
266 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# Terminology
The following terms are used throughout this book.
#### account
A persistent file addressed by [public key](#public-key) and with
[lamports](#lamport) tracking its lifetime.
#### app
A front-end application that interacts with a Solana cluster.
#### blob
A fraction of a [block](#block); the smallest unit sent between
#### block
A contiguous set of [entries](#entry) on the ledger covered by a
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[vote](#ledger-vote). A [leader](#leader) produces at most one block per
#### block height
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The number of [blocks](#block) beneath the current block. The first block after
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the [genesis block](#genesis-block) has height zero.
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#### block id
The [entry id](#entry-id) of the last entry in a [block](#block).
#### bootstrap leader
The first [fullnode](#fullnode) to take the [leader](#leader) role.
#### client
A [node](#node) that utilizes the [cluster](#cluster).
#### cluster
A set of [fullnodes](#fullnode) maintaining a single [ledger](#ledger).
#### confirmation
The wallclock duration between a [leader](#leader) creating a [tick
entry](#tick) and recognizing a supermajority of [ledger votes](#ledger-vote)
with a ledger interpretation that matches the leader's.
#### control plane
A gossip network connecting all [nodes](#node) of a [cluster](#cluster).
#### data plane
A multicast network used to efficiently validate [entries](#entry) and gain
#### drone
An off-chain service that acts as a custodian for a user's private key. It
typically serves to validate and sign transactions.
#### entry
An entry on the [ledger](#ledger) either a [tick](#tick) or a [transactions
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#### entry id
A globally unique identifier that is also a proof that the [entry](#entry) was
generated after a duration of time, all [transactions](#transaction) included
in the entry, and all previous entries on the [ledger](#ledger). See [Proof of
#### epoch
The time, i.e. number of [slots](#slot), for which a [leader
schedule](#leader-schedule) is valid.
#### fork
A [ledger](#ledger) derived from common entries but then diverged.
#### fullnode
A full participant in the [cluster](#cluster) either a [leader](#leader) or
[validator](#validator) node.
#### fullnode state
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The result of interpreting all programs on the ledger at a given [tick
height](#tick-height). It includes at least the set of all [accounts](#account)
holding nonzero [native tokens](#native-tokens).
#### genesis block
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The configuration file that prepares the [ledger](#ledger) for the first [block](#block).
#### hash
A digital fingerprint of a sequence of bytes.
#### instruction
The smallest unit of a [program](#program) that a [client](#client) can include
in a [transaction](#instruction).
#### keypair
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A [public key](#public-key) and corresponding [secret key](#secret-key).
#### lamport
A fractional [native token](#native-token) with the value of approximately
0.0000000000582 [sol](#sol) (2^-34).
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#### loader
A [program](#program) with the ability to interpret the binary encoding of
other on-chain programs.
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#### leader
The role of a [fullnode](#fullnode) when it is appending [entries](#entry) to
the [ledger](#ledger).
#### leader schedule
A sequence of [fullnode](#fullnode) [public keys](#public-key). The cluster
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uses the leader schedule to determine which fullnode is the [leader](#leader)
at any moment in time.
#### ledger
A list of [entries](#entry) containing [transactions](#transaction) signed by
#### ledger vote
A [hash](#hash) of the [fullnode's state](#fullnode-state) at a given [tick
height](#tick-height). It comprises a validator's affirmation that a
[block](#block) it has received has been verified, as well as a promise not to
vote for a conflicting [block](#block) (i.e. [fork](#fork)) for a specific
amount of time, the [lockout](#lockout) period.
#### light client
A type of [client](#client) that can verify it's pointing to a valid
[cluster](#cluster). It performs more ledger verification than a [thin
client](#thin-client) and less than a [fullnode](#fullnode).
#### lockout
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The duration of time for which a [fullnode](#fullnode) is unable to
[vote](#ledger-vote) on another [fork](#fork).
#### native token
The [token](#token) used to track work done by [nodes](#node) in a cluster.
#### node
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A computer participating in a [cluster](#cluster).
#### node count
The number of [fullnodes](#fullnode) participating in a [cluster](#cluster).
#### PoH
See [Proof of History](#proof-of-history).
#### program
The code that interprets [instructions](#instruction).
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#### program id
The public key of the [account](#account) containing a [program](#program).
#### Proof of History
A stack of proofs, each which proves that some data existed before the proof
was created and that a precise duration of time passed before the previous
proof. Like a [VDF](#verifiable-delay-function), a Proof of History can be
verified in less time than it took to produce.
#### public key
The public key of a [keypair](#keypair).
#### runtime
The component of a [fullnode](#fullnode) responsible for [program](#program)
#### secret key
The private key of a [keypair](#keypair).
#### slot
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The period of time for which a [leader](#leader) ingests transactions and
produces a [block](#block).
#### sol
The [native token](#native-token) tracked by a [cluster](#cluster) recognized
by the company Solana.
#### stake
Tokens forfeit to the [cluster](#cluster) if malicious [fullnode](#fullnode)
behavior can be proven.
#### thin client
A type of [client](#client) that trusts it is communicating with a valid
#### tick
A ledger [entry](#entry) that estimates wallclock duration.
#### tick height
The Nth [tick](#tick) in the [ledger](#ledger).
#### token
A scarce, fungible member of a set of tokens.
#### tps
[Transactions](#transaction) per second.
#### transaction
One or more [instructions](#instruction) signed by the [client](#client) and
executed atomically.
#### transactions entry
A set of [transactions](#transaction) that may be executed in parallel.
#### validator
The role of a [fullnode](#fullnode) when it is validating the
[leader's](#leader) latest [entries](#entry).
#### VDF
See [verifiable delay function](#verifiable-delay-function).
#### verifiable delay function
A function that takes a fixed amount of time to execute that produces a proof
that it ran, which can then be verified in less time than it took to produce.
#### vote
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See [ledger vote](#ledger-vote).