use crate::{ config, id, stake_state::{StakeAccount, StakeState}, }; use bincode::deserialize; use log::*; use num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}; use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use solana_sdk::{ account::KeyedAccount, clock::Slot, instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction, InstructionError}, instruction_processor_utils::DecodeError, pubkey::Pubkey, system_instruction, sysvar, }; /// Reasons the stake might have had an error #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)] pub enum StakeError { NoCreditsToRedeem, } impl DecodeError for StakeError { fn type_of() -> &'static str { "StakeError" } } impl std::fmt::Display for StakeError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem => write!(f, "not enough credits to redeem"), } } } impl std::error::Error for StakeError {} #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum StakeInstruction { /// `Lockup` a stake until the specified slot /// /// Expects 1 Account: /// 0 - Uninitialized StakeAccount to be lockup'd /// /// The u64 is the portion of the Stake account balance to be activated, /// must be less than StakeAccount.lamports /// Lockup(Slot), /// `Delegate` a stake to a particular node /// /// Expects 3 Accounts: /// 0 - Lockup'd StakeAccount to be delegated <= must have this signature /// 1 - VoteAccount to which this Stake will be delegated /// 2 - Clock sysvar Account that carries clock bank epoch /// 3 - Config Account that carries stake config /// /// The u64 is the portion of the Stake account balance to be activated, /// must be less than StakeAccount.lamports /// DelegateStake(u64), /// Redeem credits in the stake account /// /// Expects 4 Accounts: /// 0 - Delegate StakeAccount to be updated with rewards /// 1 - VoteAccount to which the Stake is delegated, /// 2 - RewardsPool Stake Account from which to redeem credits /// 3 - Rewards sysvar Account that carries points values /// 4 - StakeHistory sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history RedeemVoteCredits, /// Withdraw unstaked lamports from the stake account /// /// Expects 3 Accounts: /// 0 - Delegate StakeAccount /// 1 - System account to which the lamports will be transferred, /// 2 - Syscall Account that carries epoch /// 3 - StakeHistory sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history /// /// The u64 is the portion of the Stake account balance to be withdrawn, /// must be <= StakeAccount.lamports - staked lamports Withdraw(u64), /// Deactivates the stake in the account /// /// Expects 2 Accounts: /// 0 - Delegate StakeAccount /// 1 - VoteAccount to which the Stake is delegated /// 2 - Syscall Account that carries epoch Deactivate, } pub fn create_stake_account_with_lockup( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, lockup: Slot, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::create_account( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, lamports, std::mem::size_of::() as u64, &id(), ), Instruction::new( id(), &StakeInstruction::Lockup(lockup), vec![AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false)], ), ] } pub fn create_stake_account( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { create_stake_account_with_lockup(from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, lamports, 0) } pub fn create_stake_account_and_delegate_stake( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { let mut instructions = create_stake_account(from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, lamports); instructions.push(delegate_stake(stake_pubkey, vote_pubkey, lamports)); instructions } pub fn redeem_vote_credits(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(*vote_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new(crate::rewards_pools::random_id(), false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::rewards::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false), ]; Instruction::new(id(), &StakeInstruction::RedeemVoteCredits, account_metas) } pub fn delegate_stake(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake: u64) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, true), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(*vote_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(crate::config::id(), false), ]; Instruction::new(id(), &StakeInstruction::DelegateStake(stake), account_metas) } pub fn withdraw(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, to_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, true), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(*to_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false), ]; Instruction::new(id(), &StakeInstruction::Withdraw(lamports), account_metas) } pub fn deactivate_stake(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, true), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(*vote_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_credit_only(sysvar::clock::id(), false), ]; Instruction::new(id(), &StakeInstruction::Deactivate, account_metas) } pub fn process_instruction( _program_id: &Pubkey, keyed_accounts: &mut [KeyedAccount], data: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { solana_logger::setup(); trace!("process_instruction: {:?}", data); trace!("keyed_accounts: {:?}", keyed_accounts); if keyed_accounts.is_empty() { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)?; } let (me, rest) = &mut keyed_accounts.split_at_mut(1); let me = &mut me[0]; // TODO: data-driven unpack and dispatch of KeyedAccounts match deserialize(data).map_err(|_| InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)? { StakeInstruction::Lockup(slot) => me.lockup(slot), StakeInstruction::DelegateStake(stake) => { if rest.len() != 3 { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)?; } let vote = &rest[0]; me.delegate_stake( vote, stake, &sysvar::clock::from_keyed_account(&rest[1])?, &config::from_keyed_account(&rest[2])?, ) } StakeInstruction::RedeemVoteCredits => { if rest.len() != 4 { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)?; } let (vote, rest) = rest.split_at_mut(1); let vote = &mut vote[0]; let (rewards_pool, rest) = rest.split_at_mut(1); let rewards_pool = &mut rewards_pool[0]; me.redeem_vote_credits( vote, rewards_pool, &sysvar::rewards::from_keyed_account(&rest[0])?, &sysvar::stake_history::from_keyed_account(&rest[1])?, ) } StakeInstruction::Withdraw(lamports) => { if rest.len() != 3 { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)?; } let (to, sysvar) = &mut rest.split_at_mut(1); let mut to = &mut to[0]; me.withdraw( lamports, &mut to, &sysvar::clock::from_keyed_account(&sysvar[0])?, &sysvar::stake_history::from_keyed_account(&sysvar[1])?, ) } StakeInstruction::Deactivate => { if rest.len() != 2 { Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData)?; } let (vote, rest) = rest.split_at_mut(1); let vote = &mut vote[0]; let clock = &rest[0]; me.deactivate_stake(vote, &sysvar::clock::from_keyed_account(&clock)?) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bincode::serialize; use solana_sdk::{account::Account, sysvar::stake_history::StakeHistory}; fn process_instruction(instruction: &Instruction) -> Result<(), InstructionError> { let mut accounts: Vec<_> = instruction .accounts .iter() .map(|meta| { if sysvar::clock::check_id(&meta.pubkey) { sysvar::clock::new_account(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) } else if sysvar::rewards::check_id(&meta.pubkey) { sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) } else if sysvar::stake_history::check_id(&meta.pubkey) { sysvar::stake_history::create_account(1, &StakeHistory::default()) } else if config::check_id(&meta.pubkey) { config::create_account(1, &config::Config::default()) } else { Account::default() } }) .collect(); { let mut keyed_accounts: Vec<_> = instruction .accounts .iter() .zip(accounts.iter_mut()) .map(|(meta, account)| KeyedAccount::new(&meta.pubkey, meta.is_signer, account)) .collect(); super::process_instruction(&Pubkey::default(), &mut keyed_accounts, & } } #[test] fn test_stake_process_instruction() { assert_eq!( process_instruction(&redeem_vote_credits(&Pubkey::default(), &Pubkey::default())), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); assert_eq!( process_instruction(&delegate_stake(&Pubkey::default(), &Pubkey::default(), 0)), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); assert_eq!( process_instruction(&withdraw(&Pubkey::default(), &Pubkey::new_rand(), 100)), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); assert_eq!( process_instruction(&deactivate_stake(&Pubkey::default(), &Pubkey::default())), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); } #[test] fn test_stake_process_instruction_decode_bail() { // these will not call stake_state, have bogus contents // gets the first check assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [KeyedAccount::new( &Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default(), )], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::DelegateStake(0)).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData), ); // gets the sub-check for number of args assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [KeyedAccount::new( &Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default() ),], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::DelegateStake(0)).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData), ); assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::RedeemVoteCredits).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData), ); // gets the check non-deserialize-able account in delegate_stake assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), true, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::clock::id(), false, &mut sysvar::clock::new_account(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) ), KeyedAccount::new( &config::id(), false, &mut config::create_account(1, &config::Config::default()) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::DelegateStake(0)).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); // gets the deserialization checks in redeem_vote_credits assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::rewards::id(), false, &mut sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) ), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::stake_history::id(), false, &mut sysvar::stake_history::create_account(1, &StakeHistory::default()) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::RedeemVoteCredits).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidAccountData), ); // Tests 3rd keyed account is of correct type (Clock instead of rewards) in withdraw assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::rewards::id(), false, &mut sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) ), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::stake_history::id(), false, &mut sysvar::stake_history::create_account(1, &StakeHistory::default()) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::Withdraw(42)).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidArgument), ); // Tests correct number of accounts are provided in withdraw assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::clock::id(), false, &mut sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) ), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::stake_history::id(), false, &mut sysvar::stake_history::create_account(1, &StakeHistory::default()) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::Withdraw(42)).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData), ); // Tests 2nd keyed account is of correct type (Clock instead of rewards) in deactivate assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::rewards::id(), false, &mut sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::Deactivate).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidArgument), ); // Tests correct number of accounts are provided in deactivate assert_eq!( super::process_instruction( &Pubkey::default(), &mut [ KeyedAccount::new(&Pubkey::default(), false, &mut Account::default()), KeyedAccount::new( &sysvar::clock::id(), false, &mut sysvar::rewards::create_account(1, 0.0, 0.0) ), ], &serialize(&StakeInstruction::Deactivate).unwrap(), ), Err(InstructionError::InvalidInstructionData), ); } #[test] fn test_custom_error_decode() { use num_traits::FromPrimitive; fn pretty_err(err: InstructionError) -> String where T: 'static + std::error::Error + DecodeError + FromPrimitive, { if let InstructionError::CustomError(code) = err { let specific_error: T = T::decode_custom_error_to_enum(code).unwrap(); format!( "{:?}: {}::{:?} - {}", err, T::type_of(), specific_error, specific_error, ) } else { "".to_string() } } assert_eq!( "CustomError(0): StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem - not enough credits to redeem", pretty_err::(StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem.into()) ) } }