 & pid=$! wait "$pid"