use { crate::cli_output::CliSignatureVerificationStatus, base64::{prelude::BASE64_STANDARD, Engine}, chrono::{DateTime, Local, NaiveDateTime, SecondsFormat, TimeZone, Utc}, console::style, indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}, solana_cli_config::SettingType, solana_sdk::{ clock::UnixTimestamp, hash::Hash, instruction::CompiledInstruction, message::v0::MessageAddressTableLookup, native_token::lamports_to_sol, program_utils::limited_deserialize, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::Signature, stake, transaction::{TransactionError, TransactionVersion, VersionedTransaction}, }, solana_transaction_status::{ Rewards, UiReturnDataEncoding, UiTransactionReturnData, UiTransactionStatusMeta, }, spl_memo::{id as spl_memo_id, v1::id as spl_memo_v1_id}, std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, io, time::Duration}, }; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct BuildBalanceMessageConfig { pub use_lamports_unit: bool, pub show_unit: bool, pub trim_trailing_zeros: bool, } impl Default for BuildBalanceMessageConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self { use_lamports_unit: false, show_unit: true, trim_trailing_zeros: true, } } } fn is_memo_program(k: &Pubkey) -> bool { let k_str = k.to_string(); (k_str == spl_memo_v1_id().to_string()) || (k_str == spl_memo_id().to_string()) } pub fn build_balance_message_with_config( lamports: u64, config: &BuildBalanceMessageConfig, ) -> String { let value = if config.use_lamports_unit { lamports.to_string() } else { let sol = lamports_to_sol(lamports); let sol_str = format!("{sol:.9}"); if config.trim_trailing_zeros { sol_str .trim_end_matches('0') .trim_end_matches('.') .to_string() } else { sol_str } }; let unit = if config.show_unit { if config.use_lamports_unit { let ess = if lamports == 1 { "" } else { "s" }; format!(" lamport{ess}") } else { " SOL".to_string() } } else { "".to_string() }; format!("{value}{unit}") } pub fn build_balance_message(lamports: u64, use_lamports_unit: bool, show_unit: bool) -> String { build_balance_message_with_config( lamports, &BuildBalanceMessageConfig { use_lamports_unit, show_unit, ..BuildBalanceMessageConfig::default() }, ) } // Pretty print a "name value" pub fn println_name_value(name: &str, value: &str) { let styled_value = if value.is_empty() { style("(not set)").italic() } else { style(value) }; println!("{} {}", style(name).bold(), styled_value); } pub fn writeln_name_value(f: &mut dyn fmt::Write, name: &str, value: &str) -> fmt::Result { let styled_value = if value.is_empty() { style("(not set)").italic() } else { style(value) }; writeln!(f, "{} {}", style(name).bold(), styled_value) } pub fn println_name_value_or(name: &str, value: &str, setting_type: SettingType) { let description = match setting_type { SettingType::Explicit => "", SettingType::Computed => "(computed)", SettingType::SystemDefault => "(default)", }; println!( "{} {} {}", style(name).bold(), style(value), style(description).italic(), ); } pub fn format_labeled_address(pubkey: &str, address_labels: &HashMap) -> String { let label = address_labels.get(pubkey); match label { Some(label) => format!( "{:.31} ({:.4}..{})", label, pubkey, pubkey.split_at(pubkey.len() - 4).1 ), None => pubkey.to_string(), } } pub fn println_signers( blockhash: &Hash, signers: &[String], absent: &[String], bad_sig: &[String], ) { println!(); println!("Blockhash: {blockhash}"); if !signers.is_empty() { println!("Signers (Pubkey=Signature):"); signers.iter().for_each(|signer| println!(" {signer}")) } if !absent.is_empty() { println!("Absent Signers (Pubkey):"); absent.iter().for_each(|pubkey| println!(" {pubkey}")) } if !bad_sig.is_empty() { println!("Bad Signatures (Pubkey):"); bad_sig.iter().for_each(|pubkey| println!(" {pubkey}")) } println!(); } struct CliAccountMeta { is_signer: bool, is_writable: bool, is_invoked: bool, } fn format_account_mode(meta: CliAccountMeta) -> String { format!( "{}r{}{}", // accounts are always readable... if meta.is_signer { "s" // stands for signer } else { "-" }, if meta.is_writable { "w" // comment for consistent rust fmt (no joking; lol) } else { "-" }, // account may be executable on-chain while not being // designated as a program-id in the message if meta.is_invoked { "x" } else { // programs to be executed via CPI cannot be identified as // executable from the message "-" }, ) } fn write_transaction( w: &mut W, transaction: &VersionedTransaction, transaction_status: Option<&UiTransactionStatusMeta>, prefix: &str, sigverify_status: Option<&[CliSignatureVerificationStatus]>, block_time: Option, timezone: CliTimezone, ) -> io::Result<()> { write_block_time(w, block_time, timezone, prefix)?; let message = &transaction.message; let account_keys: Vec = { let static_keys_iter = message .static_account_keys() .iter() .map(AccountKeyType::Known); let dynamic_keys: Vec = message .address_table_lookups() .map(transform_lookups_to_unknown_keys) .unwrap_or_default(); static_keys_iter.chain(dynamic_keys).collect() }; write_version(w, transaction.version(), prefix)?; write_recent_blockhash(w, message.recent_blockhash(), prefix)?; write_signatures(w, &transaction.signatures, sigverify_status, prefix)?; let mut fee_payer_index = None; for (account_index, account) in account_keys.iter().enumerate() { if fee_payer_index.is_none() && message.is_non_loader_key(account_index) { fee_payer_index = Some(account_index) } let account_meta = CliAccountMeta { is_signer: message.is_signer(account_index), is_writable: message.is_maybe_writable(account_index), is_invoked: message.is_invoked(account_index), }; write_account( w, account_index, *account, format_account_mode(account_meta), Some(account_index) == fee_payer_index, prefix, )?; } for (instruction_index, instruction) in message.instructions().iter().enumerate() { let program_pubkey = account_keys[instruction.program_id_index as usize]; let instruction_accounts = instruction .accounts .iter() .map(|account_index| (account_keys[*account_index as usize], *account_index)); write_instruction( w, instruction_index, program_pubkey, instruction, instruction_accounts, prefix, )?; } if let Some(address_table_lookups) = message.address_table_lookups() { write_address_table_lookups(w, address_table_lookups, prefix)?; } if let Some(transaction_status) = transaction_status { write_status(w, &transaction_status.status, prefix)?; write_fees(w, transaction_status.fee, prefix)?; write_balances(w, transaction_status, prefix)?; write_compute_units_consumed( w, transaction_status.compute_units_consumed.clone().into(), prefix, )?; write_log_messages(w, transaction_status.log_messages.as_ref().into(), prefix)?; write_return_data(w, transaction_status.return_data.as_ref().into(), prefix)?; write_rewards(w, transaction_status.rewards.as_ref().into(), prefix)?; } else { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Status: Unavailable")?; } Ok(()) } fn transform_lookups_to_unknown_keys(lookups: &[MessageAddressTableLookup]) -> Vec { let unknown_writable_keys = lookups .iter() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(lookup_index, lookup)| { lookup .writable_indexes .iter() .map(move |table_index| AccountKeyType::Unknown { lookup_index, table_index: *table_index, }) }); let unknown_readonly_keys = lookups .iter() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(lookup_index, lookup)| { lookup .readonly_indexes .iter() .map(move |table_index| AccountKeyType::Unknown { lookup_index, table_index: *table_index, }) }); unknown_writable_keys.chain(unknown_readonly_keys).collect() } enum CliTimezone { Local, #[allow(dead_code)] Utc, } fn write_block_time( w: &mut W, block_time: Option, timezone: CliTimezone, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(block_time) = block_time { let block_time_output = match timezone { CliTimezone::Local => format!("{:?}", Local.timestamp_opt(block_time, 0).unwrap()), CliTimezone::Utc => format!("{:?}", Utc.timestamp_opt(block_time, 0).unwrap()), }; writeln!(w, "{prefix}Block Time: {block_time_output}",)?; } Ok(()) } fn write_version( w: &mut W, version: TransactionVersion, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { let version = match version { TransactionVersion::Legacy(_) => "legacy".to_string(), TransactionVersion::Number(number) => number.to_string(), }; writeln!(w, "{prefix}Version: {version}") } fn write_recent_blockhash( w: &mut W, recent_blockhash: &Hash, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Recent Blockhash: {recent_blockhash:?}") } fn write_signatures( w: &mut W, signatures: &[Signature], sigverify_status: Option<&[CliSignatureVerificationStatus]>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { let sigverify_statuses = if let Some(sigverify_status) = sigverify_status { sigverify_status.iter().map(|s| format!(" ({s})")).collect() } else { vec!["".to_string(); signatures.len()] }; for (signature_index, (signature, sigverify_status)) in signatures.iter().zip(&sigverify_statuses).enumerate() { writeln!( w, "{prefix}Signature {signature_index}: {signature:?}{sigverify_status}", )?; } Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum AccountKeyType<'a> { Known(&'a Pubkey), Unknown { lookup_index: usize, table_index: u8, }, } impl fmt::Display for AccountKeyType<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Known(address) => write!(f, "{address}"), Self::Unknown { lookup_index, table_index, } => { write!( f, "Unknown Address (uses lookup {lookup_index} and index {table_index})" ) } } } } fn write_account( w: &mut W, account_index: usize, account_address: AccountKeyType, account_mode: String, is_fee_payer: bool, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( w, "{}Account {}: {} {}{}", prefix, account_index, account_mode, account_address, if is_fee_payer { " (fee payer)" } else { "" }, ) } fn write_instruction<'a, W: io::Write>( w: &mut W, instruction_index: usize, program_pubkey: AccountKeyType, instruction: &CompiledInstruction, instruction_accounts: impl Iterator, u8)>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Instruction {instruction_index}")?; writeln!( w, "{} Program: {} ({})", prefix, program_pubkey, instruction.program_id_index )?; for (index, (account_address, account_index)) in instruction_accounts.enumerate() { writeln!( w, "{prefix} Account {index}: {account_address} ({account_index})" )?; } let mut raw = true; if let AccountKeyType::Known(program_pubkey) = program_pubkey { if program_pubkey == &solana_vote_program::id() { if let Ok(vote_instruction) = limited_deserialize::< solana_vote_program::vote_instruction::VoteInstruction, >(& { writeln!(w, "{prefix} {vote_instruction:?}")?; raw = false; } } else if program_pubkey == &stake::program::id() { if let Ok(stake_instruction) = limited_deserialize::(& { writeln!(w, "{prefix} {stake_instruction:?}")?; raw = false; } } else if program_pubkey == &solana_sdk::system_program::id() { if let Ok(system_instruction) = limited_deserialize::< solana_sdk::system_instruction::SystemInstruction, >(& { writeln!(w, "{prefix} {system_instruction:?}")?; raw = false; } } else if is_memo_program(program_pubkey) { if let Ok(s) = std::str::from_utf8(& { writeln!(w, "{prefix} Data: \"{s}\"")?; raw = false; } } } if raw { writeln!(w, "{} Data: {:?}", prefix,; } Ok(()) } fn write_address_table_lookups( w: &mut W, address_table_lookups: &[MessageAddressTableLookup], prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { for (lookup_index, lookup) in address_table_lookups.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Address Table Lookup {lookup_index}",)?; writeln!(w, "{} Table Account: {}", prefix, lookup.account_key,)?; writeln!( w, "{} Writable Indexes: {:?}", prefix, &lookup.writable_indexes[..], )?; writeln!( w, "{} Readonly Indexes: {:?}", prefix, &lookup.readonly_indexes[..], )?; } Ok(()) } fn write_rewards( w: &mut W, rewards: Option<&Rewards>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(rewards) = rewards { if !rewards.is_empty() { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Rewards:",)?; writeln!( w, "{} {:<44} {:^15} {:<16} {:<20}", prefix, "Address", "Type", "Amount", "New Balance" )?; for reward in rewards { let sign = if reward.lamports < 0 { "-" } else { "" }; writeln!( w, "{} {:<44} {:^15} {}◎{:<14.9} ◎{:<18.9}", prefix, reward.pubkey, if let Some(reward_type) = reward.reward_type { format!("{reward_type}") } else { "-".to_string() }, sign, lamports_to_sol(reward.lamports.unsigned_abs()), lamports_to_sol(reward.post_balance) )?; } } } Ok(()) } fn write_status( w: &mut W, transaction_status: &Result<(), TransactionError>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( w, "{}Status: {}", prefix, match transaction_status { Ok(_) => "Ok".into(), Err(err) => err.to_string(), } ) } fn write_fees(w: &mut W, transaction_fee: u64, prefix: &str) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "{} Fee: ◎{}", prefix, lamports_to_sol(transaction_fee)) } fn write_balances( w: &mut W, transaction_status: &UiTransactionStatusMeta, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { assert_eq!( transaction_status.pre_balances.len(), transaction_status.post_balances.len() ); for (i, (pre, post)) in transaction_status .pre_balances .iter() .zip(transaction_status.post_balances.iter()) .enumerate() { if pre == post { writeln!( w, "{} Account {} balance: ◎{}", prefix, i, lamports_to_sol(*pre) )?; } else { writeln!( w, "{} Account {} balance: ◎{} -> ◎{}", prefix, i, lamports_to_sol(*pre), lamports_to_sol(*post) )?; } } Ok(()) } fn write_return_data( w: &mut W, return_data: Option<&UiTransactionReturnData>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(return_data) = return_data { let (data, encoding) = &; let raw_return_data = match encoding { UiReturnDataEncoding::Base64 => BASE64_STANDARD.decode(data).map_err(|err| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("could not parse data as {encoding:?}: {err:?}"), ) })?, }; if !raw_return_data.is_empty() { use pretty_hex::*; writeln!( w, "{}Return Data from Program {}:", prefix, return_data.program_id )?; writeln!(w, "{} {:?}", prefix, raw_return_data.hex_dump())?; } } Ok(()) } fn write_compute_units_consumed( w: &mut W, compute_units_consumed: Option, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(cus) = compute_units_consumed { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Compute Units Consumed: {cus}")?; } Ok(()) } fn write_log_messages( w: &mut W, log_messages: Option<&Vec>, prefix: &str, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(log_messages) = log_messages { if !log_messages.is_empty() { writeln!(w, "{prefix}Log Messages:",)?; for log_message in log_messages { writeln!(w, "{prefix} {log_message}")?; } } } Ok(()) } pub fn println_transaction( transaction: &VersionedTransaction, transaction_status: Option<&UiTransactionStatusMeta>, prefix: &str, sigverify_status: Option<&[CliSignatureVerificationStatus]>, block_time: Option, ) { let mut w = Vec::new(); if write_transaction( &mut w, transaction, transaction_status, prefix, sigverify_status, block_time, CliTimezone::Local, ) .is_ok() { if let Ok(s) = String::from_utf8(w) { print!("{s}"); } } } pub fn writeln_transaction( f: &mut dyn fmt::Write, transaction: &VersionedTransaction, transaction_status: Option<&UiTransactionStatusMeta>, prefix: &str, sigverify_status: Option<&[CliSignatureVerificationStatus]>, block_time: Option, ) -> fmt::Result { let mut w = Vec::new(); let write_result = write_transaction( &mut w, transaction, transaction_status, prefix, sigverify_status, block_time, CliTimezone::Local, ); if write_result.is_ok() { if let Ok(s) = String::from_utf8(w) { write!(f, "{s}")?; } } Ok(()) } /// Creates a new process bar for processing that will take an unknown amount of time pub fn new_spinner_progress_bar() -> ProgressBar { let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(42); progress_bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_spinner() .template("{} {wide_msg}") .expect("ProgresStyle::template direct input to be correct"), ); progress_bar.enable_steady_tick(Duration::from_millis(100)); progress_bar } pub fn unix_timestamp_to_string(unix_timestamp: UnixTimestamp) -> String { match NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt(unix_timestamp, 0) { Some(ndt) => DateTime::::from_utc(ndt, Utc).to_rfc3339_opts(SecondsFormat::Secs, true), None => format!("UnixTimestamp {unix_timestamp}"), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use { super::*, solana_sdk::{ message::{ v0::{self, LoadedAddresses}, Message as LegacyMessage, MessageHeader, VersionedMessage, }, pubkey::Pubkey, signature::{Keypair, Signer}, transaction::Transaction, transaction_context::TransactionReturnData, }, solana_transaction_status::{Reward, RewardType, TransactionStatusMeta}, std::io::BufWriter, }; fn new_test_keypair() -> Keypair { let secret = ed25519_dalek::SecretKey::from_bytes(&[0u8; 32]).unwrap(); let public = ed25519_dalek::PublicKey::from(&secret); let keypair = ed25519_dalek::Keypair { secret, public }; Keypair::from_bytes(&keypair.to_bytes()).unwrap() } fn new_test_v0_transaction() -> VersionedTransaction { let keypair = new_test_keypair(); let account_key = Pubkey::new_from_array([1u8; 32]); let address_table_key = Pubkey::new_from_array([2u8; 32]); VersionedTransaction::try_new( VersionedMessage::V0(v0::Message { header: MessageHeader { num_required_signatures: 1, num_readonly_signed_accounts: 0, num_readonly_unsigned_accounts: 1, }, recent_blockhash: Hash::default(), account_keys: vec![keypair.pubkey(), account_key], address_table_lookups: vec![MessageAddressTableLookup { account_key: address_table_key, writable_indexes: vec![0], readonly_indexes: vec![1], }], instructions: vec![CompiledInstruction::new_from_raw_parts( 3, vec![], vec![1, 2], )], }), &[&keypair], ) .unwrap() } #[test] fn test_write_legacy_transaction() { let keypair = new_test_keypair(); let account_key = Pubkey::new_from_array([1u8; 32]); let transaction = VersionedTransaction::from(Transaction::new( &[&keypair], LegacyMessage { header: MessageHeader { num_required_signatures: 1, num_readonly_signed_accounts: 0, num_readonly_unsigned_accounts: 1, }, recent_blockhash: Hash::default(), account_keys: vec![keypair.pubkey(), account_key], instructions: vec![CompiledInstruction::new_from_raw_parts(1, vec![], vec![0])], }, Hash::default(), )); let sigverify_status = CliSignatureVerificationStatus::verify_transaction(&transaction); let meta = TransactionStatusMeta { status: Ok(()), fee: 5000, pre_balances: vec![5000, 10_000], post_balances: vec![0, 9_900], inner_instructions: None, log_messages: Some(vec!["Test message".to_string()]), pre_token_balances: None, post_token_balances: None, rewards: Some(vec![Reward { pubkey: account_key.to_string(), lamports: -100, post_balance: 9_900, reward_type: Some(RewardType::Rent), commission: None, }]), loaded_addresses: LoadedAddresses::default(), return_data: Some(TransactionReturnData { program_id: Pubkey::new_from_array([2u8; 32]), data: vec![1, 2, 3], }), compute_units_consumed: Some(1234u64), }; let output = { let mut write_buffer = BufWriter::new(Vec::new()); write_transaction( &mut write_buffer, &transaction, Some(&meta.into()), "", Some(&sigverify_status), Some(1628633791), CliTimezone::Utc, ) .unwrap(); let bytes = write_buffer.into_inner().unwrap(); String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap() }; assert_eq!( output, r#"Block Time: 2021-08-10T22:16:31Z Version: legacy Recent Blockhash: 11111111111111111111111111111111 Signature 0: 5pkjrE4VBa3Bu9CMKXgh1U345cT1gGo8QBVRTzHAo6gHeiPae5BTbShP15g6NgqRMNqu8Qrhph1ATmrfC1Ley3rx (pass) Account 0: srw- 4zvwRjXUKGfvwnParsHAS3HuSVzV5cA4McphgmoCtajS (fee payer) Account 1: -r-x 4vJ9JU1bJJE96FWSJKvHsmmFADCg4gpZQff4P3bkLKi Instruction 0 Program: 4vJ9JU1bJJE96FWSJKvHsmmFADCg4gpZQff4P3bkLKi (1) Account 0: 4zvwRjXUKGfvwnParsHAS3HuSVzV5cA4McphgmoCtajS (0) Data: [] Status: Ok Fee: ◎0.000005 Account 0 balance: ◎0.000005 -> ◎0 Account 1 balance: ◎0.00001 -> ◎0.0000099 Compute Units Consumed: 1234 Log Messages: Test message Return Data from Program 8qbHbw2BbbTHBW1sbeqakYXVKRQM8Ne7pLK7m6CVfeR: Length: 3 (0x3) bytes 0000: 01 02 03 ... Rewards: Address Type Amount New Balance \0 4vJ9JU1bJJE96FWSJKvHsmmFADCg4gpZQff4P3bkLKi rent -◎0.000000100 ◎0.000009900 \0 "#.replace("\\0", "") // replace marker used to subvert trailing whitespace linter on CI ); } #[test] fn test_write_v0_transaction() { let versioned_tx = new_test_v0_transaction(); let sigverify_status = CliSignatureVerificationStatus::verify_transaction(&versioned_tx); let address_table_entry1 = Pubkey::new_from_array([3u8; 32]); let address_table_entry2 = Pubkey::new_from_array([4u8; 32]); let loaded_addresses = LoadedAddresses { writable: vec![address_table_entry1], readonly: vec![address_table_entry2], }; let meta = TransactionStatusMeta { status: Ok(()), fee: 5000, pre_balances: vec![5000, 10_000, 15_000, 20_000], post_balances: vec![0, 10_000, 14_900, 20_000], inner_instructions: None, log_messages: Some(vec!["Test message".to_string()]), pre_token_balances: None, post_token_balances: None, rewards: Some(vec![Reward { pubkey: address_table_entry1.to_string(), lamports: -100, post_balance: 14_900, reward_type: Some(RewardType::Rent), commission: None, }]), loaded_addresses, return_data: Some(TransactionReturnData { program_id: Pubkey::new_from_array([2u8; 32]), data: vec![1, 2, 3], }), compute_units_consumed: Some(2345u64), }; let output = { let mut write_buffer = BufWriter::new(Vec::new()); write_transaction( &mut write_buffer, &versioned_tx, Some(&meta.into()), "", Some(&sigverify_status), Some(1628633791), CliTimezone::Utc, ) .unwrap(); let bytes = write_buffer.into_inner().unwrap(); String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap() }; assert_eq!( output, r#"Block Time: 2021-08-10T22:16:31Z Version: 0 Recent Blockhash: 11111111111111111111111111111111 Signature 0: 5iEy3TT3ZhTA1NkuCY8GrQGNVY8d5m1bpjdh5FT3Ca4Py81fMipAZjafDuKJKrkw5q5UAAd8oPcgZ4nyXpHt4Fp7 (pass) Account 0: srw- 4zvwRjXUKGfvwnParsHAS3HuSVzV5cA4McphgmoCtajS (fee payer) Account 1: -r-- 4vJ9JU1bJJE96FWSJKvHsmmFADCg4gpZQff4P3bkLKi Account 2: -rw- Unknown Address (uses lookup 0 and index 0) Account 3: -r-x Unknown Address (uses lookup 0 and index 1) Instruction 0 Program: Unknown Address (uses lookup 0 and index 1) (3) Account 0: 4vJ9JU1bJJE96FWSJKvHsmmFADCg4gpZQff4P3bkLKi (1) Account 1: Unknown Address (uses lookup 0 and index 0) (2) Data: [] Address Table Lookup 0 Table Account: 8qbHbw2BbbTHBW1sbeqakYXVKRQM8Ne7pLK7m6CVfeR Writable Indexes: [0] Readonly Indexes: [1] Status: Ok Fee: ◎0.000005 Account 0 balance: ◎0.000005 -> ◎0 Account 1 balance: ◎0.00001 Account 2 balance: ◎0.000015 -> ◎0.0000149 Account 3 balance: ◎0.00002 Compute Units Consumed: 2345 Log Messages: Test message Return Data from Program 8qbHbw2BbbTHBW1sbeqakYXVKRQM8Ne7pLK7m6CVfeR: Length: 3 (0x3) bytes 0000: 01 02 03 ... Rewards: Address Type Amount New Balance \0 CktRuQ2mttgRGkXJtyksdKHjUdc2C4TgDzyB98oEzy8 rent -◎0.000000100 ◎0.000014900 \0 "#.replace("\\0", "") // replace marker used to subvert trailing whitespace linter on CI ); } #[test] fn test_format_labeled_address() { let pubkey = Pubkey::default().to_string(); let mut address_labels = HashMap::new(); assert_eq!(format_labeled_address(&pubkey, &address_labels), pubkey); address_labels.insert(pubkey.to_string(), "Default Address".to_string()); assert_eq!( &format_labeled_address(&pubkey, &address_labels), "Default Address (1111..1111)" ); address_labels.insert( pubkey.to_string(), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890".to_string(), ); assert_eq!( &format_labeled_address(&pubkey, &address_labels), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345 (1111..1111)" ); } }