extern crate solana_core; use log::*; use serial_test_derive::serial; use solana_core::{ bank_forks::SnapshotConfig, blocktree::Blocktree, broadcast_stage::BroadcastStageType, gossip_service::discover_cluster, snapshot_utils, validator::ValidatorConfig, }; use solana_local_cluster::cluster::Cluster; use solana_local_cluster::{ cluster_tests, local_cluster::{ClusterConfig, LocalCluster}, }; use solana_runtime::{ accounts_db::AccountsDB, epoch_schedule::{EpochSchedule, MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH}, }; use solana_sdk::{client::SyncClient, clock, poh_config::PohConfig}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fs, thread::sleep, time::Duration, }; use tempfile::TempDir; #[test] #[serial] #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[ignore] fn test_ledger_cleanup_service() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_ledger_cleanup_service"); let num_nodes = 3; let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); validator_config.max_ledger_slots = Some(100); let config = ClusterConfig { cluster_lamports: 10_000, poh_config: PohConfig::new_sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)), node_stakes: vec![100; num_nodes], validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone(); num_nodes], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); // 200ms/per * 100 = 20 seconds, so sleep a little longer than that. sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, num_nodes, HashSet::new(), ); cluster.close_preserve_ledgers(); //check everyone's ledgers and make sure only ~100 slots are stored for (_, info) in &cluster.fullnode_infos { let mut slots = 0; let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&info.info.ledger_path).unwrap(); blocktree .slot_meta_iterator(0) .unwrap() .for_each(|_| slots += 1); // with 3 nodes upto 3 slots can be in progress and not complete so max slots in blocktree should be upto 103 assert!(slots <= 103, "got {}", slots); } } #[test] #[serial] fn test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_1() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_1"); let num_nodes = 1; let local = LocalCluster::new_with_equal_stakes(num_nodes, 10_000, 100); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &local.entry_point_info, &local.funding_keypair, num_nodes, HashSet::new(), ); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_2() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_2"); let num_nodes = 2; let local = LocalCluster::new_with_equal_stakes(num_nodes, 10_000, 100); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &local.entry_point_info, &local.funding_keypair, num_nodes, HashSet::new(), ); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_3() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_3"); let num_nodes = 3; let local = LocalCluster::new_with_equal_stakes(num_nodes, 10_000, 100); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &local.entry_point_info, &local.funding_keypair, num_nodes, HashSet::new(), ); } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] #[ignore] fn test_spend_and_verify_all_nodes_env_num_nodes() { solana_logger::setup(); let num_nodes: usize = std::env::var("NUM_NODES") .expect("please set environment variable NUM_NODES") .parse() .expect("could not parse NUM_NODES as a number"); let local = LocalCluster::new_with_equal_stakes(num_nodes, 10_000, 100); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &local.entry_point_info, &local.funding_keypair, num_nodes, HashSet::new(), ); } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] #[should_panic] fn test_fullnode_exit_default_config_should_panic() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_fullnode_exit_default_config_should_panic"); let num_nodes = 2; let local = LocalCluster::new_with_equal_stakes(num_nodes, 10_000, 100); cluster_tests::fullnode_exit(&local.entry_point_info, num_nodes); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_fullnode_exit_2() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_fullnode_exit_2"); let num_nodes = 2; let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); validator_config.rpc_config.enable_fullnode_exit = true; let config = ClusterConfig { cluster_lamports: 10_000, node_stakes: vec![100; num_nodes], validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone(); num_nodes], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let local = LocalCluster::new(&config); cluster_tests::fullnode_exit(&local.entry_point_info, num_nodes); } // Cluster needs a supermajority to remain, so the minimum size for this test is 4 #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] #[ignore] fn test_leader_failure_4() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_leader_failure_4"); let num_nodes = 4; let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); validator_config.rpc_config.enable_fullnode_exit = true; let config = ClusterConfig { cluster_lamports: 10_000, node_stakes: vec![100; 4], validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone(); num_nodes], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let local = LocalCluster::new(&config); cluster_tests::kill_entry_and_spend_and_verify_rest( &local.entry_point_info, &local.funding_keypair, num_nodes, config.ticks_per_slot * config.poh_config.target_tick_duration.as_millis() as u64, ); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_two_unbalanced_stakes() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_two_unbalanced_stakes"); let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); let num_ticks_per_second = 100; let num_ticks_per_slot = 10; let num_slots_per_epoch = MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH as u64; validator_config.rpc_config.enable_fullnode_exit = true; let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![999_990, 3], cluster_lamports: 1_000_000, validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone(); 2], ticks_per_slot: num_ticks_per_slot, slots_per_epoch: num_slots_per_epoch, poh_config: PohConfig::new_sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000 / num_ticks_per_second)), ..ClusterConfig::default() }); cluster_tests::sleep_n_epochs( 10.0, &cluster.genesis_block.poh_config, num_ticks_per_slot, num_slots_per_epoch, ); cluster.close_preserve_ledgers(); let leader_pubkey = cluster.entry_point_info.id; let leader_ledger = cluster.fullnode_infos[&leader_pubkey] .info .ledger_path .clone(); cluster_tests::verify_ledger_ticks(&leader_ledger, num_ticks_per_slot as usize); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_forwarding() { // Set up a cluster where one node is never the leader, so all txs sent to this node // will be have to be forwarded in order to be confirmed let config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![999_990, 3], cluster_lamports: 2_000_000, validator_configs: vec![ValidatorConfig::default(); 3], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); let (cluster_nodes, _) = discover_cluster(&cluster.entry_point_info.gossip, 2).unwrap(); assert!(cluster_nodes.len() >= 2); let leader_pubkey = cluster.entry_point_info.id; let validator_info = cluster_nodes .iter() .find(|c| c.id != leader_pubkey) .unwrap(); // Confirm that transactions were forwarded to and processed by the leader. cluster_tests::send_many_transactions(&validator_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, 10, 20); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_restart_node() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_restart_node"); let slots_per_epoch = MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH as u64; let ticks_per_slot = 16; let validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![3], cluster_lamports: 100, validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone()], ticks_per_slot, slots_per_epoch, ..ClusterConfig::default() }); let nodes = cluster.get_node_pubkeys(); cluster_tests::sleep_n_epochs( 1.0, &cluster.genesis_block.poh_config, clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT, slots_per_epoch, ); cluster.exit_restart_node(&nodes[0], validator_config); cluster_tests::sleep_n_epochs( 0.5, &cluster.genesis_block.poh_config, clock::DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT, slots_per_epoch, ); cluster_tests::send_many_transactions( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, 10, 1, ); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_listener_startup() { let config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![100; 1], cluster_lamports: 1_000, num_listeners: 3, validator_configs: vec![ValidatorConfig::default(); 1], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); let (cluster_nodes, _) = discover_cluster(&cluster.entry_point_info.gossip, 4).unwrap(); assert_eq!(cluster_nodes.len(), 4); } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] fn test_snapshot_restart_locktower() { // First set up the cluster with 2 nodes let snapshot_interval_slots = 10; let num_account_paths = 4; let leader_snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let validator_snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![10000, 10], cluster_lamports: 100000, validator_configs: vec![ leader_snapshot_test_config.validator_config.clone(), validator_snapshot_test_config.validator_config.clone(), ], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); // Let the nodes run for a while, then stop one of the validators sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); let all_pubkeys = cluster.get_node_pubkeys(); let validator_id = all_pubkeys .into_iter() .find(|x| *x != cluster.entry_point_info.id) .unwrap(); let validator_info = cluster.exit_node(&validator_id); // Get slot after which this was generated let snapshot_package_output_path = &leader_snapshot_test_config .validator_config .snapshot_config .as_ref() .unwrap() .snapshot_package_output_path; let tar = snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_tar_path(&snapshot_package_output_path); wait_for_next_snapshot(&cluster, &tar); // Copy tar to validator's snapshot output directory let validator_tar_path = snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_tar_path(&validator_snapshot_test_config.snapshot_output_path); fs::hard_link(tar, &validator_tar_path).unwrap(); // Restart validator from snapshot, the validator's locktower state in this snapshot // will contain slots < the root bank of the snapshot. Validator should not panic. cluster.restart_node(&validator_id, validator_info); // Test cluster can still make progress and get confirmations in locktower cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, 1, HashSet::new(), ); } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] fn test_snapshots_blocktree_floor() { // First set up the cluster with 1 snapshotting leader let snapshot_interval_slots = 10; let num_account_paths = 4; let leader_snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let validator_snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let snapshot_package_output_path = &leader_snapshot_test_config .validator_config .snapshot_config .as_ref() .unwrap() .snapshot_package_output_path; let config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![10000], cluster_lamports: 100000, validator_configs: vec![leader_snapshot_test_config.validator_config.clone()], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); trace!("Waiting for snapshot tar to be generated with slot",); let tar = snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_tar_path(&snapshot_package_output_path); loop { if tar.exists() { trace!("snapshot tar exists"); break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); } // Copy tar to validator's snapshot output directory let validator_tar_path = snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_tar_path(&validator_snapshot_test_config.snapshot_output_path); fs::hard_link(tar, &validator_tar_path).unwrap(); let slot_floor = snapshot_utils::bank_slot_from_archive(&validator_tar_path).unwrap(); // Start up a new node from a snapshot let validator_stake = 5; cluster.add_validator( &validator_snapshot_test_config.validator_config, validator_stake, ); let all_pubkeys = cluster.get_node_pubkeys(); let validator_id = all_pubkeys .into_iter() .find(|x| *x != cluster.entry_point_info.id) .unwrap(); let validator_client = cluster.get_validator_client(&validator_id).unwrap(); let mut current_slot = 0; // Let this validator run a while with repair let target_slot = slot_floor + 40; while current_slot <= target_slot { trace!("current_slot: {}", current_slot); if let Ok(slot) = validator_client.get_slot() { current_slot = slot; } else { continue; } sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } // Check the validator ledger doesn't contain any slots < slot_floor cluster.close_preserve_ledgers(); let validator_ledger_path = &cluster.fullnode_infos[&validator_id]; let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&validator_ledger_path.info.ledger_path).unwrap(); // Skip the zeroth slot in blocktree that the ledger is initialized with let (first_slot, _) = blocktree.slot_meta_iterator(1).unwrap().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(first_slot, slot_floor); } #[test] #[serial] fn test_snapshots_restart_validity() { solana_logger::setup(); let snapshot_interval_slots = 10; let num_account_paths = 4; let mut snapshot_test_config = setup_snapshot_validator_config(snapshot_interval_slots, num_account_paths); let snapshot_package_output_path = &snapshot_test_config .validator_config .snapshot_config .as_ref() .unwrap() .snapshot_package_output_path; // Set up the cluster with 1 snapshotting validator let mut all_account_storage_dirs = vec![vec![]]; std::mem::swap( &mut all_account_storage_dirs[0], &mut snapshot_test_config.account_storage_dirs, ); let config = ClusterConfig { node_stakes: vec![10000], cluster_lamports: 100000, validator_configs: vec![snapshot_test_config.validator_config.clone()], ..ClusterConfig::default() }; // Create and reboot the node from snapshot `num_runs` times let num_runs = 3; let mut expected_balances = HashMap::new(); let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&config); for i in 1..num_runs { info!("run {}", i); // Push transactions to one of the nodes and confirm that transactions were // forwarded to and processed. trace!("Sending transactions"); let new_balances = cluster_tests::send_many_transactions( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, 10, 10, ); expected_balances.extend(new_balances); let tar = snapshot_utils::get_snapshot_tar_path(&snapshot_package_output_path); wait_for_next_snapshot(&cluster, &tar); // Create new account paths since fullnode exit is not guaranteed to cleanup RPC threads, // which may delete the old accounts on exit at any point let (new_account_storage_dirs, new_account_storage_paths) = generate_account_paths(num_account_paths); all_account_storage_dirs.push(new_account_storage_dirs); snapshot_test_config.validator_config.account_paths = Some(new_account_storage_paths); // Restart node trace!("Restarting cluster from snapshot"); let nodes = cluster.get_node_pubkeys(); cluster.exit_restart_node(&nodes[0], snapshot_test_config.validator_config.clone()); // Verify account balances on validator trace!("Verifying balances"); cluster_tests::verify_balances(expected_balances.clone(), &cluster.entry_point_info); // Check that we can still push transactions trace!("Spending and verifying"); cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, 1, HashSet::new(), ); } } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] #[ignore] fn test_fail_entry_verification_leader() { test_faulty_node(BroadcastStageType::FailEntryVerification); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_fake_blobs_broadcast_leader() { test_faulty_node(BroadcastStageType::BroadcastFakeBlobs); } fn test_faulty_node(faulty_node_type: BroadcastStageType) { solana_logger::setup(); let num_nodes = 4; let validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); let mut error_validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); error_validator_config.broadcast_stage_type = faulty_node_type.clone(); let mut validator_configs = vec![validator_config; num_nodes - 1]; validator_configs.push(error_validator_config); let mut node_stakes = vec![100; num_nodes - 1]; node_stakes.push(50); let cluster_config = ClusterConfig { cluster_lamports: 10_000, node_stakes, validator_configs: validator_configs, slots_per_epoch: MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 2 as u64, stakers_slot_offset: MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 2 as u64, ..ClusterConfig::default() }; let cluster = LocalCluster::new(&cluster_config); let epoch_schedule = EpochSchedule::new( cluster_config.slots_per_epoch, cluster_config.stakers_slot_offset, true, ); let num_warmup_epochs = epoch_schedule.get_stakers_epoch(0) + 1; // Wait for the corrupted leader to be scheduled afer the warmup epochs expire cluster_tests::sleep_n_epochs( (num_warmup_epochs + 1) as f64, &cluster.genesis_block.poh_config, cluster_config.ticks_per_slot, cluster_config.slots_per_epoch, ); let corrupt_node = cluster .fullnode_infos .iter() .find(|(_, v)| v.config.broadcast_stage_type == faulty_node_type) .unwrap() .0; let mut ignore = HashSet::new(); ignore.insert(*corrupt_node); // Verify that we can still spend and verify even in the presence of corrupt nodes cluster_tests::spend_and_verify_all_nodes( &cluster.entry_point_info, &cluster.funding_keypair, num_nodes, ignore, ); } #[allow(unused_attributes)] #[test] #[serial] #[ignore] fn test_repairman_catchup() { solana_logger::setup(); error!("test_repairman_catchup"); run_repairman_catchup(3); } fn run_repairman_catchup(num_repairmen: u64) { let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); let num_ticks_per_second = 100; let num_ticks_per_slot = 40; let num_slots_per_epoch = MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH as u64; let num_root_buffer_slots = 10; // Calculate the leader schedule num_root_buffer_slots ahead. Otherwise, if stakers_slot_offset == // num_slots_per_epoch, and num_slots_per_epoch == MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, then repairmen // will stop sending repairs after the last slot in epoch 1 (0-indexed), because the root // is at most in the first epoch. // // For example: // Assume: // 1) num_slots_per_epoch = 32 // 2) stakers_slot_offset = 32 // 3) MINIMUM_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 32 // // Then the last slot in epoch 1 is slot 63. After completing slots 0 to 63, the root on the // repairee is at most 31. Because, the stakers_slot_offset == 32, then the max confirmed epoch // on the repairee is epoch 1. // Thus the repairmen won't send any slots past epoch 1, slot 63 to this repairee until the repairee // updates their root, and the repairee can't update their root until they get slot 64, so no progress // is made. This is also not accounting for the fact that the repairee may not vote on every slot, so // their root could actually be much less than 31. This is why we give a num_root_buffer_slots buffer. let stakers_slot_offset = num_slots_per_epoch + num_root_buffer_slots; validator_config.rpc_config.enable_fullnode_exit = true; let lamports_per_repairman = 1000; // Make the repairee_stake small relative to the repairmen stake so that the repairee doesn't // get included in the leader schedule, causing slots to get skipped while it's still trying // to catch up let repairee_stake = 3; let cluster_lamports = 2 * lamports_per_repairman * num_repairmen + repairee_stake; let node_stakes: Vec<_> = (0..num_repairmen).map(|_| lamports_per_repairman).collect(); let mut cluster = LocalCluster::new(&ClusterConfig { node_stakes, cluster_lamports, validator_configs: vec![validator_config.clone(); num_repairmen as usize], ticks_per_slot: num_ticks_per_slot, slots_per_epoch: num_slots_per_epoch, stakers_slot_offset, poh_config: PohConfig::new_sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000 / num_ticks_per_second)), ..ClusterConfig::default() }); let repairman_pubkeys: HashSet<_> = cluster.get_node_pubkeys().into_iter().collect(); let epoch_schedule = EpochSchedule::new(num_slots_per_epoch, stakers_slot_offset, true); let num_warmup_epochs = epoch_schedule.get_stakers_epoch(0) + 1; // Sleep for longer than the first N warmup epochs, with a one epoch buffer for timing issues cluster_tests::sleep_n_epochs( num_warmup_epochs as f64 + 1.0, &cluster.genesis_block.poh_config, num_ticks_per_slot, num_slots_per_epoch, ); // Start up a new node, wait for catchup. Backwards repair won't be sufficient because the // leader is sending blobs past this validator's first two confirmed epochs. Thus, the repairman // protocol will have to kick in for this validator to repair. cluster.add_validator(&validator_config, repairee_stake); let all_pubkeys = cluster.get_node_pubkeys(); let repairee_id = all_pubkeys .into_iter() .find(|x| !repairman_pubkeys.contains(x)) .unwrap(); // Wait for repairman protocol to catch this validator up let repairee_client = cluster.get_validator_client(&repairee_id).unwrap(); let mut current_slot = 0; // Make sure this validator can get repaired past the first few warmup epochs let target_slot = (num_warmup_epochs) * num_slots_per_epoch + 1; while current_slot <= target_slot { trace!("current_slot: {}", current_slot); if let Ok(slot) = repairee_client.get_slot() { current_slot = slot; } else { continue; } sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } } fn wait_for_next_snapshot>(cluster: &LocalCluster, tar: P) { // Get slot after which this was generated let client = cluster .get_validator_client(&cluster.entry_point_info.id) .unwrap(); let last_slot = client.get_slot().expect("Couldn't get slot"); // Wait for a snapshot for a bank >= last_slot to be made so we know that the snapshot // must include the transactions just pushed trace!( "Waiting for snapshot tar to be generated with slot > {}", last_slot ); loop { if tar.as_ref().exists() { trace!("snapshot tar exists"); let slot = snapshot_utils::bank_slot_from_archive(&tar).unwrap(); if slot >= last_slot { break; } trace!("snapshot tar slot {} < last_slot {}", slot, last_slot); } sleep(Duration::from_millis(5000)); } } fn generate_account_paths(num_account_paths: usize) -> (Vec, String) { let account_storage_dirs: Vec = (0..num_account_paths) .map(|_| TempDir::new().unwrap()) .collect(); let account_storage_paths: Vec<_> = account_storage_dirs .iter() .map(|a| a.path().to_str().unwrap().to_string()) .collect(); let account_storage_paths = AccountsDB::format_paths(account_storage_paths); (account_storage_dirs, account_storage_paths) } struct SnapshotValidatorConfig { _snapshot_dir: TempDir, snapshot_output_path: TempDir, account_storage_dirs: Vec, validator_config: ValidatorConfig, } fn setup_snapshot_validator_config( snapshot_interval_slots: usize, num_account_paths: usize, ) -> SnapshotValidatorConfig { // Create the snapshot config let snapshot_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let snapshot_output_path = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let snapshot_config = SnapshotConfig { snapshot_interval_slots, snapshot_package_output_path: PathBuf::from(snapshot_output_path.path()), snapshot_path: PathBuf::from(snapshot_dir.path()), }; // Create the account paths let (account_storage_dirs, account_storage_paths) = generate_account_paths(num_account_paths); // Create the validator config let mut validator_config = ValidatorConfig::default(); validator_config.rpc_config.enable_fullnode_exit = true; validator_config.snapshot_config = Some(snapshot_config); validator_config.account_paths = Some(account_storage_paths); SnapshotValidatorConfig { _snapshot_dir: snapshot_dir, snapshot_output_path, account_storage_dirs, validator_config, } }