
335 lines
12 KiB

use cluster_info::{ClusterInfoError, NodeInfo};
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Weighted, WeightedChoice};
use rand::thread_rng;
use result::Result;
use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub const DEFAULT_WEIGHT: u32 = 1;
pub trait ChooseGossipPeerStrategy {
fn choose_peer<'a>(&self, options: Vec<&'a NodeInfo>) -> Result<&'a NodeInfo>;
pub struct ChooseRandomPeerStrategy<'a> {
random: &'a Fn() -> u64,
// Given a source of randomness "random", this strategy will randomly pick a validator
// from the input options. This strategy works in isolation, but doesn't leverage any
// rumors from the rest of the gossip network to make more informed decisions about
// which validators have more/less updates
impl<'a, 'b> ChooseRandomPeerStrategy<'a> {
pub fn new(random: &'a Fn() -> u64) -> Self {
ChooseRandomPeerStrategy { random }
impl<'a> ChooseGossipPeerStrategy for ChooseRandomPeerStrategy<'a> {
fn choose_peer<'b>(&self, options: Vec<&'b NodeInfo>) -> Result<&'b NodeInfo> {
if options.is_empty() {
let n = ((self.random)() as usize) % options.len();
// This strategy uses rumors accumulated from the rest of the network to weight
// the importance of communicating with a particular validator based on cumulative network
// perceiption of the number of updates the validator has to offer. A validator is randomly
// picked based on a weighted sample from the pool of viable choices. The "weight", w, of a
// particular validator "v" is calculated as follows:
// w = [Sum for all i in I_v: (rumor_v(i) - observed(v)) * stake(i)] /
// [Sum for all i in I_v: Sum(stake(i))]
// where I_v is the set of all validators that returned a rumor about the update_index of
// validator "v", stake(i) is the size of the stake of validator "i", observed(v) is the
// observed update_index from the last direct communication validator "v", and
// rumor_v(i) is the rumored update_index of validator "v" propagated by fellow validator "i".
// This could be a problem if there are validators with large stakes lying about their
// observed updates. There could also be a problem in network partitions, or even just
// when certain validators are disproportionately active, where we hear more rumors about
// certain clusters of nodes that then propagate more rumros about each other. Hopefully
// this can be resolved with a good baseline DEFAULT_WEIGHT, or by implementing lockout
// periods for very active validators in the future.
pub struct ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy<'a> {
// The map of last directly observed update_index for each active validator.
// This is how we get observed(v) from the formula above.
remote: &'a HashMap<Pubkey, u64>,
// The map of rumored update_index for each active validator. Using the formula above,
// to find rumor_v(i), we would first look up "v" in the outer map, then look up
// "i" in the inner map, i.e. look up external_liveness[v][i]
external_liveness: &'a HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>>,
// A function returning the size of the stake for a particular validator, corresponds
// to stake(i) in the formula above.
get_stake: &'a Fn(Pubkey) -> f64,
impl<'a> ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy<'a> {
pub fn new(
remote: &'a HashMap<Pubkey, u64>,
external_liveness: &'a HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>>,
get_stake: &'a Fn(Pubkey) -> f64,
) -> Self {
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy {
fn calculate_weighted_remote_index(&self, peer_id: Pubkey) -> u32 {
let mut last_seen_index = 0;
// If the peer is not in our remote table, then we leave last_seen_index as zero.
// Only happens when a peer appears in our cluster_info.table but not in our cluster_info.remote,
// which means a validator was directly injected into our cluster_info.table
if let Some(index) = self.remote.get(&peer_id) {
last_seen_index = *index;
let liveness_entry = self.external_liveness.get(&peer_id);
if liveness_entry.is_none() {
let votes = liveness_entry.unwrap();
if votes.is_empty() {
// Calculate the weighted average of the rumors
let mut relevant_votes = vec![];
let total_stake = votes.iter().fold(0.0, |total_stake, (&id, &vote)| {
let stake = (self.get_stake)(id);
// If the total stake is going to overflow u64, pick
// the larger of either the current total_stake, or the
// new stake, this way we are guaranteed to get at least u64/2
// sample of stake in our weighted calculation
if std::f64::MAX - total_stake < stake {
if stake > total_stake {
relevant_votes = vec![(stake, vote)];
} else {
} else {
relevant_votes.push((stake, vote));
total_stake + stake
let weighted_vote = relevant_votes.iter().fold(0.0, |sum, &(stake, vote)| {
if vote < last_seen_index {
// This should never happen because we maintain the invariant that the indexes
// in the external_liveness table are always greater than the corresponding
// indexes in the remote table, if the index exists in the remote table at all.
// Case 1: Attempt to insert bigger index into the "external_liveness" table
// happens after an insertion into the "remote" table. In this case,
// (see apply_updates()) function, we prevent the insertion if the entry
// in the remote table >= the atempted insertion into the "external" liveness
// table.
// Case 2: Bigger index in the "external_liveness" table inserted before
// a smaller insertion into the "remote" table. We clear the corresponding
// "external_liveness" table entry on all insertions into the "remote" table
// See apply_updates() function.
warn!("weighted peer index was smaller than local entry in remote table");
return sum;
let vote_difference = (vote - last_seen_index) as f64;
let new_weight = vote_difference * (stake / total_stake);
if std::f64::MAX - sum < new_weight {
return f64::max(new_weight, sum);
sum + new_weight
// Return u32 b/c the weighted sampling API from rand::distributions
// only takes u32 for weights
if weighted_vote >= f64::from(std::u32::MAX) {
return std::u32::MAX;
// If the weighted rumors we've heard about aren't any greater than
// what we've directly learned from the last time we communicated with the
// peer (i.e. weighted_vote == 0), then return a weight of 1.
// Otherwise, return the calculated weight.
weighted_vote as u32 + DEFAULT_WEIGHT
impl<'a> ChooseGossipPeerStrategy for ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy<'a> {
fn choose_peer<'b>(&self, options: Vec<&'b NodeInfo>) -> Result<&'b NodeInfo> {
if options.is_empty() {
let mut weighted_peers = vec![];
for peer in options {
let weight = self.calculate_weighted_remote_index(;
weighted_peers.push(Weighted { weight, item: peer });
let mut rng = thread_rng();
Ok(WeightedChoice::new(&mut weighted_peers).sample(&mut rng))
mod tests {
use choose_gossip_peer_strategy::{ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy, DEFAULT_WEIGHT};
use logger;
use signature::{Keypair, KeypairUtil};
use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use std;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn get_stake(_id: Pubkey) -> f64 {
fn test_default() {
// Initialize the filler keys
let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let remote: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
let external_liveness: HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>> = HashMap::new();
let weighted_strategy =
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy::new(&remote, &external_liveness, &get_stake);
// If external_liveness table doesn't contain this entry,
// return the default weight
let result = weighted_strategy.calculate_weighted_remote_index(key1);
assert_eq!(result, DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
fn test_only_external_liveness() {
// Initialize the filler keys
let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let key2 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let remote: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut external_liveness: HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>> = HashMap::new();
// If only the liveness table contains the entry, should return the
// weighted liveness entries
let test_value: u32 = 5;
let mut rumors: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
rumors.insert(key2, test_value as u64);
external_liveness.insert(key1, rumors);
let weighted_strategy =
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy::new(&remote, &external_liveness, &get_stake);
let result = weighted_strategy.calculate_weighted_remote_index(key1);
assert_eq!(result, test_value + DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
fn test_overflow_votes() {
// Initialize the filler keys
let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let key2 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let remote: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut external_liveness: HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>> = HashMap::new();
// If the vote index is greater than u32::MAX, default to u32::MAX
let test_value = (std::u32::MAX as u64) + 10;
let mut rumors: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
rumors.insert(key2, test_value);
external_liveness.insert(key1, rumors);
let weighted_strategy =
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy::new(&remote, &external_liveness, &get_stake);
let result = weighted_strategy.calculate_weighted_remote_index(key1);
assert_eq!(result, std::u32::MAX);
fn test_many_validators() {
// Initialize the filler keys
let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let mut remote: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut external_liveness: HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>> = HashMap::new();
// Test many validators' rumors in external_liveness
let num_peers = 10;
let mut rumors: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
remote.insert(key1, 0);
for i in 0..num_peers {
let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey();
rumors.insert(pubkey, i);
external_liveness.insert(key1, rumors);
let weighted_strategy =
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy::new(&remote, &external_liveness, &get_stake);
let result = weighted_strategy.calculate_weighted_remote_index(key1);
assert_eq!(result, (num_peers / 2) as u32);
fn test_many_validators2() {
// Initialize the filler keys
let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey();
let mut remote: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut external_liveness: HashMap<Pubkey, HashMap<Pubkey, u64>> = HashMap::new();
// Test many validators' rumors in external_liveness
let num_peers = 10;
let old_index = 20;
let mut rumors: HashMap<Pubkey, u64> = HashMap::new();
remote.insert(key1, old_index);
for _i in 0..num_peers {
let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey();
rumors.insert(pubkey, old_index);
external_liveness.insert(key1, rumors);
let weighted_strategy =
ChooseWeightedPeerStrategy::new(&remote, &external_liveness, &get_stake);
let result = weighted_strategy.calculate_weighted_remote_index(key1);
// If nobody has seen a newer update then revert to default
assert_eq!(result, DEFAULT_WEIGHT);