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# Ledger Replication
Replication behavior yet to be implemented.
## Storage epoch
The storage epoch should be the number of slots which results in around 100GB-1TB of ledger to be generated for archivers to store. Archivers will start storing ledger when a given fork has a high probability of not being rolled back.
## Validator behavior
1. Every NUM\_KEY\_ROTATION\_TICKS it also validates samples received from
archivers. It signs the PoH hash at that point and uses the following
algorithm with the signature as the input:
* The low 5 bits of the first byte of the signature creates an index into
another starting byte of the signature.
* The validator then looks at the set of storage proofs where the byte of
the proof's sha state vector starting from the low byte matches exactly
with the chosen byte\(s\) of the signature.
* If the set of proofs is larger than the validator can handle, then it
increases to matching 2 bytes in the signature.
* Validator continues to increase the number of matching bytes until a
workable set is found.
* It then creates a mask of valid proofs and fake proofs and sends it to
the leader. This is a storage proof confirmation transaction.
2. After a lockout period of NUM\_SECONDS\_STORAGE\_LOCKOUT seconds, the
validator then submits a storage proof claim transaction which then causes the
distribution of the storage reward if no challenges were seen for the proof to
the validators and archivers party to the proofs.
## Archiver behavior
1. The archiver then generates another set of offsets which it submits a fake
proof with an incorrect sha state. It can be proven to be fake by providing the
seed for the hash result.
* A fake proof should consist of an archiver hash of a signature of a PoH
value. That way when the archiver reveals the fake proof, it can be
verified on chain.
2. The archiver monitors the ledger, if it sees a fake proof integrated, it
creates a challenge transaction and submits it to the current leader. The
transacation proves the validator incorrectly validated a fake storage proof.
The archiver is rewarded and the validator's staking balance is slashed or
## Storage proof contract logic
Each archiver and validator will have their own storage account. The validator's account would be separate from their gossip id similiar to their vote account. These should be implemented as two programs one which handles the validator as the keysigner and one for the archiver. In that way when the programs reference other accounts, they can check the program id to ensure it is a validator or archiver account they are referencing.
### SubmitMiningProof
SubmitMiningProof {
slot: u64,
sha_state: Hash,
signature: Signature,
keys = [archiver_keypair]
Archivers create these after mining their stored ledger data for a certain hash value. The slot is the end slot of the segment of ledger they are storing, the sha\_state the result of the archiver using the hash function to sample their encrypted ledger segment. The signature is the signature that was created when they signed a PoH value for the current storage epoch. The list of proofs from the current storage epoch should be saved in the account state, and then transfered to a list of proofs for the previous epoch when the epoch passes. In a given storage epoch a given archiver should only submit proofs for one segment.
The program should have a list of slots which are valid storage mining slots. This list should be maintained by keeping track of slots which are rooted slots in which a significant portion of the network has voted on with a high lockout value, maybe 32-votes old. Every SLOTS\_PER\_SEGMENT number of slots would be added to this set. The program should check that the slot is in this set. The set can be maintained by receiving a AdvertiseStorageRecentBlockHash and checking with its bank/Tower BFT state.
The program should do a signature verify check on the signature, public key from the transaction submitter and the message of the previous storage epoch PoH value.
### ProofValidation
ProofValidation {
proof_mask: Vec<ProofStatus>,
keys = [validator_keypair, archiver_keypair(s) (unsigned)]
A validator will submit this transaction to indicate that a set of proofs for a given segment are valid/not-valid or skipped where the validator did not look at it. The keypairs for the archivers that it looked at should be referenced in the keys so the program logic can go to those accounts and see that the proofs are generated in the previous epoch. The sampling of the storage proofs should be verified ensuring that the correct proofs are skipped by the validator according to the logic outlined in the validator behavior of sampling.
The included archiver keys will indicate the the storage samples which are being referenced; the length of the proof\_mask should be verified against the set of storage proofs in the referenced archiver account\(s\), and should match with the number of proofs submitted in the previous storage epoch in the state of said archiver account.
### ClaimStorageReward
ClaimStorageReward {
keys = [validator_keypair or archiver_keypair, validator/archiver_keypairs (unsigned)]
Archivers and validators will use this transaction to get paid tokens from a program state where SubmitStorageProof, ProofValidation and ChallengeProofValidations are in a state where proofs have been submitted and validated and there are no ChallengeProofValidations referencing those proofs. For a validator, it should reference the archiver keypairs to which it has validated proofs in the relevant epoch. And for an archiver it should reference validator keypairs for which it has validated and wants to be rewarded.
### ChallengeProofValidation
ChallengeProofValidation {
proof_index: u64,
hash_seed_value: Vec<u8>,
keys = [archiver_keypair, validator_keypair]
This transaction is for catching lazy validators who are not doing the work to validate proofs. An archiver will submit this transaction when it sees a validator has approved a fake SubmitMiningProof transaction. Since the archiver is a light client not looking at the full chain, it will have to ask a validator or some set of validators for this information maybe via RPC call to obtain all ProofValidations for a certain segment in the previous storage epoch. The program will look in the validator account state see that a ProofValidation is submitted in the previous storage epoch and hash the hash\_seed\_value and see that the hash matches the SubmitMiningProof transaction and that the validator marked it as valid. If so, then it will save the challenge to the list of challenges that it has in its state.
### AdvertiseStorageRecentBlockhash
AdvertiseStorageRecentBlockhash {
hash: Hash,
slot: u64,
Validators and archivers will submit this to indicate that a new storage epoch has passed and that the storage proofs which are current proofs should now be for the previous epoch. Other transactions should check to see that the epoch that they are referencing is accurate according to current chain state.