use { bincode::{serialize, Error}, lru::LruCache, rand::{AsByteSliceMut, CryptoRng, Rng}, serde::Serialize, solana_sdk::{ hash::{self, Hash}, pubkey::Pubkey, sanitize::{Sanitize, SanitizeError}, signature::{Keypair, Signable, Signature, Signer}, }, std::{ borrow::Cow, net::SocketAddr, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, }; const PING_PONG_HASH_PREFIX: &[u8] = "SOLANA_PING_PONG".as_bytes(); #[derive(AbiExample, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Ping { from: Pubkey, token: T, signature: Signature, } #[derive(AbiExample, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Pong { from: Pubkey, hash: Hash, // Hash of received ping token. signature: Signature, } /// Maintains records of remote nodes which have returned a valid response to a /// ping message, and on-the-fly ping messages pending a pong response from the /// remote node. pub struct PingCache { // Time-to-live of received pong messages. ttl: Duration, // Rate limit delay to generate pings for a given address rate_limit_delay: Duration, // Timestamp of last ping message sent to a remote node. // Used to rate limit pings to remote nodes. pings: LruCache<(Pubkey, SocketAddr), Instant>, // Verified pong responses from remote nodes. pongs: LruCache<(Pubkey, SocketAddr), Instant>, // Hash of ping tokens sent out to remote nodes, // pending a pong response back. pending_cache: LruCache, } impl Ping { pub fn new(token: T, keypair: &Keypair) -> Result { let signature = keypair.sign_message(&serialize(&token)?); let ping = Ping { from: keypair.pubkey(), token, signature, }; Ok(ping) } } impl Ping where T: Serialize + AsByteSliceMut + Default, { pub fn new_rand(rng: &mut R, keypair: &Keypair) -> Result where R: Rng + CryptoRng, { let mut token = T::default(); rng.fill(&mut token); Ping::new(token, keypair) } } impl Sanitize for Ping { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { self.from.sanitize()?; // TODO Add self.token.sanitize()?; when rust's // specialization feature becomes stable. self.signature.sanitize() } } impl Signable for Ping { fn pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.from } fn signable_data(&self) -> Cow<[u8]> { Cow::Owned(serialize(&self.token).unwrap()) } fn get_signature(&self) -> Signature { self.signature } fn set_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature) { self.signature = signature; } } impl Pong { pub fn new(ping: &Ping, keypair: &Keypair) -> Result { let token = serialize(&ping.token)?; let hash = hash::hashv(&[PING_PONG_HASH_PREFIX, &token]); let pong = Pong { from: keypair.pubkey(), hash, signature: keypair.sign_message(hash.as_ref()), }; Ok(pong) } pub fn from(&self) -> &Pubkey { &self.from } } impl Sanitize for Pong { fn sanitize(&self) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { self.from.sanitize()?; self.hash.sanitize()?; self.signature.sanitize() } } impl Signable for Pong { fn pubkey(&self) -> Pubkey { self.from } fn signable_data(&self) -> Cow<[u8]> { Cow::Owned(self.hash.as_ref().into()) } fn get_signature(&self) -> Signature { self.signature } fn set_signature(&mut self, signature: Signature) { self.signature = signature; } } impl PingCache { pub fn new(ttl: Duration, rate_limit_delay: Duration, cap: usize) -> Self { // Sanity check ttl/rate_limit_delay assert!(rate_limit_delay <= ttl / 2); Self { ttl, rate_limit_delay, pings: LruCache::new(cap), pongs: LruCache::new(cap), pending_cache: LruCache::new(cap), } } /// Checks if the pong hash, pubkey and socket match a ping message sent /// out previously. If so records current timestamp for the remote node and /// returns true. /// Note: Does not verify the signature. pub fn add(&mut self, pong: &Pong, socket: SocketAddr, now: Instant) -> bool { let node = (pong.pubkey(), socket); match self.pending_cache.peek(&pong.hash) { Some(value) if *value == node => { self.pings.pop(&node); self.pongs.put(node, now); self.pending_cache.pop(&pong.hash); true } _ => false, } } /// Checks if the remote node has been pinged recently. If not, calls the /// given function to generates a new ping message, records current /// timestamp and hash of ping token, and returns the ping message. fn maybe_ping( &mut self, now: Instant, node: (Pubkey, SocketAddr), mut pingf: F, ) -> Option> where T: Serialize, F: FnMut() -> Option>, { match self.pings.peek(&node) { // Rate limit consecutive pings sent to a remote node. Some(t) if now.saturating_duration_since(*t) < self.rate_limit_delay => None, _ => { let ping = pingf()?; let token = serialize(&ping.token).ok()?; let hash = hash::hashv(&[PING_PONG_HASH_PREFIX, &token]); self.pending_cache.put(hash, node); self.pings.put(node, now); Some(ping) } } } /// Returns true if the remote node has responded to a ping message. /// Removes expired pong messages. In order to extend verifications before /// expiration, if the pong message is not too recent, and the node has not /// been pinged recently, calls the given function to generates a new ping /// message, records current timestamp and hash of ping token, and returns /// the ping message. /// Caller should verify if the socket address is valid. (e.g. by using /// ContactInfo::is_valid_address). pub fn check( &mut self, now: Instant, node: (Pubkey, SocketAddr), pingf: F, ) -> (bool, Option>) where T: Serialize, F: FnMut() -> Option>, { let (check, should_ping) = match self.pongs.get(&node) { None => (false, true), Some(t) => { let age = now.saturating_duration_since(*t); // Pop if the pong message has expired. if age > self.ttl { self.pongs.pop(&node); } // If the pong message is not too recent, generate a new ping // message to extend remote node verification. (true, age > self.ttl / 8) } }; let ping = if should_ping { self.maybe_ping(now, node, pingf) } else { None }; (check, ping) } /// Only for tests and simulations. pub fn mock_pong(&mut self, node: Pubkey, socket: SocketAddr, now: Instant) { self.pongs.put((node, socket), now); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { super::*, std::{ collections::HashSet, iter::repeat_with, net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4}, }, }; type Token = [u8; 32]; #[test] fn test_ping_pong() { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let ping = Ping::::new_rand(&mut rng, &keypair).unwrap(); assert!(ping.verify()); assert!(ping.sanitize().is_ok()); let pong = Pong::new(&ping, &keypair).unwrap(); assert!(pong.verify()); assert!(pong.sanitize().is_ok()); assert_eq!( hash::hashv(&[PING_PONG_HASH_PREFIX, &ping.token]), pong.hash ); } #[test] fn test_ping_cache() { let now = Instant::now(); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let ttl = Duration::from_millis(256); let delay = ttl / 64; let mut cache = PingCache::new(ttl, delay, /*cap=*/ 1000); let this_node = Keypair::new(); let keypairs: Vec<_> = repeat_with(Keypair::new).take(8).collect(); let sockets: Vec<_> = repeat_with(|| { SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new( Ipv4Addr::new(rng.gen(), rng.gen(), rng.gen(), rng.gen()), rng.gen(), )) }) .take(8) .collect(); let remote_nodes: Vec<(&Keypair, SocketAddr)> = repeat_with(|| { let keypair = &keypairs[rng.gen_range(0, keypairs.len())]; let socket = sockets[rng.gen_range(0, sockets.len())]; (keypair, socket) }) .take(128) .collect(); // Initially all checks should fail. The first observation of each node // should create a ping packet. let mut seen_nodes = HashSet::<(Pubkey, SocketAddr)>::new(); let pings: Vec>> = remote_nodes .iter() .map(|(keypair, socket)| { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let pingf = || Ping::::new_rand(&mut rng, &this_node).ok(); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, pingf); assert!(!check); assert_eq!(seen_nodes.insert(node), ping.is_some()); ping }) .collect(); let now = now + Duration::from_millis(1); let panic_ping = || -> Option> { panic!("this should not happen!") }; for ((keypair, socket), ping) in remote_nodes.iter().zip(&pings) { match ping { None => { // Already have a recent ping packets for nodes, so no new // ping packet will be generated. let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, panic_ping); assert!(check); assert!(ping.is_none()); } Some(ping) => { let pong = Pong::new(ping, keypair).unwrap(); assert!(cache.add(&pong, *socket, now)); } } } let now = now + Duration::from_millis(1); // All nodes now have a recent pong packet. for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, panic_ping); assert!(check); assert!(ping.is_none()); } let now = now + ttl / 8; // All nodes still have a valid pong packet, but the cache will create // a new ping packet to extend verification. seen_nodes.clear(); for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let pingf = || Ping::::new_rand(&mut rng, &this_node).ok(); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, pingf); assert!(check); assert_eq!(seen_nodes.insert(node), ping.is_some()); } let now = now + Duration::from_millis(1); // All nodes still have a valid pong packet, and a very recent ping // packet pending response. So no new ping packet will be created. for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, panic_ping); assert!(check); assert!(ping.is_none()); } let now = now + ttl; // Pong packets are still valid but expired. The first observation of // each node will remove the pong packet from cache and create a new // ping packet. seen_nodes.clear(); for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let pingf = || Ping::::new_rand(&mut rng, &this_node).ok(); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, pingf); if seen_nodes.insert(node) { assert!(check); assert!(ping.is_some()); } else { assert!(!check); assert!(ping.is_none()); } } let now = now + Duration::from_millis(1); // No valid pong packet in the cache. A recent ping packet already // created, so no new one will be created. for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, panic_ping); assert!(!check); assert!(ping.is_none()); } let now = now + ttl / 64; // No valid pong packet in the cache. Another ping packet will be // created for the first observation of each node. seen_nodes.clear(); for (keypair, socket) in &remote_nodes { let node = (keypair.pubkey(), *socket); let pingf = || Ping::::new_rand(&mut rng, &this_node).ok(); let (check, ping) = cache.check(now, node, pingf); assert!(!check); assert_eq!(seen_nodes.insert(node), ping.is_some()); } } }