//! The `bank` module tracks client accounts and the progress of smart //! contracts. It offers a high-level API that signs transactions //! on behalf of the caller, and a low-level API for when they have //! already been signed and verified. use bincode::deserialize; use bincode::serialize; use budget_program::BudgetState; use budget_transaction::BudgetTransaction; use counter::Counter; use dynamic_program::DynamicProgram; use entry::Entry; use hash::{hash, Hash}; use itertools::Itertools; use jsonrpc_macros::pubsub::Sink; use leader_scheduler::LeaderScheduler; use ledger::Block; use log::Level; use mint::Mint; use payment_plan::Payment; use poh_recorder::PohRecorder; use rpc::RpcSignatureStatus; use signature::Keypair; use signature::Signature; use solana_program_interface::account::{Account, KeyedAccount}; use solana_program_interface::pubkey::Pubkey; use std; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::result; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; use std::time::Instant; use storage_program::StorageProgram; use system_program::SystemProgram; use system_transaction::SystemTransaction; use tictactoe_dashboard_program::TicTacToeDashboardProgram; use tictactoe_program::TicTacToeProgram; use timing::{duration_as_us, timestamp}; use token_program::TokenProgram; use tokio::prelude::Future; use transaction::Transaction; use window::WINDOW_SIZE; /// The number of most recent `last_id` values that the bank will track the signatures /// of. Once the bank discards a `last_id`, it will reject any transactions that use /// that `last_id` in a transaction. Lowering this value reduces memory consumption, /// but requires clients to update its `last_id` more frequently. Raising the value /// lengthens the time a client must wait to be certain a missing transaction will /// not be processed by the network. pub const NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND: usize = 10; pub const MAX_ENTRY_IDS: usize = NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND * 120; pub const VERIFY_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 16; /// Reasons a transaction might be rejected. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum BankError { /// This Pubkey is being processed in another transaction AccountInUse, /// Attempt to debit from `Pubkey`, but no found no record of a prior credit. AccountNotFound, /// The from `Pubkey` does not have sufficient balance to pay the fee to schedule the transaction InsufficientFundsForFee, /// The bank has seen `Signature` before. This can occur under normal operation /// when a UDP packet is duplicated, as a user error from a client not updating /// its `last_id`, or as a double-spend attack. DuplicateSignature, /// The bank has not seen the given `last_id` or the transaction is too old and /// the `last_id` has been discarded. LastIdNotFound, /// The bank has not seen a transaction with the given `Signature` or the transaction is /// too old and has been discarded. SignatureNotFound, /// Proof of History verification failed. LedgerVerificationFailed, /// Contract's transaction token balance does not equal the balance after the transaction UnbalancedTransaction(u8), /// Contract's transactions resulted in an account with a negative balance /// The difference from InsufficientFundsForFee is that the transaction was executed by the /// contract ResultWithNegativeTokens(u8), /// Contract id is unknown UnknownContractId(u8), /// Contract modified an accounts contract id ModifiedContractId(u8), /// Contract spent the tokens of an account that doesn't belong to it ExternalAccountTokenSpend(u8), /// The program returned an error ProgramRuntimeError(u8), /// Recoding into PoH failed RecordFailure, } pub type Result = result::Result; type SignatureStatusMap = HashMap>; #[derive(Default)] struct ErrorCounters { account_not_found: usize, account_in_use: usize, last_id_not_found: usize, reserve_last_id: usize, insufficient_funds: usize, duplicate_signature: usize, } pub struct LastIdsQ { /// A FIFO queue of `last_id` items, where each item is a set of signatures /// that have been processed using that `last_id`. Rejected `last_id` /// values are so old that the `last_id` has been pulled out of the queue. last_ids: VecDeque, /// Mapping of hashes to signature sets along with timestamp. The bank uses this data to /// reject transactions with signatures its seen before last_ids_sigs: HashMap, } /// The state of all accounts and contracts after processing its entries. pub struct Bank { /// A map of account public keys to the balance in that account. accounts: RwLock>, /// set of accounts which are currently in the pipeline account_locks: Mutex>, /// A FIFO queue of `last_id` items last_ids_q: RwLock, /// The number of transactions the bank has processed without error since the /// start of the ledger. transaction_count: AtomicUsize, /// This bool allows us to submit metrics that are specific for leaders or validators /// It is set to `true` by fullnode before creating the bank. pub is_leader: bool, // The latest finality time for the network finality_time: AtomicUsize, // loaded contracts hashed by program_id loaded_contracts: RwLock>, // Mapping of account ids to Subscriber ids and sinks to notify on userdata update account_subscriptions: RwLock>>>, // Mapping of signatures to Subscriber ids and sinks to notify on confirmation signature_subscriptions: RwLock>>>, } impl Default for LastIdsQ { fn default() -> Self { LastIdsQ { last_ids: VecDeque::new(), last_ids_sigs: HashMap::new(), } } } impl Default for Bank { fn default() -> Self { Bank { accounts: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), account_locks: Mutex::new(HashSet::new()), last_ids_q: RwLock::new(LastIdsQ::default()), transaction_count: AtomicUsize::new(0), is_leader: true, finality_time: AtomicUsize::new(std::usize::MAX), loaded_contracts: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), account_subscriptions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), signature_subscriptions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), } } } impl Bank { /// Create a default Bank pub fn new_default(is_leader: bool) -> Self { let mut bank = Bank::default(); bank.is_leader = is_leader; bank } /// Create an Bank using a deposit. pub fn new_from_deposit(deposit: &Payment) -> Self { let bank = Self::default(); { let mut accounts = bank.accounts.write().unwrap(); let account = accounts.entry(deposit.to).or_insert_with(Account::default); Self::apply_payment(deposit, account); } bank } /// Create an Bank with only a Mint. Typically used by unit tests. pub fn new(mint: &Mint) -> Self { let deposit = Payment { to: mint.pubkey(), tokens: mint.tokens, }; let bank = Self::new_from_deposit(&deposit); bank.register_entry_id(&mint.last_id()); bank } /// Commit funds to the given account fn apply_payment(payment: &Payment, account: &mut Account) { trace!("apply payments {}", payment.tokens); account.tokens += payment.tokens; } /// Return the last entry ID registered. pub fn last_id(&self) -> Hash { let last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.read().unwrap(); let last_item = last_ids_q .last_ids .iter() .last() .expect("get last item from 'last_ids' list"); *last_item } /// Store the given signature. The bank will reject any transaction with the same signature. fn reserve_signature(signatures: &mut SignatureStatusMap, signature: &Signature) -> Result<()> { if let Some(_result) = signatures.get(signature) { return Err(BankError::DuplicateSignature); } signatures.insert(*signature, Ok(())); Ok(()) } /// Forget all signatures. Useful for benchmarking. pub fn clear_signatures(&self) { for sigs in &mut self.last_ids_q.write().unwrap().last_ids_sigs.values_mut() { sigs.0.clear(); } } /// Return the position of the last_id in the last_id_queue starting from the back /// If the last_id is not found last_id_queue.len() is returned fn compute_entry_id_age(last_id_queue: &VecDeque, entry_id: Hash) -> Option { for (i, id) in last_id_queue.iter().rev().enumerate() { if *id == entry_id { return Some(i); } } None } /// Check if the age of the entry_id is within the max_age /// return false for any entries with an age equal to or above max_age fn check_entry_id_age(last_id_queue: &VecDeque, entry_id: Hash, max_age: usize) -> bool { match Self::compute_entry_id_age(last_id_queue, entry_id) { Some(age) if age < max_age => true, _ => false, } } fn reserve_signature_with_last_id( last_ids_sigs: &mut HashMap, last_id: &Hash, sig: &Signature, ) -> Result<()> { if let Some(entry) = last_ids_sigs.get_mut(last_id) { return Self::reserve_signature(&mut entry.0, sig); } Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound) } #[cfg(test)] fn reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&self, sig: &Signature, last_id: &Hash) -> Result<()> { let mut last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.write().unwrap(); Self::reserve_signature_with_last_id(&mut last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs, last_id, sig) } fn update_signature_status( signatures: &mut SignatureStatusMap, signature: &Signature, result: &Result<()>, ) { let entry = signatures.entry(*signature).or_insert(Ok(())); *entry = result.clone(); } fn update_signature_status_with_last_id( last_ids_sigs: &mut HashMap, signature: &Signature, result: &Result<()>, last_id: &Hash, ) { if let Some(entry) = last_ids_sigs.get_mut(last_id) { Self::update_signature_status(&mut entry.0, signature, result); } } fn update_transaction_statuses(&self, txs: &[Transaction], res: &[Result<()>]) { let mut last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.write().unwrap(); for (i, tx) in txs.iter().enumerate() { Self::update_signature_status_with_last_id( &mut last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs, &tx.signature, &res[i], &tx.last_id, ); if res[i] != Err(BankError::SignatureNotFound) { let status = match res[i] { Ok(_) => RpcSignatureStatus::Confirmed, Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(_)) => { RpcSignatureStatus::ProgramRuntimeError } Err(_) => RpcSignatureStatus::GenericFailure, }; if status != RpcSignatureStatus::SignatureNotFound { self.check_signature_subscriptions(&tx.signature, status); } } } } /// Look through the last_ids and find all the valid ids /// This is batched to avoid holding the lock for a significant amount of time /// /// Return a vec of tuple of (valid index, timestamp) /// index is into the passed ids slice to avoid copying hashes pub fn count_valid_ids(&self, ids: &[Hash]) -> Vec<(usize, u64)> { let last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.read().unwrap(); let mut ret = Vec::new(); for (i, id) in ids.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(entry) = last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs.get(id) { ret.push((i, entry.1)); } } ret } /// Tell the bank which Entry IDs exist on the ledger. This function /// assumes subsequent calls correspond to later entries, and will boot /// the oldest ones once its internal cache is full. Once boot, the /// bank will reject transactions using that `last_id`. pub fn register_entry_id(&self, last_id: &Hash) { let mut last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.write().unwrap(); if last_ids_q.last_ids.len() >= MAX_ENTRY_IDS { let id = last_ids_q.last_ids.pop_front().unwrap(); debug!("removing last_id {}", id); last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs.remove(&id); } inc_new_counter_info!("bank-register_entry_id-registered", 1); last_ids_q .last_ids_sigs .insert(*last_id, (HashMap::new(), timestamp())); last_ids_q.last_ids.push_back(*last_id); } /// Process a Transaction. This is used for unit tests and simply calls the vector Bank::process_transactions method. pub fn process_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<()> { let txs = vec![tx.clone()]; match self.process_transactions(&txs)[0] { Err(ref e) => { info!("process_transaction error: {:?}", e); Err((*e).clone()) } Ok(_) => Ok(()), } } fn lock_account( account_locks: &mut HashSet, keys: &[Pubkey], error_counters: &mut ErrorCounters, ) -> Result<()> { // Copy all the accounts for k in keys { if account_locks.contains(k) { error_counters.account_in_use += 1; return Err(BankError::AccountInUse); } } for k in keys { account_locks.insert(*k); } Ok(()) } fn unlock_account(tx: &Transaction, result: &Result<()>, account_locks: &mut HashSet) { match result { Err(BankError::AccountInUse) => (), _ => for k in &tx.account_keys { account_locks.remove(k); }, } } fn load_account( &self, tx: &Transaction, accounts: &HashMap, last_ids_q: &mut LastIdsQ, max_age: usize, error_counters: &mut ErrorCounters, ) -> Result> { // Copy all the accounts if accounts.get(&tx.account_keys[0]).is_none() { error_counters.account_not_found += 1; Err(BankError::AccountNotFound) } else if accounts.get(&tx.account_keys[0]).unwrap().tokens < tx.fee { error_counters.insufficient_funds += 1; Err(BankError::InsufficientFundsForFee) } else { if !Self::check_entry_id_age(&last_ids_q.last_ids, tx.last_id, max_age) { error_counters.last_id_not_found += 1; return Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound); } // There is no way to predict what contract will execute without an error // If a fee can pay for execution then the contract will be scheduled let err = Self::reserve_signature_with_last_id( &mut last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs, &tx.last_id, &tx.signature, ); if let Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound) = err { error_counters.reserve_last_id += 1; } else if let Err(BankError::DuplicateSignature) = err { error_counters.duplicate_signature += 1; } err?; let mut called_accounts: Vec = tx .account_keys .iter() .map(|key| accounts.get(key).cloned().unwrap_or_default()) .collect(); called_accounts[0].tokens -= tx.fee; Ok(called_accounts) } } /// This function will prevent multiple threads from modifying the same account state at the /// same time #[must_use] fn lock_accounts(&self, txs: &[Transaction]) -> Vec> { let mut account_locks = self.account_locks.lock().unwrap(); let mut error_counters = ErrorCounters::default(); let rv = txs .iter() .map(|tx| Self::lock_account(&mut account_locks, &tx.account_keys, &mut error_counters)) .collect(); if error_counters.account_in_use != 0 { inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-account_in_use", error_counters.account_in_use ); } rv } /// Once accounts are unlocked, new transactions that modify that state can enter the pipeline fn unlock_accounts(&self, txs: &[Transaction], results: &[Result<()>]) { debug!("bank unlock accounts"); let mut account_locks = self.account_locks.lock().unwrap(); txs.iter() .zip(results.iter()) .for_each(|(tx, result)| Self::unlock_account(tx, result, &mut account_locks)); } fn load_accounts( &self, txs: &[Transaction], results: Vec>, max_age: usize, error_counters: &mut ErrorCounters, ) -> Vec<(Result>)> { let accounts = self.accounts.read().unwrap(); let mut last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.write().unwrap(); txs.iter() .zip(results.into_iter()) .map(|etx| match etx { (tx, Ok(())) => { self.load_account(tx, &accounts, &mut last_ids_q, max_age, error_counters) } (_, Err(e)) => Err(e), }).collect() } pub fn verify_transaction( instruction_index: usize, tx_program_id: &Pubkey, pre_program_id: &Pubkey, pre_tokens: i64, account: &Account, ) -> Result<()> { // Verify the transaction // make sure that program_id is still the same or this was just assigned by the system call contract if !((*pre_program_id == account.program_id) || (SystemProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) && SystemProgram::check_id(&pre_program_id))) { //TODO, this maybe redundant bpf should be able to guarantee this property return Err(BankError::ModifiedContractId(instruction_index as u8)); } // For accounts unassigned to the contract, the individual balance of each accounts cannot decrease. if *tx_program_id != account.program_id && pre_tokens > account.tokens { return Err(BankError::ExternalAccountTokenSpend( instruction_index as u8, )); } if account.tokens < 0 { return Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(instruction_index as u8)); } Ok(()) } fn loaded_contract( &self, tx_program_id: &Pubkey, tx: &Transaction, instruction_index: usize, accounts: &mut [&mut Account], ) -> Result<()> { let loaded_contracts = self.loaded_contracts.write().unwrap(); match loaded_contracts.get(&tx_program_id) { Some(dc) => { let mut infos: Vec<_> = (&tx.account_keys) .into_iter() .zip(accounts) .map(|(key, account)| KeyedAccount { key, account }) .collect(); if dc.call(&mut infos, tx.userdata(instruction_index)) { Ok(()) } else { Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)) } } None => Err(BankError::UnknownContractId(instruction_index as u8)), } } /// Execute a function with a subset of accounts as writable references. /// Since the subset can point to the same references, in any order there is no way /// for the borrow checker to track them with regards to the original set. fn with_subset(accounts: &mut [Account], ixes: &[u8], func: F) -> A where F: Fn(&mut [&mut Account]) -> A, { let mut subset: Vec<&mut Account> = ixes .iter() .map(|ix| { let ptr = &mut accounts[*ix as usize] as *mut Account; // lifetime of this unsafe is only within the scope of the closure // there is no way to reorder them without breaking borrow checker rules unsafe { &mut *ptr } }).collect(); func(&mut subset) } /// Execute an instruction /// This method calls the instruction's program entry pont method and verifies that the result of /// the call does not violate the bank's accounting rules. /// The accounts are committed back to the bank only if this function returns Ok(_). fn execute_instruction( &self, tx: &Transaction, instruction_index: usize, program_accounts: &mut [&mut Account], ) -> Result<()> { let tx_program_id = tx.program_id(instruction_index); // TODO: the runtime should be checking read/write access to memory // we are trusting the hard coded contracts not to clobber or allocate let pre_total: i64 = program_accounts.iter().map(|a| a.tokens).sum(); let pre_data: Vec<_> = program_accounts .iter_mut() .map(|a| (a.program_id, a.tokens)) .collect(); // Check account subscriptions before storing data for notifications let subscriptions = self.account_subscriptions.read().unwrap(); let pre_userdata: Vec<_> = tx .account_keys .iter() .enumerate() .zip(program_accounts.iter_mut()) .filter(|((_, pubkey), _)| subscriptions.get(&pubkey).is_some()) .map(|((i, pubkey), a)| ((i, pubkey), a.userdata.clone())) .collect(); // Call the contract method // It's up to the contract to implement its own rules on moving funds if SystemProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if SystemProgram::process_transaction( &tx, instruction_index, program_accounts, &self.loaded_contracts, ).is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else if BudgetState::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if BudgetState::process_transaction(&tx, instruction_index, program_accounts).is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else if StorageProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if StorageProgram::process_transaction(&tx, instruction_index, program_accounts) .is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else if TicTacToeProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if TicTacToeProgram::process_transaction(&tx, instruction_index, program_accounts) .is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else if TicTacToeDashboardProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if TicTacToeDashboardProgram::process_transaction( &tx, instruction_index, program_accounts, ).is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else if TokenProgram::check_id(&tx_program_id) { if TokenProgram::process_transaction(&tx, instruction_index, program_accounts).is_err() { return Err(BankError::ProgramRuntimeError(instruction_index as u8)); } } else { self.loaded_contract(tx_program_id, tx, instruction_index, program_accounts)?; } // Verify the transaction for ((pre_program_id, pre_tokens), post_account) in pre_data.iter().zip(program_accounts.iter()) { Self::verify_transaction( instruction_index, &tx_program_id, pre_program_id, *pre_tokens, post_account, )?; } // Send notifications for ((i, pubkey), userdata) in &pre_userdata { let account = &program_accounts[*i]; if userdata != &account.userdata { self.check_account_subscriptions(&pubkey, &account); } } // The total sum of all the tokens in all the pages cannot change. let post_total: i64 = program_accounts.iter().map(|a| a.tokens).sum(); if pre_total != post_total { Err(BankError::UnbalancedTransaction(instruction_index as u8)) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Execute a transaction. /// This method calls each instruction in the transaction over the set of loaded Accounts /// The accounts are committed back to the bank only if every instruction succeeds fn execute_transaction(&self, tx: &Transaction, tx_accounts: &mut [Account]) -> Result<()> { for (instruction_index, prog) in tx.instructions.iter().enumerate() { Self::with_subset(tx_accounts, &prog.accounts, |program_accounts| { self.execute_instruction(tx, instruction_index, program_accounts) })?; } Ok(()) } pub fn store_accounts( &self, txs: &[Transaction], res: &[Result<()>], loaded: &[Result>], ) { let mut accounts = self.accounts.write().unwrap(); for (i, racc) in loaded.iter().enumerate() { if res[i].is_err() || racc.is_err() { continue; } let tx = &txs[i]; let acc = racc.as_ref().unwrap(); for (key, account) in tx.account_keys.iter().zip(acc.iter()) { //purge if 0 if account.tokens == 0 { accounts.remove(&key); } else { *accounts.entry(*key).or_insert_with(Account::default) = account.clone(); assert_eq!(accounts.get(key).unwrap().tokens, account.tokens); } } } } pub fn process_and_record_transactions( &self, txs: &[Transaction], poh: &PohRecorder, ) -> Result<()> { let now = Instant::now(); // Once accounts are locked, other threads cannot encode transactions that will modify the // same account state let locked_accounts = self.lock_accounts(txs); let lock_time = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); // Use a shorter maximum age when adding transactions into the pipeline. This will reduce // the likelyhood of any single thread getting starved and processing old ids. // TODO: Banking stage threads should be prioratized to complete faster then this queue // expires. let results = self.execute_and_commit_transactions(txs, locked_accounts, MAX_ENTRY_IDS / 2); let process_time = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); self.record_transactions(txs, &results, poh)?; let record_time = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); // Once the accounts are unlocked new transactions can enter the pipeline to process them self.unlock_accounts(&txs, &results); let unlock_time = now.elapsed(); debug!( "lock: {}us process: {}us record: {}us unlock: {}us txs_len={}", duration_as_us(&lock_time), duration_as_us(&process_time), duration_as_us(&record_time), duration_as_us(&unlock_time), txs.len(), ); Ok(()) } fn record_transactions( &self, txs: &[Transaction], results: &[Result<()>], poh: &PohRecorder, ) -> Result<()> { let processed_transactions: Vec<_> = results .iter() .zip(txs.iter()) .filter_map(|(r, x)| match r { Ok(_) => Some(x.clone()), Err(ref e) => { debug!("process transaction failed {:?}", e); None } }).collect(); // unlock all the accounts with errors which are filtered by the above `filter_map` if !processed_transactions.is_empty() { let hash = Transaction::hash(&processed_transactions); debug!("processed ok: {} {}", processed_transactions.len(), hash); // record and unlock will unlock all the successfull transactions poh.record(hash, processed_transactions).map_err(|e| { warn!("record failure: {:?}", e); BankError::RecordFailure })?; } Ok(()) } /// Process a batch of transactions. #[must_use] pub fn execute_and_commit_transactions( &self, txs: &[Transaction], locked_accounts: Vec>, max_age: usize, ) -> Vec> { debug!("processing transactions: {}", txs.len()); let mut error_counters = ErrorCounters::default(); let now = Instant::now(); let mut loaded_accounts = self.load_accounts(txs, locked_accounts, max_age, &mut error_counters); let load_elapsed = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); let executed: Vec> = loaded_accounts .iter_mut() .zip(txs.iter()) .map(|(acc, tx)| match acc { Err(e) => Err(e.clone()), Ok(ref mut accounts) => self.execute_transaction(tx, accounts), }).collect(); let execution_elapsed = now.elapsed(); let now = Instant::now(); self.store_accounts(txs, &executed, &loaded_accounts); // once committed there is no way to unroll let write_elapsed = now.elapsed(); debug!( "load: {}us execute: {}us store: {}us txs_len={}", duration_as_us(&load_elapsed), duration_as_us(&execution_elapsed), duration_as_us(&write_elapsed), txs.len(), ); self.update_transaction_statuses(txs, &executed); let mut tx_count = 0; let mut err_count = 0; for (r, tx) in executed.iter().zip(txs.iter()) { if r.is_ok() { tx_count += 1; } else { if err_count == 0 { info!("tx error: {:?} {:?}", r, tx); } err_count += 1; } } if err_count > 0 { info!("{} errors of {} txs", err_count, err_count + tx_count); inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-account_not_found", error_counters.account_not_found ); inc_new_counter_info!("bank-process_transactions-error_count", err_count); } self.transaction_count .fetch_add(tx_count, Ordering::Relaxed); inc_new_counter_info!("bank-process_transactions-txs", tx_count); if 0 != error_counters.last_id_not_found { inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-error-last_id_not_found", error_counters.last_id_not_found ); } if 0 != error_counters.reserve_last_id { inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-error-reserve_last_id", error_counters.reserve_last_id ); } if 0 != error_counters.duplicate_signature { inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-error-duplicate_signature", error_counters.duplicate_signature ); } if 0 != error_counters.insufficient_funds { inc_new_counter_info!( "bank-process_transactions-error-insufficient_funds", error_counters.insufficient_funds ); } executed } #[must_use] pub fn process_transactions(&self, txs: &[Transaction]) -> Vec> { let locked_accounts = self.lock_accounts(txs); let results = self.execute_and_commit_transactions(txs, locked_accounts, MAX_ENTRY_IDS); self.unlock_accounts(txs, &results); results } pub fn process_entry_votes( bank: &Bank, entry: &Entry, entry_height: u64, leader_scheduler: &mut LeaderScheduler, ) { for tx in &entry.transactions { if tx.vote().is_some() { // Update the active set in the leader scheduler leader_scheduler.push_vote(*tx.from(), entry_height); } } leader_scheduler.update_height(entry_height, bank); } pub fn process_entry(&self, entry: &Entry) -> Result<()> { if !entry.transactions.is_empty() { for result in self.process_transactions(&entry.transactions) { result?; } } else { self.register_entry_id(&entry.id); } Ok(()) } /// Process an ordered list of entries, populating a circular buffer "tail" /// as we go. fn process_entries_tail( &self, entries: &[Entry], tail: &mut Vec, tail_idx: &mut usize, ) -> Result { let mut entry_count = 0; for entry in entries { if tail.len() > *tail_idx { tail[*tail_idx] = entry.clone(); } else { tail.push(entry.clone()); } *tail_idx = (*tail_idx + 1) % WINDOW_SIZE as usize; entry_count += 1; self.process_entry(entry)?; } Ok(entry_count) } /// Process an ordered list of entries. pub fn process_entries(&self, entries: &[Entry]) -> Result<()> { for entry in entries { self.process_entry(&entry)?; } Ok(()) } /// Append entry blocks to the ledger, verifying them along the way. fn process_blocks( &self, start_hash: Hash, entries: I, tail: &mut Vec, tail_idx: &mut usize, leader_scheduler: &mut LeaderScheduler, ) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, { // Ledger verification needs to be parallelized, but we can't pull the whole // thing into memory. We therefore chunk it. let mut entry_count = *tail_idx as u64; let mut id = start_hash; for block in &entries.into_iter().chunks(VERIFY_BLOCK_SIZE) { let block: Vec<_> = block.collect(); if !block.verify(&id) { warn!("Ledger proof of history failed at entry: {}", entry_count); return Err(BankError::LedgerVerificationFailed); } id = block.last().unwrap().id; let tail_count = self.process_entries_tail(&block, tail, tail_idx)?; if !leader_scheduler.use_only_bootstrap_leader { for (i, entry) in block.iter().enumerate() { Self::process_entry_votes( self, &entry, entry_count + i as u64 + 1, leader_scheduler, ); } } entry_count += tail_count; } Ok(entry_count) } /// Process a full ledger. pub fn process_ledger( &self, entries: I, leader_scheduler: &mut LeaderScheduler, ) -> Result<(u64, Vec)> where I: IntoIterator, { let mut entries = entries.into_iter(); // The first item in the ledger is required to be an entry with zero num_hashes, // which implies its id can be used as the ledger's seed. let entry0 = entries.next().expect("invalid ledger: empty"); // The second item in the ledger is a special transaction where the to and from // fields are the same. That entry should be treated as a deposit, not a // transfer to oneself. let entry1 = entries .next() .expect("invalid ledger: need at least 2 entries"); { let tx = &entry1.transactions[0]; assert!(SystemProgram::check_id(tx.program_id(0)), "Invalid ledger"); let instruction: SystemProgram = deserialize(tx.userdata(0)).unwrap(); let deposit = if let SystemProgram::Move { tokens } = instruction { Some(tokens) } else { None }.expect("invalid ledger, needs to start with a contract"); { let mut accounts = self.accounts.write().unwrap(); let account = accounts .entry(tx.account_keys[0]) .or_insert_with(Account::default); account.tokens += deposit; trace!("applied genesis payment {:?} => {:?}", deposit, account); } } self.register_entry_id(&entry0.id); self.register_entry_id(&entry1.id); let entry1_id = entry1.id; let mut tail = Vec::with_capacity(WINDOW_SIZE as usize); tail.push(entry0); tail.push(entry1); let mut tail_idx = 2; let entry_count = self.process_blocks( entry1_id, entries, &mut tail, &mut tail_idx, leader_scheduler, )?; // check if we need to rotate tail if tail.len() == WINDOW_SIZE as usize { tail.rotate_left(tail_idx) } Ok((entry_count, tail)) } /// Create, sign, and process a Transaction from `keypair` to `to` of /// `n` tokens where `last_id` is the last Entry ID observed by the client. pub fn transfer( &self, n: i64, keypair: &Keypair, to: Pubkey, last_id: Hash, ) -> Result { let tx = Transaction::system_new(keypair, to, n, last_id); let signature = tx.signature; self.process_transaction(&tx).map(|_| signature) } pub fn read_balance(account: &Account) -> i64 { if SystemProgram::check_id(&account.program_id) { SystemProgram::get_balance(account) } else if BudgetState::check_id(&account.program_id) { BudgetState::get_balance(account) } else { account.tokens } } /// Each contract would need to be able to introspect its own state /// this is hard coded to the budget contract language pub fn get_balance(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> i64 { self.get_account(pubkey) .map(|x| Self::read_balance(&x)) .unwrap_or(0) } pub fn get_account(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Option { let accounts = self .accounts .read() .expect("'accounts' read lock in get_balance"); accounts.get(pubkey).cloned() } pub fn transaction_count(&self) -> usize { self.transaction_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } pub fn get_signature_status(&self, signature: &Signature) -> Result<()> { let last_ids_q = self.last_ids_q.read().unwrap(); for (signatures, _) in last_ids_q.last_ids_sigs.values() { if let Some(res) = signatures.get(signature) { return res.clone(); } } Err(BankError::SignatureNotFound) } pub fn has_signature(&self, signature: &Signature) -> bool { self.get_signature_status(signature) != Err(BankError::SignatureNotFound) } pub fn get_signature(&self, last_id: &Hash, signature: &Signature) -> Option> { self.last_ids_q .read() .unwrap() .last_ids_sigs .get(last_id) .and_then(|sigs| sigs.0.get(signature).cloned()) } /// Hash the `accounts` HashMap. This represents a validator's interpretation /// of the ledger up to the `last_id`, to be sent back to the leader when voting. pub fn hash_internal_state(&self) -> Hash { let mut ordered_accounts = BTreeMap::new(); for (pubkey, account) in self.accounts.read().unwrap().iter() { ordered_accounts.insert(*pubkey, account.clone()); } hash(&serialize(&ordered_accounts).unwrap()) } pub fn finality(&self) -> usize { self.finality_time.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } pub fn set_finality(&self, finality: usize) { self.finality_time.store(finality, Ordering::Relaxed); } pub fn add_account_subscription( &self, bank_sub_id: Pubkey, pubkey: Pubkey, sink: Sink, ) { let mut subscriptions = self.account_subscriptions.write().unwrap(); if let Some(current_hashmap) = subscriptions.get_mut(&pubkey) { current_hashmap.insert(bank_sub_id, sink); return; } let mut hashmap = HashMap::new(); hashmap.insert(bank_sub_id, sink); subscriptions.insert(pubkey, hashmap); } pub fn remove_account_subscription(&self, bank_sub_id: &Pubkey, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> bool { let mut subscriptions = self.account_subscriptions.write().unwrap(); match subscriptions.get_mut(pubkey) { Some(ref current_hashmap) if current_hashmap.len() == 1 => {} Some(current_hashmap) => { return current_hashmap.remove(bank_sub_id).is_some(); } None => { return false; } } subscriptions.remove(pubkey).is_some() } fn check_account_subscriptions(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey, account: &Account) { let subscriptions = self.account_subscriptions.read().unwrap(); if let Some(hashmap) = subscriptions.get(pubkey) { for (_bank_sub_id, sink) in hashmap.iter() { sink.notify(Ok(account.clone())).wait().unwrap(); } } } pub fn add_signature_subscription( &self, bank_sub_id: Pubkey, signature: Signature, sink: Sink, ) { let mut subscriptions = self.signature_subscriptions.write().unwrap(); if let Some(current_hashmap) = subscriptions.get_mut(&signature) { current_hashmap.insert(bank_sub_id, sink); return; } let mut hashmap = HashMap::new(); hashmap.insert(bank_sub_id, sink); subscriptions.insert(signature, hashmap); } pub fn remove_signature_subscription( &self, bank_sub_id: &Pubkey, signature: &Signature, ) -> bool { let mut subscriptions = self.signature_subscriptions.write().unwrap(); match subscriptions.get_mut(signature) { Some(ref current_hashmap) if current_hashmap.len() == 1 => {} Some(current_hashmap) => { return current_hashmap.remove(bank_sub_id).is_some(); } None => { return false; } } subscriptions.remove(signature).is_some() } fn check_signature_subscriptions(&self, signature: &Signature, status: RpcSignatureStatus) { let mut subscriptions = self.signature_subscriptions.write().unwrap(); if let Some(hashmap) = subscriptions.get(signature) { for (_bank_sub_id, sink) in hashmap.iter() { sink.notify(Ok(status)).wait().unwrap(); } } subscriptions.remove(&signature); } #[cfg(test)] // Used to access accounts for things like controlling stake to control // the eligible set of nodes for leader selection pub fn accounts(&self) -> &RwLock> { &self.accounts } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bincode::serialize; use budget_program::BudgetState; use entry::next_entry; use entry::Entry; use entry_writer::{self, EntryWriter}; use hash::hash; use jsonrpc_macros::pubsub::{Subscriber, SubscriptionId}; use leader_scheduler::LeaderScheduler; use ledger; use logger; use signature::Keypair; use signature::{GenKeys, KeypairUtil}; use std; use std::io::{BufReader, Cursor, Seek, SeekFrom}; use system_transaction::SystemTransaction; use tokio::prelude::{Async, Stream}; use transaction::Instruction; #[test] fn test_bank_new() { let mint = Mint::new(10_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 10_000); } #[test] fn test_two_payments_to_one_party() { let mint = Mint::new(10_000); let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); assert_eq!(bank.last_id(), mint.last_id()); bank.transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1_000); bank.transfer(500, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1_500); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 2); } #[test] fn test_one_source_two_tx_one_batch() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let key2 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); assert_eq!(bank.last_id(), mint.last_id()); let t1 = Transaction::system_move(&mint.keypair(), key1, 1, mint.last_id(), 0); let t2 = Transaction::system_move(&mint.keypair(), key2, 1, mint.last_id(), 0); let res = bank.process_transactions(&vec![t1.clone(), t2.clone()]); assert_eq!(res.len(), 2); assert_eq!(res[0], Ok(())); assert_eq!(res[1], Err(BankError::AccountInUse)); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 0); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key1), 1); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key2), 0); assert_eq!(bank.get_signature(&t1.last_id, &t1.signature), Some(Ok(()))); // TODO: Transactions that fail to pay a fee could be dropped silently assert_eq!( bank.get_signature(&t2.last_id, &t2.signature), Some(Err(BankError::AccountInUse)) ); } #[test] fn test_one_tx_two_out_atomic_fail() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let key2 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let spend = SystemProgram::Move { tokens: 1 }; let instructions = vec![ Instruction { program_ids_index: 0, userdata: serialize(&spend).unwrap(), accounts: vec![0, 1], }, Instruction { program_ids_index: 0, userdata: serialize(&spend).unwrap(), accounts: vec![0, 2], }, ]; let t1 = Transaction::new_with_instructions( &mint.keypair(), &[key1, key2], mint.last_id(), 0, vec![SystemProgram::id()], instructions, ); let res = bank.process_transactions(&vec![t1.clone()]); assert_eq!(res.len(), 1); assert_eq!(res[0], Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(1))); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 1); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key1), 0); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key2), 0); assert_eq!( bank.get_signature(&t1.last_id, &t1.signature), Some(Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(1))) ); } #[test] fn test_one_tx_two_out_atomic_pass() { let mint = Mint::new(2); let key1 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let key2 = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let t1 = Transaction::system_move_many( &mint.keypair(), &[(key1, 1), (key2, 1)], mint.last_id(), 0, ); let res = bank.process_transactions(&vec![t1.clone()]); assert_eq!(res.len(), 1); assert_eq!(res[0], Ok(())); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 0); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key1), 1); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&key2), 1); assert_eq!(bank.get_signature(&t1.last_id, &t1.signature), Some(Ok(()))); } #[test] fn test_negative_tokens() { logger::setup(); let mint = Mint::new(1); let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let res = bank.transfer(-1, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()); println!("{:?}", bank.get_account(&pubkey)); assert_matches!(res, Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(0))); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 0); } // TODO: This test demonstrates that fees are not paid when a program fails. // See github issue 1157 (https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/issues/1157) #[test] fn test_detect_failed_duplicate_transactions_issue_1157() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let dest = Keypair::new(); // source with 0 contract context let tx = Transaction::system_create( &mint.keypair(), dest.pubkey(), mint.last_id(), 2, 0, Pubkey::default(), 1, ); let signature = tx.signature; assert!(!bank.has_signature(&signature)); let res = bank.process_transaction(&tx); // Result failed, but signature is registered assert!(res.is_err()); assert!(bank.has_signature(&signature)); assert_matches!( bank.get_signature_status(&signature), Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(0)) ); // The tokens didn't move, but the from address paid the transaction fee. assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&dest.pubkey()), 0); // BUG: This should be the original balance minus the transaction fee. //assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 0); } #[test] fn test_account_not_found() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = Keypair::new(); assert_eq!( bank.transfer(1, &keypair, mint.pubkey(), mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::AccountNotFound) ); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 0); } #[test] fn test_insufficient_funds() { let mint = Mint::new(11_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); bank.transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1_000); assert_matches!( bank.transfer(10_001, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::ResultWithNegativeTokens(0)) ); assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); let mint_pubkey = mint.keypair().pubkey(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint_pubkey), 10_000); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1_000); } #[test] fn test_transfer_to_newb() { let mint = Mint::new(10_000); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let pubkey = Keypair::new().pubkey(); bank.transfer(500, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 500); } #[test] fn test_duplicate_transaction_signature() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let signature = Signature::default(); assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()), Ok(()) ); assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::DuplicateSignature) ); } #[test] fn test_clear_signatures() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let signature = Signature::default(); bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); bank.clear_signatures(); assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()), Ok(()) ); } #[test] fn test_get_signature_status() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let signature = Signature::default(); bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()) .expect("reserve signature"); assert_eq!(bank.get_signature_status(&signature), Ok(())); } #[test] fn test_has_signature() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let signature = Signature::default(); bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()) .expect("reserve signature"); assert!(bank.has_signature(&signature)); } #[test] fn test_reject_old_last_id() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let signature = Signature::default(); for i in 0..MAX_ENTRY_IDS { let last_id = hash(&serialize(&i).unwrap()); // Unique hash bank.register_entry_id(&last_id); } // Assert we're no longer able to use the oldest entry ID. assert_eq!( bank.reserve_signature_with_last_id_test(&signature, &mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound) ); } #[test] fn test_count_valid_ids() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let ids: Vec<_> = (0..MAX_ENTRY_IDS) .map(|i| { let last_id = hash(&serialize(&i).unwrap()); // Unique hash bank.register_entry_id(&last_id); last_id }).collect(); assert_eq!(bank.count_valid_ids(&[]).len(), 0); assert_eq!(bank.count_valid_ids(&[mint.last_id()]).len(), 0); for (i, id) in bank.count_valid_ids(&ids).iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(id.0, i); } } #[test] fn test_debits_before_credits() { let mint = Mint::new(2); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let tx0 = Transaction::system_new(&mint.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 2, mint.last_id()); let tx1 = Transaction::system_new(&keypair, mint.pubkey(), 1, mint.last_id()); let txs = vec![tx0, tx1]; let results = bank.process_transactions(&txs); assert!(results[1].is_err()); // Assert bad transactions aren't counted. assert_eq!(bank.transaction_count(), 1); } #[test] fn test_process_empty_entry_is_registered() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let entry = next_entry(&mint.last_id(), 1, vec![]); let tx = Transaction::system_new(&mint.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 1, entry.id); // First, ensure the TX is rejected because of the unregistered last ID assert_eq!( bank.process_transaction(&tx), Err(BankError::LastIdNotFound) ); // Now ensure the TX is accepted despite pointing to the ID of an empty entry. bank.process_entries(&[entry]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.process_transaction(&tx), Ok(())); } #[test] fn test_process_genesis() { let mint = Mint::new(1); let genesis = mint.create_entries(); let bank = Bank::default(); bank.process_ledger(genesis, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 1); } fn create_sample_block_with_next_entries_using_keypairs( mint: &Mint, keypairs: &[Keypair], ) -> impl Iterator { let mut last_id = mint.last_id(); let mut hash = mint.last_id(); let mut entries: Vec = vec![]; let mut num_hashes = 0; for k in keypairs { let txs = vec![Transaction::system_new( &mint.keypair(), k.pubkey(), 1, last_id, )]; let mut e = ledger::next_entries(&hash, 0, txs); entries.append(&mut e); hash = entries.last().unwrap().id; let tick = Entry::new_mut(&mut hash, &mut num_hashes, vec![]); last_id = hash; entries.push(tick); } entries.into_iter() } // create a ledger with tick entries every `ticks` entries fn create_sample_block_with_ticks( mint: &Mint, length: usize, ticks: usize, ) -> impl Iterator { let mut entries = Vec::with_capacity(length); let mut hash = mint.last_id(); let mut last_id = mint.last_id(); let mut num_hashes = 0; for i in 0..length { let keypair = Keypair::new(); let tx = Transaction::system_new(&mint.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 1, last_id); let entry = Entry::new_mut(&mut hash, &mut num_hashes, vec![tx]); entries.push(entry); if (i + 1) % ticks == 0 { let tick = Entry::new_mut(&mut hash, &mut num_hashes, vec![]); last_id = hash; entries.push(tick); } } entries.into_iter() } fn create_sample_ledger(length: usize) -> (impl Iterator, Pubkey) { let mint = Mint::new(length as i64 + 1); let genesis = mint.create_entries(); let block = create_sample_block_with_ticks(&mint, length, length); (genesis.into_iter().chain(block), mint.pubkey()) } fn create_sample_ledger_with_mint_and_keypairs( mint: &Mint, keypairs: &[Keypair], ) -> impl Iterator { let genesis = mint.create_entries(); let block = create_sample_block_with_next_entries_using_keypairs(mint, keypairs); genesis.into_iter().chain(block) } #[test] fn test_process_ledger_simple() { let (ledger, pubkey) = create_sample_ledger(1); let (ledger, dup) = ledger.tee(); let bank = Bank::default(); let (ledger_height, tail) = bank .process_ledger(ledger, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1); assert_eq!(ledger_height, 4); assert_eq!(tail.len(), 4); assert_eq!(tail, dup.collect_vec()); let last_entry = &tail[tail.len() - 1]; // last entry is a tick assert_eq!(0, last_entry.transactions.len()); // tick is registered assert_eq!(bank.last_id(), last_entry.id); } #[test] fn test_process_ledger_around_window_size() { // TODO: put me back in when Criterion is up // for _ in 0..10 { // let (ledger, _) = create_sample_ledger(WINDOW_SIZE as usize); // let bank = Bank::default(); // let (_, _) = bank.process_ledger(ledger).unwrap(); // } let window_size = WINDOW_SIZE as usize; for entry_count in window_size - 3..window_size + 2 { let (ledger, pubkey) = create_sample_ledger(entry_count); let bank = Bank::default(); let (ledger_height, tail) = bank .process_ledger(ledger, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1); assert_eq!(ledger_height, entry_count as u64 + 3); assert!(tail.len() <= window_size); let last_entry = &tail[tail.len() - 1]; assert_eq!(bank.last_id(), last_entry.id); } } // Write the given entries to a file and then return a file iterator to them. fn to_file_iter(entries: impl Iterator) -> impl Iterator { let mut file = Cursor::new(vec![]); EntryWriter::write_entries(&mut file, entries).unwrap(); file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap(); let reader = BufReader::new(file); entry_writer::read_entries(reader).map(|x| x.unwrap()) } #[test] fn test_process_ledger_from_file() { let (ledger, pubkey) = create_sample_ledger(1); let ledger = to_file_iter(ledger); let bank = Bank::default(); bank.process_ledger(ledger, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&pubkey), 1); } #[test] fn test_process_ledger_from_files() { let mint = Mint::new(2); let genesis = to_file_iter(mint.create_entries().into_iter()); let block = to_file_iter(create_sample_block_with_ticks(&mint, 1, 1)); let bank = Bank::default(); bank.process_ledger(genesis.chain(block), &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank.get_balance(&mint.pubkey()), 1); } #[test] fn test_new_default() { let def_bank = Bank::default(); assert!(def_bank.is_leader); let leader_bank = Bank::new_default(true); assert!(leader_bank.is_leader); let validator_bank = Bank::new_default(false); assert!(!validator_bank.is_leader); } #[test] fn test_hash_internal_state() { let mint = Mint::new(2_000); let seed = [0u8; 32]; let mut rnd = GenKeys::new(seed); let keypairs = rnd.gen_n_keypairs(5); let ledger0 = create_sample_ledger_with_mint_and_keypairs(&mint, &keypairs); let ledger1 = create_sample_ledger_with_mint_and_keypairs(&mint, &keypairs); let bank0 = Bank::default(); bank0 .process_ledger(ledger0, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); let bank1 = Bank::default(); bank1 .process_ledger(ledger1, &mut LeaderScheduler::default()) .unwrap(); let initial_state = bank0.hash_internal_state(); assert_eq!(bank1.hash_internal_state(), initial_state); let pubkey = keypairs[0].pubkey(); bank0 .transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_ne!(bank0.hash_internal_state(), initial_state); bank1 .transfer(1_000, &mint.keypair(), pubkey, mint.last_id()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bank0.hash_internal_state(), bank1.hash_internal_state()); } #[test] fn test_finality() { let def_bank = Bank::default(); assert_eq!(def_bank.finality(), std::usize::MAX); def_bank.set_finality(90); assert_eq!(def_bank.finality(), 90); } #[test] fn test_interleaving_locks() { let mint = Mint::new(3); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let alice = Keypair::new(); let bob = Keypair::new(); let tx1 = Transaction::system_new(&mint.keypair(), alice.pubkey(), 1, mint.last_id()); let pay_alice = vec![tx1]; let locked_alice = bank.lock_accounts(&pay_alice); let results_alice = bank.execute_and_commit_transactions(&pay_alice, locked_alice, MAX_ENTRY_IDS); assert_eq!(results_alice[0], Ok(())); // try executing an interleaved transfer twice assert_eq!( bank.transfer(1, &mint.keypair(), bob.pubkey(), mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::AccountInUse) ); // the second time shoudl fail as well // this verifies that `unlock_accounts` doesn't unlock `AccountInUse` accounts assert_eq!( bank.transfer(1, &mint.keypair(), bob.pubkey(), mint.last_id()), Err(BankError::AccountInUse) ); bank.unlock_accounts(&pay_alice, &results_alice); assert_matches!( bank.transfer(2, &mint.keypair(), bob.pubkey(), mint.last_id()), Ok(_) ); } #[test] fn test_bank_account_subscribe() { let mint = Mint::new(100); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let alice = Keypair::new(); let bank_sub_id = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let last_id = bank.last_id(); let tx = Transaction::system_create( &mint.keypair(), alice.pubkey(), last_id, 1, 16, BudgetState::id(), 0, ); bank.process_transaction(&tx).unwrap(); let (subscriber, _id_receiver, mut transport_receiver) = Subscriber::new_test("accountNotification"); let sub_id = SubscriptionId::Number(0 as u64); let sink = subscriber.assign_id(sub_id.clone()).unwrap(); bank.add_account_subscription(bank_sub_id, alice.pubkey(), sink); assert!( bank.account_subscriptions .write() .unwrap() .contains_key(&alice.pubkey()) ); let account = bank.get_account(&alice.pubkey()).unwrap(); bank.check_account_subscriptions(&alice.pubkey(), &account); let string = transport_receiver.poll(); assert!(string.is_ok()); if let Async::Ready(Some(response)) = string.unwrap() { let expected = format!(r#"{{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"accountNotification","params":{{"result":{{"program_id":[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"tokens":1,"userdata":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]}},"subscription":0}}}}"#); assert_eq!(expected, response); } bank.remove_account_subscription(&bank_sub_id, &alice.pubkey()); assert!( !bank .account_subscriptions .write() .unwrap() .contains_key(&alice.pubkey()) ); } #[test] fn test_bank_signature_subscribe() { let mint = Mint::new(100); let bank = Bank::new(&mint); let alice = Keypair::new(); let bank_sub_id = Keypair::new().pubkey(); let last_id = bank.last_id(); let tx = Transaction::system_move(&mint.keypair(), alice.pubkey(), 20, last_id, 0); let signature = tx.signature; bank.process_transaction(&tx).unwrap(); let (subscriber, _id_receiver, mut transport_receiver) = Subscriber::new_test("signatureNotification"); let sub_id = SubscriptionId::Number(0 as u64); let sink = subscriber.assign_id(sub_id.clone()).unwrap(); bank.add_signature_subscription(bank_sub_id, signature, sink); assert!( bank.signature_subscriptions .write() .unwrap() .contains_key(&signature) ); bank.check_signature_subscriptions(&signature, RpcSignatureStatus::Confirmed); let string = transport_receiver.poll(); assert!(string.is_ok()); if let Async::Ready(Some(response)) = string.unwrap() { let expected = format!(r#"{{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"signatureNotification","params":{{"result":"Confirmed","subscription":0}}}}"#); assert_eq!(expected, response); } bank.remove_signature_subscription(&bank_sub_id, &signature); assert!( !bank .signature_subscriptions .write() .unwrap() .contains_key(&signature) ); } #[test] fn test_entry_id_age() { let mut q = VecDeque::new(); let hash1 = Hash::default(); let hash2 = hash(hash1.as_ref()); let hash3 = hash(hash2.as_ref()); assert_eq!(Bank::compute_entry_id_age(&q, hash1), None); q.push_back(hash1); assert_eq!(Bank::compute_entry_id_age(&q, hash1), Some(0)); q.push_back(hash2); assert_eq!(Bank::compute_entry_id_age(&q, hash1), Some(1)); assert_eq!(Bank::compute_entry_id_age(&q, hash2), Some(0)); assert_eq!(Bank::compute_entry_id_age(&q, hash3), None); // all are below 2 assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash2, 2), true); assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash1, 2), true); // hash2 is most recent with age 0, max is 1, anything equal to max or above is rejected assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash2, 1), true); assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash1, 1), false); // max_age 0 is always rejected assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash1, 0), false); assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash2, 0), false); // hash3 is not in the q assert_eq!(Bank::check_entry_id_age(&q, hash3, 3), false); } }