use crate::native_loader; use crate::system_instruction_processor; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use solana_sdk::account::{create_keyed_readonly_accounts, Account, KeyedAccount}; use solana_sdk::instruction::{CompiledInstruction, InstructionError}; use solana_sdk::instruction_processor_utils; use solana_sdk::loader_instruction::LoaderInstruction; use solana_sdk::message::Message; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use solana_sdk::system_program; use solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Write; use std::sync::RwLock; #[cfg(unix)] use libloading::os::unix::*; #[cfg(windows)] use libloading::os::windows::*; /// Return true if the slice has any duplicate elements pub fn has_duplicates(xs: &[T]) -> bool { // Note: This is an O(n^2) algorithm, but requires no heap allocations. The benchmark // `bench_has_duplicates` in benches/ shows that this implementation is // ~50 times faster than using HashSet for very short slices. for i in 1..xs.len() { if xs[i..].contains(&xs[i - 1]) { return true; } } false } /// Get mut references to a subset of elements. fn get_subset_unchecked_mut<'a, T>( xs: &'a mut [T], indexes: &[u8], ) -> Result, InstructionError> { // Since the compiler doesn't know the indexes are unique, dereferencing // multiple mut elements is assumed to be unsafe. If, however, all // indexes are unique, it's perfectly safe. The returned elements will share // the liftime of the input slice. // Make certain there are no duplicate indexes. If there are, return an error // because we can't return multiple mut references to the same element. if has_duplicates(indexes) { return Err(InstructionError::DuplicateAccountIndex); } Ok(indexes .iter() .map(|i| { let ptr = &mut xs[*i as usize] as *mut T; unsafe { &mut *ptr } }) .collect()) } pub fn verify_instruction( is_writable: bool, program_id: &Pubkey, pre: &Account, post: &Account, ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { // Verify the transaction // Only the owner of the account may change owner and // only if the account is writable and // only if the data is zero-initialized or empty if pre.owner != post.owner && (!is_writable // line coverage used to get branch coverage || *program_id != pre.owner // line coverage used to get branch coverage || !is_zeroed(& { return Err(InstructionError::ModifiedProgramId); } // An account not assigned to the program cannot have its balance decrease. if *program_id != pre.owner // line coverage used to get branch coverage && pre.lamports > post.lamports { return Err(InstructionError::ExternalAccountLamportSpend); } // The balance of read-only accounts may not change. if !is_writable // line coverage used to get branch coverage && pre.lamports != post.lamports { return Err(InstructionError::ReadonlyLamportChange); } // Only the system program can change the size of the data // and only if the system program owns the account if != && (!system_program::check_id(program_id) // line coverage used to get branch coverage || !system_program::check_id(&pre.owner)) { return Err(InstructionError::AccountDataSizeChanged); } enum DataChanged { Unchecked, Checked(bool), }; // Verify data, remember answer because comparing // a megabyte costs us multiple microseconds... let mut data_changed = DataChanged::Unchecked; let mut data_changed = || -> bool { match data_changed { DataChanged::Unchecked => { let changed = !=; data_changed = DataChanged::Checked(changed); changed } DataChanged::Checked(changed) => changed, } }; // For accounts not assigned to the program, the data may not change. if *program_id != pre.owner // line coverage used to get branch coverage && data_changed() { return Err(InstructionError::ExternalAccountDataModified); } // Read-only account data may not change. if !is_writable // line coverage used to get branch coverage && data_changed() { return Err(InstructionError::ReadonlyDataModified); } // executable is one-way (false->true) and only the account owner may set it. if pre.executable != post.executable && (!is_writable // line coverage used to get branch coverage || pre.executable // line coverage used to get branch coverage || *program_id != pre.owner) { return Err(InstructionError::ExecutableModified); } // No one modifies rent_epoch (yet). if pre.rent_epoch != post.rent_epoch { return Err(InstructionError::RentEpochModified); } Ok(()) } /// Return instruction data to pass to process_instruction(). /// When a loader is detected, the instruction data is wrapped with a LoaderInstruction /// to signal to the loader that the instruction data should be used as arguments when /// invoking a "main()" function. fn get_loader_instruction_data<'a>( loaders: &[(Pubkey, Account)], ix_data: &'a [u8], loader_ix_data: &'a mut Vec, ) -> &'a [u8] { if loaders.len() > 1 { let ix = LoaderInstruction::InvokeMain { data: ix_data.to_vec(), }; let ix_data = bincode::serialize(&ix).unwrap(); loader_ix_data.write_all(&ix_data).unwrap(); loader_ix_data } else { ix_data } } pub type ProcessInstruction = fn(&Pubkey, &mut [KeyedAccount], &[u8]) -> Result<(), InstructionError>; pub type SymbolCache = RwLock, Symbol>>; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct MessageProcessor { #[serde(skip)] instruction_processors: Vec<(Pubkey, ProcessInstruction)>, #[serde(skip)] symbol_cache: SymbolCache, } impl Default for MessageProcessor { fn default() -> Self { let instruction_processors: Vec<(Pubkey, ProcessInstruction)> = vec![( system_program::id(), system_instruction_processor::process_instruction, )]; Self { instruction_processors, symbol_cache: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), } } } impl MessageProcessor { /// Add a static entrypoint to intercept instructions before the dynamic loader. pub fn add_instruction_processor( &mut self, program_id: Pubkey, process_instruction: ProcessInstruction, ) { self.instruction_processors .push((program_id, process_instruction)); } /// Process an instruction /// This method calls the instruction's program entrypoint method fn process_instruction( &self, message: &Message, instruction: &CompiledInstruction, executable_accounts: &mut [(Pubkey, Account)], program_accounts: &mut [&mut Account], ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { let program_id = instruction.program_id(&message.account_keys); let mut loader_ix_data = vec![]; let ix_data = get_loader_instruction_data( executable_accounts, &, &mut loader_ix_data, ); let mut keyed_accounts = create_keyed_readonly_accounts(executable_accounts); let mut keyed_accounts2: Vec<_> = instruction .accounts .iter() .map(|&index| { let index = index as usize; let key = &message.account_keys[index]; let is_writable = message.is_writable(index); ( key, index < message.header.num_required_signatures as usize, is_writable, ) }) .zip(program_accounts.iter_mut()) .map(|((key, is_signer, is_writable), account)| { if is_writable { KeyedAccount::new(key, is_signer, account) } else { KeyedAccount::new_readonly(key, is_signer, account) } }) .collect(); keyed_accounts.append(&mut keyed_accounts2); assert!( keyed_accounts[0].account.executable, "loader not executable" ); let loader_id = keyed_accounts[0].unsigned_key(); for (id, process_instruction) in &self.instruction_processors { if id == loader_id { return process_instruction(&program_id, &mut keyed_accounts[1..], &ix_data); } } native_loader::invoke_entrypoint( &program_id, &mut keyed_accounts, ix_data, &self.symbol_cache, ) } /// Execute an instruction /// This method calls the instruction's program entrypoint method and verifies that the result of /// the call does not violate the bank's accounting rules. /// The accounts are committed back to the bank only if this function returns Ok(_). fn execute_instruction( &self, message: &Message, instruction: &CompiledInstruction, executable_accounts: &mut [(Pubkey, Account)], program_accounts: &mut [&mut Account], ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { let program_id = instruction.program_id(&message.account_keys); assert_eq!(instruction.accounts.len(), program_accounts.len()); // TODO: the runtime should be checking read/write access to memory // we are trusting the hard-coded programs not to clobber let pre_total: u128 = program_accounts .iter() .map(|a| u128::from(a.lamports)) .sum(); #[allow(clippy::map_clone)] let pre_accounts: Vec<_> = program_accounts .iter_mut() .map(|account| account.clone()) // cloned() doesn't work on & & .collect(); self.process_instruction(message, instruction, executable_accounts, program_accounts)?; // Verify the instruction for (pre_account, (post_account, is_writable)) in pre_accounts .iter() .zip(program_accounts.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, account)| { ( account, message.is_writable(instruction.accounts[i] as usize), ) })) { verify_instruction(is_writable, &program_id, pre_account, post_account)?; } // The total sum of all the lamports in all the accounts cannot change. let post_total: u128 = program_accounts .iter() .map(|a| u128::from(a.lamports)) .sum(); if pre_total != post_total { return Err(InstructionError::UnbalancedInstruction); } Ok(()) } /// Process a message. /// This method calls each instruction in the message over the set of loaded Accounts /// The accounts are committed back to the bank only if every instruction succeeds pub fn process_message( &self, message: &Message, loaders: &mut [Vec<(Pubkey, Account)>], accounts: &mut [Account], ) -> Result<(), TransactionError> { for (instruction_index, instruction) in message.instructions.iter().enumerate() { let executable_index = message .program_position(instruction.program_id_index as usize) .ok_or(TransactionError::InvalidAccountIndex)?; let executable_accounts = &mut loaders[executable_index]; let mut program_accounts = get_subset_unchecked_mut(accounts, &instruction.accounts) .map_err(|err| TransactionError::InstructionError(instruction_index as u8, err))?; // TODO: `get_subset_unchecked_mut` panics on an index out of bounds if an executable // account is also included as a regular account for an instruction, because the // executable account is not passed in as part of the accounts slice self.execute_instruction( message, instruction, executable_accounts, &mut program_accounts, ) .map_err(|err| TransactionError::InstructionError(instruction_index as u8, err))?; } Ok(()) } } pub const ZEROS_LEN: usize = 1024; static ZEROS: [u8; ZEROS_LEN] = [0; ZEROS_LEN]; pub fn is_zeroed(buf: &[u8]) -> bool { let mut chunks = buf.chunks_exact(ZEROS_LEN); chunks.all(|chunk| chunk == &ZEROS[..]) && chunks.remainder() == &ZEROS[..chunks.remainder().len()] } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use solana_sdk::instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction, InstructionError}; use solana_sdk::message::Message; use solana_sdk::native_loader::create_loadable_account; #[test] fn test_is_zeroed() { let mut buf = [0; ZEROS_LEN]; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), true); buf[0] = 1; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), false); let mut buf = [0; ZEROS_LEN - 1]; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), true); buf[0] = 1; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), false); let mut buf = [0; ZEROS_LEN + 1]; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), true); buf[0] = 1; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), false); let buf = vec![]; assert_eq!(is_zeroed(&buf), true); } #[test] fn test_has_duplicates() { assert!(!has_duplicates(&[1, 2])); assert!(has_duplicates(&[1, 2, 1])); } #[test] fn test_get_subset_unchecked_mut() { assert_eq!( get_subset_unchecked_mut(&mut [7, 8], &[0]).unwrap(), vec![&mut 7] ); assert_eq!( get_subset_unchecked_mut(&mut [7, 8], &[0, 1]).unwrap(), vec![&mut 7, &mut 8] ); } #[test] fn test_get_subset_unchecked_mut_duplicate_index() { // This panics, because it assumes duplicate detection is done elsewhere. assert_eq!( get_subset_unchecked_mut(&mut [7, 8], &[0, 0]).unwrap_err(), InstructionError::DuplicateAccountIndex ); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_get_subset_unchecked_mut_out_of_bounds() { // This panics, because it assumes bounds validation is done elsewhere. get_subset_unchecked_mut(&mut [7, 8], &[2]).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_change_owner() { fn change_owner( ix: &Pubkey, pre: &Pubkey, post: &Pubkey, is_writable: bool, ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { verify_instruction( is_writable, &ix, &Account::new(0, 0, pre), &Account::new(0, 0, post), ) } let system_program_id = system_program::id(); let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let mallory_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); assert_eq!( change_owner( &system_program_id, &system_program_id, &alice_program_id, true ), Ok(()), "system program should be able to change the account owner" ); assert_eq!( change_owner( &system_program_id, &system_program_id, &alice_program_id, false ), Err(InstructionError::ModifiedProgramId), "system program should not be able to change the account owner of a read-only account" ); assert_eq!( change_owner( &system_program_id, &mallory_program_id, &alice_program_id, true ), Err(InstructionError::ModifiedProgramId), "system program should not be able to change the account owner of a non-system account" ); assert_eq!( change_owner( &mallory_program_id, &mallory_program_id, &alice_program_id, true ), Ok(()), "mallory should be able to change the account owner, if she leaves clear data" ); assert_eq!( verify_instruction( true, &mallory_program_id, &Account::new_data(0, &[42], &mallory_program_id,).unwrap(), &Account::new_data(0, &[0], &alice_program_id,).unwrap(), ), Ok(()), "mallory should be able to change the account owner, if she leaves clear data" ); assert_eq!( verify_instruction( true, &mallory_program_id, &Account::new_data(0, &[42], &mallory_program_id,).unwrap(), &Account::new_data(0, &[42], &alice_program_id,).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::ModifiedProgramId), "mallory should not be able to inject data into the alice program" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_change_executable() { let owner = Pubkey::new_rand(); let change_executable = |program_id: &Pubkey, is_writable: bool, pre_executable: bool, post_executable: bool| -> Result<(), InstructionError> { let pre = Account { owner, executable: pre_executable, ..Account::default() }; let post = Account { owner, executable: post_executable, ..Account::default() }; verify_instruction(is_writable, &program_id, &pre, &post) }; let mallory_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let system_program_id = system_program::id(); assert_eq!( change_executable(&system_program_id, true, false, true), Err(InstructionError::ExecutableModified), "system program can't change executable if system doesn't own the account" ); assert_eq!( change_executable(&owner, true, false, true), Ok(()), "alice program should be able to change executable" ); assert_eq!( change_executable(&owner, false, false, true), Err(InstructionError::ExecutableModified), "system program can't modify executable of read-only accounts" ); assert_eq!( change_executable(&owner, true, true, false), Err(InstructionError::ExecutableModified), "system program can't reverse executable" ); assert_eq!( change_executable(&mallory_program_id, true, false, true), Err(InstructionError::ExecutableModified), "malicious Mallory should not be able to change the account executable" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_change_data_len() { assert_eq!( verify_instruction( true, &system_program::id(), &Account::new_data(0, &[0], &system_program::id()).unwrap(), &Account::new_data(0, &[0, 0], &system_program::id()).unwrap(), ), Ok(()), "system program should be able to change the data len" ); let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); assert_eq!( verify_instruction( true, &system_program::id(), &Account::new_data(0, &[0], &alice_program_id).unwrap(), &Account::new_data(0, &[0, 0], &alice_program_id).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::AccountDataSizeChanged), "system program should not be able to change the data length of accounts it does not own" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_change_data() { let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let change_data = |program_id: &Pubkey, is_writable: bool| -> Result<(), InstructionError> { let pre = Account::new_data(0, &[0], &alice_program_id).unwrap(); let post = Account::new_data(0, &[42], &alice_program_id).unwrap(); verify_instruction(is_writable, &program_id, &pre, &post) }; let mallory_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); assert_eq!( change_data(&alice_program_id, true), Ok(()), "alice program should be able to change the data" ); assert_eq!( change_data(&mallory_program_id, true), Err(InstructionError::ExternalAccountDataModified), "non-owner mallory should not be able to change the account data" ); assert_eq!( change_data(&alice_program_id, false), Err(InstructionError::ReadonlyDataModified), "alice isn't allowed to touch a CO account" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_rent_epoch() { let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pre = Account::new(0, 0, &alice_program_id); let mut post = Account::new(0, 0, &alice_program_id); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(false, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Ok(()), "nothing changed!" ); post.rent_epoch += 1; assert_eq!( verify_instruction(false, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Err(InstructionError::RentEpochModified), "no one touches rent_epoch" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_deduct_lamports_and_reassign_account() { let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let bob_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pre = Account::new_data(42, &[42], &alice_program_id).unwrap(); let post = Account::new_data(1, &[0], &bob_program_id).unwrap(); // positive test of this capability assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &alice_program_id, &pre, &post), Ok(()), "alice should be able to deduct lamports and give the account to bob if the data is zeroed", ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_change_lamports() { let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pre = Account::new(42, 0, &alice_program_id); let post = Account::new(0, 0, &alice_program_id); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(false, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Err(InstructionError::ExternalAccountLamportSpend), "debit should fail, even if system program" ); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(false, &alice_program_id, &pre, &post,), Err(InstructionError::ReadonlyLamportChange), "debit should fail, even if owning program" ); let pre = Account::new(42, 0, &alice_program_id); let post = Account::new(0, 0, &system_program::id()); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Err(InstructionError::ModifiedProgramId), "system program can't debit the account unless it was the pre.owner" ); let pre = Account::new(42, 0, &system_program::id()); let post = Account::new(0, 0, &alice_program_id); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Ok(()), "system can spend (and change owner)" ); } #[test] fn test_verify_instruction_data_size_changed() { let alice_program_id = Pubkey::new_rand(); let pre = Account::new_data(42, &[0], &alice_program_id).unwrap(); let post = Account::new_data(42, &[0, 0], &alice_program_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Err(InstructionError::AccountDataSizeChanged), "system program should not be able to change another program's account data size" ); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &alice_program_id, &pre, &post), Err(InstructionError::AccountDataSizeChanged), "non-system programs cannot change their data size" ); let pre = Account::new_data(42, &[0], &system_program::id()).unwrap(); assert_eq!( verify_instruction(true, &system_program::id(), &pre, &post), Ok(()), "system program should be able to change acount data size" ); } #[test] fn test_process_message_readonly_handling() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] enum MockSystemInstruction { Correct, AttemptCredit { lamports: u64 }, AttemptDataChange { data: u8 }, } fn mock_system_process_instruction( _program_id: &Pubkey, keyed_accounts: &mut [KeyedAccount], data: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { if let Ok(instruction) = bincode::deserialize(data) { match instruction { MockSystemInstruction::Correct => Ok(()), MockSystemInstruction::AttemptCredit { lamports } => { keyed_accounts[0].account.lamports -= lamports; keyed_accounts[1].account.lamports += lamports; Ok(()) } // Change data in a read-only account MockSystemInstruction::AttemptDataChange { data } => { keyed_accounts[1] = vec![data]; Ok(()) } } } else { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData) } } let mock_system_program_id = Pubkey::new(&[2u8; 32]); let mut message_processor = MessageProcessor::default(); message_processor .add_instruction_processor(mock_system_program_id, mock_system_process_instruction); let mut accounts: Vec = Vec::new(); let account = Account::new(100, 1, &mock_system_program_id); accounts.push(account); let account = Account::new(0, 1, &mock_system_program_id); accounts.push(account); let mut loaders: Vec> = Vec::new(); let account = create_loadable_account("mock_system_program"); loaders.push(vec![(mock_system_program_id, account)]); let from_pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand(); let to_pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand(); let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(from_pubkey, true), AccountMeta::new_readonly(to_pubkey, false), ]; let message = Message::new(vec![Instruction::new( mock_system_program_id, &MockSystemInstruction::Correct, account_metas.clone(), )]); let result = message_processor.process_message(&message, &mut loaders, &mut accounts); assert_eq!(result, Ok(())); assert_eq!(accounts[0].lamports, 100); assert_eq!(accounts[1].lamports, 0); let message = Message::new(vec![Instruction::new( mock_system_program_id, &MockSystemInstruction::AttemptCredit { lamports: 50 }, account_metas.clone(), )]); let result = message_processor.process_message(&message, &mut loaders, &mut accounts); assert_eq!( result, Err(TransactionError::InstructionError( 0, InstructionError::ReadonlyLamportChange )) ); let message = Message::new(vec![Instruction::new( mock_system_program_id, &MockSystemInstruction::AttemptDataChange { data: 50 }, account_metas, )]); let result = message_processor.process_message(&message, &mut loaders, &mut accounts); assert_eq!( result, Err(TransactionError::InstructionError( 0, InstructionError::ReadonlyDataModified )) ); } #[test] fn test_get_loader_instruction_data() { // First ensure the ix_data is unaffected if not invoking via a loader. let ix_data = [1]; let mut loader_ix_data = vec![]; let native_pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand(); let native_loader = (native_pubkey, Account::new(0, 0, &native_pubkey)); assert_eq!( get_loader_instruction_data(&[native_loader.clone()], &ix_data, &mut loader_ix_data), &ix_data ); // Now ensure the ix_data is wrapped when there's a loader present. let acme_pubkey = Pubkey::new_rand(); let acme_loader = (acme_pubkey, Account::new(0, 0, &native_pubkey)); let expected_ix = LoaderInstruction::InvokeMain { data: ix_data.to_vec(), }; let expected_ix_data = bincode::serialize(&expected_ix).unwrap(); assert_eq!( get_loader_instruction_data( &[native_loader.clone(), acme_loader.clone()], &ix_data, &mut loader_ix_data ), &expected_ix_data[..] ); // Note there was an allocation in the input vector. assert_eq!(loader_ix_data, expected_ix_data); } }