# |source| this file # # Utilities for working with Azure instances # # Default zone cloud_DefaultZone() { echo "westus" } cloud_RestartPreemptedInstances() { : # Not implemented } # # __cloud_GetConfigValueFromInstanceName # Return a piece of configuration information about an instance # Provide the exact name of an instance and the configuration key, and the corresponding value will be returned # # example: # This will return the name of the resource group of the instance named # __cloud_GetConfigValueFromInstanceName some-instance-name resourceGroup cloud_GetConfigValueFromInstanceName() { query="[?name=='$1']" key="[$2]" config_value=$(az vm list -d -o tsv --query "$query.$key") } cloud_GetResourceGroupFromInstanceName() { resourceGroup=$(az vm list -o tsv --query "[?name=='$1'].[resourceGroup]") } cloud_GetIdFromInstanceName() { id=$(az vm list -o tsv --query "[?name=='$1'].[id]") } # # __cloud_FindInstances # # Find instances matching the specified pattern. # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:public IP:private IP:location" # # filter - The instances to filter on # # examples: # $ __cloud_FindInstances prefix some-machine-prefix # $ __cloud_FindInstances name exact-machine-name # # Examples of plain-text filter command # # This will return an exact match for a machine named pgnode # az vm list -d --query "[?name=='pgnode'].[name,publicIps,privateIps,location]" # # This will return a match for any machine with prefix pgnode, ex: pgnode and pgnode2 # az vm list -d --query "[?starts_with(name,'pgnode')].[name,publicIps,privateIps,location]" __cloud_FindInstances() { case $1 in prefix) query="[?starts_with(name,'$2')]" ;; name) query="[?name=='$2']" ;; *) echo "Unknown filter command: $1" ;; esac keys="[name,publicIps,privateIps,location]" instances=() while read -r name publicIp privateIp location; do instances+=("$name:$publicIp:$privateIp:$location") done < <(az vm list -d -o tsv --query "$query.$keys") echo "${instances[*]}" } # # cloud_FindInstances [namePrefix] # # Find instances with names matching the specified prefix # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:public IP:private IP:location" # # namePrefix - The instance name prefix to look for # # examples: # $ cloud_FindInstances all-machines-with-a-common-machine-prefix # cloud_FindInstances() { __cloud_FindInstances prefix "$1" } # # cloud_FindInstance [name] # # Find an instance with a name matching the exact pattern. # # For each matching instance, an entry in the `instances` array will be added with the # following information about the instance: # "name:public IP:private IP:location" # # name - The instance name to look for # # examples: # $ cloud_FindInstance exact-machine-name # cloud_FindInstance() { __cloud_FindInstances name "$1" } # # cloud_Initialize [networkName] # # Perform one-time initialization that may be required for the given testnet. # # networkName - unique name of this testnet # # This function will be called before |cloud_CreateInstances| cloud_Initialize() { declare resourceGroup="$1" declare location="$2" declare nsgName=${resourceGroup}-nsg # Check if resource group exists. If not, create it. ( set -x numGroup=$(az group list --query "length([?name=='$resourceGroup'])") if [[ $numGroup -eq 0 ]]; then echo Resource Group "$resourceGroup" does not exist. Creating it now. az group create --name "$resourceGroup" --location "$location" else echo Resource group "$resourceGroup" already exists. az group show --name "$resourceGroup" fi az network nsg create --name "$nsgName" --resource-group "$resourceGroup" ) create_nsg_rule() { ruleName="$1" ports="$2" access="$3" protocol="$4" priority="$5" ( set -x az network nsg rule create -g "${resourceGroup}" --nsg-name "${nsgName}" -n "${ruleName}" \ --priority "${priority}" --source-address-prefixes "*" --source-port-ranges "*" \ --destination-address-prefixes "*" --destination-port-ranges "${ports}" --access "${access}" \ --protocol "${protocol}" ) } create_nsg_rule "InboundTCP" "8000-10000" "Allow" "Tcp" 1000 create_nsg_rule "InboundUDP" "8000-10000" "Allow" "Udp" 1001 create_nsg_rule "InboundHTTP" "80" "Allow" "Tcp" 1002 create_nsg_rule "InboundNetworkExplorerAPI" "3001" "Allow" "Tcp" 1003 create_nsg_rule "InboundDrone" "9900" "Allow" "Tcp" 1004 create_nsg_rule "InboundJsonRpc" "8899-8900" "Allow" "Tcp" 1005 create_nsg_rule "InboundRsync" "873" "Allow" "Tcp" 1006 create_nsg_rule "InboundStun" "3478" "Allow" "Udp" 1007 create_nsg_rule "InboundSSH" "22" "Allow" "Tcp" 1008 } # # cloud_CreateInstances [networkName] [namePrefix] [numNodes] [imageName] # [machineType] [bootDiskSize] [enableGpu] # [startupScript] [address] # # Creates one more identical instances. # # networkName - unique name of this testnet # namePrefix - unique string to prefix all the instance names with # numNodes - number of instances to create # imageName - Disk image for the instances # machineType - GCE machine type. Note that this may also include an # `--accelerator=` or other |gcloud compute instances create| # options # bootDiskSize - Optional size of the boot disk in GB # enableGpu - Optionally enable GPU, use the value "true" to enable # eg, request 4 K80 GPUs with "count=4,type=nvidia-tesla-k80" # startupScript - Optional startup script to execute when the instance boots # address - Optional name of the GCE static IP address to attach to the # instance. Requires that |numNodes| = 1 and that addressName # has been provisioned in the GCE region that is hosting `$zone` # bootDiskType - Optional specify SSD or HDD boot disk # additionalDiskSize - Optional specify size of additional storage volume # # Tip: use cloud_FindInstances to locate the instances once this function # returns cloud_CreateInstances() { declare networkName="$1" declare namePrefix="$2" declare numNodes="$3" declare enableGpu="$4" declare machineType="$5" declare zone="$6" declare optionalBootDiskSize="$7" declare optionalStartupScript="$8" declare optionalAddress="$9" declare optionalBootDiskType="${10}" declare -a nodes if [[ $numNodes = 1 ]]; then nodes=("$namePrefix") else for node in $(seq -f "${namePrefix}%0${#numNodes}g" 1 "$numNodes"); do nodes+=("$node") done fi nsgName=${networkName}-nsg declare -a args args=( --resource-group "$networkName" --tags testnet --image UbuntuLTS --size "$machineType" --location "$zone" --generate-ssh-keys --nsg "$nsgName" ) if [[ -n $optionalBootDiskSize ]]; then args+=( --os-disk-size-gb "$optionalBootDiskSize" ) fi if [[ -n $optionalStartupScript ]]; then args+=( --custom-data "$optionalStartupScript" ) fi if [[ -n $optionalBootDiskType ]]; then args+=( --storage-sku "$optionalBootDiskType" ) else args+=( --storage-sku StandardSSD_LRS ) fi if [[ -n $optionalAddress ]]; then [[ $numNodes = 1 ]] || { echo "Error: address may not be supplied when provisioning multiple nodes: $optionalAddress" exit 1 } args+=( --public-ip-address "$optionalAddress" ) fi ( set -x # For node in numNodes, create VM and put the creation process in the background with --no-wait for nodeName in "${nodes[@]}"; do az vm create --name "$nodeName" "${args[@]}" --no-wait done for nodeName in "${nodes[@]}"; do az vm wait --created --name "$nodeName" --resource-group "$networkName" --verbose --timeout 600 done # If GPU is to be enabled, install the appropriate extension if $enableGpu; then for nodeName in "${nodes[@]}"; do az vm extension set \ --resource-group "$networkName" \ --vm-name "$nodeName" \ --name NvidiaGpuDriverLinux \ --publisher Microsoft.HpcCompute \ --version 1.2 \ --no-wait done # Wait until all nodes have GPU extension installed for nodeName in "${nodes[@]}"; do az vm wait --updated --name "$nodeName" --resource-group "$networkName" --verbose --timeout 600 done fi ) } # # cloud_DeleteInstances # # Deletes all the instances listed in the `instances` array # cloud_DeleteInstances() { if [[ ${#instances[0]} -eq 0 ]]; then echo No instances to delete return fi declare names=("${instances[@]/:*/}") ( set -x id_list=() # Build a space delimited list of all resource IDs to delete for instance in "${names[@]}"; do cloud_GetIdFromInstanceName "$instance" id_list+=("$id") done # Delete all instances in the id_list and return once they are all deleted az vm delete --ids "${id_list[@]}" --yes --verbose --no-wait ) } # # cloud_WaitForInstanceReady [instanceName] [instanceIp] [instanceZone] [timeout] # # Return once the newly created VM instance is responding. This function is cloud-provider specific. # cloud_WaitForInstanceReady() { declare instanceName="$1" # declare instanceIp="$2" # unused # declare instanceZone="$3" # unused declare timeout="$4" cloud_GetResourceGroupFromInstanceName "$instanceName" az vm wait -g "$resourceGroup" -n "$instanceName" --created --interval 10 --timeout "$timeout" } # # cloud_FetchFile [instanceName] [publicIp] [remoteFile] [localFile] # # Fetch a file from the given instance. This function uses a cloud-specific # mechanism to fetch the file # cloud_FetchFile() { declare instanceName="$1" declare publicIp="$2" declare remoteFile="$3" declare localFile="$4" cloud_GetConfigValueFromInstanceName "$instanceName" osProfile.adminUsername scp "${config_value}@${publicIp}:${remoteFile}" "$localFile" } # # cloud_CreateAndAttachPersistentDisk # # Not yet implemented for this cloud provider cloud_CreateAndAttachPersistentDisk() { echo "ERROR: cloud_CreateAndAttachPersistentDisk is not yet implemented for azure" exit 1 } # # cloud_StatusAll # # Not yet implemented for this cloud provider cloud_StatusAll() { echo "ERROR: cloud_StatusAll is not yet implemented for azure" }