import bs58 from 'bs58'; import {Buffer} from 'buffer'; import * as splToken from '@solana/spl-token'; import {expect, use} from 'chai'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import {Agent as HttpAgent} from 'http'; import {Agent as HttpsAgent} from 'https'; import {match, mock, spy, useFakeTimers, SinonFakeTimers} from 'sinon'; import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'; import {fail} from 'assert'; import { Authorized, Connection, EpochSchedule, SystemProgram, Transaction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Lockup, PublicKey, StakeProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction, Keypair, Message, AddressLookupTableProgram, SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS, NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH, MessageAddressTableLookup, } from '../src'; import invariant from '../src/utils/assert'; import {toBuffer} from '../src/utils/to-buffer'; import {MOCK_PORT, url, Node14Controller, nodeVersion} from './url'; import { AccountInfo, BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS, BlockResponse, BlockSignatures, Commitment, ConfirmedBlock, Context, EpochInfo, InflationGovernor, InflationRate, Logs, SignatureResult, SlotInfo, } from '../src/connection'; import {sleep} from '../src/utils/sleep'; import { helpers, mockErrorMessage, mockErrorResponse, mockRpcBatchResponse, mockRpcResponse, mockServer, } from './mocks/rpc-http'; import { stubRpcWebSocket, restoreRpcWebSocket, mockRpcMessage, } from './mocks/rpc-websockets'; import { NonceInformation, TransactionInstruction, TransactionSignature, TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError, TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError, TransactionExpiredTimeoutError, TransactionMessage, } from '../src/transaction'; import type { SignatureStatus, TransactionError, KeyedAccountInfo, } from '../src/connection'; import {VersionedTransaction} from '../src/transaction/versioned'; import {MessageV0} from '../src/message/v0'; import {encodeData} from '../src/instruction'; use(chaiAsPromised); use(sinonChai); async function mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey: string, nonceValue: string, nonceAuthority: string, slot?: number, ) { const mockNonceAccountData = Buffer.alloc(NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH); mockNonceAccountData.fill(0); // Authority starts after 4 version bytes and 4 state bytes. mockNonceAccountData.set(bs58.decode(nonceAuthority), 4 + 4); // Nonce hash starts 32 bytes after the authority. mockNonceAccountData.set(bs58.decode(nonceValue), 4 + 4 + 32); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [nonceAccountPubkey, {encoding: 'base64'}], value: { owner: SystemProgram.programId.toBase58(), lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: [mockNonceAccountData.toString('base64'), 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 20, }, slot, withContext: true, }); } const verifySignatureStatus = ( status: SignatureStatus | null, err?: TransactionError, ): SignatureStatus => { if (status === null) { expect(status); throw new Error(); // unreachable } const expectedErr = err || null; expect(status.err).to.eql(expectedErr); expect(status.slot); if (expectedErr !== null) return status; const confirmations = status.confirmations; if (typeof confirmations === 'number') { expect(confirmations); } else { expect(confirmations); } return status; }; describe('Connection', function () { let connection: Connection; beforeEach(() => { connection = new Connection(url); }); if (mockServer) { const server = mockServer; beforeEach(() => { server.start(MOCK_PORT); stubRpcWebSocket(connection); }); afterEach(() => { server.stop(); restoreRpcWebSocket(connection); }); } if (mockServer) { it('should pass HTTP headers to RPC', async () => { const headers = { Authorization: 'Bearer 123', }; let connection = new Connection(url, { httpHeaders: headers, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getVersion', params: [], value: {'solana-core': '0.20.4'}, withHeaders: headers, }); expect(await connection.getVersion()); }); it('should allow middleware to augment request', async () => { let connection = new Connection(url, { fetchMiddleware: (url, options, fetch) => { if (options) { options.headers = Object.assign(options.headers!, { Authorization: 'Bearer 123', }); fetch(url, options); } else { fail('options must be defined!'); } }, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getVersion', params: [], value: {'solana-core': '0.20.4'}, withHeaders: { Authorization: 'Bearer 123', }, }); expect(await connection.getVersion()); }); } describe('override HTTP agent', () => { let previousBrowserEnv: string | undefined; beforeEach(() => { previousBrowserEnv = process.env.BROWSER; delete process.env.BROWSER; }); afterEach(() => { process.env.BROWSER = previousBrowserEnv; }); it('uses no agent with fetch when `overrideAgent` is `false`', () => { const fetch = spy(); const c = new Connection(url, {httpAgent: false, fetch}); c.getBlock(0); expect(fetch).to.have.been.calledWith( match.any, match({agent: undefined}), ); }); it('uses the supplied `overrideAgent` with fetch', () => { const fetch = spy(); const httpAgent = new HttpsAgent(); const c = new Connection('', {httpAgent, fetch}); c.getBlock(0); expect(fetch).to.have.been.calledWith( match.any, match({agent: httpAgent}), ); }); it('throws when the supplied `overrideAgent` is http but the endpoint is https', () => { expect(() => { new Connection('', {httpAgent: new HttpAgent()}); }).to.throw; }); it('throws when the supplied `overrideAgent` is https but the endpoint is http', () => { expect(() => { new Connection('', {httpAgent: new HttpsAgent()}); }).to.throw; }); }); it('should attribute middleware fatals to the middleware', async () => { let connection = new Connection(url, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars fetchMiddleware: (_url, _options, _fetch) => { throw new Error('This middleware experienced a fatal error'); }, }); const error = await expect(connection.getVersion()) 'This middleware experienced a fatal error', ); expect(error)'stack') .that.include('fetchMiddleware'); }); it('should not attribute fetch errors to the middleware', async () => { let connection = new Connection(url, { fetchMiddleware: (url, _options, fetch) => { fetch(url, { body: 'An `Object` was expected here; this is a `TypeError`.', }); }, }); const error = await expect(connection.getVersion()); expect(error)'stack') .that.does.not.include('fetchMiddleware'); }); it('get account info - not found', async () => { const account = Keypair.generate(); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {encoding: 'base64'}], value: null, withContext: true, }); expect(await connection.getAccountInfo(account.publicKey)); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {encoding: 'jsonParsed'}], value: null, withContext: true, }); expect((await connection.getParsedAccountInfo(account.publicKey)).value).to .be.null; }); it('get multiple accounts info', async () => { const account1 = Keypair.generate(); const account2 = Keypair.generate(); { await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account1.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account2.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); } const value = [ { owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111', lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, { owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111', lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, ]; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getMultipleAccounts', params: [ [account1.publicKey.toBase58(), account2.publicKey.toBase58()], {encoding: 'base64'}, ], value: value, withContext: true, }); const res = await connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo( [account1.publicKey, account2.publicKey], 'confirmed', ); const expectedValue = [ { owner: new PublicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111'), lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: Buffer.from([]), executable: false, rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, { owner: new PublicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111'), lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: Buffer.from([]), executable: false, rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, ]; expect(res).to.eql(expectedValue); }); it('get program accounts', async () => { const account0 = Keypair.generate(); const account1 = Keypair.generate(); const programId = Keypair.generate(); { await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account0.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.assign({ accountPubkey: account0.publicKey, programId: programId.publicKey, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [account0], commitment: 'confirmed', }); } { await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account1.publicKey, amount: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.assign({ accountPubkey: account1.publicKey, programId: programId.publicKey, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [account1], commitment: 'confirmed', }); } const feeCalculator = (await helpers.recentBlockhash({connection})) .feeCalculator; { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64'}, ], value: [ { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }); const programAccounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts( programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', }, ); expect(programAccounts).to.have.length(2); programAccounts.forEach(function (keyedAccount) { if (keyedAccount.pubkey.equals(account0.publicKey)) { expect(keyedAccount.account.lamports).to.eq( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } else { expect(keyedAccount.pubkey).to.eql(account1.publicKey); expect(keyedAccount.account.lamports).to.eq( 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } }); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64'}, ], value: [ { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }); const programAccounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts( programId.publicKey, 'confirmed', ); expect(programAccounts).to.have.length(2); programAccounts.forEach(function (keyedAccount) { if (keyedAccount.pubkey.equals(account0.publicKey)) { expect(keyedAccount.account.lamports).to.eq( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } else { expect(keyedAccount.pubkey).to.eql(account1.publicKey); expect(keyedAccount.account.lamports).to.eq( 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } }); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), { commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64', filters: [ { dataSize: 0, }, ], }, ], value: [ { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }); const programAccountsDoMatchFilter = await connection.getProgramAccounts( programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64', filters: [{dataSize: 0}], }, ); expect(programAccountsDoMatchFilter).to.have.length(2); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), { commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64', filters: [ { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: 'XzdZ3w', }, }, ], }, ], value: [], }); const programAccountsDontMatchFilter = await connection.getProgramAccounts(programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', filters: [ { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: 'XzdZ3w', }, }, ], }); expect(programAccountsDontMatchFilter).to.have.length(0); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'jsonParsed'}, ], value: [ { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }); const programAccounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts( programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', }, ); expect(programAccounts).to.have.length(2); programAccounts.forEach(function (element) { if (element.pubkey.equals(account0.publicKey)) { expect(element.account.lamports).to.eq( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } else { expect(element.pubkey).to.eql(account1.publicKey); expect(element.account.lamports).to.eq( 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, ); } }); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), { commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'jsonParsed', filters: [ { dataSize: 2, }, ], }, ], value: [], }); const programAccountsDontMatchFilter = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', filters: [{dataSize: 2}], }); expect(programAccountsDontMatchFilter).to.have.length(0); } { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getProgramAccounts', params: [ programId.publicKey.toBase58(), { commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'jsonParsed', filters: [ { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: '', }, }, ], }, ], value: [ { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account0.publicKey.toBase58(), }, { account: { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: 0.5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature, owner: programId.publicKey.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 20, }, pubkey: account1.publicKey.toBase58(), }, ], }); const programAccountsDoMatchFilter = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(programId.publicKey, { commitment: 'confirmed', filters: [ { memcmp: { offset: 0, bytes: '', }, }, ], }); expect(programAccountsDoMatchFilter).to.have.length(2); } }).timeout(30 * 1000); it('get balance', async () => { const account = Keypair.generate(); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBalance', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58()], value: { context: { slot: 11, }, value: 0, }, }); const balance = await connection.getBalance(account.publicKey); expect(balance); }); it('get inflation', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getInflationGovernor', params: [], value: { foundation: 0.05, foundationTerm: 7.0, initial: 0.15, taper: 0.15, terminal: 0.015, }, }); const inflation = await connection.getInflationGovernor(); const inflationKeys: (keyof InflationGovernor)[] = [ 'initial', 'terminal', 'taper', 'foundation', 'foundationTerm', ]; for (const key of inflationKeys) { expect(inflation); expect(inflation[key]); } }); it('get inflation reward', async () => { if (mockServer) { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getInflationReward', params: [ [ '7GHnTRB8Rz14qZQhDXf8ox1Kfu7mPcPLpKaBJJirmYj2', 'CrinLuHjVGDDcQfrEoCmM4k31Ni9sMoTCEEvNSUSh7Jg', ], { epoch: 0, }, ], value: [ { amount: 3646143, effectiveSlot: 432000, epoch: 0, postBalance: 30504783, commission: 0, }, null, ], }); const inflationReward = await connection.getInflationReward( [ new PublicKey('7GHnTRB8Rz14qZQhDXf8ox1Kfu7mPcPLpKaBJJirmYj2'), new PublicKey('CrinLuHjVGDDcQfrEoCmM4k31Ni9sMoTCEEvNSUSh7Jg'), ], 0, ); expect(inflationReward).to.have.lengthOf(2); } }); it('get inflation rate', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getInflationRate', params: [], value: { total: 0.08, validator: 0.076, foundation: 0.004, epoch: 1, }, }); const inflation = await connection.getInflationRate(); const inflationKeys: (keyof InflationRate)[] = [ 'total', 'validator', 'foundation', 'epoch', ]; for (const key of inflationKeys) { expect(inflation); if (mockServer) { expect(inflation[key]); } else { expect(inflation[key]); } } }); it('get epoch info', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getEpochInfo', params: [{commitment: 'confirmed'}], value: { epoch: 0, slotIndex: 1, slotsInEpoch: 8192, absoluteSlot: 1, blockHeight: 1, }, }); const epochInfo = await connection.getEpochInfo('confirmed'); const epochInfoKeys: (keyof EpochInfo)[] = [ 'epoch', 'slotIndex', 'slotsInEpoch', 'absoluteSlot', 'blockHeight', ]; for (const key of epochInfoKeys) { expect(epochInfo); expect(epochInfo[key]); } }); it('get epoch schedule', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getEpochSchedule', params: [], value: { firstNormalEpoch: 8, firstNormalSlot: 8160, leaderScheduleSlotOffset: 8192, slotsPerEpoch: 8192, warmup: true, }, }); const epochSchedule = await connection.getEpochSchedule(); const epochScheduleKeys: (keyof EpochSchedule)[] = [ 'firstNormalEpoch', 'firstNormalSlot', 'leaderScheduleSlotOffset', 'slotsPerEpoch', ]; for (const key of epochScheduleKeys) { expect(epochSchedule)'warmup'); expect(epochSchedule); if (epochSchedule.warmup) { expect(epochSchedule[key]); } } }); it('get leader schedule', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getLeaderSchedule', params: [], value: { '123vij84ecQEKUvQ7gYMKxKwKF6PbYSzCzzURYA4xULY': [0, 1, 2, 3], '8PTjAikKoAybKXcEPnDSoy8wSNNikUBJ1iKawJKQwXnB': [4, 5, 6, 7], }, }); const leaderSchedule = await connection.getLeaderSchedule(); expect(Object.keys(leaderSchedule).length); for (const key in leaderSchedule) { const slots = leaderSchedule[key]; expect(Array.isArray(slots)); expect(slots.length); } }); it('get slot', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 123, }); const slot = await connection.getSlot(); if (mockServer) { expect(slot).to.eq(123); } else { // No idea what the correct slot value should be on a live cluster, so // just check the type expect(typeof slot).to.eq('number'); } }); it('get slot leader', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlotLeader', params: [], value: '11111111111111111111111111111111', }); const slotLeader = await connection.getSlotLeader(); if (mockServer) { expect(slotLeader).to.eq('11111111111111111111111111111111'); } else { // No idea what the correct slotLeader value should be on a live cluster, so // just check the type expect(typeof slotLeader).to.eq('string'); } }); it('get slot leaders', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlotLeaders', params: [0, 1], value: ['11111111111111111111111111111111'], }); const slotLeaders = await connection.getSlotLeaders(0, 1); expect(slotLeaders).to.have.length(1); expect(slotLeaders[0]); }); it('get cluster nodes', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getClusterNodes', params: [], value: [ { pubkey: '11111111111111111111111111111111', gossip: '', tpu: '', rpc: null, version: '1.1.10', }, ], }); const clusterNodes = await connection.getClusterNodes(); if (mockServer) { expect(clusterNodes).to.have.length(1); expect(clusterNodes[0].pubkey).to.eq('11111111111111111111111111111111'); expect(typeof clusterNodes[0].gossip).to.eq('string'); expect(typeof clusterNodes[0].tpu).to.eq('string'); expect(clusterNodes[0].rpc); } else { // There should be at least one node (the node that we're talking to) expect(clusterNodes.length); } }); if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { it('get vote accounts', async () => { const voteAccounts = await connection.getVoteAccounts(); expect( voteAccounts.current.concat(voteAccounts.delinquent).length, ); }); } if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { describe('transaction confirmation (live)', () => { let connection: Connection; beforeEach(() => { connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); }); describe('blockheight based transaction confirmation', () => { let latestBlockhash: {blockhash: string; lastValidBlockHeight: number}; let signature: string; beforeEach(async function () { this.timeout(60 * 1000); const keypair = Keypair.generate(); const [ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _, blockhash, ] = await Promise.all([ connection.confirmTransaction( await connection.requestAirdrop( keypair.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ), ), helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}), ]); latestBlockhash = blockhash; const ix = new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ { pubkey: keypair.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true, }, ], programId: new PublicKey( 'MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr', ), data: Buffer.from('Hello world', 'utf8'), }); const transaction = new Transaction({ ...latestBlockhash, }); transaction.add(ix); transaction.sign(keypair); signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction, [keypair]); }); it('confirms transactions using the last valid blockheight strategy', async () => { let result = await connection.confirmTransaction( { signature, ...latestBlockhash, }, 'processed', ); expect(result.value)'err', null); }).timeout(60 * 1000); it('throws when confirming using a blockhash whose last valid blockheight has passed', async () => { const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ signature, ...latestBlockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: (await connection.getBlockHeight()) - 1, // Simulate the blockheight having passed. }); expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError, ); }).timeout(60 * 1000); }); describe('nonce-based transaction confirmation', () => { let keypair: Keypair; let minContextSlot: number; let nonceInfo: NonceInformation; let nonceKeypair: Keypair; let transaction: Transaction; beforeEach(async function () { this.timeout(60 * 1000); keypair = Keypair.generate(); nonceKeypair = Keypair.generate(); const [ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _, blockhash, minimumNonceAccountRentLamports, ] = await Promise.all([ connection.confirmTransaction( await connection.requestAirdrop( keypair.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ), ), helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}), connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(NONCE_ACCOUNT_LENGTH), ]); const createNonceAccountTransaction = SystemProgram.createNonceAccount({ authorizedPubkey: keypair.publicKey, fromPubkey: keypair.publicKey, lamports: minimumNonceAccountRentLamports, noncePubkey: nonceKeypair.publicKey, }); createNonceAccountTransaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash.blockhash; createNonceAccountTransaction.feePayer = keypair.publicKey; const createNonceAccountTransactionSignature = await connection.sendTransaction(createNonceAccountTransaction, [ keypair, nonceKeypair, ]); const {context} = await connection.confirmTransaction({ ...blockhash, signature: createNonceAccountTransactionSignature, }); minContextSlot = context.slot; const nonceAccount = await connection.getNonce( nonceKeypair.publicKey, {minContextSlot}, ); nonceInfo = { nonce: nonceAccount!.nonce, nonceInstruction: SystemProgram.nonceAdvance({ authorizedPubkey: keypair.publicKey, noncePubkey: nonceKeypair.publicKey, }), }; invariant( nonceAccount, 'Expected a nonce account to have been created in the test setup', ); const ix = new TransactionInstruction({ keys: [ { pubkey: keypair.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true, }, ], programId: new PublicKey( 'MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr', ), data: Buffer.from('Hello world', 'utf8'), }); transaction = new Transaction({minContextSlot, nonceInfo}); transaction.add(ix); transaction.sign(keypair); }); it('confirms transactions using the durable nonce strategy', async () => { const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction, [ keypair, ]); const result = await connection.confirmTransaction( { minContextSlot, nonceAccountPubkey: nonceKeypair.publicKey, nonceValue: nonceInfo.nonce, signature, }, 'processed', ); expect(result.value)'err', null); }).timeout(60 * 1000); it('throws when confirming using a nonce that is no longer valid', async () => { // Advance the nonce. const blockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(); await sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, new Transaction({feePayer: keypair.publicKey, ...blockhash}).add( nonceInfo.nonceInstruction, ), [keypair], ); const [currentSlot, signature] = await Promise.all([ connection.getSlot(), connection.sendTransaction(transaction, [keypair], { skipPreflight: true, }), ]); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: currentSlot, nonceAccountPubkey: nonceKeypair.publicKey, nonceValue: nonceInfo.nonce, // The old nonce. signature, }); await expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError, ); }).timeout(60 * 1000); }); }); } if (!process.env.TEST_LIVE) { describe('transaction confirmation (mock)', () => { let clock: SinonFakeTimers; beforeEach(() => { clock = useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(() => { clock.restore(); }); describe('timeout strategy (deprecated)', () => { it('throws a `TransactionExpiredTimeoutError` when the timer elapses without a signature confirmation', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), }); const timeoutPromise = connection.confirmTransaction(mockSignature); // Advance the clock past all waiting timers, notably the expiry timer. clock.runAllAsync(); await expect(timeoutPromise) TransactionExpiredTimeoutError, ); }); }); describe('block height strategy', () => { it('rejects if called with an already-aborted `abortSignal`', () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; const abortController: any = nodeVersion >= 16 ? new AbortController() : Node14Controller(); abortController.abort(); expect( connection.confirmTransaction({ abortSignal: abortController.signal, blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight: 1, signature: mockSignature, }), )'AbortError'); }); it('rejects upon receiving an abort signal', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; const abortController: any = nodeVersion >= 16 ? new AbortController() : Node14Controller(); // Keep the subscription from ever returning data. await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve. }); clock.runAllAsync(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ abortSignal: abortController.signal, blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight: 1, signature: mockSignature, }); clock.runAllAsync(); expect(confirmationPromise); abortController.abort(); await expect(confirmationPromise); }); it('throws a `TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError` when the block height advances past the last valid one for this transaction without a signature confirmation', async () => { const mockSignature = '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve this = never get a response. }); const lastValidBlockHeight = 3; // Start the block height at `lastValidBlockHeight - 1`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [], value: lastValidBlockHeight - 1, }); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: mockSignature, blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight, }); clock.runAllAsync(); // Advance the block height to the `lastValidBlockHeight`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [], value: lastValidBlockHeight, }); clock.runAllAsync(); // Advance the block height to `lastValidBlockHeight + 1`, // past the last valid blockheight for this transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [], value: lastValidBlockHeight + 1, }); clock.runAllAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError, ); }); it('when the `getBlockHeight` method throws an error it does not timeout but rather keeps waiting for a confirmation', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; let resolveResultPromise = function (result: SignatureResult): any { return result; }; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(resolve => { resolveResultPromise = resolve; }), }); // Simulate a failure to fetch the block height. let rejectBlockheightPromise = function (): void {}; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [], value: (() => { const p = new Promise((_, reject) => { rejectBlockheightPromise = reject; }); p.catch(() => {}); return p; })(), }); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: mockSignature, blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight: 3, }); rejectBlockheightPromise(); clock.runToLastAsync(); resolveResultPromise({err: null}); clock.runToLastAsync(); expect(confirmationPromise); }); it('confirms the transaction if the signature confirmation is received before the block height is exceeded', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; let resolveResultPromise = function (result: SignatureResult): any { return result; }; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(resolve => { resolveResultPromise = resolve; }), }); const lastValidBlockHeight = 3; // Advance the block height to the `lastValidBlockHeight`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [], value: lastValidBlockHeight, }); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: mockSignature, blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight, }); clock.runAllAsync(); // Return a signature result in the nick of time. resolveResultPromise({err: null}); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); }); describe('nonce strategy', () => { it('rejects if called with an already-aborted `abortSignal`', () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; const abortController: any = nodeVersion >= 16 ? new AbortController() : Node14Controller(); abortController.abort(); expect( connection.confirmTransaction({ abortSignal: abortController.signal, minContextSlot: 1, nonceAccountPubkey: new PublicKey(1), nonceValue: 'fakenonce', signature: mockSignature, }), )'AbortError'); }); it('rejects upon receiving an abort signal', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; const abortController: any = nodeVersion >= 16 ? new AbortController() : Node14Controller(); // Keep the subscription from ever returning data. await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve. }); clock.runAllAsync(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ abortSignal: abortController.signal, minContextSlot: 1, nonceAccountPubkey: new PublicKey(1), nonceValue: 'fakenonce', signature: mockSignature, }); clock.runAllAsync(); expect(confirmationPromise); abortController.abort(); await expect(confirmationPromise); }); it('confirms the transaction if the signature confirmation is received before the nonce is advanced', async () => { const mockSignature = '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG'; let resolveResultPromise = function (result: SignatureResult): any { return result; }; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(resolve => { resolveResultPromise = resolve; }), }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const authority = new PublicKey(3); // Start with the nonce account matching the nonce used to sign the transaction. await mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), nonceValue, authority.toBase58(), ); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); clock.runAllAsync(); // Respond, a second time, with the same nonce hash. await mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), nonceValue, authority.toBase58(), ); clock.runAllAsync(); // Return a signature result in the nick of time. resolveResultPromise({err: null}); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); it('succeeds if double-checking the signature after the nonce-advances demonstrates that the transaction is confirmed', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve this = never get a response. }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const authority = new PublicKey(3); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); // Simulate the nonce advancing but the double-check of the signature status succeeding. await mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), new PublicKey(4).toBase58(), // A new nonce. authority.toBase58(), ); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { err: null, confirmations: 0, confirmationStatus: 'finalized', // Demonstrate that the transaction is, in fact, confirmed. slot: 0, }, ], withContext: true, }); clock.runToLastAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); it('keeps double-checking the signature after the nonce-advances until a signature from the minimum allowable slot is obtained', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve this = never get a response. }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const authority = new PublicKey(3); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 11, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); // Simulate the nonce advancing but the double-check of the signature status succeeding. await mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), new PublicKey(4).toBase58(), // A new nonce. authority.toBase58(), ); // Simulate getting a response from an old slot. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { err: null, confirmations: 0, confirmationStatus: 'processed', // A non-finalized value from an old slot. slot: 10, }, ], slot: 10, withContext: true, }); // Then obtain a response from the minimum allowable slot. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { err: null, confirmations: 32, confirmationStatus: 'finalized', // Demonstrate that the transaction is, in fact, confirmed. slot: 11, }, ], slot: 11, withContext: true, }); clock.runAllAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); it('throws a `TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError` when the nonce is no longer the one with which this transaction was signed', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve this = never get a response. }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const authority = new PublicKey(3); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); // Simulate the nonce advancing but the double-check of the signature status succeeding. await mockNonceAccountResponse( nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), new PublicKey(4).toBase58(), // A new nonce. authority.toBase58(), ); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { err: null, confirmations: 0, confirmationStatus: 'processed', // Demonstrate that the transaction is, in fact, not confirmed. slot: 0, }, ], withContext: true, }); clock.runToLastAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError, ); }); it('when fetching the nonce account throws an error it does not timeout but rather keeps waiting for a confirmation', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; let resolveResultPromise = function (result: SignatureResult): any { return result; }; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(resolve => { resolveResultPromise = resolve; }), }); // Simulate a failure to fetch the nonce account. let rejectNonceAccountFetchPromise = function (): void {}; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [], value: (() => { const p = new Promise((_, reject) => { rejectNonceAccountFetchPromise = reject; }); p.catch(() => {}); return p; })(), }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); rejectNonceAccountFetchPromise(); clock.runToLastAsync(); resolveResultPromise({err: null}); clock.runToLastAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); it('throws `TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError` when the nonce account does not exist', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve this = never get a response. }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); // Simulate a non-existent nonce account. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [], value: null, withContext: true, }); clock.runToLastAsync(); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { err: null, confirmations: 0, confirmationStatus: 'processed', // Demonstrate that the transaction is, in fact, not confirmed. slot: 0, }, ], withContext: true, }); clock.runToLastAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredNonceInvalidError, ); }); it('when the nonce account data fails to deserialize', async () => { const mockSignature = 'LPJ18iiyfz3G1LpNNbcBnBtaS4dVBdPHKrnELqikjER2DcvB4iyTgz43nKQJH3JQAJHuZdM1xVh5Cnc5Hc7LrqC'; let resolveResultPromise = function (result: SignatureResult): any { return result; }; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(resolve => { resolveResultPromise = resolve; }), }); const nonceAccountPubkey = new PublicKey(1); const nonceValue = new PublicKey(2).toBase58(); // Simulate a failure to deserialize the nonce. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [nonceAccountPubkey.toBase58(), {encoding: 'base64'}], value: { owner: SystemProgram.programId.toBase58(), lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: ['JUNK_DATA', 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 20, }, withContext: true, }); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction({ minContextSlot: 0, nonceAccountPubkey, nonceValue, signature: mockSignature, }); clock.runToLastAsync(); resolveResultPromise({err: null}); clock.runToLastAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); }); }); it('confirm transaction - does not check the signature status before the signature subscription comes alive', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: {err: null}, subscriptionEstablishmentPromise: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve. }); const getSignatureStatusesExpectation = mock(connection) .expects('getSignatureStatuses') .never(); connection.confirmTransaction(mockSignature); getSignatureStatusesExpectation.verify(); }); it('confirm transaction - checks the signature status once the signature subscription comes alive', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: {err: null}, }); const getSignatureStatusesExpectation = mock(connection) .expects('getSignatureStatuses') .once(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction(mockSignature); clock.runAllAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ context: {slot: 11}, value: {err: null}, }); getSignatureStatusesExpectation.verify(); }); // FIXME: This test does not work. // it('confirm transaction - confirms transaction when signature status check yields confirmation before signature subscription does', async () => { // const mockSignature = // 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; // // Keep the subscription from ever returning data. // await mockRpcMessage({ // method: 'signatureSubscribe', // params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], // result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve. // }); // clock.runAllAsync(); // const confirmationPromise = // connection.confirmTransaction(mockSignature); // clock.runAllAsync(); // // Return a signature status through the RPC API. // await mockRpcResponse({ // method: 'getSignatureStatuses', // params: [[mockSignature]], // value: [ // { // slot: 0, // confirmations: 11, // status: {Ok: null}, // err: null, // }, // ], // }); // clock.runAllAsync(); // await expect(confirmationPromise).to.eventually.deep.equal({ // context: {slot: 11}, // value: {err: null}, // }); // }); it('confirm transaction - does not confirm the transaction when signature status check yields confirmation for a lower commitment before signature subscription confirms the transaction', async () => { const mockSignature = 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt'; // Keep the subscription from ever returning data. await mockRpcMessage({ method: 'signatureSubscribe', params: [mockSignature, {commitment: 'finalized'}], result: new Promise(() => {}), // Never resolve. }); clock.runAllAsync(); const confirmationPromise = connection.confirmTransaction(mockSignature); clock.runAllAsync(); // Return a signature status with a lower finality through the RPC API. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[mockSignature]], value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: null, confirmationStatus: 'processed', // Lower than we expect err: null, }, ], }); clock.runAllAsync(); await expect(confirmationPromise) TransactionExpiredTimeoutError, ); }); }); } describe('transaction confirmation', () => { it('confirm transaction - error', async () => { const badTransactionSignature = 'bad transaction signature'; await expect( connection.confirmTransaction({ blockhash: 'sampleBlockhash', lastValidBlockHeight: 9999, signature: badTransactionSignature, }), )'signature must be base58 encoded'); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[badTransactionSignature]], error: mockErrorResponse, }); await expect( connection.getSignatureStatus(badTransactionSignature), ); }); }); it('get transaction count', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getTransactionCount', params: [], value: 1000000, }); const count = await connection.getTransactionCount(); expect(count); }); it('get total supply', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSupply', params: [], value: { total: 1000000, circulating: 100000, nonCirculating: 900000, nonCirculatingAccounts: [], }, withContext: true, }); const count = await connection.getTotalSupply(); expect(count); }); it('get minimum balance for rent exemption', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption', params: [512], value: 1000000, }); const count = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(512); expect(count); }); it('get confirmed signatures for address', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let address: PublicKey | undefined; let expectedSignature: string | undefined; while (!address || !expectedSignature) { const block = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(slot); if (block.transactions.length > 0) { const {signature, publicKey} = block.transactions[0].transaction.signatures[0]; if (signature) { address = publicKey; expectedSignature = bs58.encode(signature); break; } } slot++; } // getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress tests... await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); const mockSignature = '5SHZ9NwpnS9zYnauN7pnuborKf39zGMr11XpMC59VvRSeDJNcnYLecmdxXCVuBFPNQLdCBBjyZiNCL4KoHKr3tvz'; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [slot, {transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false}], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 1, signatures: [mockSignature], }, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 123, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [slot + 2, {transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false}], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 1, signatures: [mockSignature], }, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2', params: [address.toBase58(), {before: mockSignature}], value: [ { signature: expectedSignature, slot, err: null, memo: null, }, ], }); const confirmedSignatures = await connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress( address, slot, slot + 1, ); expect(confirmedSignatures.includes(expectedSignature)); const badSlot = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - 1; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [badSlot - 1, {transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false}], error: {message: 'Block not available for slot ' + badSlot}, }); expect( connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress( address, badSlot, badSlot + 1, ), ); // getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2 tests... await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2', params: [address.toBase58(), {limit: 1}], value: [ { signature: expectedSignature, slot, err: null, memo: null, }, ], }); const confirmedSignatures2 = await connection.getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2(address, {limit: 1}); expect(confirmedSignatures2).to.have.length(1); if (mockServer) { expect(confirmedSignatures2[0].signature).to.eq(expectedSignature); expect(confirmedSignatures2[0].slot).to.eq(slot); expect(confirmedSignatures2[0].err); expect(confirmedSignatures2[0].memo); } }); it('get signatures for address', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let address: PublicKey | undefined; let expectedSignature: string | undefined; while (!address || !expectedSignature) { const block = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(slot); if (block.transactions.length > 0) { const {signature, publicKey} = block.transactions[0].transaction.signatures[0]; if (signature) { address = publicKey; expectedSignature = bs58.encode(signature); break; } } slot++; } // getSignaturesForAddress tests... await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignaturesForAddress', params: [address.toBase58(), {limit: 1}], value: [ { signature: expectedSignature, slot, err: null, memo: null, }, ], }); const signatures = await connection.getSignaturesForAddress(address, { limit: 1, }); expect(signatures).to.have.length(1); if (mockServer) { expect(signatures[0].signature).to.eq(expectedSignature); expect(signatures[0].slot).to.eq(slot); expect(signatures[0].err); expect(signatures[0].memo); } }); it('get parsed confirmed transactions', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let confirmedTransaction: string | undefined; while (!confirmedTransaction) { const block = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(slot); for (const tx of block.transactions) { if (tx.transaction.signature) { confirmedTransaction = bs58.encode(tx.transaction.signature); break; } } slot++; } await mockRpcBatchResponse({ batch: [ { methodName: 'getConfirmedTransaction', args: [], }, ], result: [ { blockTime: 1616102519, meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, innerInstructions: [], logMessages: [ 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]', 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 success', ], postBalances: [499999995000, 26858640, 1, 1, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [500000000000, 26858640, 1, 1, 1], preTokenBalances: [], status: { Ok: null, }, }, slot: 2, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: 'jcU4R7JccGEvDpe1i6bahvHpe47XahMXacG73EzE198', signer: true, writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'GfBcnCAU7kWfAYqKRCNyWEHjdEJZmzRZvEcX5bbzEQqt', signer: false, writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, ], instructions: [ { parsed: { info: { clockSysvar: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', slotHashesSysvar: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', vote: { hash: 'GuCya3AAGxn1qhoqxqy3WEdZdZUkXKpa9pthQ3tqvbpx', slots: [1], timestamp: 1616102669, }, voteAccount: 'GfBcnCAU7kWfAYqKRCNyWEHjdEJZmzRZvEcX5bbzEQqt', voteAuthority: 'jcU4R7JccGEvDpe1i6bahvHpe47XahMXacG73EzE198', }, type: 'vote', }, program: 'vote', programId: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', }, ], recentBlockhash: 'G9ywjV5CVgMtLXruXtrE7af4QgFKYNXgDTw4jp7SWcSo', }, signatures: [ '4G4rTqnUdzrmBHsdKJSiMtonpQLWSw1avJ8YxWQ95jE6iFFHFsEkBnoYycxnkBS9xHWRc6EarDsrFG9USFBbjfjx', ], }, }, { blockTime: 1616102519, meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, innerInstructions: [], logMessages: [ 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]', 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 success', ], postBalances: [499999995000, 26858640, 1, 1, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [500000000000, 26858640, 1, 1, 1], preTokenBalances: [], status: { Ok: null, }, }, slot: 2, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: 'jcU4R7JccGEvDpe1i6bahvHpe47XahMXacG73EzE198', signer: true, writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'GfBcnCAU7kWfAYqKRCNyWEHjdEJZmzRZvEcX5bbzEQqt', signer: false, writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, writable: false, }, ], instructions: [ { parsed: { info: { clockSysvar: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', slotHashesSysvar: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', vote: { hash: 'GuCya3AAGxn1qhoqxqy3WEdZdZUkXKpa9pthQ3tqvbpx', slots: [1], timestamp: 1616102669, }, voteAccount: 'GfBcnCAU7kWfAYqKRCNyWEHjdEJZmzRZvEcX5bbzEQqt', voteAuthority: 'jcU4R7JccGEvDpe1i6bahvHpe47XahMXacG73EzE198', }, type: 'vote', }, program: 'vote', programId: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', }, ], recentBlockhash: 'G9ywjV5CVgMtLXruXtrE7af4QgFKYNXgDTw4jp7SWcSo', }, signatures: [ '4G4rTqnUdzrmBHsdKJSiMtonpQLWSw1avJ8YxWQ95jE6iFFHFsEkBnoYycxnkBS9xHWRc6EarDsrFG9USFBbjfjx', ], }, }, ], }); let result = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransactions([ confirmedTransaction, confirmedTransaction, ]); if (!result) { expect(result); return; } expect(result); expect(result[0]); expect(result[1]); if (result[0] !== null) { expect(result[0].transaction.signatures); } if (result[1] !== null) { expect(result[1].transaction.signatures); } result = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransactions([]); if (!result) { expect(result); return; } expect(result); }); it('get block height', async () => { const commitment: Commitment = 'confirmed'; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [{commitment: commitment}], value: 10, }); const blockHeight = await connection.getBlockHeight(commitment); expect(blockHeight)'number'); }); it('get block production', async () => { const commitment: Commitment = 'processed'; // Find slot of the lowest confirmed block await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let firstSlot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); // Find current block height await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockHeight', params: [{commitment: commitment}], value: 10, }); let lastSlot = await connection.getBlockHeight(commitment); const blockProductionConfig = { commitment: commitment, range: { firstSlot, lastSlot, }, }; const blockProductionRet = { byIdentity: { '85iYT5RuzRTDgjyRa3cP8SYhM2j21fj7NhfJ3peu1DPr': [12, 10], }, range: { firstSlot, lastSlot, }, }; //mock RPC call with config specified await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockProduction', params: [blockProductionConfig], value: blockProductionRet, withContext: true, }); //mock RPC call with commitment only await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockProduction', params: [{commitment: commitment}], value: blockProductionRet, withContext: true, }); const result = await connection.getBlockProduction(blockProductionConfig); if (!result) { expect(result); return; } expect(result.context); expect(result.value); const resultContextSlot = result.context.slot; expect(resultContextSlot)'number'); const resultIdentityDictionary = result.value.byIdentity; expect(resultIdentityDictionary)'object'); for (var key in resultIdentityDictionary) { expect(key)'string'); expect(resultIdentityDictionary[key])'array'); expect(resultIdentityDictionary[key][0])'number'); expect(resultIdentityDictionary[key][1])'number'); } const resultSlotRange = result.value.range; expect(resultSlotRange.firstSlot).to.equal(firstSlot); expect(resultSlotRange.lastSlot).to.equal(lastSlot); const resultCommitmentOnly = await connection.getBlockProduction( commitment, ); if (!resultCommitmentOnly) { expect(resultCommitmentOnly); return; } expect(resultCommitmentOnly.context); expect(resultCommitmentOnly.value); const resultCOContextSlot = result.context.slot; expect(resultCOContextSlot)'number'); const resultCOIdentityDictionary = result.value.byIdentity; expect(resultCOIdentityDictionary)'object'); for (var property in resultCOIdentityDictionary) { expect(property)'string'); expect(resultCOIdentityDictionary[property])'array'); expect(resultCOIdentityDictionary[property][0])'number'); expect(resultCOIdentityDictionary[property][1])'number'); } const resultCOSlotRange = result.value.range; expect(resultCOSlotRange.firstSlot).to.equal(firstSlot); expect(resultCOSlotRange.lastSlot).to.equal(lastSlot); }); it('get transaction', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [1], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let transaction: string | undefined; while (!transaction) { const block = await connection.getBlock(slot); if (block && block.transactions.length > 0) { transaction = block.transactions[0].transaction.signatures[0]; continue; } slot++; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getTransaction', params: [transaction], value: { slot, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, }, }); const result = await connection.getTransaction(transaction); if (!result) { expect(result); return; } const resultSignature = result.transaction.signatures[0]; expect(resultSignature).to.eq(transaction); const newAddress = Keypair.generate().publicKey; const recentSignature = await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: newAddress, amount: 1, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getTransaction', params: [recentSignature], value: null, }); // Signature hasn't been finalized yet const nullResponse = await connection.getTransaction(recentSignature); expect(nullResponse); }); it('get confirmed transaction', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let confirmedTransaction: string | undefined; while (!confirmedTransaction) { const block = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(slot); for (const tx of block.transactions) { if (tx.transaction.signature) { confirmedTransaction = bs58.encode(tx.transaction.signature); break; } } slot++; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedTransaction', params: [confirmedTransaction], value: { slot, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, }, }); const result = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction( confirmedTransaction, ); if (!result) { expect(result); return; } if (result.transaction.signature === null) { expect(result.transaction.signature); return; } const resultSignature = bs58.encode(result.transaction.signature); expect(resultSignature).to.eq(confirmedTransaction); const newAddress = Keypair.generate().publicKey; const recentSignature = await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: newAddress, amount: 1, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedTransaction', params: [recentSignature], value: null, }); // Signature hasn't been finalized yet const nullResponse = await connection.getConfirmedTransaction( recentSignature, ); expect(nullResponse); }); it('get transactions', async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [1], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); let slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); let transaction: string | undefined; while (!transaction) { const block = await connection.getBlock(slot); if (block && block.transactions.length > 0) { transaction = block.transactions[0].transaction.signatures[0]; continue; } slot++; } await mockRpcBatchResponse({ batch: [ { methodName: 'getTransaction', args: [transaction], }, ], result: [ { slot, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, }, ], }); const [firstResult] = await connection.getTransactions([transaction]); if (firstResult == null) {'Expected `getTransactions()` to return one result'); } expect(firstResult.transaction.message.isAccountSigner(0)); }); if (mockServer) { it('get parsed confirmed transaction coerces public keys of inner instructions', async () => { const confirmedTransaction: TransactionSignature = '4ADvAUQYxkh4qWKYE9QLW8gCLomGG94QchDLG4quvpBz1WqARYvzWQDDitKduAKspuy1DjcbnaDAnCAfnKpJYs48'; function getMockData(inner: any) { return { slot: 353050305, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', signer: true, writable: true, }, ], instructions: [ { accounts: ['va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf'], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programId: 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA', }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], innerInstructions: [ { index: 0, instructions: [inner], }, ], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, }; } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedTransaction', params: [confirmedTransaction, {encoding: 'jsonParsed'}], value: getMockData({ parsed: {}, program: 'spl-token', programId: 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA', }), }); const result = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransaction( confirmedTransaction, ); if (result && result.meta && result.meta.innerInstructions) { const innerInstructions = result.meta.innerInstructions; const firstIx = innerInstructions[0].instructions[0]; expect(firstIx.programId); } await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedTransaction', params: [confirmedTransaction, {encoding: 'jsonParsed'}], value: getMockData({ accounts: [ 'EeJqWk5pczNjsqqY3jia9xfFNG1dD68te4s8gsdCuEk7', '6tVrjJhFm5SAvvdh6tysjotQurCSELpxuW3JaAAYeC1m', ], data: 'ai3535', programId: 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA', }), }); const result2 = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransaction( confirmedTransaction, ); if (result2 && result2.meta && result2.meta.innerInstructions) { const innerInstructions = result2.meta.innerInstructions; const instruction = innerInstructions[0].instructions[0]; expect(instruction.programId); if ('accounts' in instruction) { expect(instruction.accounts[0]); expect(instruction.accounts[1]); } else { expect('accounts' in instruction); } } }); } describe('get parsed block', function () { it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `full`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "full"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { encoding: 'jsonParsed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'full', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', transactions: [ { meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, innerInstructions: [], logMessages: [ 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]', 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 success', ], postBalances: [3712706991, 5765419239, 1169280, 143487360, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [3712711991, 5765419239, 1169280, 143487360, 1], preTokenBalances: [], rewards: null, status: {Ok: null}, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: '7v5fMKBqC9PuwjSdS9k9JU7efEXmq3bHTMF5fuSHnqrm', signer: true, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'AhcvnNdppGEcgdpK5gfcaZnAWz4ct8V4n7De5QiLiuzG', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, ], addressTableLookups: null, instructions: [ { parsed: { info: { clockSysvar: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', slotHashesSysvar: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', vote: { hash: '2gmQ8xMjZaXn63kr8qzPAUjQAHi7xCDjSibPdJxhVYMm', slots: [164153060, 164153061], timestamp: 1669845645, }, voteAccount: 'AhcvnNdppGEcgdpK5gfcaZnAWz4ct8V4n7De5QiLiuzG', voteAuthority: '7v5fMKBqC9PuwjSdS9k9JU7efEXmq3bHTMF5fuSHnqrm', }, type: 'vote', }, program: 'vote', programId: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GLqYrN6AQxCGtFTQywkPj2WN5tafC3KerBhW4QkmAyD4', }, signatures: [ '5qDZ3nUUwp8VHFfAE5ydTQRULCoVLMGs16EprwdXsvyNCLe1NfckCkRE4BPi6wyEW9hXvG9iWU2prXfbM8SNPVEC', ], }, version: 'legacy', }, ], }, }); await expect( connection.getParsedBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'full', }), ); }); it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `none`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "none"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { encoding: 'jsonParsed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'none', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', }, }); await expect( connection.getParsedBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'none', }), ); }); it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `accounts`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "accounts"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { encoding: 'jsonParsed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'accounts', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', transactions: [ { meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, postBalances: [18237691394, 26858640, 1169280, 143487360, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [18237696394, 26858640, 1169280, 143487360, 1], preTokenBalances: [], status: {Ok: null}, }, transaction: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: '914RFshndUeZaNPjf8UWDCyo49ahQ1XQ2w9BnEMwpHKF', signer: true, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: '4cCd4SGrMswhqboYBJ5AcCVvCjh5NtaeZNwWFJzsnUWY', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, ], signatures: [ '5ZDp1HfNZhNRHc75ncsiZ4sCq1fGJHMGf9u36M3foD5PMH4Xu5S4X2x7aryn4JinUdG11oSYCk7zxbNmLJzzqUft', ], }, version: 'legacy', }, ], }, }); await expect( connection.getParsedBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'accounts', }), ); }); }); describe('get block', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } }); it('gets the genesis block', async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [0], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [], }, }); let maybeBlock0: BlockResponse | null; try { maybeBlock0 = await connection.getBlock(0); } catch (e) { if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { console.warn( 'WARNING: We ran no assertions about the genesis block because block 0 ' + 'could not be found. See', ); this.skip(); } else { throw e; } } expect(maybeBlock0); const block0 = maybeBlock0!; // Block 0 never has any transactions in test validator const blockhash0 = block0.blockhash; expect(block0.transactions).to.have.length(0); expect(blockhash0); expect(block0.previousBlockhash); expect(block0.parentSlot).to.eq(0); }); it('gets a block having a parent', async function () { // Mock parent of block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [0], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [], }, }); // Mock block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [1], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction *and* a parent. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); let candidateSlot = (await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock()) + 1; let result: | { blockWithTransaction: BlockResponse; parentBlock: BlockResponse; } | undefined; while (!result) { const candidateBlock = await connection.getBlock(candidateSlot); if (candidateBlock && candidateBlock.transactions.length) { const parentBlock = await connection.getBlock(candidateSlot - 1); if (parentBlock) { result = {blockWithTransaction: candidateBlock, parentBlock}; break; } } candidateSlot++; } // Compare data with parent expect(result.blockWithTransaction.previousBlockhash).to.eq( result.parentBlock.blockhash, ); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.blockhash); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.transactions[0].transaction) .null; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER], error: { message: `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, }, }); await expect( connection.getBlock(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), ) `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, ); }); it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `full`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "full"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'full', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', transactions: [ { meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, innerInstructions: [], loadedAddresses: {readonly: [], writable: []}, logMessages: [ 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]', 'Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 success', ], postBalances: [12278161908, 39995373, 1169280, 143487360, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [12278166908, 39995373, 1169280, 143487360, 1], preTokenBalances: [], rewards: null, status: {Ok: null}, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'FTWuJ2tqjecNizCSE66z4BD1tBHomG6DVffGUwRuWUkM', 'H2z3pBT62ByS4jpqsiEMtgN3NUFEuZHiTvoKCFjqCtD6', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 1, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 3, 2, 0], data: '29z5mr1JoRmJYQ6zG7p2F3mu68pWTNw9q49Tu7KrSEgoS6Jh1LMPGUK3HXs1N3Dody3icCcXxu6xPYoXLWnUTafEGm3knK', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GLqYrN6AQxCGtFTQywkPj2WN5tafC3KerBhW4QkmAyD4', }, signatures: [ '4SZofEnXEVzCYvzk16z6ScR6F3iNtZ3FsCC1PEWegpzvGwTJR6x9cDi8VHRmCFGC5XFs2yEFms3j36Mj7XVyHXbb', ], }, version: 'legacy', }, ], }, }); await expect( connection.getBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'full', }), ); }); it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `none`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "none"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'none', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', }, }); await expect( connection.getBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'none', }), ); }); it('can deserialize a response when `transactionDetails` is `accounts`', async () => { // Mock block with transaction, fetched using `"transactionDetails": "accounts"`. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'accounts', }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '49d2UbduiZWjtR3Wvfv2t2QxmXvtZNWSPFRZxEDYAvQN', parentSlot: 0, previousBlockhash: 'mDd5yMLfuroS1JVZMHo2VZLTgKXXNBXrzPR5UkzFD4X', transactions: [ { meta: { err: null, fee: 5000, postBalances: [2751549948, 11751747405, 1169280, 143487360, 1], postTokenBalances: [], preBalances: [2751554948, 11751747405, 1169280, 143487360, 1], preTokenBalances: [], status: {Ok: null}, }, transaction: { accountKeys: [ { pubkey: 'D7hwgGRTr1vaCxzmfEKCaf56SPgBJmjHh6UXHG3p12bB', signer: true, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: '8iLE53Y9k4sccy4gxrT936BHbhYS6J13kQT5vRXhXFMX', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: true, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, { pubkey: 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', signer: false, source: 'transaction', writable: false, }, ], signatures: [ 'uNKj2ogn8ZRRjyVWXLC7sLRWpKQyMUomm66RXoDuWLXikPSJN8C7ZZK95j8S2bzcjwH6MvrXKSHtCWEURPpEXMB', ], }, version: 'legacy', }, ], }, }); await expect( connection.getBlock(1, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, transactionDetails: 'accounts', }), ); }); }); describe('get confirmed block', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } }); it('gets the genesis block', async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [0], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [], }, }); let block0: ConfirmedBlock; try { block0 = await connection.getConfirmedBlock(0); } catch (e) { if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { console.warn( 'WARNING: We ran no assertions about the genesis block because block 0 ' + 'could not be found. See', ); this.skip(); } else { throw e; } } // Block 0 never has any transactions in test validator const blockhash0 = block0.blockhash; expect(block0.transactions).to.have.length(0); expect(blockhash0); expect(block0.previousBlockhash); expect(block0.parentSlot).to.eq(0); }); it('gets a block having a parent', async function () { // Mock parent of block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [0], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [], }, }); // Mock block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [1], value: { blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, transactions: [ { meta: { fee: 10000, postBalances: [499260347380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], preBalances: [499260357380, 15298080, 1, 1, 1], status: {Ok: null}, err: null, }, transaction: { message: { accountKeys: [ 'va12u4o9DipLEB2z4fuoHszroq1U9NcAB9aooFDPJSf', '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', 'SysvarS1otHashes111111111111111111111111111', 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111', 'Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 3, numRequiredSignatures: 2, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [1, 2, 3], data: '37u9WtQpcm6ULa3VtWDFAWoQc1hUvybPrA3dtx99tgHvvcE7pKRZjuGmn7VX2tC3JmYDYGG7', programIdIndex: 4, }, ], recentBlockhash: 'GeyAFFRY3WGpmam2hbgrKw4rbU2RKzfVLm5QLSeZwTZE', }, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }, ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction *and* a parent. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); let candidateSlot = (await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock()) + 1; let result: | { blockWithTransaction: ConfirmedBlock; parentBlock: ConfirmedBlock; } | undefined; while (!result) { const candidateBlock = await connection.getConfirmedBlock( candidateSlot, ); if (candidateBlock && candidateBlock.transactions.length) { const parentBlock = await connection.getConfirmedBlock( candidateSlot - 1, ); if (parentBlock) { result = {blockWithTransaction: candidateBlock, parentBlock}; break; } } candidateSlot++; } // Compare data with parent expect(result.blockWithTransaction.previousBlockhash).to.eq( result.parentBlock.blockhash, ); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.blockhash); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.transactions[0].transaction) .null; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getConfirmedBlock', params: [Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER], error: { message: `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, }, }); await expect( connection.getConfirmedBlock(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), ) `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, ); }); }); it('get blocks between two slots', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlocks', params: [0, 9], value: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 9, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 1) { continue; } const [startSlot, latestSlot] = await Promise.all([ connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(), connection.getSlot(), ]); const blocks = await connection.getBlocks(startSlot, latestSlot); expect(blocks).to.have.length(latestSlot - startSlot + 1); expect(blocks[0]).to.eq(startSlot); expect(blocks).to.contain(latestSlot); }).timeout(20 * 1000); it('get blocks from starting slot', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlocks', params: [0], value: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, ], }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 20, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 1) { continue; } const startSlot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); const [blocks, latestSlot] = await Promise.all([ connection.getBlocks(startSlot), connection.getSlot(), ]); if (mockServer) { expect(blocks).to.have.length(43); } else { expect(blocks).to.have.length(latestSlot - startSlot + 1); } expect(blocks[0]).to.eq(startSlot); expect(blocks).to.contain(latestSlot); }).timeout(20 * 1000); describe('get block signatures', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSlot', params: [], value: 1, }); while ((await connection.getSlot()) <= 0) { continue; } }); it('gets the genesis block', async function () { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 0, { transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false, }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, signatures: [], }, }); let block0: BlockSignatures; try { block0 = await connection.getBlockSignatures(0); } catch (e) { if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { console.warn( 'WARNING: We ran no assertions about the genesis block because block 0 ' + 'could not be found. See', ); this.skip(); } else { throw e; } } // Block 0 never has any transactions in test validator const blockhash0 = block0.blockhash; expect(block0.signatures).to.have.length(0); expect(blockhash0); expect(block0.previousBlockhash); expect(block0.parentSlot).to.eq(0); expect(block0)'rewards'); }); it('gets a block having a parent', async function () { // Mock parent of block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 0, { transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false, }, ], value: { blockHeight: 0, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, signatures: [], }, }); // Mock block with transaction. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [ 1, { transactionDetails: 'signatures', rewards: false, }, ], value: { blockHeight: 1, blockTime: 1614281964, blockhash: '57zQNBZBEiHsCZFqsaY6h176ioXy5MsSLmcvHkEyaLGy', previousBlockhash: 'H5nJ91eGag3B5ZSRHZ7zG5ZwXJ6ywCt2hyR8xCsV7xMo', parentSlot: 0, signatures: [ 'w2Zeq8YkpyB463DttvfzARD7k9ZxGEwbsEw4boEK7jDp3pfoxZbTdLFSsEPhzXhpCcjGi2kHtHFobgX49MMhbWt', '4oCEqwGrMdBeMxpzuWiukCYqSfV4DsSKXSiVVCh1iJ6pS772X7y219JZP3mgqBz5PhsvprpKyhzChjYc3VSBQXzG', ], }, }); // Find a block that has a transaction *and* a parent. await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); let candidateSlot = (await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock()) + 1; let result: | { blockWithTransaction: BlockSignatures; parentBlock: BlockSignatures; } | undefined; while (!result) { const candidateBlock = await connection.getBlockSignatures( candidateSlot, ); if (candidateBlock && candidateBlock.signatures.length) { const parentBlock = await connection.getBlockSignatures( candidateSlot - 1, ); if (parentBlock) { result = {blockWithTransaction: candidateBlock, parentBlock}; break; } } candidateSlot++; } // Compare data with parent expect(result.blockWithTransaction.previousBlockhash).to.eq( result.parentBlock.blockhash, ); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.blockhash); expect(result.blockWithTransaction.signatures[0]); expect(result.blockWithTransaction)'rewards'); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlock', params: [Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER], error: { message: `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, }, }); await expect( connection.getBlockSignatures(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), ) `Block not available for slot ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`, ); }); }); it('get recent blockhash', async () => { const commitments: Commitment[] = ['processed', 'confirmed', 'finalized']; for (const commitment of commitments) { const {blockhash, feeCalculator} = await helpers.recentBlockhash({ connection, commitment, }); expect(bs58.decode(blockhash)).to.have.length(32); expect(feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature); } }); it('get latest blockhash', async () => { const commitments: Commitment[] = ['processed', 'confirmed', 'finalized']; for (const commitment of commitments) { const {blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight} = await helpers.latestBlockhash({ connection, commitment, }); expect(bs58.decode(blockhash)).to.have.length(32); expect(lastValidBlockHeight); } }); it('get fee calculator', async () => { const {blockhash} = await helpers.recentBlockhash({connection}); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash', params: [blockhash, {commitment: 'confirmed'}], value: { feeCalculator: { lamportsPerSignature: 5000, }, }, withContext: true, }); const feeCalculator = ( await connection.getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash(blockhash, 'confirmed') ).value; if (feeCalculator === null) { expect(feeCalculator); return; } expect(feeCalculator.lamportsPerSignature).to.eq(5000); }); it('get fee for message (legacy)', async () => { const accountFrom = Keypair.generate(); const accountTo = Keypair.generate(); const latestBlockhash = await helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}); const transaction = new Transaction({ feePayer: accountFrom.publicKey, ...latestBlockhash, }).add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }), ); const message = transaction.compileMessage(); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFeeForMessage', params: [ message.serialize().toString('base64'), {commitment: 'confirmed'}, ], value: 5000, withContext: true, }); const fee = (await connection.getFeeForMessage(message, 'confirmed')).value; expect(fee).to.eq(5000); }); it('get fee for message (v0)', async () => { const accountFrom = Keypair.generate(); const accountTo = Keypair.generate(); const recentBlockhash = (await helpers.latestBlockhash({connection})) .blockhash; const instructions = [ SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }), ]; const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({ payerKey: accountFrom.publicKey, recentBlockhash, instructions, }).compileToV0Message(); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFeeForMessage', params: [ toBuffer(messageV0.serialize()).toString('base64'), {commitment: 'confirmed'}, ], value: 5000, withContext: true, }); const fee = (await connection.getFeeForMessage(messageV0, 'confirmed')) .value; expect(fee).to.eq(5000); }); it('get block time', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBlockTime', params: [1], value: 10000, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 1, }); const slot = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); const blockTime = await connection.getBlockTime(slot); if (blockTime === null) { expect(blockTime); } else { expect(blockTime); } }); it('get minimum ledger slot', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'minimumLedgerSlot', params: [], value: 0, }); const minimumLedgerSlot = await connection.getMinimumLedgerSlot(); expect(minimumLedgerSlot); }); it('get first available block', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getFirstAvailableBlock', params: [], value: 0, }); const firstAvailableBlock = await connection.getFirstAvailableBlock(); expect(firstAvailableBlock); }); it('get supply', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSupply', params: [{commitment: 'finalized'}], value: { total: 1000, circulating: 100, nonCirculating: 900, nonCirculatingAccounts: [Keypair.generate().publicKey.toBase58()], }, withContext: true, }); const supply = (await connection.getSupply('finalized')).value; expect(; expect(supply.circulating); expect(supply.nonCirculating); expect(supply.nonCirculatingAccounts.length); }); it('get supply without accounts', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSupply', params: [{commitment: 'finalized'}], value: { total: 1000, circulating: 100, nonCirculating: 900, nonCirculatingAccounts: [], }, withContext: true, }); const supply = ( await connection.getSupply({ commitment: 'finalized', excludeNonCirculatingAccountsList: true, }) ).value; expect(; expect(supply.circulating); expect(supply.nonCirculating); expect(supply.nonCirculatingAccounts.length).to.eq(0); }); [undefined, 'confirmed' as Commitment].forEach(function (commitment) { describe( "when the connection's default commitment is `" + commitment + '`', () => { let connectionWithCommitment: Connection; beforeEach(() => { connectionWithCommitment = new Connection(url, commitment); }); it('get performance samples', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getRecentPerformanceSamples', params: [], value: [ { slot: 1234, numTransactions: 1000, numSlots: 60, samplePeriodSecs: 60, }, ], }); const perfSamples = await connectionWithCommitment.getRecentPerformanceSamples(); expect(Array.isArray(perfSamples)); if (perfSamples.length > 0) { expect(perfSamples[0].slot); expect(perfSamples[0].numTransactions); expect(perfSamples[0].numSlots); expect(perfSamples[0].samplePeriodSecs); } }); }, ); }); it('get performance samples limit too high', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getRecentPerformanceSamples', params: [100000], error: mockErrorResponse, }); await expect(connection.getRecentPerformanceSamples(100000)); }); const TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey( 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA', ); if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { describe('token methods', () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); const newAccount = PublicKey.unique(); let payerKeypair = new Keypair(); let testTokenMintPubkey: PublicKey; let testOwnerKeypair: Keypair; let testTokenAccountPubkey: PublicKey; let testSignature: TransactionSignature; // Setup token mints and accounts for token tests before(async function () { this.timeout(30 * 1000); await connection.confirmTransaction( await connection.requestAirdrop(payerKeypair.publicKey, 100000000000), ); const mintOwnerKeypair = new Keypair(); const accountOwnerKeypair = new Keypair(); const mintPubkey = await splToken.createMint( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintOwnerKeypair.publicKey, null, // freeze authority 2, // decimals ); const tokenAccountPubkey = await splToken.createAccount( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintPubkey, accountOwnerKeypair.publicKey, ); await splToken.mintTo( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintPubkey, tokenAccountPubkey, mintOwnerKeypair, 11111, ); const mintPubkey2 = await splToken.createMint( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintOwnerKeypair.publicKey, null, // freeze authority 2, // decimals ); const tokenAccountPubkey2 = await splToken.createAccount( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintPubkey2, accountOwnerKeypair.publicKey, ); await splToken.mintTo( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintPubkey2, tokenAccountPubkey2, mintOwnerKeypair, 100, ); const tokenAccountDestPubkey = await splToken.createAccount( connection as any, payerKeypair, mintPubkey, accountOwnerKeypair.publicKey, new Keypair() as any, ); testSignature = await splToken.transfer( connection as any, payerKeypair, tokenAccountPubkey, tokenAccountDestPubkey, accountOwnerKeypair, 1, ); testTokenMintPubkey = mintPubkey as PublicKey; testOwnerKeypair = accountOwnerKeypair; testTokenAccountPubkey = tokenAccountPubkey as PublicKey; }); it('get token supply', async () => { const supply = (await connection.getTokenSupply(testTokenMintPubkey)) .value; expect(supply.uiAmount).to.eq(111.11); expect(supply.decimals).to.eq(2); expect(supply.amount).to.eq('11111'); await expect(connection.getTokenSupply(newAccount)); }); it('get token largest accounts', async () => { const largestAccounts = ( await connection.getTokenLargestAccounts(testTokenMintPubkey) ).value; expect(largestAccounts).to.have.length(2); const largestAccount = largestAccounts[0]; expect(largestAccount.address.equals(testTokenAccountPubkey)) .true; expect(largestAccount.amount).to.eq('11110'); expect(largestAccount.decimals).to.eq(2); expect(largestAccount.uiAmount).to.eq(111.1); await expect(connection.getTokenLargestAccounts(newAccount)) .rejected; }); it('get confirmed token transaction', async () => { const parsedTx = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransaction( testSignature, ); if (parsedTx === null) { expect(parsedTx); return; } const {signatures, message} = parsedTx.transaction; expect(signatures[0]).to.eq(testSignature); const ix = message.instructions[0]; if ('parsed' in ix) { expect(ix.program).to.eq('spl-token'); expect(ix.programId).to.eql(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID); } else { expect('parsed' in ix); } const missingSignature = '45pGoC4Rr3fJ1TKrsiRkhHRbdUeX7633XAGVec6XzVdpRbzQgHhe6ZC6Uq164MPWtiqMg7wCkC6Wy3jy2BqsDEKf'; const nullResponse = await connection.getParsedConfirmedTransaction( missingSignature, ); expect(nullResponse); }); it('get token account balance', async () => { const balance = ( await connection.getTokenAccountBalance(testTokenAccountPubkey) ).value; expect(balance.amount).to.eq('11110'); expect(balance.decimals).to.eq(2); expect(balance.uiAmount).to.eq(111.1); await expect(connection.getTokenAccountBalance(newAccount)) .rejected; }); it('get parsed token account info', async () => { const accountInfo = ( await connection.getParsedAccountInfo(testTokenAccountPubkey) ).value; if (accountInfo) { const data =; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)).to.eq(false); } else { expect(data.program).to.eq('spl-token'); expect(data.parsed); } } }); it('get multiple parsed token accounts', async () => { const accounts = ( await connection.getMultipleParsedAccounts([ testTokenAccountPubkey, testTokenMintPubkey, payerKeypair.publicKey, newAccount, ]) ).value; expect(accounts.length).to.eq(4); const parsedTokenAccount = accounts[0]; if (parsedTokenAccount) { const data =; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)).to.eq(false); } else { expect(data.program).to.eq('spl-token'); expect(data.parsed); } } else { expect(parsedTokenAccount); } const parsedTokenMint = accounts[1]; if (parsedTokenMint) { const data =; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)).to.eq(false); } else { expect(data.program).to.eq('spl-token'); expect(data.parsed); } } else { expect(parsedTokenMint); } const unparsedPayerAccount = accounts[2]; if (unparsedPayerAccount) { const data =; expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)); } else { expect(unparsedPayerAccount); } const unknownAccount = accounts[3]; expect(unknownAccount); }); it('get parsed token program accounts', async () => { const tokenAccounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts( TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, ); tokenAccounts.forEach(({account}) => { expect(account.owner).to.eql(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID); const data =; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)).to.eq(false); } else { expect(data.parsed); expect(data.program).to.eq('spl-token'); } }); }); it('get parsed token accounts by owner', async () => { const tokenAccounts = ( await connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner( testOwnerKeypair.publicKey, { mint: testTokenMintPubkey, }, ) ).value; tokenAccounts.forEach(({account}) => { expect(account.owner).to.eql(TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID); const data =; if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { expect(Buffer.isBuffer(data)).to.eq(false); } else { expect(data.parsed); expect(data.program).to.eq('spl-token'); } }); }); it('get token accounts by owner', async () => { const accountsWithMintFilter = ( await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(testOwnerKeypair.publicKey, { mint: testTokenMintPubkey, }) ).value; expect(accountsWithMintFilter).to.have.length(2); const accountsWithProgramFilter = ( await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(testOwnerKeypair.publicKey, { programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }) ).value; expect(accountsWithProgramFilter).to.have.length(3); const noAccounts = ( await connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(newAccount, { mint: testTokenMintPubkey, }) ).value; expect(noAccounts).to.have.length(0); await expect( connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(testOwnerKeypair.publicKey, { mint: newAccount, }), ); await expect( connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(testOwnerKeypair.publicKey, { programId: newAccount, }), ); }); }); it('consistent preflightCommitment', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'singleGossip'); const sender = Keypair.generate(); const recipient = Keypair.generate(); let signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( sender.publicKey, 2 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, 'singleGossip'); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: sender.publicKey, toPubkey: recipient.publicKey, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }), ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [sender]); }); } it('get largest accounts', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getLargestAccounts', params: [], value: new Array(20).fill(0).map(() => ({ address: Keypair.generate().publicKey.toBase58(), lamports: 1000, })), withContext: true, }); const largestAccounts = (await connection.getLargestAccounts()).value; expect(largestAccounts).to.have.length(20); }); it('stake activation should throw when called for not delegated account', async () => { const publicKey = Keypair.generate().publicKey; await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getStakeActivation', params: [publicKey.toBase58(), {}], error: {message: 'account not delegated'}, }); await expect(connection.getStakeActivation(publicKey)); }); if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { it('stake activation should return activating for new accounts', async () => { // todo: use `Connection.getMinimumStakeDelegation` when implemented const MIN_STAKE_DELEGATION = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL; const STAKE_ACCOUNT_MIN_BALANCE = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(; const voteAccounts = await connection.getVoteAccounts(); const voteAccount = voteAccounts.current.concat( voteAccounts.delinquent, )[0]; const votePubkey = new PublicKey(voteAccount.votePubkey); const authorized = Keypair.generate(); let signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( authorized.publicKey, 2 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, 'confirmed'); const newStakeAccount = Keypair.generate(); let createAndInitialize = StakeProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: authorized.publicKey, stakePubkey: newStakeAccount.publicKey, authorized: new Authorized(authorized.publicKey, authorized.publicKey), lockup: new Lockup(0, 0, new PublicKey(0)), lamports: STAKE_ACCOUNT_MIN_BALANCE + MIN_STAKE_DELEGATION, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, createAndInitialize, [authorized, newStakeAccount], { preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', commitment: 'confirmed', }, ); let delegation = StakeProgram.delegate({ stakePubkey: newStakeAccount.publicKey, authorizedPubkey: authorized.publicKey, votePubkey, }); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, delegation, [authorized], { preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', commitment: 'confirmed', }); const LARGE_EPOCH = 4000; await expect( connection.getStakeActivation( newStakeAccount.publicKey, 'confirmed', LARGE_EPOCH, ), ) `failed to get Stake Activation ${newStakeAccount.publicKey.toBase58()}: Invalid param: epoch ${LARGE_EPOCH} has not yet started`, ); const activationState = await connection.getStakeActivation( newStakeAccount.publicKey, 'confirmed', ); expect(activationState.state).to.eq('activating'); expect(activationState.inactive).to.eq(MIN_STAKE_DELEGATION); expect(; }); } if (mockServer) { it('stake activation should only accept state with valid string literals', async () => { const publicKey = Keypair.generate().publicKey; const addStakeActivationMock = async (state: any) => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getStakeActivation', params: [publicKey.toBase58(), {}], value: { state: state, active: 0, inactive: 80, }, }); }; await addStakeActivationMock('active'); let activation = await connection.getStakeActivation( publicKey, 'confirmed', ); expect(activation.state).to.eq('active'); expect(; expect(activation.inactive).to.eq(80); await addStakeActivationMock('invalid'); await expect(connection.getStakeActivation(publicKey, 'confirmed')) .rejected; }); } it('getVersion', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getVersion', params: [], value: {'solana-core': '0.20.4'}, }); const version = await connection.getVersion(); expect(version['solana-core']); }); it('getGenesisHash', async () => { await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getGenesisHash', params: [], value: 'GH7ome3EiwEr7tu9JuTh2dpYWBJK3z69Xm1ZE3MEE6JC', }); const genesisHash = await connection.getGenesisHash(); expect(genesisHash); }); it('request airdrop', async () => { const account = Keypair.generate(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getBalance', params: [account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed'}], value: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, withContext: true, }); const balance = await connection.getBalance(account.publicKey, 'confirmed'); expect(balance).to.eq(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [ account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'base64'}, ], value: { owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111', lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 20, }, withContext: true, }); const accountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo( account.publicKey, 'confirmed', ); if (accountInfo === null) { expect(accountInfo); return; } expect(accountInfo.lamports).to.eq(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); expect(; expect(accountInfo.owner).to.eql(SystemProgram.programId); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getAccountInfo', params: [ account.publicKey.toBase58(), {commitment: 'confirmed', encoding: 'jsonParsed'}, ], value: { owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111', lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, rentEpoch: 20, }, withContext: true, }); const parsedAccountInfo = ( await connection.getParsedAccountInfo(account.publicKey, 'confirmed') ).value; if (parsedAccountInfo === null) { expect(parsedAccountInfo); return; } else if ('parsed' in { expect(; return; } expect(parsedAccountInfo.lamports).to.eq(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); expect(; expect(parsedAccountInfo.owner).to.eql(SystemProgram.programId); }); it('transaction failure', async () => { const payer = Keypair.generate(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: payer.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const newAccount = Keypair.generate(); let transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: payer.publicKey, newAccountPubkey: newAccount.publicKey, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2, space: 0, programId: SystemProgram.programId, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [payer, newAccount], commitment: 'confirmed', }); // This should fail because the account is already created const expectedErr = {InstructionError: [0, {Custom: 0}]}; const confirmResult = ( await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [payer, newAccount], commitment: 'confirmed', err: expectedErr, }) ).value; expect(confirmResult.err).to.eql(expectedErr); invariant(transaction.signature); const signature = bs58.encode(transaction.signature); await mockRpcResponse({ method: 'getSignatureStatuses', params: [[signature]], value: [ { slot: 0, confirmations: 11, status: {Err: expectedErr}, err: expectedErr, }, ], withContext: true, }); const response = (await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature)).value; verifySignatureStatus(response, expectedErr); }); if (mockServer) { it('returnData on simulateTransaction', async () => { const tx = new Transaction(); tx.feePayer = Keypair.generate().publicKey; const getLatestBlockhashResponse = { method: 'getLatestBlockhash', params: [], value: { blockhash: 'CSymwgTNX1j3E4qhKfJAUE41nBWEwXufoYryPbkde5RR', feeCalculator: { lamportsPerSignature: 5000, }, lastValidBlockHeight: 51, }, withContext: true, }; const simulateTransactionResponse = { method: 'simulateTransaction', params: [], value: { err: null, accounts: null, logs: [ 'Program 83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri invoke [1]', 'Program 83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri consumed 2366 of 1400000 compute units', 'Program return: 83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri KgAAAAAAAAA=', 'Program 83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri success', ], returnData: { data: ['KgAAAAAAAAA==', 'base64'], programId: '83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri', }, unitsConsumed: 2366, }, withContext: true, }; await mockRpcResponse(getLatestBlockhashResponse); await mockRpcResponse(simulateTransactionResponse); const response = (await connection.simulateTransaction(tx)).value; expect(response.returnData).to.eql({ data: ['KgAAAAAAAAA==', 'base64'], programId: '83astBRguLMdt2h5U1Tpdq5tjFoJ6noeGwaY3mDLVcri', }); }); } if (process.env.TEST_LIVE) { it('getStakeMinimumDelegation', async () => { const {value} = await connection.getStakeMinimumDelegation(); expect(value)'number'); }); it('sendTransaction', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); const payer = Keypair.generate(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: payer.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const recentBlockhash = await ( await helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}) ).blockhash; const versionedTx = new VersionedTransaction( new Message({ header: { numRequiredSignatures: 1, numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 0, }, recentBlockhash, instructions: [], accountKeys: [payer.publicKey.toBase58()], }), ); versionedTx.sign([payer]); await connection.sendTransaction(versionedTx); }); it('simulateTransaction', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); const payer = Keypair.generate(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: payer.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const recentBlockhash = await ( await helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}) ).blockhash; const versionedTx = new VersionedTransaction( new Message({ header: { numRequiredSignatures: 1, numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 0, }, recentBlockhash, instructions: [], accountKeys: [payer.publicKey.toBase58()], }), ); const response = await connection.simulateTransaction(versionedTx, { accounts: { encoding: 'base64', addresses: [payer.publicKey.toBase58()], }, }); expect(response.value.err); expect(response.value.accounts).to.eql([ { data: ['', 'base64'], executable: false, lamports: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL - 5000, owner: SystemProgram.programId.toBase58(), rentEpoch: 0, space: 0, }, ]); }); it('simulate transaction with message', async () => { connection._commitment = 'confirmed'; const account1 = Keypair.generate(); const account2 = Keypair.generate(); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account1.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: account2.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const recentBlockhash = await ( await helpers.latestBlockhash({connection}) ).blockhash; const message = new Message({ accountKeys: [ account1.publicKey.toString(), account2.publicKey.toString(), 'Memo1UhkJRfHyvLMcVucJwxXeuD728EqVDDwQDxFMNo', ], header: { numReadonlySignedAccounts: 1, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 2, numRequiredSignatures: 1, }, instructions: [ { accounts: [0, 1], data: bs58.encode(Buffer.alloc(5).fill(9)), programIdIndex: 2, }, ], recentBlockhash, }); const results1 = await connection.simulateTransaction( message, [account1], true, ); expect(results1.value.accounts).lengthOf(2); const results2 = await connection.simulateTransaction( message, [account1], [ account1.publicKey, new PublicKey('Missing111111111111111111111111111111111111'), ], ); expect(results2.value.accounts).lengthOf(2); if (results2.value.accounts) { expect(results2.value.accounts[1]); } }).timeout(10000); it('transaction', async () => { connection._commitment = 'confirmed'; const accountFrom = Keypair.generate(); const accountTo = Keypair.generate(); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, ); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: accountFrom.publicKey, amount: minimumAmount + 100010, }); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: accountTo.publicKey, amount: minimumAmount, }); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }), ); const signature = await sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction, [accountFrom], {preflightCommitment: 'confirmed'}, ); // Send again and ensure that new blockhash is used const lastFetch =; const transaction2 = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 10, }), ); const signature2 = await sendAndConfirmTransaction( connection, transaction2, [accountFrom], {preflightCommitment: 'confirmed'}, ); expect(signature); expect(transaction.recentBlockhash) transaction2.recentBlockhash, ); // Send new transaction and ensure that same blockhash is used const transaction3 = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 9, }), ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction3, [accountFrom], { preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', }); expect(transaction2.recentBlockhash).to.eq(transaction3.recentBlockhash); // Sleep until blockhash cache times out await sleep( Math.max( 0, 1000 + BLOCKHASH_CACHE_TIMEOUT_MS - ( - lastFetch), ), ); const transaction4 = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 13, }), ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction4, [accountFrom], { preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', }); expect(transaction4.recentBlockhash) transaction3.recentBlockhash, ); // accountFrom may have less than 100000 due to transaction fees const balance = await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey); expect(balance); expect(balance) + 100000); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).to.eq( minimumAmount + 42, ); }).timeout(45 * 1000); // waits 30s for cache timeout it('multi-instruction transaction', async () => { connection._commitment = 'confirmed'; const accountFrom = Keypair.generate(); const accountTo = Keypair.generate(); let signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( accountFrom.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(signature); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey)).to.eq( LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); const minimumAmount = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( 0, ); signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( accountTo.publicKey, minimumAmount + 21, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(signature); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).to.eq( minimumAmount + 21, ); // 1. Move(accountFrom, accountTo) // 2. Move(accountTo, accountFrom) const transaction = new Transaction() .add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, toPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, lamports: 100, }), ) .add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: accountTo.publicKey, toPubkey: accountFrom.publicKey, lamports: 100, }), ); signature = await connection.sendTransaction( transaction, [accountFrom, accountTo], {skipPreflight: true}, ); await connection.confirmTransaction({ blockhash: transaction.recentBlockhash!, lastValidBlockHeight: transaction.lastValidBlockHeight!, signature: signature, }); const response = (await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature)).value; if (response !== null) { expect(typeof response.slot).to.eq('number'); expect(response.err); } else { expect(response); } // accountFrom may have less than LAMPORTS_PER_SOL due to transaction fees expect( await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey), ); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountFrom.publicKey)) LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); expect(await connection.getBalance(accountTo.publicKey)).to.eq( minimumAmount + 21, ); }); describe('given an open websocket connection', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Open the socket connection and wait for it to become pingable. connection._rpcWebSocket.connect(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { try { await connection._rpcWebSocket.notify('ping'); break; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch (_err) {} await sleep(100); } }); it('account change notification', async () => { const connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); const owner = Keypair.generate(); let subscriptionId: number | undefined; try { const accountInfoPromise = new Promise>( resolve => { subscriptionId = connection.onAccountChange( owner.publicKey, resolve, 'confirmed', ); }, ); connection.requestAirdrop(owner.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); const accountInfo = await accountInfoPromise; expect(accountInfo.lamports).to.eq(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); expect(accountInfo.owner.equals(SystemProgram.programId)); } finally { if (subscriptionId != null) { await connection.removeAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); } } }); it('program account change notification', async () => { connection._commitment = 'confirmed'; const owner = Keypair.generate(); const programAccount = Keypair.generate(); const balanceNeeded = await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(0); let subscriptionId: number | undefined; try { const keyedAccountInfoPromise = new Promise( resolve => { subscriptionId = connection.onProgramAccountChange( SystemProgram.programId, resolve, ); }, ); await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: owner.publicKey, amount: LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); const transaction = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: owner.publicKey, toPubkey: programAccount.publicKey, lamports: balanceNeeded, }), ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [owner], { commitment: 'confirmed', }); const keyedAccountInfo = await keyedAccountInfoPromise; if (keyedAccountInfo.accountId.equals(programAccount.publicKey)) { expect(keyedAccountInfo.accountInfo.lamports).to.eq(balanceNeeded); expect( keyedAccountInfo.accountInfo.owner.equals( SystemProgram.programId, ), ); } } finally { if (subscriptionId != null) { await connection.removeProgramAccountChangeListener(subscriptionId); } } }); it('slot notification', async () => { let subscriptionId: number | undefined; try { const notifiedSlotInfo = await new Promise(resolve => { subscriptionId = connection.onSlotChange(resolve); }); expect(notifiedSlotInfo.parent); expect(notifiedSlotInfo.root); expect(notifiedSlotInfo.slot); } finally { if (subscriptionId != null) { await connection.removeSlotChangeListener(subscriptionId); } } }); it('root notification', async () => { let subscriptionId: number | undefined; try { const atLeastTwoRoots = await new Promise(resolve => { const roots: number[] = []; subscriptionId = connection.onRootChange(root => { if (roots.length === 2) { return; } roots.push(root); if (roots.length === 2) { // Collect at least two, then resolve. resolve(roots); } }); }); expect(atLeastTwoRoots[1])[0]); } finally { if (subscriptionId != null) { await connection.removeRootChangeListener(subscriptionId); } } }); it('signature notification', async () => { const owner = Keypair.generate(); const signature = await connection.requestAirdrop( owner.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); const signatureResult = await new Promise(resolve => { // NOTE: Signature subscriptions auto-remove themselves, so there's no // need to track the subscription id and remove it when the test ends. connection.onSignature(signature, resolve, 'processed'); }); expect(signatureResult.err); }); it('logs notification', async () => { let subscriptionId: number | undefined; const owner = Keypair.generate(); try { const logPromise = new Promise<[Logs, Context]>(resolve => { subscriptionId = connection.onLogs( owner.publicKey, (logs, ctx) => { if (!logs.err) { resolve([logs, ctx]); } }, 'processed', ); }); // Execute a transaction so that we can pickup its logs. await connection.requestAirdrop(owner.publicKey, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL); const [logsRes, ctx] = await logPromise; expect(ctx.slot); expect(logsRes.logs.length).to.eq(2); expect(logsRes.logs[0]).to.eq( 'Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]', ); expect(logsRes.logs[1]).to.eq( 'Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success', ); } finally { if (subscriptionId != null) { await connection.removeOnLogsListener(subscriptionId); } } }); }); it('https request', async () => { const connection = new Connection(''); const version = await connection.getVersion(); expect(version['solana-core']); }).timeout(20 * 1000); let lookupTableKey: PublicKey; const lookupTableAddresses = new Array(10) .fill(0) .map(() => Keypair.generate().publicKey); describe('address lookup table program', () => { const connection = new Connection(url); const payer = Keypair.generate(); before(async () => { await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: payer.publicKey, amount: 10 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); }); it('createLookupTable', async () => { const recentSlot = await connection.getSlot('finalized'); let createIx: TransactionInstruction; [createIx, lookupTableKey] = AddressLookupTableProgram.createLookupTable({ recentSlot, payer: payer.publicKey, authority: payer.publicKey, }); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction: new Transaction().add(createIx), signers: [payer], commitment: 'processed', }); }); it('extendLookupTable', async () => { const transaction = new Transaction().add( AddressLookupTableProgram.extendLookupTable({ lookupTable: lookupTableKey, addresses: lookupTableAddresses, authority: payer.publicKey, payer: payer.publicKey, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [payer], commitment: 'processed', }); }); it('freezeLookupTable', async () => { const transaction = new Transaction().add( AddressLookupTableProgram.freezeLookupTable({ lookupTable: lookupTableKey, authority: payer.publicKey, }), ); await helpers.processTransaction({ connection, transaction, signers: [payer], commitment: 'processed', }); }); it('getAddressLookupTable', async () => { const lookupTableResponse = await connection.getAddressLookupTable( lookupTableKey, { commitment: 'processed', }, ); const lookupTableAccount = lookupTableResponse.value; if (!lookupTableAccount) { expect(lookupTableAccount); return; } expect(lookupTableAccount.isActive()); expect(lookupTableAccount.state.authority); expect(lookupTableAccount.state.addresses).to.eql(lookupTableAddresses); }); }); describe('v0 transaction', () => { const connection = new Connection(url); const payer = Keypair.generate(); before(async () => { await helpers.airdrop({ connection, address: payer.publicKey, amount: 10 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, }); }); // wait for lookup table to be usable before(async () => { const lookupTableResponse = await connection.getAddressLookupTable( lookupTableKey, { commitment: 'processed', }, ); const lookupTableAccount = lookupTableResponse.value; if (!lookupTableAccount) { expect(lookupTableAccount); return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { const latestSlot = await connection.getSlot('confirmed'); if (latestSlot > lookupTableAccount.state.lastExtendedSlot) { break; } else { console.log('Waiting for next slot...'); await sleep(500); } } }); let signature: TransactionSignature; let addressTableLookups: MessageAddressTableLookup[]; it('send and confirm', async () => { const {blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight} = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(); const transferIxData = encodeData(SYSTEM_INSTRUCTION_LAYOUTS.Transfer, { lamports: BigInt(LAMPORTS_PER_SOL), }); addressTableLookups = [ { accountKey: lookupTableKey, writableIndexes: [0], readonlyIndexes: [], }, ]; const transaction = new VersionedTransaction( new MessageV0({ header: { numRequiredSignatures: 1, numReadonlySignedAccounts: 0, numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts: 1, }, staticAccountKeys: [payer.publicKey, SystemProgram.programId], recentBlockhash: blockhash, compiledInstructions: [ { programIdIndex: 1, accountKeyIndexes: [0, 2], data: transferIxData, }, ], addressTableLookups, }), ); transaction.sign([payer]); signature = bs58.encode(transaction.signatures[0]); const serializedTransaction = transaction.serialize(); await connection.sendRawTransaction(serializedTransaction, { preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', }); await connection.confirmTransaction( { signature, blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight, }, 'confirmed', ); const transferToKey = lookupTableAddresses[0]; const transferToAccount = await connection.getAccountInfo( transferToKey, {commitment: 'confirmed', dataSlice: {length: 0, offset: 0}}, ); expect(transferToAccount?.data.length); expect(transferToAccount?.lamports); }); it('getTransaction (failure)', async () => { await expect( connection.getTransaction(signature, { commitment: 'confirmed', }), ) 'failed to get transaction: Transaction version (0) is not supported', ); }); let transactionSlot: number; it('getTransaction', async () => { // fetch v0 transaction const fetchedTransaction = await connection.getTransaction(signature, { commitment: 'confirmed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, }); if (fetchedTransaction === null) { expect(fetchedTransaction); return; } transactionSlot = fetchedTransaction.slot; expect(fetchedTransaction.version).to.eq(0); expect(fetchedTransaction.meta?.loadedAddresses).to.eql({ readonly: [], writable: [lookupTableAddresses[0]], }); expect(fetchedTransaction.meta?.computeUnitsConsumed) .undefined; expect( fetchedTransaction.transaction.message.addressTableLookups, ).to.eql(addressTableLookups); }); it('getParsedTransaction (failure)', async () => { await expect( connection.getParsedTransaction(signature, { commitment: 'confirmed', }), ) 'failed to get transaction: Transaction version (0) is not supported', ); }); it('getParsedTransaction', async () => { const parsedTransaction = await connection.getParsedTransaction( signature, { commitment: 'confirmed', maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, }, ); expect(parsedTransaction); expect(parsedTransaction?.version).to.eq(0); // loaded addresses are not returned for parsed transactions expect(parsedTransaction?.meta?.loadedAddresses); expect(parsedTransaction?.meta?.computeUnitsConsumed) .undefined; expect( parsedTransaction?.transaction.message.addressTableLookups, ).to.eql(addressTableLookups); expect(parsedTransaction?.transaction.message.accountKeys).to.eql([ { pubkey: payer.publicKey, signer: true, writable: true, source: 'transaction', }, { pubkey: SystemProgram.programId, signer: false, writable: false, source: 'transaction', }, { pubkey: lookupTableAddresses[0], signer: false, writable: true, source: 'lookupTable', }, ]); }); it('getBlock (failure)', async () => { await expect( connection.getBlock(transactionSlot, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: undefined, commitment: 'confirmed', }), ) 'failed to get confirmed block: Transaction version (0) is not supported', ); }); it('getBlock', async () => { const block = await connection.getBlock(transactionSlot, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, commitment: 'confirmed', }); expect(block); if (block === null) throw new Error(); // unreachable let foundTx = false; for (const tx of block.transactions) { if (tx.transaction.signatures[0] === signature) { foundTx = true; expect(tx.version).to.eq(0); } } expect(foundTx); }); it('getParsedBlock', async () => { const block = await connection.getParsedBlock(transactionSlot, { maxSupportedTransactionVersion: 0, commitment: 'confirmed', }); expect(block); if (block === null) throw new Error(); // unreachable let foundTx = false; for (const tx of block.transactions) { if (tx.transaction.signatures[0] === signature) { foundTx = true; expect(tx.version).to.eq(0); } } expect(foundTx); }); }).timeout(5 * 1000); } });