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2021-07-09 12:55:31 -07:00
//! `cost_tracker` keeps tracking transaction cost per chained accounts as well as for entire block
//! The main functions are:
//! - would_transaction_fit(&tx_cost), immutable function to test if tx with tx_cost would fit into current block
//! - add_transaction_cost(&tx_cost), mutable function to accumulate tx_cost to tracker.
use {
crate::{block_cost_limits::*, cost_model::TransactionCost},
solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, pubkey::Pubkey, transaction::SanitizedTransaction},
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CostTrackerError {
/// would exceed block max limit
/// would exceed account max limit
#[derive(AbiExample, Debug)]
pub struct CostTracker {
account_cost_limit: u64,
block_cost_limit: u64,
cost_by_writable_accounts: HashMap<Pubkey, u64>,
block_cost: u64,
transaction_count: u64,
account_data_size: u64,
impl Default for CostTracker {
fn default() -> Self {
impl CostTracker {
pub fn new(account_cost_limit: u64, block_cost_limit: u64) -> Self {
assert!(account_cost_limit <= block_cost_limit);
Self {
cost_by_writable_accounts: HashMap::with_capacity(WRITABLE_ACCOUNTS_PER_BLOCK),
block_cost: 0,
transaction_count: 0,
account_data_size: 0,
// bench tests needs to reset limits
pub fn set_limits(&mut self, account_cost_limit: u64, block_cost_limit: u64) {
self.account_cost_limit = account_cost_limit;
self.block_cost_limit = block_cost_limit;
pub fn would_transaction_fit(
_transaction: &SanitizedTransaction,
tx_cost: &TransactionCost,
) -> Result<(), CostTrackerError> {
pub fn add_transaction_cost(
&mut self,
_transaction: &SanitizedTransaction,
tx_cost: &TransactionCost,
) {
pub fn try_add(
&mut self,
_transaction: &SanitizedTransaction,
tx_cost: &TransactionCost,
) -> Result<u64, CostTrackerError> {
let cost = tx_cost.sum() * tx_cost.cost_weight as u64;
self.would_fit(&tx_cost.writable_accounts, cost, tx_cost.account_data_size)?;
self.add_transaction(&tx_cost.writable_accounts, cost, tx_cost.account_data_size);
pub fn report_stats(&self, bank_slot: Slot) {
// skip reporting if block is empty
if self.transaction_count == 0 {
let (costliest_account, costliest_account_cost) = self.find_costliest_account();
("bank_slot", bank_slot as i64, i64),
("block_cost", self.block_cost as i64, i64),
("transaction_count", self.transaction_count as i64, i64),
self.cost_by_writable_accounts.len() as i64,
("costliest_account", costliest_account.to_string(), String),
("costliest_account_cost", costliest_account_cost as i64, i64),
("account_data_size", self.account_data_size, i64),
fn find_costliest_account(&self) -> (Pubkey, u64) {
let mut costliest_account = Pubkey::default();
let mut costliest_account_cost = 0;
for (key, cost) in self.cost_by_writable_accounts.iter() {
if *cost > costliest_account_cost {
costliest_account = *key;
costliest_account_cost = *cost;
(costliest_account, costliest_account_cost)
fn would_fit(
keys: &[Pubkey],
cost: u64,
account_data_len: u64,
) -> Result<(), CostTrackerError> {
// check against the total package cost
if self.block_cost + cost > self.block_cost_limit {
return Err(CostTrackerError::WouldExceedBlockMaxLimit);
// check if the transaction itself is more costly than the account_cost_limit
if cost > self.account_cost_limit {
return Err(CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountMaxLimit);
if self.account_data_size.saturating_add(account_data_len) > MAX_ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN {
return Err(CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountDataMaxLimit);
// check each account against account_cost_limit,
for account_key in keys.iter() {
match self.cost_by_writable_accounts.get(account_key) {
Some(chained_cost) => {
if chained_cost + cost > self.account_cost_limit {
return Err(CostTrackerError::WouldExceedAccountMaxLimit);
} else {
None => continue,
fn add_transaction(&mut self, keys: &[Pubkey], cost: u64, account_data_size: u64) {
for account_key in keys.iter() {
.or_insert(0) += cost;
self.block_cost += cost;
self.transaction_count += 1;
self.account_data_size = self.account_data_size.saturating_add(account_data_size);
mod tests {
use {
genesis_utils::{create_genesis_config, GenesisConfigInfo},
signature::{Keypair, Signer},
std::{cmp, sync::Arc},
fn test_setup() -> (Keypair, Hash) {
let GenesisConfigInfo {
} = create_genesis_config(10);
let bank = Arc::new(Bank::new_no_wallclock_throttle_for_tests(&genesis_config));
let start_hash = bank.last_blockhash();
(mint_keypair, start_hash)
fn build_simple_transaction(
mint_keypair: &Keypair,
start_hash: &Hash,
) -> (Transaction, Vec<Pubkey>, u64) {
let keypair = Keypair::new();
let simple_transaction =
system_transaction::transfer(mint_keypair, &keypair.pubkey(), 2, *start_hash);
(simple_transaction, vec![mint_keypair.pubkey()], 5)
fn test_cost_tracker_initialization() {
let testee = CostTracker::new(10, 11);
assert_eq!(10, testee.account_cost_limit);
assert_eq!(11, testee.block_cost_limit);
assert_eq!(0, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
assert_eq!(0, testee.block_cost);
fn test_cost_tracker_ok_add_one() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
let (_tx, keys, cost) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for one simple transaction
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cost, cost);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys, cost, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys, cost, 0);
assert_eq!(cost, testee.block_cost);
fn test_cost_tracker_add_data() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
let (_tx, keys, cost) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for one simple transaction
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cost, cost);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys, cost, 0).is_ok());
let old = testee.account_data_size;
testee.add_transaction(&keys, cost, 1);
assert_eq!(old + 1, testee.account_data_size);
fn test_cost_tracker_ok_add_two_same_accounts() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
// build two transactions with same signed account
let (_tx1, keys1, cost1) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let (_tx2, keys2, cost2) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for two simple transactions, with same accounts
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cost1 + cost2, cost1 + cost2);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys1, cost1, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys1, cost1, 0);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys2, cost2, 0);
assert_eq!(cost1 + cost2, testee.block_cost);
assert_eq!(1, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
fn test_cost_tracker_ok_add_two_diff_accounts() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
// build two transactions with diff accounts
let (_tx1, keys1, cost1) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let second_account = Keypair::new();
let (_tx2, keys2, cost2) = build_simple_transaction(&second_account, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for two simple transactions, with same accounts
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cmp::max(cost1, cost2), cost1 + cost2);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys1, cost1, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys1, cost1, 0);
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys2, cost2, 0);
assert_eq!(cost1 + cost2, testee.block_cost);
assert_eq!(2, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
fn test_cost_tracker_chain_reach_limit() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
// build two transactions with same signed account
let (_tx1, keys1, cost1) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let (_tx2, keys2, cost2) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for two simple transactions, but not for same accounts
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cmp::min(cost1, cost2), cost1 + cost2);
// should have room for first transaction
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys1, cost1, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys1, cost1, 0);
// but no more sapce on the same chain (same signer account)
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, 0).is_err());
fn test_cost_tracker_reach_limit() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
// build two transactions with diff accounts
let (_tx1, keys1, cost1) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let second_account = Keypair::new();
let (_tx2, keys2, cost2) = build_simple_transaction(&second_account, &start_hash);
// build testee to have capacity for each chain, but not enough room for both transactions
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(cmp::max(cost1, cost2), cost1 + cost2 - 1);
// should have room for first transaction
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys1, cost1, 0).is_ok());
testee.add_transaction(&keys1, cost1, 0);
// but no more room for package as whole
assert!(testee.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, 0).is_err());
fn test_cost_tracker_reach_data_limit() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
// build two transactions with diff accounts
let (_tx1, _keys1, cost1) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let second_account = Keypair::new();
let (_tx2, keys2, cost2) = build_simple_transaction(&second_account, &start_hash);
// build testee that passes
let testee = CostTracker::new(cmp::max(cost1, cost2), cost1 + cost2 - 1);
.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, MAX_ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN)
// data is too big
.would_fit(&keys2, cost2, MAX_ACCOUNT_DATA_LEN + 1)
fn test_cost_tracker_try_add_is_atomic() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
let (tx, _keys, _cost) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests(tx);
let acct1 = Pubkey::new_unique();
let acct2 = Pubkey::new_unique();
let acct3 = Pubkey::new_unique();
let cost = 100;
let account_max = cost * 2;
let block_max = account_max * 3; // for three accts
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(account_max, block_max);
// case 1: a tx writes to 3 accounts, should success, we will have:
// | acct1 | $cost |
// | acct2 | $cost |
// | acct3 | $cost |
// and block_cost = $cost
let tx_cost = TransactionCost {
writable_accounts: vec![acct1, acct2, acct3],
execution_cost: cost,
assert!(testee.try_add(&tx, &tx_cost).is_ok());
let (_costliest_account, costliest_account_cost) = testee.find_costliest_account();
assert_eq!(cost, testee.block_cost);
assert_eq!(3, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
assert_eq!(cost, costliest_account_cost);
// case 2: add tx writes to acct2 with $cost, should succeed, result to
// | acct1 | $cost |
// | acct2 | $cost * 2 |
// | acct3 | $cost |
// and block_cost = $cost * 2
let tx_cost = TransactionCost {
writable_accounts: vec![acct2],
execution_cost: cost,
assert!(testee.try_add(&tx, &tx_cost).is_ok());
let (costliest_account, costliest_account_cost) = testee.find_costliest_account();
assert_eq!(cost * 2, testee.block_cost);
assert_eq!(3, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
assert_eq!(cost * 2, costliest_account_cost);
assert_eq!(acct2, costliest_account);
// case 3: add tx writes to [acct1, acct2], acct2 exceeds limit, should failed atomically,
// we shoudl still have:
// | acct1 | $cost |
// | acct2 | $cost * 2 |
// | acct3 | $cost |
// and block_cost = $cost * 2
let tx_cost = TransactionCost {
writable_accounts: vec![acct1, acct2],
execution_cost: cost,
assert!(testee.try_add(&tx, &tx_cost).is_err());
let (costliest_account, costliest_account_cost) = testee.find_costliest_account();
assert_eq!(cost * 2, testee.block_cost);
assert_eq!(3, testee.cost_by_writable_accounts.len());
assert_eq!(cost * 2, costliest_account_cost);
assert_eq!(acct2, costliest_account);
fn test_try_add_with_cost_weight() {
let (mint_keypair, start_hash) = test_setup();
let (tx, _keys, _cost) = build_simple_transaction(&mint_keypair, &start_hash);
let tx = SanitizedTransaction::from_transaction_for_tests(tx);
let limit = 100u64;
let mut testee = CostTracker::new(limit, limit);
let mut cost = TransactionCost {
execution_cost: limit + 1,
// cost exceed limit by 1, will not fit
assert!(testee.try_add(&tx, &cost).is_err());
cost.cost_weight = 0u32;
// setting cost_weight to zero will allow this tx
assert!(testee.try_add(&tx, &cost).is_ok());