use { crate::{ clock::{Epoch, UnixTimestamp}, decode_error::DecodeError, instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction}, pubkey::Pubkey, stake::{ config, program::id, state::{Authorized, Lockup, StakeAuthorize, StakeState}, }, system_instruction, sysvar, }, log::*, num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}, serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}, thiserror::Error, }; /// Reasons the stake might have had an error #[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)] pub enum StakeError { #[error("not enough credits to redeem")] NoCreditsToRedeem, #[error("lockup has not yet expired")] LockupInForce, #[error("stake already deactivated")] AlreadyDeactivated, #[error("one re-delegation permitted per epoch")] TooSoonToRedelegate, #[error("split amount is more than is staked")] InsufficientStake, #[error("stake account with transient stake cannot be merged")] MergeTransientStake, #[error("stake account merge failed due to different authority, lockups or state")] MergeMismatch, #[error("custodian address not present")] CustodianMissing, #[error("custodian signature not present")] CustodianSignatureMissing, #[error("insufficient voting activity in the reference vote account")] InsufficientReferenceVotes, #[error("stake account is not delegated to the provided vote account")] VoteAddressMismatch, #[error( "stake account has not been delinquent for the minimum epochs required for deactivation" )] MinimumDelinquentEpochsForDeactivationNotMet, } impl DecodeError for StakeError { fn type_of() -> &'static str { "StakeError" } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum StakeInstruction { /// Initialize a stake with lockup and authorization information /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account /// 1. `[]` Rent sysvar /// /// Authorized carries pubkeys that must sign staker transactions /// and withdrawer transactions. /// Lockup carries information about withdrawal restrictions Initialize(Authorized, Lockup), /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated /// 1. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 2. `[SIGNER]` The stake or withdraw authority /// 3. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before /// lockup expiration Authorize(Pubkey, StakeAuthorize), /// Delegate a stake to a particular vote account /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account to be delegated /// 1. `[]` Vote account to which this stake will be delegated /// 2. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history /// 4. `[]` Address of config account that carries stake config /// 5. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority /// /// The entire balance of the staking account is staked. DelegateStake /// can be called multiple times, but re-delegation is delayed /// by one epoch DelegateStake, /// Split u64 tokens and stake off a stake account into another stake account. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be split; must be in the Initialized or Stake state /// 1. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account that will take the split-off amount /// 2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority Split(u64), /// Withdraw unstaked lamports from the stake account /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account from which to withdraw /// 1. `[WRITE]` Recipient account /// 2. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history /// 4. `[SIGNER]` Withdraw authority /// 5. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if before lockup expiration /// /// The u64 is the portion of the stake account balance to be withdrawn, /// must be `<= StakeAccount.lamports - staked_lamports`. Withdraw(u64), /// Deactivates the stake in the account /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Delegated stake account /// 1. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 2. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority Deactivate, /// Set stake lockup /// /// If a lockup is not active, the withdraw authority may set a new lockup /// If a lockup is active, the lockup custodian may update the lockup parameters /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account /// 1. `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority or withdraw authority SetLockup(LockupArgs), /// Merge two stake accounts. /// /// Both accounts must have identical lockup and authority keys. A merge /// is possible between two stakes in the following states with no additional /// conditions: /// /// * two deactivated stakes /// * an inactive stake into an activating stake during its activation epoch /// /// For the following cases, the voter pubkey and vote credits observed must match: /// /// * two activated stakes /// * two activating accounts that share an activation epoch, during the activation epoch /// /// All other combinations of stake states will fail to merge, including all /// "transient" states, where a stake is activating or deactivating with a /// non-zero effective stake. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Destination stake account for the merge /// 1. `[WRITE]` Source stake account for to merge. This account will be drained /// 2. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 3. `[]` Stake history sysvar that carries stake warmup/cooldown history /// 4. `[SIGNER]` Stake authority Merge, /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated /// 1. `[SIGNER]` Base key of stake or withdraw authority /// 2. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 3. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before /// lockup expiration AuthorizeWithSeed(AuthorizeWithSeedArgs), /// Initialize a stake with authorization information /// /// This instruction is similar to `Initialize` except that the withdraw authority /// must be a signer, and no lockup is applied to the account. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Uninitialized stake account /// 1. `[]` Rent sysvar /// 2. `[]` The stake authority /// 3. `[SIGNER]` The withdraw authority /// InitializeChecked, /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal /// /// This instruction behaves like `Authorize` with the additional requirement that the new /// stake or withdraw authority must also be a signer. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated /// 1. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 2. `[SIGNER]` The stake or withdraw authority /// 3. `[SIGNER]` The new stake or withdraw authority /// 4. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before /// lockup expiration AuthorizeChecked(StakeAuthorize), /// Authorize a key to manage stake or withdrawal with a derived key /// /// This instruction behaves like `AuthorizeWithSeed` with the additional requirement that /// the new stake or withdraw authority must also be a signer. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Stake account to be updated /// 1. `[SIGNER]` Base key of stake or withdraw authority /// 2. `[]` Clock sysvar /// 3. `[SIGNER]` The new stake or withdraw authority /// 4. Optional: `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority, if updating StakeAuthorize::Withdrawer before /// lockup expiration AuthorizeCheckedWithSeed(AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs), /// Set stake lockup /// /// This instruction behaves like `SetLockup` with the additional requirement that /// the new lockup authority also be a signer. /// /// If a lockup is not active, the withdraw authority may set a new lockup /// If a lockup is active, the lockup custodian may update the lockup parameters /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Initialized stake account /// 1. `[SIGNER]` Lockup authority or withdraw authority /// 2. Optional: `[SIGNER]` New lockup authority SetLockupChecked(LockupCheckedArgs), /// Get the minimum stake delegation, in lamports /// /// # Account references /// None /// /// Returns the minimum delegation as a little-endian encoded u64 value. /// Programs can use the [`get_minimum_delegation()`] helper function to invoke and /// retrieve the return value for this instruction. /// /// [`get_minimum_delegation()`]: super::tools::get_minimum_delegation GetMinimumDelegation, /// Deactivate stake delegated to a vote account that has been delinquent for at least /// `MINIMUM_DELINQUENT_EPOCHS_FOR_DEACTIVATION` epochs. /// /// No signer is required for this instruction as it is a common good to deactivate abandoned /// stake. /// /// # Account references /// 0. `[WRITE]` Delegated stake account /// 1. `[]` Delinquent vote account for the delegated stake account /// 2. `[]` Reference vote account that has voted at least once in the last /// `MINIMUM_DELINQUENT_EPOCHS_FOR_DEACTIVATION` epochs DeactivateDelinquent, } #[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct LockupArgs { pub unix_timestamp: Option, pub epoch: Option, pub custodian: Option, } #[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] pub struct LockupCheckedArgs { pub unix_timestamp: Option, pub epoch: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct AuthorizeWithSeedArgs { pub new_authorized_pubkey: Pubkey, pub stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, pub authority_seed: String, pub authority_owner: Pubkey, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs { pub stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, pub authority_seed: String, pub authority_owner: Pubkey, } pub fn initialize(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup) -> Instruction { Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::Initialize(*authorized, *lockup), vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::id(), false), ], ) } pub fn initialize_checked(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized) -> Instruction { Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::InitializeChecked, vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::rent::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(authorized.staker, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(authorized.withdrawer, true), ], ) } pub fn create_account_with_seed( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, base: &Pubkey, seed: &str, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::create_account_with_seed( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, base, seed, lamports, StakeState::size_of() as u64, &id(), ), initialize(stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup), ] } pub fn create_account( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::create_account( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, lamports, StakeState::size_of() as u64, &id(), ), initialize(stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup), ] } pub fn create_account_with_seed_checked( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, base: &Pubkey, seed: &str, authorized: &Authorized, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::create_account_with_seed( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, base, seed, lamports, StakeState::size_of() as u64, &id(), ), initialize_checked(stake_pubkey, authorized), ] } pub fn create_account_checked( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::create_account( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, lamports, StakeState::size_of() as u64, &id(), ), initialize_checked(stake_pubkey, authorized), ] } fn _split( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new(*split_stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), ]; Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Split(lamports), account_metas) } pub fn split( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::allocate(split_stake_pubkey, StakeState::size_of() as u64), system_instruction::assign(split_stake_pubkey, &id()), _split( stake_pubkey, authorized_pubkey, lamports, split_stake_pubkey, ), ] } pub fn split_with_seed( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, split_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, // derived using create_with_seed() base: &Pubkey, // base seed: &str, // seed ) -> Vec { vec![ system_instruction::allocate_with_seed( split_stake_pubkey, base, seed, StakeState::size_of() as u64, &id(), ), _split( stake_pubkey, authorized_pubkey, lamports, split_stake_pubkey, ), ] } pub fn merge( destination_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, source_stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Vec { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*destination_stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new(*source_stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), ]; vec![Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::Merge, account_metas, )] } pub fn create_account_and_delegate_stake( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { let mut instructions = create_account(from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, authorized, lockup, lamports); instructions.push(delegate_stake( stake_pubkey, &authorized.staker, vote_pubkey, )); instructions } pub fn create_account_with_seed_and_delegate_stake( from_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, base: &Pubkey, seed: &str, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized: &Authorized, lockup: &Lockup, lamports: u64, ) -> Vec { let mut instructions = create_account_with_seed( from_pubkey, stake_pubkey, base, seed, authorized, lockup, lamports, ); instructions.push(delegate_stake( stake_pubkey, &authorized.staker, vote_pubkey, )); instructions } pub fn authorize( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), ]; if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true)); } Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::Authorize(*new_authorized_pubkey, stake_authorize), account_metas, ) } pub fn authorize_checked( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*new_authorized_pubkey, true), ]; if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true)); } Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeChecked(stake_authorize), account_metas, ) } pub fn authorize_with_seed( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authority_base: &Pubkey, authority_seed: String, authority_owner: &Pubkey, new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authority_base, true), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), ]; if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true)); } let args = AuthorizeWithSeedArgs { new_authorized_pubkey: *new_authorized_pubkey, stake_authorize, authority_seed, authority_owner: *authority_owner, }; Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeWithSeed(args), account_metas, ) } pub fn authorize_checked_with_seed( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authority_base: &Pubkey, authority_seed: String, authority_owner: &Pubkey, new_authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, stake_authorize: StakeAuthorize, custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authority_base, true), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*new_authorized_pubkey, true), ]; if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true)); } let args = AuthorizeCheckedWithSeedArgs { stake_authorize, authority_seed, authority_owner: *authority_owner, }; Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::AuthorizeCheckedWithSeed(args), account_metas, ) } pub fn delegate_stake( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey, vote_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*vote_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(config::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), ]; Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::DelegateStake, account_metas) } pub fn withdraw( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, withdrawer_pubkey: &Pubkey, to_pubkey: &Pubkey, lamports: u64, custodian_pubkey: Option<&Pubkey>, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new(*to_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::stake_history::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*withdrawer_pubkey, true), ]; if let Some(custodian_pubkey) = custodian_pubkey { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true)); } Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Withdraw(lamports), account_metas) } pub fn deactivate_stake(stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, authorized_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(sysvar::clock::id(), false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*authorized_pubkey, true), ]; Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::Deactivate, account_metas) } pub fn set_lockup( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, lockup: &LockupArgs, custodian_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true), ]; Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::SetLockup(*lockup), account_metas) } pub fn set_lockup_checked( stake_pubkey: &Pubkey, lockup: &LockupArgs, custodian_pubkey: &Pubkey, ) -> Instruction { let mut account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_pubkey, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*custodian_pubkey, true), ]; let lockup_checked = LockupCheckedArgs { unix_timestamp: lockup.unix_timestamp, epoch: lockup.epoch, }; if let Some(new_custodian) = lockup.custodian { account_metas.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(new_custodian, true)); } Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::SetLockupChecked(lockup_checked), account_metas, ) } pub fn get_minimum_delegation() -> Instruction { Instruction::new_with_bincode( id(), &StakeInstruction::GetMinimumDelegation, Vec::default(), ) } pub fn deactivate_delinquent_stake( stake_account: &Pubkey, delinquent_vote_account: &Pubkey, reference_vote_account: &Pubkey, ) -> Instruction { let account_metas = vec![ AccountMeta::new(*stake_account, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*delinquent_vote_account, false), AccountMeta::new_readonly(*reference_vote_account, false), ]; Instruction::new_with_bincode(id(), &StakeInstruction::DeactivateDelinquent, account_metas) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use {super::*, crate::instruction::InstructionError}; #[test] fn test_custom_error_decode() { use num_traits::FromPrimitive; fn pretty_err(err: InstructionError) -> String where T: 'static + std::error::Error + DecodeError + FromPrimitive, { if let InstructionError::Custom(code) = err { let specific_error: T = T::decode_custom_error_to_enum(code).unwrap(); format!( "{:?}: {}::{:?} - {}", err, T::type_of(), specific_error, specific_error, ) } else { "".to_string() } } assert_eq!( "Custom(0): StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem - not enough credits to redeem", pretty_err::(StakeError::NoCreditsToRedeem.into()) ) } }