* Update `@solana/eslint-config-solana`
* [web3.js][experimental] Add Watchman config to ignore `dist` and `node_modules` folders
* [web3.js][experimental] Install Jest
* [web3.js][experimental] Configure Jest to lint, format, and test code
* [web3.js][experimental] Add a typecheck step
* [web3.js][experimental] Add fake tests and fake implementation to exercise the build infra
* [web3.js][experimental] Repair build paths and add package.json `exports` field for CommonJS/ESM compatibility
* [web3.js][experimental] Add package.json entries for common JavaScript CDNs
* [web3.js][experimental] Exclude source files from npm bundle
* Enable remote cache for Turborepo
* Rename `build` to `compile` and `package` to `build`
* Add a workflow that builds on PRs and pushes with Turborepo
* Explain how to connect to Turborepo remote caching
* Upgrade to pnpm 7