use { crate::{ bucket::Bucket, bucket_storage::{BucketStorage, Uid}, RefCount, }, solana_sdk::{clock::Slot, pubkey::Pubkey}, std::{ collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, fmt::Debug, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, }, }; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] // one instance of this per item in the index // stored in the index bucket pub struct IndexEntry { pub key: Pubkey, // can this be smaller if we have reduced the keys into buckets already? pub ref_count: RefCount, // can this be smaller? Do we ever need more than 4B refcounts? storage_offset: u64, // smaller? since these are variably sized, this could get tricky. well, actually accountinfo is not variable sized... // if the bucket doubled, the index can be recomputed using create_bucket_capacity_pow2 storage_capacity_when_created_pow2: u8, // see data_location pub num_slots: Slot, // can this be smaller? epoch size should ~ be the max len. this is the num elements in the slot list } impl IndexEntry { pub fn init(&mut self, pubkey: &Pubkey) { self.key = *pubkey; self.ref_count = 0; self.storage_offset = 0; self.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2 = 0; self.num_slots = 0; } pub fn set_storage_capacity_when_created_pow2( &mut self, storage_capacity_when_created_pow2: u8, ) { self.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2 = storage_capacity_when_created_pow2; } pub fn set_storage_offset(&mut self, storage_offset: u64) { self.storage_offset = storage_offset; } pub fn data_bucket_from_num_slots(num_slots: Slot) -> u64 { (num_slots as f64).log2().ceil() as u64 // use int log here? } pub fn data_bucket_ix(&self) -> u64 { Self::data_bucket_from_num_slots(self.num_slots) } pub fn ref_count(&self) -> RefCount { self.ref_count } // This function maps the original data location into an index in the current bucket storage. // This is coupled with how we resize bucket storages. pub fn data_loc(&self, storage: &BucketStorage) -> u64 { self.storage_offset << (storage.capacity_pow2 - self.storage_capacity_when_created_pow2) } pub fn read_value<'a, T>(&self, bucket: &'a Bucket) -> Option<(&'a [T], RefCount)> { let data_bucket_ix = self.data_bucket_ix(); let data_bucket = &[data_bucket_ix as usize]; let slice = if self.num_slots > 0 { let loc = self.data_loc(data_bucket); let uid = Self::key_uid(&self.key); assert_eq!(Some(uid),[data_bucket_ix as usize].uid(loc));[data_bucket_ix as usize].get_cell_slice(loc, self.num_slots) } else { // num_slots is 0. This means we don't have an actual allocation. // can we trust that the data_bucket is even safe?[data_bucket_ix as usize].get_empty_cell_slice() }; Some((slice, self.ref_count)) } pub fn key_uid(key: &Pubkey) -> Uid { let mut s = DefaultHasher::new(); key.hash(&mut s); s.finish().max(1u64) } }