use { clap::{value_t, value_t_or_exit, values_t_or_exit, ArgMatches}, crossbeam_channel::unbounded, log::*, solana_core::{ accounts_hash_verifier::AccountsHashVerifier, validator::BlockVerificationMethod, }, solana_geyser_plugin_manager::geyser_plugin_service::GeyserPluginService, solana_gossip::{cluster_info::ClusterInfo, contact_info::ContactInfo}, solana_ledger::{ bank_forks_utils, blockstore::{Blockstore, BlockstoreError}, blockstore_options::{ AccessType, BlockstoreOptions, BlockstoreRecoveryMode, LedgerColumnOptions, ShredStorageType, }, blockstore_processor::{ self, BlockstoreProcessorError, ProcessOptions, TransactionStatusSender, }, }, solana_measure::measure, solana_rpc::transaction_status_service::TransactionStatusService, solana_runtime::{ accounts_background_service::{ AbsRequestHandlers, AbsRequestSender, AccountsBackgroundService, PrunedBanksRequestHandler, SnapshotRequestHandler, }, bank_forks::BankForks, hardened_unpack::open_genesis_config, snapshot_config::SnapshotConfig, snapshot_hash::StartingSnapshotHashes, snapshot_utils::{ self, clean_orphaned_account_snapshot_dirs, create_all_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs, move_and_async_delete_path_contents, }, }, solana_sdk::{ genesis_config::GenesisConfig, signature::Signer, signer::keypair::Keypair, timing::timestamp, }, solana_streamer::socket::SocketAddrSpace, std::{ path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::exit, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, RwLock, }, }, }; pub fn get_shred_storage_type(ledger_path: &Path, message: &str) -> ShredStorageType { // TODO: the following shred_storage_type inference must be updated once // the rocksdb options can be constructed via load_options_file() as the // value picked by passing None for `max_shred_storage_size` could affect // the persisted rocksdb options file. match ShredStorageType::from_ledger_path(ledger_path, None) { Some(s) => s, None => { info!("{}", message); ShredStorageType::RocksLevel } } } pub fn load_and_process_ledger( arg_matches: &ArgMatches, genesis_config: &GenesisConfig, blockstore: Arc, process_options: ProcessOptions, snapshot_archive_path: Option, incremental_snapshot_archive_path: Option, ) -> Result<(Arc>, Option), BlockstoreProcessorError> { let bank_snapshots_dir = blockstore .ledger_path() .join(if blockstore.is_primary_access() { "snapshot" } else { "snapshot.ledger-tool" }); let mut starting_slot = 0; // default start check with genesis let snapshot_config = if arg_matches.is_present("no_snapshot") { None } else { let full_snapshot_archives_dir = snapshot_archive_path.unwrap_or_else(|| blockstore.ledger_path().to_path_buf()); let incremental_snapshot_archives_dir = incremental_snapshot_archive_path.unwrap_or_else(|| full_snapshot_archives_dir.clone()); if let Some(full_snapshot_slot) = snapshot_utils::get_highest_full_snapshot_archive_slot(&full_snapshot_archives_dir) { let incremental_snapshot_slot = snapshot_utils::get_highest_incremental_snapshot_archive_slot( &incremental_snapshot_archives_dir, full_snapshot_slot, ) .unwrap_or_default(); starting_slot = std::cmp::max(full_snapshot_slot, incremental_snapshot_slot); } Some(SnapshotConfig { full_snapshot_archives_dir, incremental_snapshot_archives_dir, bank_snapshots_dir: bank_snapshots_dir.clone(), ..SnapshotConfig::new_load_only() }) }; let start_slot_msg = "The starting slot will be the latest snapshot slot, or genesis if \ the --no-snapshot flag is specified or if no snapshots are found."; match process_options.halt_at_slot { // Skip the following checks for sentinel values of Some(0) and None. // For Some(0), no slots will be be replayed after starting_slot. // For None, all available children of starting_slot will be replayed. None | Some(0) => {} Some(halt_slot) => { if halt_slot < starting_slot { eprintln!( "Unable to process blockstore from starting slot {starting_slot} to \ {halt_slot}; the ending slot is less than the starting slot. {start_slot_msg}" ); exit(1); } // Check if we have the slot data necessary to replay from starting_slot to >= halt_slot. if !blockstore.slot_range_connected(starting_slot, halt_slot) { eprintln!( "Unable to process blockstore from starting slot {starting_slot} to \ {halt_slot}; the blockstore does not contain a replayable chain between these \ slots. {start_slot_msg}" ); exit(1); } } } let account_paths = if let Some(account_paths) = arg_matches.value_of("account_paths") { // If this blockstore access is Primary, no other process (solana-validator) can hold // Primary access. So, allow a custom accounts path without worry of wiping the accounts // of solana-validator. if !blockstore.is_primary_access() { // Attempt to open the Blockstore in Primary access; if successful, no other process // was holding Primary so allow things to proceed with custom accounts path. Release // the Primary access instead of holding it to give priority to solana-validator over // solana-ledger-tool should solana-validator start before we've finished. info!( "Checking if another process currently holding Primary access to {:?}", blockstore.ledger_path() ); if Blockstore::open_with_options( blockstore.ledger_path(), BlockstoreOptions { access_type: AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance, ..BlockstoreOptions::default() }, ) .is_err() { // Couldn't get Primary access, error out to be defensive. eprintln!("Error: custom accounts path is not supported under secondary access"); exit(1); } } account_paths.split(',').map(PathBuf::from).collect() } else if blockstore.is_primary_access() { vec![blockstore.ledger_path().join("accounts")] } else { let non_primary_accounts_path = blockstore.ledger_path().join("accounts.ledger-tool"); info!( "Default accounts path is switched aligning with Blockstore's secondary access: {:?}", non_primary_accounts_path ); vec![non_primary_accounts_path] }; let (account_run_paths, account_snapshot_paths) = create_all_accounts_run_and_snapshot_dirs(&account_paths).unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Error: {err}"); exit(1); }); // From now on, use run/ paths in the same way as the previous account_paths. let account_paths = account_run_paths; let (_, measure_clean_account_paths) = measure!( account_paths.iter().for_each(|path| { if path.exists() { info!("Cleaning contents of account path: {}", path.display()); move_and_async_delete_path_contents(path); } }), "Cleaning account paths" ); info!("{measure_clean_account_paths}"); snapshot_utils::purge_incomplete_bank_snapshots(&bank_snapshots_dir); info!("Cleaning contents of account snapshot paths: {account_snapshot_paths:?}"); if let Err(err) = clean_orphaned_account_snapshot_dirs(&bank_snapshots_dir, &account_snapshot_paths) { eprintln!("Failed to clean orphaned account snapshot dirs: {err}"); exit(1); } let geyser_plugin_active = arg_matches.is_present("geyser_plugin_config"); let (accounts_update_notifier, transaction_notifier) = if geyser_plugin_active { let geyser_config_files = values_t_or_exit!(arg_matches, "geyser_plugin_config", String) .into_iter() .map(PathBuf::from) .collect::>(); let (confirmed_bank_sender, confirmed_bank_receiver) = unbounded(); drop(confirmed_bank_sender); let geyser_service = GeyserPluginService::new(confirmed_bank_receiver, &geyser_config_files).unwrap_or_else( |err| { eprintln!("Failed to setup Geyser service: {err}"); exit(1); }, ); ( geyser_service.get_accounts_update_notifier(), geyser_service.get_transaction_notifier(), ) } else { (None, None) }; let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let (bank_forks, leader_schedule_cache, starting_snapshot_hashes, ..) = bank_forks_utils::load_bank_forks( genesis_config, blockstore.as_ref(), account_paths, None, snapshot_config.as_ref(), &process_options, None, None, // Maybe support this later, though accounts_update_notifier, exit.clone(), ); let block_verification_method = value_t!( arg_matches, "block_verification_method", BlockVerificationMethod ) .unwrap_or_default(); info!( "Using: block-verification-method: {}", block_verification_method, ); let node_id = Arc::new(Keypair::new()); let cluster_info = Arc::new(ClusterInfo::new( ContactInfo::new_localhost(&node_id.pubkey(), timestamp()), Arc::clone(&node_id), SocketAddrSpace::Unspecified, )); let (accounts_package_sender, accounts_package_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let accounts_hash_verifier = AccountsHashVerifier::new( accounts_package_sender.clone(), accounts_package_receiver, None, exit.clone(), cluster_info, None, SnapshotConfig::new_load_only(), ); let (snapshot_request_sender, snapshot_request_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let accounts_background_request_sender = AbsRequestSender::new(snapshot_request_sender.clone()); let snapshot_request_handler = SnapshotRequestHandler { snapshot_config: SnapshotConfig::new_load_only(), snapshot_request_sender, snapshot_request_receiver, accounts_package_sender, }; let pruned_banks_receiver = AccountsBackgroundService::setup_bank_drop_callback(bank_forks.clone()); let pruned_banks_request_handler = PrunedBanksRequestHandler { pruned_banks_receiver, }; let abs_request_handler = AbsRequestHandlers { snapshot_request_handler, pruned_banks_request_handler, }; let accounts_background_service = AccountsBackgroundService::new( bank_forks.clone(), exit.clone(), abs_request_handler, process_options.accounts_db_test_hash_calculation, None, ); let enable_rpc_transaction_history = arg_matches.is_present("enable_rpc_transaction_history"); let (transaction_status_sender, transaction_status_service) = if geyser_plugin_active || enable_rpc_transaction_history { // Need Primary (R/W) access to insert transaction data let tss_blockstore = if enable_rpc_transaction_history { Arc::new(open_blockstore( blockstore.ledger_path(), AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance, None, false, )) } else { blockstore.clone() }; let (transaction_status_sender, transaction_status_receiver) = unbounded(); let transaction_status_service = TransactionStatusService::new( transaction_status_receiver, Arc::default(), enable_rpc_transaction_history, transaction_notifier, tss_blockstore, false, exit.clone(), ); ( Some(TransactionStatusSender { sender: transaction_status_sender, }), Some(transaction_status_service), ) } else { (None, None) }; let result = blockstore_processor::process_blockstore_from_root( blockstore.as_ref(), &bank_forks, &leader_schedule_cache, &process_options, transaction_status_sender.as_ref(), None, None, // Maybe support this later, though &accounts_background_request_sender, ) .map(|_| (bank_forks, starting_snapshot_hashes));, Ordering::Relaxed); accounts_background_service.join().unwrap(); accounts_hash_verifier.join().unwrap(); if let Some(service) = transaction_status_service { service.join().unwrap(); } result } pub fn open_blockstore( ledger_path: &Path, access_type: AccessType, wal_recovery_mode: Option, force_update_to_open: bool, ) -> Blockstore { let shred_storage_type = get_shred_storage_type( ledger_path, &format!( "Shred storage type cannot be inferred for ledger at {ledger_path:?}, \ using default RocksLevel", ), ); match Blockstore::open_with_options( ledger_path, BlockstoreOptions { access_type: access_type.clone(), recovery_mode: wal_recovery_mode.clone(), enforce_ulimit_nofile: true, column_options: LedgerColumnOptions { shred_storage_type, ..LedgerColumnOptions::default() }, }, ) { Ok(blockstore) => blockstore, Err(BlockstoreError::RocksDb(err)) => { // Missing essential file, indicative of blockstore not existing let missing_blockstore = err .to_string() .starts_with("IO error: No such file or directory:"); // Missing column in blockstore that is expected by software let missing_column = err .to_string() .starts_with("Invalid argument: Column family not found:"); // The blockstore settings with Primary access can resolve the // above issues automatically, so only emit the help messages // if access type is Secondary let is_secondary = access_type == AccessType::Secondary; if missing_blockstore && is_secondary { eprintln!( "Failed to open blockstore at {ledger_path:?}, it \ is missing at least one critical file: {err:?}" ); } else if missing_column && is_secondary { eprintln!( "Failed to open blockstore at {ledger_path:?}, it \ does not have all necessary columns: {err:?}" ); } else { eprintln!("Failed to open blockstore at {ledger_path:?}: {err:?}"); exit(1); } if !force_update_to_open { eprintln!("Use --force-update-to-open flag to attempt to update the blockstore"); exit(1); } open_blockstore_with_temporary_primary_access( ledger_path, access_type, wal_recovery_mode, ) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!( "Failed to open blockstore (with --force-update-to-open) at {:?}: {:?}", ledger_path, err ); exit(1); }) } Err(err) => { eprintln!("Failed to open blockstore at {ledger_path:?}: {err:?}"); exit(1); } } } /// Open blockstore with temporary primary access to allow necessary, /// persistent changes to be made to the blockstore (such as creation of new /// column family(s)). Then, continue opening with `original_access_type` fn open_blockstore_with_temporary_primary_access( ledger_path: &Path, original_access_type: AccessType, wal_recovery_mode: Option, ) -> Result { // Open with Primary will allow any configuration that automatically // updates to take effect info!("Attempting to temporarily open blockstore with Primary access in order to update"); { let _ = Blockstore::open_with_options( ledger_path, BlockstoreOptions { access_type: AccessType::PrimaryForMaintenance, recovery_mode: wal_recovery_mode.clone(), enforce_ulimit_nofile: true, ..BlockstoreOptions::default() }, )?; } // Now, attempt to open the blockstore with original AccessType info!( "Blockstore forced open succeeded, retrying with original access: {:?}", original_access_type ); Blockstore::open_with_options( ledger_path, BlockstoreOptions { access_type: original_access_type, recovery_mode: wal_recovery_mode, enforce_ulimit_nofile: true, ..BlockstoreOptions::default() }, ) } pub fn open_genesis_config_by(ledger_path: &Path, matches: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> GenesisConfig { let max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size", u64); open_genesis_config(ledger_path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size) }