#!/usr/bin/env bash # Convert .bob and .msc files in docs/art to .svg files located where the # site build will find them. set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")" output_dir=static/img svgbob_cli="$(command -v svgbob_cli || true)" if [[ -z "$svgbob_cli" ]]; then svgbob_cli="$(command -v svgbob || true)" [[ -n "$svgbob_cli" ]] || ( echo "svgbob_cli binary not found" && exit 1 ) fi mkdir -p "$output_dir" while read -r bob_file; do out_file=$(basename "${bob_file%.*}".svg) "$svgbob_cli" "$bob_file" --output "$output_dir/$out_file" done < <(find art/*.bob) while read -r msc_file; do out_file=$(basename "${msc_file%.*}".png) mscgen -T png -o "$output_dir/$out_file" -i "$msc_file" done < <(find art/*.msc)