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use {
FullSnapshotArchiveInfo, IncrementalSnapshotArchiveInfo, SnapshotArchiveInfoGetter,
RebuiltSnapshotStorage, SnapshotStorageRebuilder,
self, create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs, AccountStorageEntry, AtomicAppendVecId,
streaming_unpack_snapshot, unpack_snapshot, ParallelSelector, UnpackError,
shared_buffer_reader::{SharedBuffer, SharedBufferReader},
solana_measure::{measure, measure::Measure},
solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, hash::Hash},
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Error as IoError, ErrorKind, Read, Seek, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
sync::{atomic::AtomicU32, Arc, Mutex},
thread::{Builder, JoinHandle},
tar::{self, Archive},
mod archive_format;
pub mod snapshot_storage_rebuilder;
pub use archive_format::*;
pub const SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME: &str = "status_cache";
pub const SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME: &str = "version";
pub const SNAPSHOT_STATE_COMPLETE_FILENAME: &str = "state_complete";
pub const SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS: &str = "accounts_hardlinks";
pub const SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_DIR: &str = "remote";
pub const MAX_SNAPSHOT_DATA_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 32 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 32 GiB
const MAX_SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 8; // byte
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
const VERSION_STRING_V1_2_0: &str = "1.2.0";
pub const TMP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_PREFIX: &str = "tmp-snapshot-archive-";
// The following unsafes are
// - Safe because the values are fixed, known non-zero constants
// - Necessary in order to have a plain NonZeroUsize as the constant, NonZeroUsize
// returns an Option<NonZeroUsize> and we can't .unwrap() at compile time
unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(2) };
unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(4) };
pub const FULL_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_REGEX: &str = r"^snapshot-(?P<slot>[[:digit:]]+)-(?P<hash>[[:alnum:]]+)\.(?P<ext>tar|tar\.bz2|tar\.zst|tar\.gz|tar\.lz4)$";
pub const INCREMENTAL_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_REGEX: &str = r"^incremental-snapshot-(?P<base>[[:digit:]]+)-(?P<slot>[[:digit:]]+)-(?P<hash>[[:alnum:]]+)\.(?P<ext>tar|tar\.bz2|tar\.zst|tar\.gz|tar\.lz4)$";
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
pub enum SnapshotVersion {
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
impl fmt::Display for SnapshotVersion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
impl From<SnapshotVersion> for &'static str {
fn from(snapshot_version: SnapshotVersion) -> &'static str {
match snapshot_version {
SnapshotVersion::V1_2_0 => VERSION_STRING_V1_2_0,
impl FromStr for SnapshotVersion {
type Err = &'static str;
fn from_str(version_string: &str) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// Remove leading 'v' or 'V' from slice
let version_string = if version_string
.map_or(false, |s| s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("v"))
} else {
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
match version_string {
VERSION_STRING_V1_2_0 => Ok(SnapshotVersion::V1_2_0),
_ => Err("unsupported snapshot version"),
impl SnapshotVersion {
pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str {
<&str as From<Self>>::from(self)
2020-02-26 20:10:31 -08:00
/// Information about a bank snapshot. Namely the slot of the bank, the path to the snapshot, and
/// the type of the snapshot.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct BankSnapshotInfo {
/// Slot of the bank
pub slot: Slot,
/// Type of the snapshot
pub snapshot_type: BankSnapshotType,
/// Path to the bank snapshot directory
pub snapshot_dir: PathBuf,
/// Snapshot version
pub snapshot_version: SnapshotVersion,
impl PartialOrd for BankSnapshotInfo {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
2022-05-03 07:57:15 -07:00
// Order BankSnapshotInfo by slot (ascending), which practically is sorting chronologically
impl Ord for BankSnapshotInfo {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl BankSnapshotInfo {
pub fn new_from_dir(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
slot: Slot,
) -> std::result::Result<BankSnapshotInfo, SnapshotNewFromDirError> {
// check this directory to see if there is a BankSnapshotPre and/or
// BankSnapshotPost file
let bank_snapshot_dir = get_bank_snapshot_dir(&bank_snapshots_dir, slot);
if !bank_snapshot_dir.is_dir() {
return Err(SnapshotNewFromDirError::InvalidBankSnapshotDir(
// Among the files checks, the completion flag file check should be done first to avoid the later
// I/O errors.
// There is a time window from the slot directory being created, and the content being completely
// filled. Check the completion to avoid using a highest found slot directory with missing content.
if !is_bank_snapshot_complete(&bank_snapshot_dir) {
return Err(SnapshotNewFromDirError::IncompleteDir(bank_snapshot_dir));
let status_cache_file = bank_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME);
if !status_cache_file.is_file() {
return Err(SnapshotNewFromDirError::MissingStatusCacheFile(
let version_path = bank_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
let version_str = snapshot_version_from_file(&version_path).or(Err(
let snapshot_version = SnapshotVersion::from_str(version_str.as_str())
let bank_snapshot_post_path = bank_snapshot_dir.join(get_snapshot_file_name(slot));
let bank_snapshot_pre_path =
// NOTE: It is important that checking for "Pre" happens before "Post.
// Consider the scenario where AccountsHashVerifier is actively processing an
// AccountsPackage for a snapshot/slot; if AHV is in the middle of reserializing the
// bank snapshot file (writing the new "Post" file), and then the process dies,
// there will be an incomplete "Post" file on disk. We do not want only the existence of
// this "Post" file to be sufficient for deciding the snapshot type as "Post". More so,
// "Post" *requires* the *absence* of a "Pre" file.
let snapshot_type = if bank_snapshot_pre_path.is_file() {
} else if bank_snapshot_post_path.is_file() {
} else {
return Err(SnapshotNewFromDirError::MissingSnapshotFile(
Ok(BankSnapshotInfo {
snapshot_dir: bank_snapshot_dir,
pub fn snapshot_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
let mut bank_snapshot_path = self.snapshot_dir.join(get_snapshot_file_name(self.slot));
let ext = match self.snapshot_type {
BankSnapshotType::Post => "",
/// Bank snapshots traditionally had their accounts hash calculated prior to serialization. Since
/// the hash calculation takes a long time, an optimization has been put in to offload the accounts
/// hash calculation. The bank serialization format has not changed, so we need another way to
/// identify if a bank snapshot contains the calculated accounts hash or not.
/// When a bank snapshot is first taken, it does not have the calculated accounts hash. It is said
/// that this bank snapshot is "pre" accounts hash. Later, when the accounts hash is calculated,
/// the bank snapshot is re-serialized, and is now "post" accounts hash.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum BankSnapshotType {
/// This bank snapshot has *not* yet had its accounts hash calculated
/// This bank snapshot *has* had its accounts hash calculated
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
/// When constructing a bank a snapshot, traditionally the snapshot was from a snapshot archive. Now,
/// the snapshot can be from a snapshot directory, or from a snapshot archive. This is the flag to
/// indicate which.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SnapshotFrom {
/// Build from the snapshot archive
/// Build directly from the bank snapshot directory
/// Helper type when rebuilding from snapshots. Designed to handle when rebuilding from just a
/// full snapshot, or from both a full snapshot and an incremental snapshot.
pub struct SnapshotRootPaths {
pub full_snapshot_root_file_path: PathBuf,
pub incremental_snapshot_root_file_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Helper type to bundle up the results from `unarchive_snapshot()`
pub struct UnarchivedSnapshot {
unpack_dir: TempDir,
pub storage: AccountStorageMap,
pub unpacked_snapshots_dir_and_version: UnpackedSnapshotsDirAndVersion,
pub measure_untar: Measure,
/// Helper type for passing around the unpacked snapshots dir and the snapshot version together
pub struct UnpackedSnapshotsDirAndVersion {
pub unpacked_snapshots_dir: PathBuf,
pub snapshot_version: SnapshotVersion,
/// Helper type for passing around account storage map and next append vec id
/// for reconstructing accounts from a snapshot
pub(crate) struct StorageAndNextAppendVecId {
pub storage: AccountStorageMap,
pub next_append_vec_id: AtomicAppendVecId,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SnapshotError {
#[error("I/O error: {0}")]
2021-02-18 23:42:09 -08:00
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("AccountsFile error: {0}")]
AccountsFileError(#[from] AccountsFileError),
#[error("serialization error: {0}")]
Serialize(#[from] bincode::Error),
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
#[error("crossbeam send error: {0}")]
CrossbeamSend(#[from] crossbeam_channel::SendError<PathBuf>),
#[error("archive generation failure {0}")]
#[error("storage path symlink is invalid")]
#[error("Unpack error: {0}")]
UnpackError(#[from] UnpackError),
#[error("source({1}) - I/O error: {0}")]
IoWithSource(std::io::Error, &'static str),
#[error("source({1}) - I/O error: {0}, file: {2}")]
IoWithSourceAndFile(#[source] std::io::Error, &'static str, PathBuf),
#[error("could not get file name from path: {0}")]
#[error("could not get str from file name: {0}")]
#[error("could not parse snapshot archive's file name: {0}")]
#[error("snapshots are incompatible: full snapshot slot ({0}) and incremental snapshot base slot ({1}) do not match")]
MismatchedBaseSlot(Slot, Slot),
#[error("no snapshot archives to load from")]
#[error("snapshot has mismatch: deserialized bank: {:?}, snapshot archive info: {:?}", .0, .1)]
MismatchedSlotHash((Slot, SnapshotHash), (Slot, SnapshotHash)),
2022-08-18 06:48:58 -07:00
#[error("snapshot slot deltas are invalid: {0}")]
VerifySlotDeltas(#[from] VerifySlotDeltasError),
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
#[error("bank_snapshot_info new_from_dir failed: {0}")]
NewFromDir(#[from] SnapshotNewFromDirError),
#[error("invalid snapshot dir path: {0}")]
#[error("invalid AppendVec path: {0}")]
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
#[error("invalid account path: {0}")]
#[error("no valid snapshot dir found under {0}")]
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
#[error("snapshot dir account paths mismatching")]
#[error("failed to add bank snapshot for slot {1}: {0}")]
AddBankSnapshot(#[source] AddBankSnapshotError, Slot),
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SnapshotNewFromDirError {
#[error("I/O error: {0}")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("invalid bank snapshot directory {0}")]
#[error("missing status cache file {0}")]
#[error("missing version file {0}")]
#[error("invalid snapshot version")]
#[error("snapshot directory incomplete {0}")]
#[error("missing snapshot file {0}")]
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, SnapshotError>;
2022-08-18 06:48:58 -07:00
/// Errors that can happen in `verify_slot_deltas()`
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VerifySlotDeltasError {
#[error("too many entries: {0} (max: {1})")]
TooManyEntries(usize, usize),
#[error("slot {0} is not a root")]
#[error("slot {0} is greater than bank slot {1}")]
SlotGreaterThanMaxRoot(Slot, Slot),
#[error("slot {0} has multiple entries")]
#[error("slot {0} was not found in slot history")]
#[error("slot {0} was in history but missing from slot deltas")]
#[error("slot history is bad and cannot be used to verify slot deltas")]
/// Errors that can happen in `add_bank_snapshot()`
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum AddBankSnapshotError {
#[error("bank snapshot dir already exists: {0}")]
#[error("failed to create snapshot dir: {0}")]
CreateSnapshotDir(#[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("failed to hard link storages: {0}")]
HardLinkStorages(#[source] HardLinkStoragesToSnapshotError),
#[error("failed to serialize bank: {0}")]
SerializeBank(#[source] Box<SnapshotError>),
#[error("failed to serialize status cache: {0}")]
SerializeStatusCache(#[source] Box<SnapshotError>),
#[error("failed to write snapshot version file: {0}")]
WriteSnapshotVersionFile(#[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("failed to mark snapshot as 'complete': {0}")]
CreateStateCompleteFile(#[source] std::io::Error),
/// Errors that can happen in `hard_link_storages_to_snapshot()`
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum HardLinkStoragesToSnapshotError {
#[error("failed to create accounts hard links dir: {0}")]
CreateAccountsHardLinksDir(#[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("failed to flush storage: {0}")]
FlushStorage(#[source] AccountsFileError),
#[error("failed to get the snapshot's accounts hard link dir: {0}")]
GetSnapshotHardLinksDir(#[from] GetSnapshotAccountsHardLinkDirError),
#[error("failed to hard link storage: {0}")]
HardLinkStorage(#[source] std::io::Error),
/// Errors that can happen in `get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir()`
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum GetSnapshotAccountsHardLinkDirError {
#[error("invalid account storage path: {0}")]
#[error("failed to create the snapshot hard link dir: {0}")]
CreateSnapshotHardLinkDir(#[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("failed to symlink snapshot hard link dir {link} to {original}: {source}")]
SymlinkSnapshotHardLinkDir {
source: std::io::Error,
original: PathBuf,
link: PathBuf,
/// Creates directories if they do not exist, and canonicalizes the paths.
pub fn create_and_canonicalize_directories(directories: &[PathBuf]) -> Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
.map(|path| {
let path = fs_err::canonicalize(path)?;
/// Delete the files and subdirectories in a directory.
/// This is useful if the process does not have permission
/// to delete the top level directory it might be able to
/// delete the contents of that directory.
pub(crate) fn delete_contents_of_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) {
/// Moves and asynchronously deletes the contents of a directory to avoid blocking on it.
/// The directory is re-created after the move, and should now be empty.
pub fn move_and_async_delete_path_contents(path: impl AsRef<Path>) {
// The following could fail if the rename failed.
// If that happens, the directory should be left as is.
// So we ignore errors here.
_ = std::fs::create_dir(path);
/// Delete directories/files asynchronously to avoid blocking on it.
/// First, in sync context, check if the original path exists, if it
/// does, rename the original path to *_to_be_deleted.
/// If there's an in-progress deleting thread for this path, return.
/// Then spawn a thread to delete the renamed path.
pub fn move_and_async_delete_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) {
lazy_static! {
static ref IN_PROGRESS_DELETES: Mutex<HashSet<PathBuf>> = Mutex::new(HashSet::new());
// Grab the mutex so no new async delete threads can be spawned for this path.
let mut lock = IN_PROGRESS_DELETES.lock().unwrap();
// If the path does not exist, there's nothing to delete.
if !path.as_ref().exists() {
// If the original path (`pathbuf` here) is already being deleted,
// then the path should not be moved and deleted again.
if lock.contains(path.as_ref()) {
let mut path_delete = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();
if let Err(err) = fs_err::rename(&path, &path_delete) {
warn!("Path renaming failed, falling back to rm_dir in sync mode: {err}");
// Although the delete here is synchronous, we want to prevent another thread
// from moving & deleting this directory via `move_and_async_delete_path`.
drop(lock); // unlock before doing sync delete
.spawn(move || {
trace!("background deleting {}...", path_delete.display());
let (_, measure_delete) =
measure!(fs_err::remove_dir_all(&path_delete).expect("background delete"));
"background deleting {}... Done, and{measure_delete}",
.expect("spawn background delete thread");
/// The account snapshot directories under <account_path>/snapshot/<slot> contain account files hardlinked
/// from <account_path>/run taken at snapshot <slot> time. They are referenced by the symlinks from the
/// bank snapshot dir snapshot/<slot>/accounts_hardlinks/. We observed that sometimes the bank snapshot dir
/// could be deleted but the account snapshot directories were left behind, possibly by some manual operations
/// or some legacy code not using the symlinks to clean up the acccount snapshot hardlink directories.
/// This function cleans up any account snapshot directories that are no longer referenced by the bank
/// snapshot dirs, to ensure proper snapshot operations.
pub fn clean_orphaned_account_snapshot_dirs(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
account_snapshot_paths: &[PathBuf],
) -> Result<()> {
// Create the HashSet of the account snapshot hardlink directories referenced by the snapshot dirs.
// This is used to clean up any hardlinks that are no longer referenced by the snapshot dirs.
let mut account_snapshot_dirs_referenced = HashSet::new();
let snapshots = get_bank_snapshots(bank_snapshots_dir);
for snapshot in snapshots {
let account_hardlinks_dir = snapshot.snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
// loop through entries in the snapshot_hardlink_dir, read the symlinks, add the target to the HashSet
for entry in fs_err::read_dir(&account_hardlinks_dir)? {
let path = entry?.path();
let target = fs_err::read_link(&path)?;
// loop through the account snapshot hardlink directories, if the directory is not in the account_snapshot_dirs_referenced set, delete it
for account_snapshot_path in account_snapshot_paths {
for entry in fs_err::read_dir(account_snapshot_path)? {
let path = entry?.path();
if !account_snapshot_dirs_referenced.contains(&path) {
"Removing orphaned account snapshot hardlink directory: {}",
/// Purges incomplete bank snapshots
pub fn purge_incomplete_bank_snapshots(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) {
let Ok(read_dir_iter) = std::fs::read_dir(&bank_snapshots_dir) else {
// If we cannot read the bank snapshots dir, then there's nothing to do
let is_incomplete = |dir: &PathBuf| !is_bank_snapshot_complete(dir);
let incomplete_dirs: Vec<_> = read_dir_iter
.filter_map(|entry| entry.ok())
.map(|entry| entry.path())
.filter(|path| path.is_dir())
// attempt to purge all the incomplete directories; do not exit early
for incomplete_dir in incomplete_dirs {
let result = purge_bank_snapshot(&incomplete_dir);
match result {
Ok(_) => info!(
"Purged incomplete snapshot dir: {}",
Err(err) => warn!("Failed to purge incomplete snapshot dir: {err}"),
/// Is the bank snapshot complete?
fn is_bank_snapshot_complete(bank_snapshot_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> bool {
let state_complete_path = bank_snapshot_dir
/// If the validator halts in the middle of `archive_snapshot_package()`, the temporary staging
/// directory won't be cleaned up. Call this function to clean them up.
pub fn remove_tmp_snapshot_archives(snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) {
if let Ok(entries) = std::fs::read_dir(snapshot_archives_dir) {
for entry in entries.flatten() {
if entry
.map(|file_name| file_name.starts_with(TMP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_PREFIX))
let path = entry.path();
let result = if path.is_dir() {
} else {
if let Err(err) = result {
warn!("Failed to remove temporary snapshot archive: {err}");
/// Write the snapshot version as a file into the bank snapshot directory
pub fn write_snapshot_version_file(
version_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
version: SnapshotVersion,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
fs_err::write(version_file, version.as_str().as_bytes())
/// Make a snapshot archive out of the snapshot package
pub fn archive_snapshot_package(
snapshot_package: &SnapshotPackage,
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
) -> Result<()> {
"Generating snapshot archive for slot {}",
let mut timer = Measure::start("snapshot_package-package_snapshots");
let tar_dir = snapshot_package
.expect("Tar output path is invalid");
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "create archive path"))?;
// Create the staging directories
let staging_dir_prefix = TMP_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_PREFIX;
let staging_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
.map_err(|e| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(e, "create archive tempdir"))?;
let staging_accounts_dir = staging_dir.path().join("accounts");
let staging_snapshots_dir = staging_dir.path().join("snapshots");
let staging_version_file = staging_dir.path().join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
// Create staging/accounts/
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "create staging accounts path"))?;
let slot_str = snapshot_package.slot().to_string();
let staging_snapshot_dir = staging_snapshots_dir.join(&slot_str);
// Creates staging snapshots/<slot>/
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "create staging snapshots path"))?;
let src_snapshot_dir = &snapshot_package.bank_snapshot_dir;
// To be a source for symlinking and archiving, the path need to be an aboslute path
let src_snapshot_dir = src_snapshot_dir
.map_err(|_e| SnapshotError::InvalidSnapshotDirPath(src_snapshot_dir.clone()))?;
let staging_snapshot_file = staging_snapshot_dir.join(&slot_str);
let src_snapshot_file = src_snapshot_dir.join(slot_str);
symlink::symlink_file(src_snapshot_file, staging_snapshot_file)
.map_err(|e| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(e, "create snapshot symlink"))?;
// Following the existing archive format, the status cache is under snapshots/, not under <slot>/
// like in the snapshot dir.
let staging_status_cache = staging_snapshots_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME);
let src_status_cache = src_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME);
symlink::symlink_file(src_status_cache, staging_status_cache)
.map_err(|e| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(e, "create status cache symlink"))?;
// Add the AppendVecs into the compressible list
for storage in snapshot_package.snapshot_storages.iter() {
let storage_path = storage.get_path();
let output_path = staging_accounts_dir.join(AppendVec::file_name(
// `storage_path` - The file path where the AppendVec itself is located
// `output_path` - The file path where the AppendVec will be placed in the staging directory.
let storage_path =
fs_err::canonicalize(storage_path).expect("Could not get absolute path for accounts");
symlink::symlink_file(storage_path, &output_path)
.map_err(|e| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(e, "create storage symlink"))?;
if !output_path.is_file() {
return Err(SnapshotError::StoragePathSymlinkInvalid);
write_snapshot_version_file(staging_version_file, snapshot_package.snapshot_version)
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "write snapshot version file"))?;
// Tar the staging directory into the archive at `archive_path`
let archive_path = tar_dir.join(format!(
let mut archive_file = fs_err::File::create(&archive_path)?;
let do_archive_files = |encoder: &mut dyn Write| -> Result<()> {
let mut archive = tar::Builder::new(encoder);
// Serialize the version and snapshots files before accounts so we can quickly determine the version
// and other bank fields. This is necessary if we want to interleave unpacking with reconstruction
2022-06-13 07:33:32 -07:00
for dir in ["snapshots", "accounts"] {
archive.append_dir_all(dir, staging_dir.as_ref().join(dir))?;
match snapshot_package.archive_format() {
ArchiveFormat::TarBzip2 => {
let mut encoder =
bzip2::write::BzEncoder::new(archive_file, bzip2::Compression::best());
do_archive_files(&mut encoder)?;
ArchiveFormat::TarGzip => {
let mut encoder =
flate2::write::GzEncoder::new(archive_file, flate2::Compression::default());
do_archive_files(&mut encoder)?;
ArchiveFormat::TarZstd => {
let mut encoder = zstd::stream::Encoder::new(archive_file, 0)?;
do_archive_files(&mut encoder)?;
ArchiveFormat::TarLz4 => {
let mut encoder = lz4::EncoderBuilder::new().level(1).build(archive_file)?;
do_archive_files(&mut encoder)?;
let (_output, result) = encoder.finish();
ArchiveFormat::Tar => {
do_archive_files(&mut archive_file)?;
// Atomically move the archive into position for other validators to find
let metadata = fs_err::metadata(&archive_path)
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "archive path stat"))?;
fs_err::rename(&archive_path, snapshot_package.path())
.map_err(|err| SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "archive path rename"))?;
2020-02-26 20:28:53 -08:00
"Successfully created {:?}. slot: {}, elapsed ms: {}, size={}",
("slot", snapshot_package.slot(), i64),
("duration_ms", timer.as_ms(), i64),
if snapshot_package.snapshot_kind.is_full_snapshot() {
} else {
/// Get the bank snapshots in a directory
pub fn get_bank_snapshots(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Vec<BankSnapshotInfo> {
let mut bank_snapshots = Vec::default();
match fs_err::read_dir(bank_snapshots_dir.as_ref()) {
Err(err) => {
info!("Unable to read bank snapshots directory: {err}");
Ok(paths) => paths
.filter_map(|entry| {
// check if this entry is a directory and only a Slot
// bank snapshots are bank_snapshots_dir/slot/slot(BANK_SNAPSHOT_PRE_FILENAME_EXTENSION)
.filter(|entry| entry.path().is_dir())
.and_then(|entry| {
.and_then(|file_name| file_name.to_str())
.and_then(|file_name| file_name.parse::<Slot>().ok())
|slot| match BankSnapshotInfo::new_from_dir(&bank_snapshots_dir, slot) {
Ok(snapshot_info) => bank_snapshots.push(snapshot_info),
// Other threads may be modifying bank snapshots in parallel; only return
// snapshots that are complete as deemed by BankSnapshotInfo::new_from_dir()
Err(err) => debug!("Unable to read bank snapshot for slot {slot}: {err}"),
/// Get the bank snapshots in a directory
/// This function retains only the bank snapshots of type BankSnapshotType::Pre
pub fn get_bank_snapshots_pre(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Vec<BankSnapshotInfo> {
let mut bank_snapshots = get_bank_snapshots(bank_snapshots_dir);
bank_snapshots.retain(|bank_snapshot| bank_snapshot.snapshot_type == BankSnapshotType::Pre);
/// Get the bank snapshots in a directory
/// This function retains only the bank snapshots of type BankSnapshotType::Post
pub fn get_bank_snapshots_post(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Vec<BankSnapshotInfo> {
let mut bank_snapshots = get_bank_snapshots(bank_snapshots_dir);
bank_snapshots.retain(|bank_snapshot| bank_snapshot.snapshot_type == BankSnapshotType::Post);
/// Get the bank snapshot with the highest slot in a directory
/// This function gets the highest bank snapshot of type BankSnapshotType::Pre
pub fn get_highest_bank_snapshot_pre(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Option<BankSnapshotInfo> {
/// Get the bank snapshot with the highest slot in a directory
/// This function gets the highest bank snapshot of type BankSnapshotType::Post
pub fn get_highest_bank_snapshot_post(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Option<BankSnapshotInfo> {
/// Get the bank snapshot with the highest slot in a directory
/// This function gets the highest bank snapshot of any type
pub fn get_highest_bank_snapshot(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<BankSnapshotInfo> {
fn do_get_highest_bank_snapshot(
mut bank_snapshots: Vec<BankSnapshotInfo>,
) -> Option<BankSnapshotInfo> {
2023-07-13 10:38:18 -07:00
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
pub fn serialize_snapshot_data_file<F>(data_file_path: &Path, serializer: F) -> Result<u64>
F: FnOnce(&mut BufWriter<std::fs::File>) -> Result<()>,
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
pub fn deserialize_snapshot_data_file<T: Sized>(
data_file_path: &Path,
deserializer: impl FnOnce(&mut BufReader<std::fs::File>) -> Result<T>,
) -> Result<T> {
let wrapped_deserializer = move |streams: &mut SnapshotStreams<std::fs::File>| -> Result<T> {
let wrapped_data_file_path = SnapshotRootPaths {
full_snapshot_root_file_path: data_file_path.to_path_buf(),
incremental_snapshot_root_file_path: None,
pub fn deserialize_snapshot_data_files<T: Sized>(
snapshot_root_paths: &SnapshotRootPaths,
deserializer: impl FnOnce(&mut SnapshotStreams<std::fs::File>) -> Result<T>,
) -> Result<T> {
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
fn serialize_snapshot_data_file_capped<F>(
data_file_path: &Path,
maximum_file_size: u64,
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
serializer: F,
) -> Result<u64>
F: FnOnce(&mut BufWriter<std::fs::File>) -> Result<()>,
let data_file = fs_err::File::create(data_file_path)?.into();
let mut data_file_stream = BufWriter::new(data_file);
serializer(&mut data_file_stream)?;
let consumed_size = data_file_stream.stream_position()?;
if consumed_size > maximum_file_size {
let error_message = format!(
"too large snapshot data file to serialize: {data_file_path:?} has {consumed_size} bytes"
return Err(get_io_error(&error_message));
fn deserialize_snapshot_data_files_capped<T: Sized>(
snapshot_root_paths: &SnapshotRootPaths,
maximum_file_size: u64,
deserializer: impl FnOnce(&mut SnapshotStreams<std::fs::File>) -> Result<T>,
) -> Result<T> {
let (full_snapshot_file_size, mut full_snapshot_data_file_stream) =
let (incremental_snapshot_file_size, mut incremental_snapshot_data_file_stream) =
if let Some(ref incremental_snapshot_root_file_path) =
} else {
let mut snapshot_streams = SnapshotStreams {
full_snapshot_stream: &mut full_snapshot_data_file_stream,
incremental_snapshot_stream: incremental_snapshot_data_file_stream.as_mut(),
let ret = deserializer(&mut snapshot_streams)?;
&mut full_snapshot_data_file_stream,
if let Some(ref incremental_snapshot_root_file_path) =
/// Before running the deserializer function, perform common operations on the snapshot archive
/// files, such as checking the file size and opening the file into a stream.
fn create_snapshot_data_file_stream(
snapshot_root_file_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
maximum_file_size: u64,
) -> Result<(u64, BufReader<std::fs::File>)> {
let snapshot_file_size = fs_err::metadata(&snapshot_root_file_path)?.len();
if snapshot_file_size > maximum_file_size {
let error_message = format!(
"too large snapshot data file to deserialize: {} has {} bytes (max size is {} bytes)",
return Err(get_io_error(&error_message));
let snapshot_data_file = fs_err::File::open(snapshot_root_file_path.as_ref())?;
let snapshot_data_file_stream = BufReader::new(snapshot_data_file.into());
Ok((snapshot_file_size, snapshot_data_file_stream))
/// After running the deserializer function, perform common checks to ensure the snapshot archive
/// files were consumed correctly.
fn check_deserialize_file_consumed(
file_size: u64,
file_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
file_stream: &mut BufReader<std::fs::File>,
) -> Result<()> {
let consumed_size = file_stream.stream_position()?;
if consumed_size != file_size {
let error_message = format!(
"invalid snapshot data file: {} has {} bytes, however consumed {} bytes to deserialize",
return Err(get_io_error(&error_message));
/// For all account_paths, create the run/ and snapshot/ sub directories.
/// If an account_path directory does not exist, create it.
/// It returns (account_run_paths, account_snapshot_paths) or error
pub fn create_all_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
) -> Result<(Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<PathBuf>)> {
accounts_db::create_all_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(account_paths).map_err(|err| {
SnapshotError::IoWithSource(err, "Unable to create account run and snapshot directories")
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
/// Return account path from the appendvec path after checking its format.
fn get_account_path_from_appendvec_path(appendvec_path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let run_path = appendvec_path.parent()?;
let run_file_name = run_path.file_name()?;
// All appendvec files should be under <account_path>/run/.
// When generating the bank snapshot directory, they are hardlinked to <account_path>/snapshot/<slot>/
if run_file_name != "run" {
"The account path {} does not have run/ as its immediate parent directory.",
return None;
let account_path = run_path.parent()?;
/// From an appendvec path, derive the snapshot hardlink path. If the corresponding snapshot hardlink
/// directory does not exist, create it.
fn get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir(
appendvec_path: &Path,
bank_slot: Slot,
account_paths: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>,
hardlinks_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> std::result::Result<PathBuf, GetSnapshotAccountsHardLinkDirError> {
let account_path = get_account_path_from_appendvec_path(appendvec_path).ok_or_else(|| {
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let snapshot_hardlink_dir = account_path.join("snapshot").join(bank_slot.to_string());
// Use the hashset to track, to avoid checking the file system. Only set up the hardlink directory
// and the symlink to it at the first time of seeing the account_path.
if !account_paths.contains(&account_path) {
let idx = account_paths.len();
"for appendvec_path {}, create hard-link path {}",
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let symlink_path = hardlinks_dir.as_ref().join(format!("account_path_{idx}"));
symlink::symlink_dir(&snapshot_hardlink_dir, &symlink_path).map_err(|err| {
GetSnapshotAccountsHardLinkDirError::SymlinkSnapshotHardLinkDir {
source: err,
original: snapshot_hardlink_dir.clone(),
link: symlink_path,
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
/// Hard-link the files from accounts/ to snapshot/<bank_slot>/accounts/
/// This keeps the appendvec files alive and with the bank snapshot. The slot and id
/// in the file names are also updated in case its file is a recycled one with inconsistent slot
/// and id.
pub fn hard_link_storages_to_snapshot(
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
bank_snapshot_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
bank_slot: Slot,
snapshot_storages: &[Arc<AccountStorageEntry>],
) -> std::result::Result<(), HardLinkStoragesToSnapshotError> {
let accounts_hardlinks_dir = bank_snapshot_dir.as_ref().join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let mut account_paths: HashSet<PathBuf> = HashSet::new();
for storage in snapshot_storages {
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let storage_path = storage.accounts.get_path();
let snapshot_hardlink_dir = get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir(
&mut account_paths,
// The appendvec could be recycled, so its filename may not be consistent to the slot and id.
// Use the storage slot and id to compose a consistent file name for the hard-link file.
let hardlink_filename = AppendVec::file_name(storage.slot(), storage.append_vec_id());
let hard_link_path = snapshot_hardlink_dir.join(hardlink_filename);
fs_err::hard_link(&storage_path, &hard_link_path)
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
2023-01-18 07:10:56 -08:00
/// serializing needs Vec<Vec<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>>, but data structure at runtime is Vec<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>
/// translates to what we need
pub(crate) fn get_storages_to_serialize(
2023-01-18 07:10:56 -08:00
snapshot_storages: &[Arc<AccountStorageEntry>],
) -> Vec<Vec<Arc<AccountStorageEntry>>> {
.map(|storage| vec![Arc::clone(storage)])
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct BankFromArchiveTimings {
pub rebuild_bank_from_snapshots_us: u64,
pub full_snapshot_untar_us: u64,
pub incremental_snapshot_untar_us: u64,
pub verify_snapshot_bank_us: u64,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct BankFromDirTimings {
pub rebuild_bank_from_snapshot_us: u64,
pub build_storage_us: u64,
// From testing, 4 seems to be a sweet spot for ranges of 60M-360M accounts and 16-64 cores. This may need to be tuned later.
pub fn verify_and_unarchive_snapshots(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
full_snapshot_archive_info: &FullSnapshotArchiveInfo,
incremental_snapshot_archive_info: Option<&IncrementalSnapshotArchiveInfo>,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
) -> Result<(UnarchivedSnapshot, Option<UnarchivedSnapshot>, AtomicU32)> {
2022-11-09 11:39:38 -08:00
let parallel_divisions = (num_cpus::get() / 4).clamp(1, PARALLEL_UNTAR_READERS_DEFAULT);
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
let next_append_vec_id = Arc::new(AtomicAppendVecId::new(0));
let unarchived_full_snapshot = unarchive_snapshot(
"snapshot untar",
let unarchived_incremental_snapshot =
if let Some(incremental_snapshot_archive_info) = incremental_snapshot_archive_info {
let unarchived_incremental_snapshot = unarchive_snapshot(
"incremental snapshot untar",
} else {
/// Spawns a thread for unpacking a snapshot
fn spawn_unpack_snapshot_thread(
file_sender: Sender<PathBuf>,
account_paths: Arc<Vec<PathBuf>>,
ledger_dir: Arc<PathBuf>,
mut archive: Archive<SharedBufferReader>,
parallel_selector: Option<ParallelSelector>,
thread_index: usize,
) -> JoinHandle<()> {
.spawn(move || {
&mut archive,
/// Streams unpacked files across channel
fn streaming_unarchive_snapshot(
file_sender: Sender<PathBuf>,
account_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
ledger_dir: PathBuf,
snapshot_archive_path: PathBuf,
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
num_threads: usize,
) -> Vec<JoinHandle<()>> {
let account_paths = Arc::new(account_paths);
let ledger_dir = Arc::new(ledger_dir);
let shared_buffer = untar_snapshot_create_shared_buffer(&snapshot_archive_path, archive_format);
// All shared buffer readers need to be created before the threads are spawned
let archives: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads)
.map(|_| {
let reader = SharedBufferReader::new(&shared_buffer);
.map(|(thread_index, archive)| {
let parallel_selector = Some(ParallelSelector {
index: thread_index,
divisions: num_threads,
/// BankSnapshotInfo::new_from_dir() requires a few meta files to accept a snapshot dir
/// as a valid one. A dir unpacked from an archive lacks these files. Fill them here to
/// allow new_from_dir() checks to pass. These checks are not needed for unpacked dirs,
/// but it is not clean to add another flag to new_from_dir() to skip them.
fn create_snapshot_meta_files_for_unarchived_snapshot(unpack_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<()> {
let snapshots_dir = unpack_dir.as_ref().join("snapshots");
if !snapshots_dir.is_dir() {
return Err(SnapshotError::NoSnapshotSlotDir(snapshots_dir));
// The unpacked dir has a single slot dir, which is the snapshot slot dir.
let slot_dir = std::fs::read_dir(&snapshots_dir)
.map_err(|_| SnapshotError::NoSnapshotSlotDir(snapshots_dir.clone()))?
.find(|entry| entry.as_ref().unwrap().path().is_dir())
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::NoSnapshotSlotDir(snapshots_dir.clone()))?
.map_err(|_| SnapshotError::NoSnapshotSlotDir(snapshots_dir.clone()))?
let version_file = unpack_dir.as_ref().join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
fs_err::hard_link(version_file, slot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME))?;
let status_cache_file = snapshots_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME);
let state_complete_file = slot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATE_COMPLETE_FILENAME);
/// Perform the common tasks when unarchiving a snapshot. Handles creating the temporary
/// directories, untaring, reading the version file, and then returning those fields plus the
/// rebuilt storage
fn unarchive_snapshot(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
unpacked_snapshots_dir_prefix: &'static str,
snapshot_archive_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
measure_name: &'static str,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
parallel_divisions: usize,
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
next_append_vec_id: Arc<AtomicAppendVecId>,
) -> Result<UnarchivedSnapshot> {
let unpack_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
let unpacked_snapshots_dir = unpack_dir.path().join("snapshots");
let (file_sender, file_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
let num_rebuilder_threads = num_cpus::get_physical()
let (version_and_storages, measure_untar) = measure!(
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
info!("{}", measure_untar);
let RebuiltSnapshotStorage {
} = version_and_storages;
Ok(UnarchivedSnapshot {
unpacked_snapshots_dir_and_version: UnpackedSnapshotsDirAndVersion {
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
/// Streams snapshot dir files across channel
/// Follow the flow of streaming_unarchive_snapshot(), but handle the from_dir case.
fn streaming_snapshot_dir_files(
file_sender: Sender<PathBuf>,
snapshot_file_path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
snapshot_version_path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
) -> Result<()> {
for account_path in account_paths {
for file in fs_err::read_dir(account_path)? {
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
/// Perform the common tasks when deserialize a snapshot. Handles reading snapshot file, reading the version file,
/// and then returning those fields plus the rebuilt storage
pub fn build_storage_from_snapshot_dir(
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
snapshot_info: &BankSnapshotInfo,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
next_append_vec_id: Arc<AtomicAppendVecId>,
) -> Result<AccountStorageMap> {
let bank_snapshot_dir = &snapshot_info.snapshot_dir;
let accounts_hardlinks = bank_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
let account_run_paths: HashSet<_> = HashSet::from_iter(account_paths);
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
for dir_entry in fs_err::read_dir(&accounts_hardlinks)? {
let symlink_path = dir_entry?.path();
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
// The symlink point to <account_path>/snapshot/<slot> which contain the account files hardlinks
// The corresponding run path should be <account_path>/run/
let account_snapshot_path = fs_err::read_link(&symlink_path)?;
let account_run_path = account_snapshot_path
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::InvalidAccountPath(account_snapshot_path.clone()))?
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::InvalidAccountPath(account_snapshot_path.clone()))?
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
if !account_run_paths.contains(&account_run_path) {
// The appendvec from the bank snapshot storage does not match any of the provided account_paths set.
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
// The accout paths have changed so the snapshot is no longer usable.
return Err(SnapshotError::AccountPathsMismatch);
// Generate hard-links to make the account files available in the main accounts/, and let the new appendvec
// paths be in accounts/
for file in fs_err::read_dir(&account_snapshot_path)? {
let file_path = file?.path();
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
let file_name = file_path
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::InvalidAppendVecPath(file_path.to_path_buf()))?;
let dest_path = account_run_path.join(file_name);
fs_err::hard_link(&file_path, &dest_path)?;
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
let (file_sender, file_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
let snapshot_file_path = &snapshot_info.snapshot_path();
let snapshot_version_path = bank_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
Construct bank from snapshot dir (#30171) * Construct a bank from a snapshot directory * Clean up. Remove archiving releated data structures * Fix auto checks * remove ArchiveFormat::None * fix merge error * remove incremental snapshot dir * Minor cleanup, remove unused functiond defs * remove pub fn bank_from_latest_snapshot_dir * rename bank_from_snapshot_dir to bank_from_snapshot * Clean up invalid comments * A few minor review changes * Removed insert_slot_storage_file * Add comment explain hardlink symlink * Skip the whole verify_snapshot_bank call for the from_dir case * Add bank.set_initial_accounts_hash_verification_completed() * address review issues: appendvec to append_vec, replace unwrap with expect, etc * AtomicAppendVecId, remove arc on bank etc * slice, CI error on &snapshot_version_path * measure_build_storage * move snapshot_from * remove measure_name from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * remove from_dir specific next_append_vec_id logic * revert insert_slot_storage_file change * init next_append_vec_id to fix the substraction underflow * remove measure from build_storage_from_snapshot_dir * make measure name more specific * refactor status_cache deserialization into a function * remove reference to pass the ci check * track next appendvec id * verify that the next_append_vec_id tracking is correct * clean up usize * in build_storage_from_snapshot_dir remove expect * test max appendvecc id tracking with multiple banks in the test * cleared expect and unwrap in streaming_snapshot_dir_files * rebase cleanup * change to measure! * dereference arc in the right way
2023-03-22 13:49:23 -07:00
let num_rebuilder_threads = num_cpus::get_physical().saturating_sub(1).max(1);
let version_and_storages = SnapshotStorageRebuilder::rebuild_storage(
let RebuiltSnapshotStorage {
snapshot_version: _,
} = version_and_storages;
/// Reads the `snapshot_version` from a file. Before opening the file, its size
/// is compared to `MAX_SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILE_SIZE`. If the size exceeds this
/// threshold, it is not opened and an error is returned.
fn snapshot_version_from_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<String> {
// Check file size.
let file_size = fs_err::metadata(&path)?.len();
let error_message = format!(
"snapshot version file too large: {} has {} bytes (max size is {} bytes)",
return Err(get_io_error(&error_message));
// Read snapshot_version from file.
let mut snapshot_version = String::new();
fs_err::File::open(path.as_ref()).and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_string(&mut snapshot_version))?;
/// Check if an incremental snapshot is compatible with a full snapshot. This is done by checking
/// if the incremental snapshot's base slot is the same as the full snapshot's slot.
fn check_are_snapshots_compatible(
full_snapshot_archive_info: &FullSnapshotArchiveInfo,
incremental_snapshot_archive_info: Option<&IncrementalSnapshotArchiveInfo>,
) -> Result<()> {
if incremental_snapshot_archive_info.is_none() {
return Ok(());
let incremental_snapshot_archive_info = incremental_snapshot_archive_info.unwrap();
(full_snapshot_archive_info.slot() == incremental_snapshot_archive_info.base_slot())
.ok_or_else(|| {
/// Get the `&str` from a `&Path`
pub fn path_to_file_name_str(path: &Path) -> Result<&str> {
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::PathToFileNameError(path.to_path_buf()))?
.ok_or_else(|| SnapshotError::FileNameToStrError(path.to_path_buf()))
pub fn build_snapshot_archives_remote_dir(snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf {
/// Build the full snapshot archive path from its components: the snapshot archives directory, the
/// snapshot slot, the accounts hash, and the archive format.
pub fn build_full_snapshot_archive_path(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
slot: Slot,
hash: &SnapshotHash,
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
) -> PathBuf {
/// Build the incremental snapshot archive path from its components: the snapshot archives
/// directory, the snapshot base slot, the snapshot slot, the accounts hash, and the archive
/// format.
pub fn build_incremental_snapshot_archive_path(
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
base_slot: Slot,
slot: Slot,
hash: &SnapshotHash,
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
) -> PathBuf {
/// Parse a full snapshot archive filename into its Slot, Hash, and Archive Format
2022-03-02 09:52:20 -08:00
pub(crate) fn parse_full_snapshot_archive_filename(
archive_filename: &str,
) -> Result<(Slot, SnapshotHash, ArchiveFormat)> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(FULL_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_REGEX).unwrap();
let do_parse = || {
RE.captures(archive_filename).and_then(|captures| {
let slot = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<Slot>())?
let hash = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<Hash>())?
let archive_format = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<ArchiveFormat>())?
Some((slot, SnapshotHash(hash), archive_format))
do_parse().ok_or_else(|| {
/// Parse an incremental snapshot archive filename into its base Slot, actual Slot, Hash, and Archive Format
2022-03-02 09:52:20 -08:00
pub(crate) fn parse_incremental_snapshot_archive_filename(
archive_filename: &str,
) -> Result<(Slot, Slot, SnapshotHash, ArchiveFormat)> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(INCREMENTAL_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_REGEX).unwrap();
let do_parse = || {
RE.captures(archive_filename).and_then(|captures| {
let base_slot = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<Slot>())?
let slot = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<Slot>())?
let hash = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<Hash>())?
let archive_format = captures
.map(|x| x.as_str().parse::<ArchiveFormat>())?
Some((base_slot, slot, SnapshotHash(hash), archive_format))
do_parse().ok_or_else(|| {
/// Walk down the snapshot archive to collect snapshot archive file info
fn get_snapshot_archives<T, F>(snapshot_archives_dir: &Path, cb: F) -> Vec<T>
F: Fn(PathBuf) -> Result<T>,
let walk_dir = |dir: &Path| -> Vec<T> {
let entry_iter = fs_err::read_dir(dir);
match entry_iter {
Err(err) => {
info!("Unable to read snapshot archives directory: {err}");
Ok(entries) => entries
.filter_map(|entry| entry.map_or(None, |entry| cb(entry.path()).ok()))
let mut ret = walk_dir(snapshot_archives_dir);
let remote_dir = build_snapshot_archives_remote_dir(snapshot_archives_dir);
if remote_dir.exists() {
ret.append(&mut walk_dir(remote_dir.as_ref()));
/// Get a list of the full snapshot archives from a directory
pub fn get_full_snapshot_archives(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Vec<FullSnapshotArchiveInfo> {
/// Get a list of the incremental snapshot archives from a directory
pub fn get_incremental_snapshot_archives(
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Vec<IncrementalSnapshotArchiveInfo> {
/// Get the highest slot of the full snapshot archives in a directory
pub fn get_highest_full_snapshot_archive_slot(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Option<Slot> {
.map(|full_snapshot_archive_info| full_snapshot_archive_info.slot())
/// Get the highest slot of the incremental snapshot archives in a directory, for a given full
/// snapshot slot
pub fn get_highest_incremental_snapshot_archive_slot(
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
full_snapshot_slot: Slot,
) -> Option<Slot> {
.map(|incremental_snapshot_archive_info| incremental_snapshot_archive_info.slot())
/// Get the path (and metadata) for the full snapshot archive with the highest slot in a directory
pub fn get_highest_full_snapshot_archive_info(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Option<FullSnapshotArchiveInfo> {
let mut full_snapshot_archives = get_full_snapshot_archives(full_snapshot_archives_dir);
2023-07-13 10:38:18 -07:00
/// Get the path for the incremental snapshot archive with the highest slot, for a given full
/// snapshot slot, in a directory
pub fn get_highest_incremental_snapshot_archive_info(
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
full_snapshot_slot: Slot,
) -> Option<IncrementalSnapshotArchiveInfo> {
// Since we want to filter down to only the incremental snapshot archives that have the same
// full snapshot slot as the value passed in, perform the filtering before sorting to avoid
// doing unnecessary work.
let mut incremental_snapshot_archives =
.filter(|incremental_snapshot_archive_info| {
incremental_snapshot_archive_info.base_slot() == full_snapshot_slot
2023-07-13 10:38:18 -07:00
pub fn purge_old_snapshot_archives(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
) {
"Purging old full snapshot archives in {}, retaining up to {} full snapshots",
let mut full_snapshot_archives = get_full_snapshot_archives(&full_snapshot_archives_dir);
let num_to_retain = full_snapshot_archives
"There are {} full snapshot archives, retaining {}",
let (full_snapshot_archives_to_retain, full_snapshot_archives_to_remove) =
if full_snapshot_archives.is_empty() {
} else {
let retained_full_snapshot_slots = full_snapshot_archives_to_retain
.map(|ai| ai.slot())
fn remove_archives<T: SnapshotArchiveInfoGetter>(archives: &[T]) {
for path in archives.iter().map(|a| a.path()) {
trace!("Removing snapshot archive: {}", path.display());
let result = fs_err::remove_file(path);
if let Err(err) = result {
info!("Failed to remove snapshot archive: {err}",);
"Purging old incremental snapshot archives in {}, retaining up to {} incremental snapshots",
let mut incremental_snapshot_archives_by_base_slot = HashMap::<Slot, Vec<_>>::new();
for incremental_snapshot_archive in
let highest_full_snapshot_slot = retained_full_snapshot_slots.iter().max().copied();
for (base_slot, mut incremental_snapshot_archives) in incremental_snapshot_archives_by_base_slot
let num_to_retain = if Some(base_slot) == highest_full_snapshot_slot {
} else {
"There are {} incremental snapshot archives for base slot {}, removing {} of them",
fn unpack_snapshot_local(
shared_buffer: SharedBuffer,
ledger_dir: &Path,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
parallel_divisions: usize,
) -> Result<UnpackedAppendVecMap> {
assert!(parallel_divisions > 0);
// allocate all readers before any readers start reading
let readers = (0..parallel_divisions)
.map(|_| SharedBufferReader::new(&shared_buffer))
// create 'parallel_divisions' # of parallel workers, each responsible for 1/parallel_divisions of all the files to extract.
let all_unpacked_append_vec_map = readers
.map(|(index, reader)| {
let parallel_selector = Some(ParallelSelector {
divisions: parallel_divisions,
let mut archive = Archive::new(reader);
unpack_snapshot(&mut archive, ledger_dir, account_paths, parallel_selector)
let mut unpacked_append_vec_map = UnpackedAppendVecMap::new();
for h in all_unpacked_append_vec_map {
fn untar_snapshot_create_shared_buffer(
snapshot_tar: &Path,
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
) -> SharedBuffer {
let open_file = || fs_err::File::open(snapshot_tar).unwrap();
match archive_format {
ArchiveFormat::TarBzip2 => SharedBuffer::new(BzDecoder::new(BufReader::new(open_file()))),
ArchiveFormat::TarGzip => SharedBuffer::new(GzDecoder::new(BufReader::new(open_file()))),
ArchiveFormat::TarZstd => SharedBuffer::new(
ArchiveFormat::TarLz4 => {
ArchiveFormat::Tar => SharedBuffer::new(BufReader::new(open_file())),
fn untar_snapshot_in(
snapshot_tar: impl AsRef<Path>,
unpack_dir: &Path,
account_paths: &[PathBuf],
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
parallel_divisions: usize,
) -> Result<UnpackedAppendVecMap> {
let shared_buffer = untar_snapshot_create_shared_buffer(snapshot_tar.as_ref(), archive_format);
unpack_snapshot_local(shared_buffer, unpack_dir, account_paths, parallel_divisions)
pub fn verify_unpacked_snapshots_dir_and_version(
unpacked_snapshots_dir_and_version: &UnpackedSnapshotsDirAndVersion,
) -> Result<(SnapshotVersion, BankSnapshotInfo)> {
"snapshot version: {}",
let snapshot_version = unpacked_snapshots_dir_and_version.snapshot_version;
let mut bank_snapshots =
if bank_snapshots.len() > 1 {
return Err(get_io_error("invalid snapshot format"));
let root_paths = bank_snapshots
.ok_or_else(|| get_io_error("No snapshots found in snapshots directory"))?;
Ok((snapshot_version, root_paths))
/// Returns the file name of the bank snapshot for `slot`
pub fn get_snapshot_file_name(slot: Slot) -> String {
/// Constructs the path to the bank snapshot directory for `slot` within `bank_snapshots_dir`
pub fn get_bank_snapshot_dir(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>, slot: Slot) -> PathBuf {
fn get_io_error(error: &str) -> SnapshotError {
warn!("Snapshot Error: {:?}", error);
2021-02-18 23:42:09 -08:00
SnapshotError::Io(IoError::new(ErrorKind::Other, error))
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
/// allow tests to specify what happened to the serialized format
pub enum VerifyBank {
/// the bank's serialized format is expected to be identical to what we are comparing against
/// the serialized bank was 'reserialized' into a non-deterministic format
/// so, deserialize both files and compare deserialized results
pub fn verify_snapshot_archive(
snapshot_archive: impl AsRef<Path>,
snapshots_to_verify: impl AsRef<Path>,
archive_format: ArchiveFormat,
verify_bank: VerifyBank,
slot: Slot,
) {
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let unpack_dir = temp_dir.path();
let unpack_account_dir = create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(unpack_dir).unwrap().0;
// Check snapshots are the same
let unpacked_snapshots = unpack_dir.join("snapshots");
// Since the unpack code collects all the appendvecs into one directory unpack_account_dir, we need to
// collect all the appendvecs in account_paths/<slot>/snapshot/ into one directory for later comparison.
let storages_to_verify = unpack_dir.join("storages_to_verify");
// Create the directory if it doesn't exist
let slot = slot.to_string();
let snapshot_slot_dir = snapshots_to_verify.as_ref().join(&slot);
if let VerifyBank::NonDeterministic = verify_bank {
// file contents may be different, but deserialized structs should be equal
let p1 = snapshots_to_verify.as_ref().join(&slot).join(&slot);
let p2 = unpacked_snapshots.join(&slot).join(&slot);
assert!(crate::serde_snapshot::compare_two_serialized_banks(&p1, &p2).unwrap());
// The new the status_cache file is inside the slot directory together with the snapshot file.
// When unpacking an archive, the status_cache file from the archive is one-level up outside of
// the slot direcotry.
// The unpacked status_cache file need to be put back into the slot directory for the directory
// comparison to pass.
let existing_unpacked_status_cache_file =
let new_unpacked_status_cache_file = unpacked_snapshots
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let accounts_hardlinks_dir = snapshot_slot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
if accounts_hardlinks_dir.is_dir() {
// This directory contain symlinks to all <account_path>/snapshot/<slot> directories.
for entry in fs_err::read_dir(&accounts_hardlinks_dir).unwrap() {
let link_dst_path = fs_err::read_link(entry.unwrap().path()).unwrap();
// Copy all the files in dst_path into the storages_to_verify directory.
for entry in fs_err::read_dir(&link_dst_path).unwrap() {
let src_path = entry.unwrap().path();
let dst_path = storages_to_verify.join(src_path.file_name().unwrap());
fs_err::copy(src_path, dst_path).unwrap();
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let version_path = snapshot_slot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
if version_path.is_file() {
let state_complete_path = snapshot_slot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATE_COMPLETE_FILENAME);
if state_complete_path.is_file() {
assert!(!dir_diff::is_different(&snapshots_to_verify, unpacked_snapshots).unwrap());
// In the unarchiving case, there is an extra empty "accounts" directory. The account
// files in the archive accounts/ have been expanded to [account_paths].
// Remove the empty "accounts" directory for the directory comparison below.
// In some test cases the directory to compare do not come from unarchiving.
// Ignore the error when this directory does not exist.
_ = fs_err::remove_dir(unpack_account_dir.join("accounts"));
// Check the account entries are the same
assert!(!dir_diff::is_different(&storages_to_verify, unpack_account_dir).unwrap());
/// Purges bank snapshots, retaining the newest `num_bank_snapshots_to_retain`
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
pub fn purge_old_bank_snapshots(
bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>,
num_bank_snapshots_to_retain: usize,
filter_by_type: Option<BankSnapshotType>,
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
) {
let mut bank_snapshots = match filter_by_type {
Some(BankSnapshotType::Pre) => get_bank_snapshots_pre(&bank_snapshots_dir),
Some(BankSnapshotType::Post) => get_bank_snapshots_post(&bank_snapshots_dir),
None => get_bank_snapshots(&bank_snapshots_dir),
/// At startup, purge old (i.e. unusable) bank snapshots
/// Only a single bank snapshot could be needed at startup (when using fast boot), so
/// retain the highest bank snapshot "post", and purge the rest.
pub fn purge_old_bank_snapshots_at_startup(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) {
purge_old_bank_snapshots(&bank_snapshots_dir, 0, Some(BankSnapshotType::Pre));
purge_old_bank_snapshots(&bank_snapshots_dir, 1, Some(BankSnapshotType::Post));
let highest_bank_snapshot_post = get_highest_bank_snapshot_post(&bank_snapshots_dir);
if let Some(highest_bank_snapshot_post) = highest_bank_snapshot_post {
"Retained bank snapshot for slot {}, and purged the rest.",
/// Purges bank snapshots that are older than `slot`
pub fn purge_bank_snapshots_older_than_slot(bank_snapshots_dir: impl AsRef<Path>, slot: Slot) {
let mut bank_snapshots = get_bank_snapshots(&bank_snapshots_dir);
bank_snapshots.retain(|bank_snapshot| bank_snapshot.slot < slot);
/// Purges all `bank_snapshots`
/// Does not exit early if there is an error while purging a bank snapshot.
fn purge_bank_snapshots<'a>(bank_snapshots: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a BankSnapshotInfo>) {
for snapshot_dir in bank_snapshots.into_iter().map(|s| &s.snapshot_dir) {
if purge_bank_snapshot(snapshot_dir).is_err() {
warn!("Failed to purge bank snapshot: {}", snapshot_dir.display());
/// Remove the bank snapshot at this path
pub fn purge_bank_snapshot(bank_snapshot_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<()> {
let accounts_hardlinks_dir = bank_snapshot_dir.as_ref().join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
if accounts_hardlinks_dir.is_dir() {
// This directory contain symlinks to all accounts snapshot directories.
// They should all be removed.
for accounts_hardlink_dir in fs_err::read_dir(accounts_hardlinks_dir)? {
let accounts_hardlink_dir = fs_err::read_link(accounts_hardlink_dir?.path())?;
pub fn should_take_full_snapshot(
block_height: Slot,
full_snapshot_archive_interval_slots: Slot,
) -> bool {
block_height % full_snapshot_archive_interval_slots == 0
pub fn should_take_incremental_snapshot(
block_height: Slot,
incremental_snapshot_archive_interval_slots: Slot,
last_full_snapshot_slot: Option<Slot>,
) -> bool {
block_height % incremental_snapshot_archive_interval_slots == 0
&& last_full_snapshot_slot.is_some()
pub fn create_tmp_accounts_dir_for_tests() -> (TempDir, PathBuf) {
let tmp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let account_dir = create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(&tmp_dir).unwrap().0;
(tmp_dir, account_dir)
mod tests {
use {
bincode::{deserialize_from, serialize_into},
std::{convert::TryFrom, mem::size_of},
fn test_serialize_snapshot_data_file_under_limit() {
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let expected_consumed_size = size_of::<u32>() as u64;
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
let consumed_size = serialize_snapshot_data_file_capped(
|stream| {
serialize_into(stream, &2323_u32)?;
assert_eq!(consumed_size, expected_consumed_size);
fn test_serialize_snapshot_data_file_over_limit() {
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let expected_consumed_size = size_of::<u32>() as u64;
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
let result = serialize_snapshot_data_file_capped(
expected_consumed_size - 1,
|stream| {
serialize_into(stream, &2323_u32)?;
2021-02-18 23:42:09 -08:00
assert_matches!(result, Err(SnapshotError::Io(ref message)) if message.to_string().starts_with("too large snapshot data file to serialize"));
fn test_deserialize_snapshot_data_file_under_limit() {
let expected_data = 2323_u32;
let expected_consumed_size = size_of::<u32>() as u64;
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
|stream| {
serialize_into(stream, &expected_data)?;
let snapshot_root_paths = SnapshotRootPaths {
full_snapshot_root_file_path: temp_dir.path().join("data-file"),
incremental_snapshot_root_file_path: None,
let actual_data = deserialize_snapshot_data_files_capped(
|stream| {
Ok(deserialize_from::<_, u32>(
&mut stream.full_snapshot_stream,
assert_eq!(actual_data, expected_data);
fn test_deserialize_snapshot_data_file_over_limit() {
let expected_data = 2323_u32;
let expected_consumed_size = size_of::<u32>() as u64;
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
|stream| {
serialize_into(stream, &expected_data)?;
let snapshot_root_paths = SnapshotRootPaths {
full_snapshot_root_file_path: temp_dir.path().join("data-file"),
incremental_snapshot_root_file_path: None,
let result = deserialize_snapshot_data_files_capped(
expected_consumed_size - 1,
|stream| {
Ok(deserialize_from::<_, u32>(
&mut stream.full_snapshot_stream,
2021-02-18 23:42:09 -08:00
assert_matches!(result, Err(SnapshotError::Io(ref message)) if message.to_string().starts_with("too large snapshot data file to deserialize"));
fn test_deserialize_snapshot_data_file_extra_data() {
let expected_data = 2323_u32;
let expected_consumed_size = size_of::<u32>() as u64;
let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
Multi-version snapshot support (#9980) * Multi-version snapshot support * rustfmt * Remove CLI options and runtime support for selection output snapshot version. Address some clippy complaints. * Muzzle clippy type complexity warning. Despite clippy's suggestion, it is not currently possible to create type aliases for traits and so everything within the 'Box<...>' cannot be type aliased. This then leaves creating full blown traits, and either implementing said traits by closure (somehow) or moving the closures into new structs implementing said traits which seems a bit of a palaver. Alternatively it is possible to define and use the type alias 'type ResultBox<T> = Result<Box<T>>' which does seems rather pointless and not a great reduction in complexity but is enough to keep clippy happy. In the end I simply went with squelching the clippy warning. * Remove now unused Serialize/Deserialize trait implementations for AccountStorageEntry and AppendVec * refactor versioned de/serialisers * rename serde_utils to serde_snapshot * move call to accounts_db.generate_index() back down to context_accountsdb_from_stream() * update version 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 remove nested use of serialize_bytes * cleanups * Add back measurement of account storage entry serialization. Remove construction of Vec and HashMap temporaries during serialization. * consolidate serialisation test cases into serde_snapshot. clean up leakage of implementation details in serde_snapshot. * move short term / legacy snapshot code into child module * add serialize_iter_as_tuple * preliminary integration of following commit commit 6d58b73c47294bfb93465d5a83cd2175660b6e6d Author: Ryo Onodera <> Date: Wed May 20 14:02:02 2020 +0900 Confine snapshot 1.1 relic to versioned codepath * refactored serde_snapshot, rustfmt legacy accounts_db format now "owns" both leading u64s, legacy bank_rc format has none * reduce type complexity (clippy)
2020-05-22 10:54:24 -07:00
expected_consumed_size * 2,
|stream| {
serialize_into(stream.by_ref(), &expected_data)?;
serialize_into(stream.by_ref(), &expected_data)?;
let snapshot_root_paths = SnapshotRootPaths {
full_snapshot_root_file_path: temp_dir.path().join("data-file"),
incremental_snapshot_root_file_path: None,
let result = deserialize_snapshot_data_files_capped(
expected_consumed_size * 2,
|stream| {
Ok(deserialize_from::<_, u32>(
&mut stream.full_snapshot_stream,
2021-02-18 23:42:09 -08:00
assert_matches!(result, Err(SnapshotError::Io(ref message)) if message.to_string().starts_with("invalid snapshot data file"));
fn test_snapshot_version_from_file_under_limit() {
let file_content = SnapshotVersion::default().as_str();
let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let version_from_file = snapshot_version_from_file(file.path()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(version_from_file, file_content);
fn test_snapshot_version_from_file_over_limit() {
let over_limit_size = usize::try_from(MAX_SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILE_SIZE + 1).unwrap();
let file_content = vec![7u8; over_limit_size];
let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
Err(SnapshotError::Io(ref message)) if message.to_string().starts_with("snapshot version file too large")
fn test_parse_full_snapshot_archive_filename() {
(42, SnapshotHash(Hash::default()), ArchiveFormat::TarBzip2)
(43, SnapshotHash(Hash::default()), ArchiveFormat::TarZstd)
parse_full_snapshot_archive_filename(&format!("snapshot-44-{}.tar", Hash::default()))
(44, SnapshotHash(Hash::default()), ArchiveFormat::Tar)
(45, SnapshotHash(Hash::default()), ArchiveFormat::TarLz4)
fn test_parse_incremental_snapshot_archive_filename() {
(44, 345, SnapshotHash(Hash::default()), ArchiveFormat::Tar)
fn test_check_are_snapshots_compatible() {
let slot1: Slot = 1234;
let slot2: Slot = 5678;
let slot3: Slot = 999_999;
let full_snapshot_archive_info = FullSnapshotArchiveInfo::new_from_path(PathBuf::from(
format!("/dir/snapshot-{}-{}.tar", slot1, Hash::new_unique()),
assert!(check_are_snapshots_compatible(&full_snapshot_archive_info, None,).is_ok());
let incremental_snapshot_archive_info =
let incremental_snapshot_archive_info =
/// A test heler function that creates bank snapshot files
fn common_create_bank_snapshot_files(
bank_snapshots_dir: &Path,
min_slot: Slot,
max_slot: Slot,
) {
for slot in min_slot..max_slot {
let snapshot_dir = get_bank_snapshot_dir(bank_snapshots_dir, slot);
let snapshot_filename = get_snapshot_file_name(slot);
let snapshot_path = snapshot_dir.join(snapshot_filename);
let status_cache_file = snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATUS_CACHE_FILENAME);
let version_path = snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_VERSION_FILENAME);
write_snapshot_version_file(version_path, SnapshotVersion::default()).unwrap();
// Mark this directory complete so it can be used. Check this flag first before selecting for deserialization.
let state_complete_path = snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_STATE_COMPLETE_FILENAME);
fn test_get_bank_snapshots() {
let temp_snapshots_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_slot = 10;
let max_slot = 20;
common_create_bank_snapshot_files(temp_snapshots_dir.path(), min_slot, max_slot);
let bank_snapshots = get_bank_snapshots(temp_snapshots_dir.path());
assert_eq!(bank_snapshots.len() as Slot, max_slot - min_slot);
fn test_get_highest_bank_snapshot_post() {
let temp_snapshots_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_slot = 99;
let max_slot = 123;
common_create_bank_snapshot_files(temp_snapshots_dir.path(), min_slot, max_slot);
let highest_bank_snapshot = get_highest_bank_snapshot_post(temp_snapshots_dir.path());
assert_eq!(highest_bank_snapshot.unwrap().slot, max_slot - 1);
/// A test helper function that creates full and incremental snapshot archive files. Creates
/// full snapshot files in the range (`min_full_snapshot_slot`, `max_full_snapshot_slot`], and
/// incremental snapshot files in the range (`min_incremental_snapshot_slot`,
/// `max_incremental_snapshot_slot`]. Additionally, "bad" files are created for both full and
/// incremental snapshots to ensure the tests properly filter them out.
fn common_create_snapshot_archive_files(
full_snapshot_archives_dir: &Path,
incremental_snapshot_archives_dir: &Path,
min_full_snapshot_slot: Slot,
max_full_snapshot_slot: Slot,
min_incremental_snapshot_slot: Slot,
max_incremental_snapshot_slot: Slot,
) {
for full_snapshot_slot in min_full_snapshot_slot..max_full_snapshot_slot {
for incremental_snapshot_slot in
let snapshot_filename = format!(
let snapshot_filepath = incremental_snapshot_archives_dir.join(snapshot_filename);
let snapshot_filename =
format!("snapshot-{}-{}.tar", full_snapshot_slot, Hash::default());
let snapshot_filepath = full_snapshot_archives_dir.join(snapshot_filename);
// Add in an incremental snapshot with a bad filename and high slot to ensure filename are filtered and sorted correctly
let bad_filename = format!(
max_incremental_snapshot_slot + 1,
let bad_filepath = incremental_snapshot_archives_dir.join(bad_filename);
// Add in a snapshot with a bad filename and high slot to ensure filename are filtered and
// sorted correctly
let bad_filename = format!("snapshot-{}-bad!hash.tar", max_full_snapshot_slot + 1);
let bad_filepath = full_snapshot_archives_dir.join(bad_filename);
fn test_get_full_snapshot_archives() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_slot = 123;
let max_slot = 456;
let snapshot_archives = get_full_snapshot_archives(full_snapshot_archives_dir);
assert_eq!(snapshot_archives.len() as Slot, max_slot - min_slot);
fn test_get_full_snapshot_archives_remote() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_slot = 123;
let max_slot = 456;
let snapshot_archives = get_full_snapshot_archives(full_snapshot_archives_dir);
assert_eq!(snapshot_archives.len() as Slot, max_slot - min_slot);
assert!(snapshot_archives.iter().all(|info| info.is_remote()));
fn test_get_incremental_snapshot_archives() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_full_snapshot_slot = 12;
let max_full_snapshot_slot = 23;
let min_incremental_snapshot_slot = 34;
let max_incremental_snapshot_slot = 45;
let incremental_snapshot_archives =
incremental_snapshot_archives.len() as Slot,
(max_full_snapshot_slot - min_full_snapshot_slot)
* (max_incremental_snapshot_slot - min_incremental_snapshot_slot)
fn test_get_incremental_snapshot_archives_remote() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_full_snapshot_slot = 12;
let max_full_snapshot_slot = 23;
let min_incremental_snapshot_slot = 34;
let max_incremental_snapshot_slot = 45;
let incremental_snapshot_archives =
incremental_snapshot_archives.len() as Slot,
(max_full_snapshot_slot - min_full_snapshot_slot)
* (max_incremental_snapshot_slot - min_incremental_snapshot_slot)
.all(|info| info.is_remote()));
fn test_get_highest_full_snapshot_archive_slot() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_slot = 123;
let max_slot = 456;
Some(max_slot - 1)
fn test_get_highest_incremental_snapshot_slot() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let min_full_snapshot_slot = 12;
let max_full_snapshot_slot = 23;
let min_incremental_snapshot_slot = 34;
let max_incremental_snapshot_slot = 45;
for full_snapshot_slot in min_full_snapshot_slot..max_full_snapshot_slot {
Some(max_incremental_snapshot_slot - 1)
fn common_test_purge_old_snapshot_archives(
snapshot_names: &[&String],
maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain: NonZeroUsize,
expected_snapshots: &[&String],
) {
let temp_snap_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
for snap_name in snapshot_names {
let snap_path = temp_snap_dir.path().join(snap_name);
let mut _snap_file = fs_err::File::create(snap_path);
let mut retained_snaps = HashSet::new();
for entry in fs_err::read_dir(temp_snap_dir.path()).unwrap() {
let entry_path_buf = entry.unwrap().path();
let entry_path = entry_path_buf.as_path();
let snapshot_name = entry_path
for snap_name in expected_snapshots {
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
"{snap_name} not found"
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
assert_eq!(retained_snaps.len(), expected_snapshots.len());
fn test_purge_old_full_snapshot_archives() {
let snap1_name = format!("snapshot-1-{}.tar.zst", Hash::default());
let snap2_name = format!("snapshot-3-{}.tar.zst", Hash::default());
let snap3_name = format!("snapshot-50-{}.tar.zst", Hash::default());
let snapshot_names = vec![&snap1_name, &snap2_name, &snap3_name];
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
// expecting only the newest to be retained
let expected_snapshots = vec![&snap3_name];
2022-03-05 18:46:46 -08:00
// retaining 2, expecting the 2 newest to be retained
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
let expected_snapshots = vec![&snap2_name, &snap3_name];
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
// retaining 3, all three should be retained
let expected_snapshots = vec![&snap1_name, &snap2_name, &snap3_name];
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
/// Mimic a running node's behavior w.r.t. purging old snapshot archives. Take snapshots in a
/// loop, and periodically purge old snapshot archives. After purging, check to make sure the
/// snapshot archives on disk are correct.
fn test_purge_old_full_snapshot_archives_in_the_loop() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let maximum_snapshots_to_retain = NonZeroUsize::new(5).unwrap();
let starting_slot: Slot = 42;
for slot in (starting_slot..).take(100) {
let full_snapshot_archive_file_name =
format!("snapshot-{}-{}.tar", slot, Hash::default());
let full_snapshot_archive_path = full_snapshot_archives_dir
// don't purge-and-check until enough snapshot archives have been created
if slot < starting_slot + maximum_snapshots_to_retain.get() as Slot {
// purge infrequently, so there will always be snapshot archives to purge
if slot % (maximum_snapshots_to_retain.get() as Slot * 2) != 0 {
let mut full_snapshot_archives =
assert_eq!(full_snapshot_archives.last().unwrap().slot(), slot);
2022-02-20 07:06:23 -08:00
for (i, full_snapshot_archive) in full_snapshot_archives.iter().rev().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(full_snapshot_archive.slot(), slot - i as Slot);
fn test_purge_old_incremental_snapshot_archives() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let starting_slot = 100_000;
let maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain =
let maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain = DEFAULT_MAX_FULL_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVES_TO_RETAIN;
let incremental_snapshot_interval = 100;
let num_incremental_snapshots_per_full_snapshot =
maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain.get() * 2;
let full_snapshot_interval =
incremental_snapshot_interval * num_incremental_snapshots_per_full_snapshot;
let mut snapshot_filenames = vec![];
.for_each(|full_snapshot_slot| {
let snapshot_filename =
format!("snapshot-{}-{}.tar", full_snapshot_slot, Hash::default());
let snapshot_path = full_snapshot_archives_dir.path().join(&snapshot_filename);
.for_each(|incremental_snapshot_slot| {
let snapshot_filename = format!(
let snapshot_path = incremental_snapshot_archives_dir
// Ensure correct number of full snapshot archives are purged/retained
let mut remaining_full_snapshot_archives =
let latest_full_snapshot_archive_slot =
// Ensure correct number of incremental snapshot archives are purged/retained
// For each additional full snapshot archive, one additional (the newest)
// incremental snapshot archive is retained. This is accounted for by the
// `+ maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain.saturating_sub(1)`
let mut remaining_incremental_snapshot_archives =
// Ensure there exists one incremental snapshot all but the latest full snapshot
for i in (1..maximum_full_snapshot_archives_to_retain.get()).rev() {
let incremental_snapshot_archive =
let expected_base_slot =
latest_full_snapshot_archive_slot - (i * full_snapshot_interval) as u64;
assert_eq!(incremental_snapshot_archive.base_slot(), expected_base_slot);
let expected_slot = expected_base_slot
+ (full_snapshot_interval - incremental_snapshot_interval) as u64;
assert_eq!(incremental_snapshot_archive.slot(), expected_slot);
// Ensure all remaining incremental snapshots are only for the latest full snapshot
for incremental_snapshot_archive in &remaining_incremental_snapshot_archives {
// Ensure the remaining incremental snapshots are at the right slot
let expected_remaing_incremental_snapshot_archive_slots =
- maximum_incremental_snapshot_archives_to_retain.get(),
let actual_remaining_incremental_snapshot_archive_slots =
.map(|snapshot| snapshot.slot())
fn test_purge_all_incremental_snapshot_archives_when_no_full_snapshot_archives() {
let full_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
for snapshot_filenames in [
format!("incremental-snapshot-100-120-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-100-140-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-100-160-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-100-180-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-200-220-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-200-240-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-200-260-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
format!("incremental-snapshot-200-280-{}.tar", Hash::default()),
] {
let snapshot_path = incremental_snapshot_archives_dir
2022-11-09 11:39:38 -08:00
let remaining_incremental_snapshot_archives =
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
fn test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir() {
let slot: Slot = 1;
let mut account_paths_set: HashSet<PathBuf> = HashSet::new();
let bank_snapshots_dir_tmp = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let bank_snapshot_dir = bank_snapshots_dir_tmp.path().join(slot.to_string());
let accounts_hardlinks_dir = bank_snapshot_dir.join(SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNTS_HARDLINKS);
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00
let (_tmp_dir, accounts_dir) = create_tmp_accounts_dir_for_tests();
let appendvec_filename = format!("{slot}.0");
let appendvec_path = accounts_dir.join(appendvec_filename);
let ret = get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir(
&mut account_paths_set,
let wrong_appendvec_path = appendvec_path
let ret = get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir(
&mut account_paths_set,
Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory (#29496) * Add accounts hard-link files into the bank snapshot directory * Small adjustments and fixes. * Address some of the review issues * Fix compilation issues * Change the latest slot snapshot storage from VecDeque to Option * IoWithSourceAndFile and expanded comments on accounts * last_slot_snapshot_storages in return value * Update comments following the review input * rename dir_accounts_hard_links to hard_link_path * Add dir_full_state flag for add_bank_snapshot * Let appendvec files hardlinking work with multiple accounts paths across multiple partitions * Fixes for rebasing * fix tests which generates account_path without adding run/ * rebasing fixes * fix account path test failures * fix test test_concurrent_snapshot_packaging * review comments. renamed the path setup function * Addressed most of the review comments * update with more review comments * handle error from create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * fix rebasing duplicate * minor accounts_dir path cleanup * minor cleanup, remove commented code * misc review comments * build error fix * Fix test_incremental_snapshot_download_with_crossing_full_snapshot_interval_at_startup * fix build error on MAX_BANK_SNAPSHOTS_TO_RETAIN * rebase fix, update hardlink filename * minor comment spelling fix * rebasing fixes * fix rebase issues; with_extension * comments changes for review * misc minor review issues * bank.fill_bank_with_ticks_for_tests * error handling on appendvec path * fix use_jit * minor comments refining * Remove type AccountStorages * get_account_path_from_appendvec_path return changed to Option * removed appendvec_path.to_path_buf in create_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs * add test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir * update last_snapshot_storages comment * update last_snapshot_storages comment * symlink map_err * simplify test_get_snapshot_accounts_hardlink_dir with fake paths * log last_snapshot_storages at the end of the loop
2023-02-15 09:52:07 -08:00