#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." source ci/_ source ci/rust-version.sh stable source ci/rust-version.sh nightly eval "$(ci/channel-info.sh)" cargo="$(readlink -f "./cargo")" scripts/increment-cargo-version.sh check # Disallow uncommitted Cargo.lock changes ( _ scripts/cargo-for-all-lock-files.sh tree set +e if ! _ git diff --exit-code; then echo -e "\nError: Uncommitted Cargo.lock changes" 1>&2 exit 1 fi ) echo --- build environment ( set -x rustup run "$rust_stable" rustc --version --verbose rustup run "$rust_nightly" rustc --version --verbose "$cargo" stable --version --verbose "$cargo" nightly --version --verbose "$cargo" stable clippy --version --verbose "$cargo" nightly clippy --version --verbose # audit is done only with "$cargo stable" "$cargo" stable audit --version grcov --version ) export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings -A incomplete_features" # Only force up-to-date lock files on edge if [[ $CI_BASE_BRANCH = "$EDGE_CHANNEL" ]]; then # Exclude --benches as it's not available in rust stable yet if _ scripts/cargo-for-all-lock-files.sh stable check --locked --tests --bins --examples; then true else check_status=$? echo "$0: Some Cargo.lock might be outdated; sync them (or just be a compilation error?)" >&2 echo "$0: protip: $ ./scripts/cargo-for-all-lock-files.sh [--ignore-exit-code] ... \\" >&2 echo "$0: [tree (for outdated Cargo.lock sync)|check (for compilation error)|update -p foo --precise x.y.z (for your Cargo.toml update)] ..." >&2 exit "$check_status" fi # Ensure nightly and --benches _ scripts/cargo-for-all-lock-files.sh nightly check --locked --all-targets else echo "Note: cargo-for-all-lock-files.sh skipped because $CI_BASE_BRANCH != $EDGE_CHANNEL" fi _ ci/order-crates-for-publishing.py # -Z... is needed because of clippy bug: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/4612 # run nightly clippy for `sdk/` as there's a moderate amount of nightly-only code there _ "$cargo" nightly clippy -Zunstable-options --workspace --all-targets -- --deny=warnings --deny=clippy::integer_arithmetic _ "$cargo" stable fmt --all -- --check _ ci/do-audit.sh { cd programs/bpf for project in rust/*/ ; do echo "+++ do_bpf_checks $project" ( cd "$project" _ "$cargo" nightly clippy -- --deny=warnings --allow=clippy::missing_safety_doc _ "$cargo" stable fmt -- --check ) done } echo --- ok