Enable frozen_abi on banking trace file (#33501)

* Enable frozen_abi on banking trace file

* Fix ci with really correct bugfix...

* Remove tracker_callers

* Fix typo...

* Fix AbiExample for Arc/Rc's Weaks

* Added comment for AbiExample impl of SystemTime

* Simplify and document EvenAsOpaque with new usage

* Minor clean-ups

* Simplify SystemTime::example() with UNIX_EPOCH...

* Add comment for AbiExample subtleties
This commit is contained in:
Ryo Onodera 2023-10-07 13:15:38 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent 630feeddf2
commit 95810d876a
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 205 additions and 42 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -5932,6 +5932,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "solana-frozen-abi"
version = "1.18.0"
dependencies = [
"bitflags 2.3.3",
"block-buffer 0.10.4",
@ -6441,7 +6442,10 @@ dependencies = [
"rand 0.8.5",
"rand_chacha 0.3.1",
"rustc_version 0.4.0",

View File

@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ pub struct BankingTracer {
active_tracer: Option<ActiveTracer>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[frozen_abi(digest = "Eq6YrAFtTbtPrCEvh6Et1mZZDCARUg1gcK2qiZdqyjUz")]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, AbiExample)]
pub struct TimedTracedEvent(pub std::time::SystemTime, pub TracedEvent);
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, AbiExample, AbiEnumVisitor)]
pub enum TracedEvent {
PacketBatch(ChannelLabel, BankingPacketBatch),
BlockAndBankHash(Slot, Hash, Hash),
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, AbiExample, AbiEnumVisitor)]
pub enum ChannelLabel {

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use {
solana_sdk::{packet::Packet, saturating_add_assign},
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, AbiExample)]
pub struct SigverifyTracerPacketStats {
pub total_removed_before_sigverify_stage: usize,
pub total_tracer_packets_received_in_sigverify_stage: usize,

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ subtle = { workspace = true }
[target.'cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))'.dev-dependencies]
solana-logger = { workspace = true }
bitflags = { workspace = true }
rustc_version = { workspace = true }

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub struct AbiDigester {
data_types: std::rc::Rc<std::cell::RefCell<Vec<String>>>,
depth: usize,
for_enum: bool,
opaque_scope: Option<String>,
opaque_type_matcher: Option<String>,
pub type DigestResult = Result<AbiDigester, DigestError>;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ impl AbiDigester {
data_types: std::rc::Rc::new(std::cell::RefCell::new(vec![])),
for_enum: false,
depth: 0,
opaque_scope: None,
opaque_type_matcher: None,
@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ impl AbiDigester {
data_types: self.data_types.clone(),
depth: self.depth,
for_enum: false,
opaque_scope: self.opaque_scope.clone(),
opaque_type_matcher: self.opaque_type_matcher.clone(),
pub fn create_new_opaque(&self, top_scope: &str) -> Self {
pub fn create_new_opaque(&self, type_matcher: &str) -> Self {
Self {
data_types: self.data_types.clone(),
depth: self.depth,
for_enum: false,
opaque_scope: Some(top_scope.to_owned()),
opaque_type_matcher: Some(type_matcher.to_owned()),
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ impl AbiDigester {
data_types: self.data_types.clone(),
for_enum: false,
opaque_scope: self.opaque_scope.clone(),
opaque_type_matcher: self.opaque_type_matcher.clone(),
@ -116,15 +116,15 @@ impl AbiDigester {
data_types: self.data_types.clone(),
for_enum: true,
opaque_scope: self.opaque_scope.clone(),
opaque_type_matcher: self.opaque_type_matcher.clone(),
pub fn digest_data<T: ?Sized + Serialize>(&mut self, value: &T) -> DigestResult {
let type_name = normalize_type_name(type_name::<T>());
if type_name.ends_with("__SerializeWith")
|| (self.opaque_scope.is_some()
&& type_name.starts_with(self.opaque_scope.as_ref().unwrap()))
|| (self.opaque_type_matcher.is_some()
&& type_name.contains(self.opaque_type_matcher.as_ref().unwrap()))
// we can't use the AbiEnumVisitor trait for these cases.
@ -661,6 +661,34 @@ mod tests {
#[frozen_abi(digest = "9PMdHRb49BpkywrmPoJyZWMsEmf5E1xgmsFGkGmea5RW")]
type TestBitVec = bv::BitVec<u64>;
mod bitflags_abi {
use crate::abi_example::{AbiExample, EvenAsOpaque, IgnoreAsHelper};
bitflags::bitflags! {
#[frozen_abi(digest = "HhKNkaeAd7AohTb8S8sPKjAWwzxWY2DPz5FvkWmx5bSH")]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TestFlags: u8 {
const TestBit = 0b0000_0001;
impl AbiExample for TestFlags {
fn example() -> Self {
impl IgnoreAsHelper for TestFlags {}
// This (EvenAsOpaque) marker trait is needed for bitflags-generated types because we can't
// impl AbiExample for its private type:
// thread '...TestFlags_frozen_abi...' panicked at ...:
// derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for
// solana_frozen_abi::abi_digester::tests::_::InternalBitFlags
impl EvenAsOpaque for TestFlags {
const TYPE_NAME_MATCHER: &'static str = "::_::InternalBitFlags";
mod skip_should_be_same {
#[frozen_abi(digest = "4LbuvQLX78XPbm4hqqZcHFHpseDJcw4qZL9EUZXSi2Ss")]
#[derive(Serialize, AbiExample)]
@ -691,4 +719,12 @@ mod tests {
Variant2(u8, u16, #[serde(skip)] u32),
#[frozen_abi(digest = "B1PcwZdUfGnxaRid9e6ZwkST3NZ2KUEYobA1DkxWrYLP")]
#[derive(Serialize, AbiExample)]
struct TestArcWeak(std::sync::Weak<u64>);
#[frozen_abi(digest = "4R8uCLR1BVU1aFgkSaNyKcFD1FeM6rGdsjbJBFpnqx4v")]
#[derive(Serialize, AbiExample)]
struct TestRcWeak(std::rc::Weak<u64>);

View File

@ -6,6 +6,24 @@ use {
// The most important trait for the abi digesting. This trait is used to create any complexities of
// object graph to generate the abi digest. The frozen abi test harness calls T::example() to
// instantiate the tested root type and traverses its fields recursively, abusing the
// serde::serialize().
// This trait applicability is similar to the Default trait. That means all referenced types must
// implement this trait. AbiExample is implemented for almost all common types in this file.
// When implementing AbiExample manually, you need to return a _minimally-populated_ value
// from it to actually generate a meaningful digest. This impl semantics is unlike Default, which
// usually returns something empty. See actual impls for inspiration.
// The requirement of AbiExample impls even applies to those types of `#[serde(skip)]`-ed fields.
// That's because the abi digesting needs a properly initialized object to enter into the
// serde::serialize() to begin with, even knowning they aren't used for serialization and thus abi
// digest. Luckily, `#[serde(skip)]`-ed fields' AbiExample impls can just delegate to T::default(),
// exploiting the nature of this artificial impl requirement as an exception from the usual
// AbiExample semantics.
pub trait AbiExample: Sized {
fn example() -> Self;
@ -137,25 +155,12 @@ tuple_example_impls! {
// Source: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/ba18875557aabffe386a2534a1aa6118efb6ab88/src/libcore/array/mod.rs#L417
macro_rules! array_example_impls {
{$n:expr, $t:ident $($ts:ident)*} => {
impl<T> AbiExample for [T; $n] where T: AbiExample {
fn example() -> Self {
[$t::example(), $($ts::example()),*]
array_example_impls!{($n - 1), $($ts)*}
{$n:expr,} => {
impl<T> AbiExample for [T; $n] {
fn example() -> Self { [] }
impl<const N: usize, T: AbiExample> AbiExample for [T; N] {
fn example() -> Self {
std::array::from_fn(|_| T::example())
array_example_impls! {32, T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T}
// Source: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/ba18875557aabffe386a2534a1aa6118efb6ab88/src/libcore/default.rs#L137
macro_rules! example_impls {
($t:ty, $v:expr) => {
@ -232,7 +237,14 @@ impl<T: BlockType> AbiExample for BitVec<T> {
impl<T: BlockType> IgnoreAsHelper for BitVec<T> {}
impl<T: BlockType> EvenAsOpaque for BitVec<T> {}
// This (EvenAsOpaque) marker trait is needed for BitVec because we can't impl AbiExample for its
// private type:
// thread '...TestBitVec_frozen_abi...' panicked at ...:
// derive or implement AbiExample/AbiEnumVisitor for
// bv::bit_vec::inner::Inner<u64>
impl<T: BlockType> EvenAsOpaque for BitVec<T> {
const TYPE_NAME_MATCHER: &'static str = "bv::bit_vec::inner::";
pub(crate) fn normalize_type_name(type_name: &str) -> String {
type_name.chars().filter(|c| *c != '&').collect()
@ -329,6 +341,23 @@ impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::Arc<T> {
// When T is weakly owned by the likes of `std::{sync, rc}::Weak`s, we need to uphold the ownership
// of T in some way at least during abi digesting... However, there's no easy way. Stashing them
// into static is confronted with Send/Sync issue. Stashing them into thread_local is confronted
// with not enough (T + 'static) lifetime bound.. So, just leak the examples. This should be
// tolerated, considering ::example() should ever be called inside tests, not in production code...
fn leak_and_inhibit_drop<'a, T>(t: T) -> &'a mut T {
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::Weak<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Arc's Weak<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
// leaking is needed otherwise Arc::upgrade() will always return None...
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::rc::Rc<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Rc<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
@ -336,6 +365,14 @@ impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::rc::Rc<T> {
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::rc::Weak<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Rc's Weak<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
// leaking is needed otherwise Rc::upgrade() will always return None...
impl<T: AbiExample> AbiExample for std::sync::Mutex<T> {
fn example() -> Self {
info!("AbiExample for (Mutex<T>): {}", type_name::<Self>());
@ -457,6 +494,13 @@ impl AbiExample for std::path::PathBuf {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
impl AbiExample for std::time::SystemTime {
fn example() -> Self {
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
impl AbiExample for SocketAddr {
fn example() -> Self {
@ -470,13 +514,22 @@ impl AbiExample for IpAddr {
// This is a control flow indirection needed for digesting all variants of an enum
// This is a control flow indirection needed for digesting all variants of an enum.
// All of types (including non-enums) will be processed by this trait, albeit the
// name of this trait.
// User-defined enums usually just need to impl this with namesake derive macro (AbiEnumVisitor).
// Note that sometimes this indirection doesn't work for various reasons. For that end, there are
// hacks with marker traits (IgnoreAsHelper/EvenAsOpaque).
pub trait AbiEnumVisitor: Serialize {
fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult;
pub trait IgnoreAsHelper {}
pub trait EvenAsOpaque {}
pub trait EvenAsOpaque {
const TYPE_NAME_MATCHER: &'static str;
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, _digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
@ -489,7 +542,9 @@ impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized + AbiExample> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (default): {}", type_name::<T>());
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for T: {}", type_name::<T>());
// not calling self.serialize(...) is intentional here as the most generic impl
// consider IgnoreAsHelper and EvenAsOpaque if you're stuck on this....
@ -501,7 +556,7 @@ impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized + AbiExample> AbiEnumVisitor for T {
// relevant test: TestVecEnum
impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized + AbiEnumVisitor> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (&default): {}", type_name::<T>());
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for &T: {}", type_name::<T>());
// Don't call self.visit_for_abi(...) to avoid the infinite recursion!
T::visit_for_abi(self, digester)
@ -521,9 +576,13 @@ impl<T: Serialize + IgnoreAsHelper> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
// inability of implementing AbiExample for private structs from other crates
impl<T: Serialize + IgnoreAsHelper + EvenAsOpaque> AbiEnumVisitor for &T {
default fn visit_for_abi(&self, digester: &mut AbiDigester) -> DigestResult {
info!("AbiEnumVisitor for (IgnoreAsOpaque): {}", type_name::<T>());
let top_scope = type_name::<T>().split("::").next().unwrap();
let type_name = type_name::<T>();
let matcher = T::TYPE_NAME_MATCHER;
"AbiEnumVisitor for (EvenAsOpaque): {}: matcher: {}",
type_name, matcher

View File

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ log = { workspace = true }
rand = { workspace = true }
rayon = { workspace = true }
serde = { workspace = true }
solana-frozen-abi = { workspace = true }
solana-frozen-abi-macro = { workspace = true }
solana-metrics = { workspace = true }
solana-rayon-threadlimit = { workspace = true }
solana-sdk = { workspace = true }
@ -40,6 +42,9 @@ rand_chacha = { workspace = true }
solana-logger = { workspace = true }
test-case = { workspace = true }
rustc_version = { workspace = true }
name = "sigverify"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
extern crate rustc_version;
use rustc_version::{version_meta, Channel};
fn main() {
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
@ -8,4 +11,27 @@ fn main() {
// Copied and adapted from
// https://github.com/Kimundi/rustc-version-rs/blob/1d692a965f4e48a8cb72e82cda953107c0d22f47/README.md#example
// Licensed under Apache-2.0 + MIT
match version_meta().unwrap().channel {
Channel::Stable => {
Channel::Beta => {
Channel::Nightly => {
Channel::Dev => {
// See https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/issues/11055
// We may be running the custom `rust-bpf-builder` toolchain,
// which currently needs `#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)]` to
// be applied.

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn unpin<T>(mem: *mut T) {
// A vector wrapper where the underlying memory can be
// page-pinned. Controlled by flags in case user only wants
// to pin in certain circumstances.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, AbiExample)]
pub struct PinnedVec<T: Default + Clone + Sized> {
x: Vec<T>,
pinned: bool,

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#![cfg_attr(RUSTC_WITH_SPECIALIZATION, feature(min_specialization))]
pub mod cuda_runtime;
pub mod data_budget;
pub mod deduper;
@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ extern crate assert_matches;
extern crate solana_metrics;
extern crate solana_frozen_abi_macro;
fn is_rosetta_emulated() -> bool {
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub const NUM_PACKETS: usize = 1024 * 8;
pub const PACKETS_PER_BATCH: usize = 64;
pub const NUM_RCVMMSGS: usize = 64;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, AbiExample)]
pub struct PacketBatch {
packets: PinnedVec<Packet>,

View File

@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ impl<T: Default> Default for RecyclerX<T> {
impl solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::AbiExample
for RecyclerX<crate::cuda_runtime::PinnedVec<solana_sdk::packet::Packet>>
fn example() -> Self {
pub trait Reset {
fn reset(&mut self);
fn warm(&mut self, size_hint: usize);

View File

@ -5201,7 +5201,10 @@ dependencies = [
"rand 0.8.5",

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, AbiExample)]
pub struct Meta {
pub size: usize,
@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ pub struct Meta {
pub flags: PacketFlags,
impl ::solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::AbiExample for PacketFlags {
fn example() -> Self {
impl ::solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::IgnoreAsHelper for PacketFlags {}
impl ::solana_frozen_abi::abi_example::EvenAsOpaque for PacketFlags {
const TYPE_NAME_MATCHER: &'static str = "::_::InternalBitFlags";
// serde_as is used as a work around because array isn't supported by serde
// (and serde_bytes).
@ -71,7 +86,7 @@ pub struct Meta {
// ryoqun's dirty experiments:
// https://github.com/ryoqun/serde-array-comparisons
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, AbiExample)]
pub struct Packet {
// Bytes past Packet.meta.size are not valid to read from.