# # Build steps that run after the primary pipeline on pushes and tags. # Pull requests to not run these steps. steps: - name: "cargo audit" command: "ci/docker-run-default-image.sh ci/do-audit.sh" agents: queue: "release-build" timeout_in_minutes: 10 - wait - name: "publish tarball (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)" command: "ci/publish-tarball.sh" agents: queue: "release-build" timeout_in_minutes: 60 - name: "publish installer" command: "ci/publish-installer.sh" agents: queue: "release-build" timeout_in_minutes: 5 - wait - name: "publish docker" command: "sdk/docker-solana/build.sh" agents: queue: "release-build" timeout_in_minutes: 60 - name: "publish crate" command: "ci/publish-crate.sh" agents: queue: "release-build" retry: manual: permit_on_passed: true timeout_in_minutes: 240 branches: "!master" - name: "publish tarball (aarch64-apple-darwin)" command: "ci/publish-tarball.sh" agents: queue: "release-build-aarch64-apple-darwin" retry: manual: permit_on_passed: true timeout_in_minutes: 60 - name: "publish tarball (x86_64-apple-darwin)" command: "ci/publish-tarball.sh" agents: queue: "release-build-x86_64-apple-darwin" retry: manual: permit_on_passed: true timeout_in_minutes: 60