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# Starting a Validator
## Confirm The Testnet Is Reachable
Before attaching a validator node, sanity check that the cluster is accessible
to your machine by running some simple commands. If any of the commands fail,
please retry 5-10 minutes later to confirm the testnet is not just restarting
itself before debugging further.
Fetch the current transaction count over JSON RPC:
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getTransactionCount"}'
Inspect the network explorer at
[]( for activity.
View the [metrics dashboard](
for more detail on cluster activity.
## Confirm your Installation
Sanity check that you are able to interact with the cluster by receiving a small
airdrop of lamports from the testnet drone:
$ solana set --url
$ solana get
$ solana airdrop 123
$ solana balance
Also try running following command to join the gossip network and view all the
other nodes in the cluster:
$ solana-gossip --entrypoint spy
# Press ^C to exit
## Start your Validator
Create an identity keypair for your validator by running:
$ solana-keygen new -o ~/validator-keypair.json
### Wallet Configuration
You can set solana configuration to use your validator keypair for all
following commands:
$ solana set --keypair ~/validator-keypair.json
**All following solana commands assume you have set `--keypair` config to
**your validator identity keypair.**
If you haven't, you will need to add the `--keypair` argument to each command, like:
$ solana --keypair ~/validator-keypair.json airdrop 1000
(You can always override the set configuration by explicitly passing the
`--keypair` argument with a command.)
### Validator Start
Airdrop yourself some lamports to get started:
$ solana airdrop 1000
Your validator will need a vote account. Create it now with the following
$ solana-keygen new -o ~/validator-vote-keypair.json
$ solana create-vote-account ~/validator-vote-keypair.json ~/validator-keypair.json 1
Then use one of the following commands, depending on your installation
choice, to start the node:
If this is a `solana-install`-installation:
$ --identity ~/validator-keypair.json --voting-keypair ~/validator-vote-keypair.json --ledger ~/validator-config --rpc-port 8899 --poll-for-new-genesis-block --entrypoint
Alternatively, the `solana-install run` command can be used to run the validator
node while periodically checking for and applying software updates:
$ solana-install run -- --identity ~/validator-keypair.json --voting-keypair ~/validator-vote-keypair.json --ledger ~/validator-config --rpc-port 8899 --poll-for-new-genesis-block --entrypoint
If you built from source:
$ NDEBUG=1 USE_INSTALL=1 ./multinode-demo/ --identity ~/validator-keypair.json --voting-keypair ~/validator-vote-keypair.json --rpc-port 8899 --poll-for-new-genesis-block --entrypoint
### Enabling CUDA
By default CUDA is disabled. If your machine has a GPU with CUDA installed,
define the SOLANA_CUDA flag in your environment *before* running any of the
previusly mentioned commands
$ export SOLANA_CUDA=1
When your validator is started look for the following log message to indicate that CUDA is enabled:
`"[<timestamp> solana::validator] CUDA is enabled"`
### Controlling local network port allocation
By default the validator will dynamically select available network ports in the
8000-10000 range, and may be overridden with `--dynamic-port-range`. For
example, ` --dynamic-port-range 11000-11010 ...` will restrict the
validator to ports 11000-11011.
### Limiting ledger size to conserve disk space
By default the validator will retain the full ledger. To conserve disk space
start the validator with the `--limit-ledger-size`, which will instruct the
validator to only retain the last couple hours of ledger.