use solana_sdk::genesis_config::{DEFAULT_GENESIS_ARCHIVE, DEFAULT_GENESIS_FILE}; use { bzip2::bufread::BzDecoder, log::*, rand::{thread_rng, Rng}, solana_sdk::genesis_config::GenesisConfig, std::{ collections::HashMap, fs::{self, File}, io::{BufReader, Read}, path::{ Component::{CurDir, Normal}, Path, PathBuf, }, time::Instant, }, tar::{ Archive, EntryType::{Directory, GNUSparse, Regular}, }, thiserror::Error, }; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum UnpackError { #[error("IO error: {0}")] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("Archive error: {0}")] Archive(String), } pub type Result = std::result::Result; // 64 TiB; some safe margin to the max 128 TiB in amd64 linux userspace VmSize // (ref: // note that this is directly related to the mmaped data size // so protect against insane value // This is the file size including holes for sparse files const MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_APPARENT_SIZE: u64 = 64 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 4 TiB; // This is the actually consumed disk usage for sparse files const MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_ACTUAL_SIZE: u64 = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; const MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT: u64 = 5_000_000; pub const MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_SIZE: u64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB const MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT: u64 = 100; fn checked_total_size_sum(total_size: u64, entry_size: u64, limit_size: u64) -> Result { trace!( "checked_total_size_sum: {} + {} < {}", total_size, entry_size, limit_size, ); let total_size = total_size.saturating_add(entry_size); if total_size > limit_size { return Err(UnpackError::Archive(format!( "too large archive: {} than limit: {}", total_size, limit_size, ))); } Ok(total_size) } fn checked_total_count_increment(total_count: u64, limit_count: u64) -> Result { let total_count = total_count + 1; if total_count > limit_count { return Err(UnpackError::Archive(format!( "too many files in snapshot: {:?}", total_count ))); } Ok(total_count) } fn check_unpack_result(unpack_result: bool, path: String) -> Result<()> { if !unpack_result { return Err(UnpackError::Archive(format!( "failed to unpack: {:?}", path ))); } Ok(()) } fn unpack_archive<'a, A: Read, C>( archive: &mut Archive, apparent_limit_size: u64, actual_limit_size: u64, limit_count: u64, mut entry_checker: C, ) -> Result<()> where C: FnMut(&[&str], tar::EntryType) -> Option<&'a Path>, { let mut apparent_total_size: u64 = 0; let mut actual_total_size: u64 = 0; let mut total_count: u64 = 0; let mut total_entries = 0; let mut last_log_update = Instant::now(); for entry in archive.entries()? { let mut entry = entry?; let path = entry.path()?; let path_str = path.display().to_string(); // Although the `tar` crate safely skips at the actual unpacking, fail // first by ourselves when there are odd paths like including `..` or / // for our clearer pattern matching reasoning: // let parts = path.components().map(|p| match p { CurDir => Some("."), Normal(c) => c.to_str(), _ => None, // Prefix (for Windows) and RootDir are forbidden }); // Reject old-style BSD directory entries that aren't explicitly tagged as directories let legacy_dir_entry = entry.header().as_ustar().is_none() && entry.path_bytes().ends_with(b"/"); let kind = entry.header().entry_type(); let reject_legacy_dir_entry = legacy_dir_entry && (kind != Directory); if parts.clone().any(|p| p.is_none()) || reject_legacy_dir_entry { return Err(UnpackError::Archive(format!( "invalid path found: {:?}", path_str ))); } let parts: Vec<_> =|p| p.unwrap()).collect(); let unpack_dir = match entry_checker(parts.as_slice(), kind) { None => { return Err(UnpackError::Archive(format!( "extra entry found: {:?} {:?}", path_str, entry.header().entry_type(), ))); } Some(unpack_dir) => unpack_dir, }; apparent_total_size = checked_total_size_sum( apparent_total_size, entry.header().size()?, apparent_limit_size, )?; actual_total_size = checked_total_size_sum( actual_total_size, entry.header().entry_size()?, actual_limit_size, )?; total_count = checked_total_count_increment(total_count, limit_count)?; // unpack_in does its own sanitization // ref:*/tar/struct.Entry.html#method.unpack_in check_unpack_result(entry.unpack_in(unpack_dir)?, path_str)?; // Sanitize permissions. let mode = match entry.header().entry_type() { GNUSparse | Regular => 0o644, _ => 0o755, }; set_perms(&unpack_dir.join(entry.path()?), mode)?; total_entries += 1; let now = Instant::now(); if now.duration_since(last_log_update).as_secs() >= 10 { info!("unpacked {} entries so far...", total_entries); last_log_update = now; } } info!("unpacked {} entries total", total_entries); return Ok(()); #[cfg(unix)] fn set_perms(dst: &Path, mode: u32) -> std::io::Result<()> { use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; let perm = fs::Permissions::from_mode(mode as _); fs::set_permissions(dst, perm) } #[cfg(windows)] fn set_perms(dst: &Path, _mode: u32) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut perm = fs::metadata(dst)?.permissions(); perm.set_readonly(false); fs::set_permissions(dst, perm) } } /// Map from AppendVec file name to unpacked file system location pub type UnpackedAppendVecMap = HashMap; pub fn unpack_snapshot( archive: &mut Archive, ledger_dir: &Path, account_paths: &[PathBuf], ) -> Result { assert!(!account_paths.is_empty()); let mut unpacked_append_vec_map = UnpackedAppendVecMap::new(); unpack_archive( archive, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_APPARENT_SIZE, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_ACTUAL_SIZE, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT, |parts, kind| { if is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry(parts, kind) { if let ["accounts", file] = parts { // Randomly distribute the accounts files about the available `account_paths`, let path_index = thread_rng().gen_range(0, account_paths.len()); account_paths.get(path_index).map(|path_buf| { unpacked_append_vec_map .insert(file.to_string(), path_buf.join("accounts").join(file)); path_buf.as_path() }) } else { Some(ledger_dir) } } else { None } }, ) .map(|_| unpacked_append_vec_map) } fn all_digits(v: &str) -> bool { if v.is_empty() { return false; } for x in v.chars() { if !x.is_numeric() { return false; } } true } fn like_storage(v: &str) -> bool { let mut periods = 0; let mut saw_numbers = false; for x in v.chars() { if !x.is_numeric() { if x == '.' { if periods > 0 || !saw_numbers { return false; } saw_numbers = false; periods += 1; } else { return false; } } else { saw_numbers = true; } } saw_numbers && periods == 1 } fn is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry(parts: &[&str], kind: tar::EntryType) -> bool { match (parts, kind) { (["version"], Regular) => true, (["accounts"], Directory) => true, (["accounts", file], GNUSparse) if like_storage(file) => true, (["accounts", file], Regular) if like_storage(file) => true, (["snapshots"], Directory) => true, (["snapshots", "status_cache"], GNUSparse) => true, (["snapshots", "status_cache"], Regular) => true, (["snapshots", dir, file], GNUSparse) if all_digits(dir) && all_digits(file) => true, (["snapshots", dir, file], Regular) if all_digits(dir) && all_digits(file) => true, (["snapshots", dir], Directory) if all_digits(dir) => true, _ => false, } } pub fn open_genesis_config( ledger_path: &Path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size: u64, ) -> GenesisConfig { GenesisConfig::load(&ledger_path).unwrap_or_else(|load_err| { let genesis_package = ledger_path.join(DEFAULT_GENESIS_ARCHIVE); unpack_genesis_archive( &genesis_package, ledger_path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size, ) .unwrap_or_else(|unpack_err| { warn!( "Failed to open ledger genesis_config at {:?}: {}, {}", ledger_path, load_err, unpack_err, ); std::process::exit(1); }); // loading must succeed at this moment GenesisConfig::load(&ledger_path).unwrap() }) } pub fn unpack_genesis_archive( archive_filename: &Path, destination_dir: &Path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size: u64, ) -> std::result::Result<(), UnpackError> { info!("Extracting {:?}...", archive_filename); let extract_start = Instant::now(); fs::create_dir_all(destination_dir)?; let tar_bz2 = File::open(&archive_filename)?; let tar = BzDecoder::new(BufReader::new(tar_bz2)); let mut archive = Archive::new(tar); unpack_genesis( &mut archive, destination_dir, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size, )?; info!( "Extracted {:?} in {:?}", archive_filename, Instant::now().duration_since(extract_start) ); Ok(()) } fn unpack_genesis( archive: &mut Archive, unpack_dir: &Path, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size: u64, ) -> Result<()> { unpack_archive( archive, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size, max_genesis_archive_unpacked_size, MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT, |p, k| { if is_valid_genesis_archive_entry(p, k) { Some(unpack_dir) } else { None } }, ) } fn is_valid_genesis_archive_entry(parts: &[&str], kind: tar::EntryType) -> bool { trace!("validating: {:?} {:?}", parts, kind); #[allow(clippy::match_like_matches_macro)] match (parts, kind) { ([DEFAULT_GENESIS_FILE], GNUSparse) => true, ([DEFAULT_GENESIS_FILE], Regular) => true, (["rocksdb"], Directory) => true, (["rocksdb", _], GNUSparse) => true, (["rocksdb", _], Regular) => true, _ => false, } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use tar::{Builder, Header}; #[test] fn test_archive_is_valid_entry() { assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", ""], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", "3"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", "3", "3"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["version"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", ""], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", "x0"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", "0x"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["snapshots", "0", "aa"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["aaaa"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); } #[test] fn test_valid_snapshot_accounts() { solana_logger::setup(); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "0.0"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "01829.077"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "1.2.34"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "12."], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", ".12"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "0x0"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "abc"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_snapshot_archive_entry( &["accounts", "232323"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); } #[test] fn test_archive_is_valid_archive_entry() { assert!(is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["genesis.bin"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["genesis.bin"], tar::EntryType::GNUSparse, )); assert!(is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb"], tar::EntryType::Directory )); assert!(is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo"], tar::EntryType::GNUSparse, )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["aaaa"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["aaaa"], tar::EntryType::GNUSparse, )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb"], tar::EntryType::GNUSparse, )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo"], tar::EntryType::Directory, )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo", "bar"], tar::EntryType::Directory, )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo", "bar"], tar::EntryType::Regular )); assert!(!is_valid_genesis_archive_entry( &["rocksdb", "foo", "bar"], tar::EntryType::GNUSparse )); } fn with_finalize_and_unpack(archive: tar::Builder>, checker: C) -> Result<()> where C: Fn(&mut Archive>, &Path) -> Result<()>, { let data = archive.into_inner().unwrap(); let reader = BufReader::new(&data[..]); let mut archive: Archive> = Archive::new(reader); let temp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap(); checker(&mut archive, temp_dir.path())?; // Check that there is no bad permissions preventing deletion. let result = temp_dir.close(); assert_matches!(result, Ok(())); Ok(()) } fn finalize_and_unpack_snapshot(archive: tar::Builder>) -> Result<()> { with_finalize_and_unpack(archive, |a, b| { unpack_snapshot(a, b, &[PathBuf::new()]).map(|_| ()) }) } fn finalize_and_unpack_genesis(archive: tar::Builder>) -> Result<()> { with_finalize_and_unpack(archive, |a, b| { unpack_genesis(a, b, MAX_GENESIS_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_SIZE) }) } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_snapshot_ok() { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("version").unwrap(); header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_snapshot(archive); assert_matches!(result, Ok(())); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_genesis_ok() { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("genesis.bin").unwrap(); header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_genesis(archive); assert_matches!(result, Ok(())); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_genesis_bad_perms() { let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("rocksdb").unwrap(); header.set_entry_type(Directory); header.set_size(0); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[]; archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("rocksdb/test").unwrap(); header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); // Removing all permissions makes it harder to delete this directory // or work with files inside it. let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("rocksdb").unwrap(); header.set_entry_type(Directory); header.set_mode(0o000); header.set_size(0); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[]; archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_genesis(archive); assert_matches!(result, Ok(())); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_genesis_bad_rocksdb_subdir() { let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("rocksdb").unwrap(); header.set_entry_type(Directory); header.set_size(0); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[]; archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); // tar-rs treats following entry as a Directory to support old tar formats. let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("rocksdb/test/").unwrap(); header.set_entry_type(Regular); header.set_size(0); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[]; archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_genesis(archive); assert_matches!(result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "invalid path found: \"rocksdb/test/\""); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_path() { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); // bypass the sanitization of the .set_path() for (p, c) in header .as_old_mut() .name .iter_mut() .zip(b"foo/../../../dangerous".iter().chain(Some(&0))) { *p = *c; } header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_snapshot(archive); assert_matches!(result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "invalid path found: \"foo/../../../dangerous\""); } fn with_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_path(path: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); // bypass the sanitization of the .set_path() for (p, c) in header .as_old_mut() .name .iter_mut() .zip(path.as_bytes().iter().chain(Some(&0))) { *p = *c; } header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); with_finalize_and_unpack(archive, |unpacking_archive, path| { for entry in unpacking_archive.entries()? { if !entry?.unpack_in(path)? { return Err(UnpackError::Archive("failed!".to_string())); } else if !path.join(path).exists() { return Err(UnpackError::Archive("not existing!".to_string())); } } Ok(()) }) } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_itself() { assert_matches!( with_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_path("ryoqun/work"), Ok(()) ); // Absolute paths are neutralized as relative assert_matches!( with_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_path("/etc/passwd"), Ok(()) ); assert_matches!(with_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_path("../../../dangerous"), Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "failed!"); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_snapshot_invalid_entry() { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("foo").unwrap(); header.set_size(4); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_snapshot(archive); assert_matches!(result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "extra entry found: \"foo\" Regular"); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_snapshot_too_large() { let mut header = Header::new_gnu(); header.set_path("version").unwrap(); header.set_size(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); header.set_cksum(); let data: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut archive = Builder::new(Vec::new()); archive.append(&header, data).unwrap(); let result = finalize_and_unpack_snapshot(archive); assert_matches!( result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == &format!( "too large archive: 1125899906842624 than limit: {}", MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_APPARENT_SIZE ) ); } #[test] fn test_archive_unpack_snapshot_bad_unpack() { let result = check_unpack_result(false, "abc".to_string()); assert_matches!(result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "failed to unpack: \"abc\""); } #[test] fn test_archive_checked_total_size_sum() { let result = checked_total_size_sum(500, 500, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_ACTUAL_SIZE); assert_matches!(result, Ok(1000)); let result = checked_total_size_sum( u64::max_value() - 2, 2, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_ACTUAL_SIZE, ); assert_matches!( result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == &format!( "too large archive: 18446744073709551615 than limit: {}", MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_ACTUAL_SIZE ) ); } #[test] fn test_archive_checked_total_size_count() { let result = checked_total_count_increment(101, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT); assert_matches!(result, Ok(102)); let result = checked_total_count_increment(999_999_999_999, MAX_SNAPSHOT_ARCHIVE_UNPACKED_COUNT); assert_matches!( result, Err(UnpackError::Archive(ref message)) if message == "too many files in snapshot: 1000000000000" ); } }