//! The `timing` module provides std::time utility functions. use std::time::Duration; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; pub const NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND: u64 = 10; // At 10 ticks/s, 8 ticks per slot implies that leader rotation and voting will happen // every 800 ms. A fast voting cadence ensures faster finality and convergence pub const DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT: u64 = 80; pub const DEFAULT_SLOTS_PER_EPOCH: u64 = 64; /// The time window of recent `last_id` values that the bank will track the signatures /// of over. Once the bank discards a `last_id`, it will reject any transactions that use /// that `last_id` in a transaction. Lowering this value reduces memory consumption, /// but requires clients to update its `last_id` more frequently. Raising the value /// lengthens the time a client must wait to be certain a missing transaction will /// not be processed by the network. pub const MAX_HASH_AGE_IN_SECONDS: usize = 120; pub const MAX_RECENT_TICK_HASHES: usize = NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND as usize * MAX_HASH_AGE_IN_SECONDS; pub const MAX_RECENT_BLOCK_HASHES: usize = MAX_RECENT_TICK_HASHES / (DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT as usize); pub fn duration_as_us(d: &Duration) -> u64 { (d.as_secs() * 1000 * 1000) + (u64::from(d.subsec_nanos()) / 1_000) } pub fn duration_as_ms(d: &Duration) -> u64 { (d.as_secs() * 1000) + (u64::from(d.subsec_nanos()) / 1_000_000) } pub fn duration_as_s(d: &Duration) -> f32 { d.as_secs() as f32 + (d.subsec_nanos() as f32 / 1_000_000_000.0) } pub fn timestamp() -> u64 { let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("create timestamp in timing"); duration_as_ms(&now) }