#!/usr/bin/env bash # input: # env: # - CRATE_TOKEN # - COMMIT_RANGE if [[ -z $COMMIT_RANGE ]]; then echo "COMMIT_RANGE should be provided" exit 1 fi if ! command -v toml &>/dev/null; then echo "not found toml-cli" cargo install toml-cli fi declare skip_patterns=( "Cargo.toml" "programs/sbf" ) declare -A verified_crate_owners=( ["solana-grimes"]=1 ) # get Cargo.toml from git diff readarray -t files <<<"$(git diff "$COMMIT_RANGE" --diff-filter=AM --name-only | grep Cargo.toml)" printf "%s\n" "${files[@]}" error_count=0 for file in "${files[@]}"; do read -r crate_name package_publish workspace < <(toml get "$file" . | jq -r '(.package.name | tostring)+" "+(.package.publish | tostring)+" "+(.workspace | tostring)') echo "=== $crate_name ($file) ===" if [[ $package_publish = 'false' ]]; then echo -e "⏩ skip (package_publish: $package_publish)\n" continue fi if [[ "$workspace" != "null" ]]; then echo -e "⏩ skip (is a workspace root)\n" continue fi for skip_pattern in "${skip_patterns[@]}"; do if [[ $file =~ ^$skip_pattern ]]; then echo -e "⏩ skip (match skip patterns)\n" continue 2 fi done result="$(cargo owner --list -q "$crate_name" --token "$CRATE_TOKEN" 2>&1)" if [[ $result =~ ^error ]]; then if [[ $result == *"Not Found"* ]]; then ((error_count++)) echo "❌ new crate $crate_name not found on crates.io. you can either 1. mark it as not for publication in its Cargo.toml [package] ... publish = false or 2. make a dummy publication with these steps: a. Create a empty crate locally with this template [package] name = \"\" version = \"0.0.1\" description = \"\" authors = [\"Solana Labs Maintainers \"] repository = \"https://github.com/solana-labs/solana\" license = \"Apache-2.0\" homepage = \"https://solana.com/\" documentation = \"https://docs.rs/\" edition = \"2021\" b. cargo publish --token " else ((error_count++)) echo "❌ $result" fi else readarray -t owners <<<"$result" verified_owner_count=0 unverified_owner_count=0 for owner in "${owners[@]}"; do if [[ -z $owner ]]; then continue fi owner_id="$(echo "$owner" | awk '{print $1}')" if [[ ${verified_crate_owners[$owner_id]} ]]; then ((verified_owner_count++)) echo "✅ $owner" else ((unverified_owner_count++)) echo "❌ $owner" fi done if [[ ($unverified_owner_count -gt 0) ]]; then ((error_count++)) echo "error: found unverified owner(s)" elif [[ ($verified_owner_count -le 0) ]]; then ((error_count++)) echo "error: there are no verified owners" fi fi echo "" done if [ "$error_count" -eq 0 ]; then echo "success" exit 0 else exit 1 fi