use { crate::{ quic::{configure_server, QuicServerError, StreamStats}, streamer::StakedNodes, tls_certificates::get_pubkey_from_tls_certificate, }, async_channel::{ unbounded as async_unbounded, Receiver as AsyncReceiver, Sender as AsyncSender, }, bytes::Bytes, crossbeam_channel::Sender, indexmap::map::{Entry, IndexMap}, percentage::Percentage, quinn::{Connecting, Connection, Endpoint, EndpointConfig, TokioRuntime, VarInt}, quinn_proto::VarIntBoundsExceeded, rand::{thread_rng, Rng}, solana_perf::packet::{PacketBatch, PACKETS_PER_BATCH}, solana_sdk::{ packet::{Meta, PACKET_DATA_SIZE}, pubkey::Pubkey, quic::{ QUIC_CONNECTION_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, QUIC_MAX_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO, QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, QUIC_MIN_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO, QUIC_TOTAL_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, QUIC_UNSTAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO, }, signature::Keypair, timing, }, std::{ iter::repeat_with, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr, UdpSocket}, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering}, Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard, RwLock, }, time::{Duration, Instant}, }, tokio::{ task::JoinHandle, time::{sleep, timeout}, }, }; const WAIT_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); pub const DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); pub const ALPN_TPU_PROTOCOL_ID: &[u8] = b"solana-tpu"; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DROPPED_ENTRY: u32 = 1; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DROPPED_ENTRY: &[u8] = b"dropped"; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DISALLOWED: u32 = 2; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DISALLOWED: &[u8] = b"disallowed"; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_EXCEED_MAX_STREAM_COUNT: u32 = 3; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_EXCEED_MAX_STREAM_COUNT: &[u8] = b"exceed_max_stream_count"; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_TOO_MANY: u32 = 4; const CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_TOO_MANY: &[u8] = b"too_many"; // A sequence of bytes that is part of a packet // along with where in the packet it is struct PacketChunk { pub bytes: Bytes, // The offset of these bytes in the Quic stream // and thus the beginning offset in the slice of the // Packet data array into which the bytes will be copied pub offset: usize, // The end offset of these bytes in the Quic stream // and thus the end of the slice in the Packet data array // into which the bytes will be copied pub end_of_chunk: usize, } // A struct to accumulate the bytes making up // a packet, along with their offsets, and the // packet metadata. We use this accumulator to avoid // multiple copies of the Bytes (when building up // the Packet and then when copying the Packet into a PacketBatch) struct PacketAccumulator { pub meta: Meta, pub chunks: Vec, } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn spawn_server( sock: UdpSocket, keypair: &Keypair, gossip_host: IpAddr, packet_sender: Sender, exit: Arc, max_connections_per_peer: usize, staked_nodes: Arc>, max_staked_connections: usize, max_unstaked_connections: usize, stats: Arc, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, coalesce: Duration, ) -> Result<(Endpoint, JoinHandle<()>), QuicServerError> { info!("Start quic server on {:?}", sock); let (config, _cert) = configure_server(keypair, gossip_host)?; let endpoint = { Endpoint::new(EndpointConfig::default(), Some(config), sock, TokioRuntime) .map_err(|_e| QuicServerError::EndpointFailed)? }; let handle = tokio::spawn(run_server( endpoint.clone(), packet_sender, exit, max_connections_per_peer, staked_nodes, max_staked_connections, max_unstaked_connections, stats, wait_for_chunk_timeout, coalesce, )); Ok((endpoint, handle)) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn run_server( incoming: Endpoint, packet_sender: Sender, exit: Arc, max_connections_per_peer: usize, staked_nodes: Arc>, max_staked_connections: usize, max_unstaked_connections: usize, stats: Arc, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, coalesce: Duration, ) { const WAIT_FOR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); const WAIT_BETWEEN_NEW_CONNECTIONS: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1); debug!("spawn quic server"); let mut last_datapoint = Instant::now(); let unstaked_connection_table: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new( ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked), )); let staked_connection_table: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked))); let (sender, receiver) = async_unbounded(); tokio::spawn(packet_batch_sender( packet_sender, receiver, exit.clone(), stats.clone(), coalesce, )); while !exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { let timeout_connection = timeout(WAIT_FOR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, incoming.accept()).await; if last_datapoint.elapsed().as_secs() >= 5 {; last_datapoint = Instant::now(); } if let Ok(Some(connection)) = timeout_connection { info!("Got a connection {:?}", connection.remote_address()); tokio::spawn(setup_connection( connection, unstaked_connection_table.clone(), staked_connection_table.clone(), sender.clone(), max_connections_per_peer, staked_nodes.clone(), max_staked_connections, max_unstaked_connections, stats.clone(), wait_for_chunk_timeout, )); sleep(WAIT_BETWEEN_NEW_CONNECTIONS).await; } else { debug!("accept(): Timed out waiting for connection"); } } } fn prune_unstaked_connection_table( unstaked_connection_table: &mut MutexGuard, max_unstaked_connections: usize, stats: Arc, ) { if unstaked_connection_table.total_size >= max_unstaked_connections { const PRUNE_TABLE_TO_PERCENTAGE: u8 = 90; let max_percentage_full = Percentage::from(PRUNE_TABLE_TO_PERCENTAGE); let max_connections = max_percentage_full.apply_to(max_unstaked_connections); let num_pruned = unstaked_connection_table.prune_oldest(max_connections); stats.num_evictions.fetch_add(num_pruned, Ordering::Relaxed); } } fn get_connection_stake( connection: &Connection, staked_nodes: &RwLock, ) -> Option<(Pubkey, u64, u64, u64, u64)> { // Use the client cert only if it is self signed and the chain length is 1. let pubkey = connection .peer_identity()? .downcast::>() .ok() .filter(|certs| certs.len() == 1)? .first() .and_then(get_pubkey_from_tls_certificate)?; debug!("Peer public key is {pubkey:?}"); let staked_nodes =; Some(( pubkey, staked_nodes.pubkey_stake_map.get(&pubkey).copied()?, staked_nodes.total_stake, staked_nodes.max_stake, staked_nodes.min_stake, )) } pub fn compute_max_allowed_uni_streams( peer_type: ConnectionPeerType, peer_stake: u64, total_stake: u64, ) -> usize { // Treat stake = 0 as unstaked if peer_stake == 0 { QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS } else { match peer_type { ConnectionPeerType::Staked => { // No checked math for f64 type. So let's explicitly check for 0 here if total_stake == 0 || peer_stake > total_stake { warn!( "Invalid stake values: peer_stake: {:?}, total_stake: {:?}", peer_stake, total_stake, ); QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS } else { let delta = (QUIC_TOTAL_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS - QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) as f64; (((peer_stake as f64 / total_stake as f64) * delta) as usize + QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) .clamp( QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, QUIC_MAX_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, ) } } _ => QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, } } } enum ConnectionHandlerError { ConnectionAddError, MaxStreamError, } struct NewConnectionHandlerParams { // In principle, the code can be made to work with a crossbeam channel // as long as we're careful never to use a blocking recv or send call // but I've found that it's simply too easy to accidentally block // in async code when using the crossbeam channel, so for the sake of maintainability, // we're sticking with an async channel packet_sender: AsyncSender, remote_pubkey: Option, stake: u64, total_stake: u64, max_connections_per_peer: usize, stats: Arc, max_stake: u64, min_stake: u64, } impl NewConnectionHandlerParams { fn new_unstaked( packet_sender: AsyncSender, max_connections_per_peer: usize, stats: Arc, ) -> NewConnectionHandlerParams { NewConnectionHandlerParams { packet_sender, remote_pubkey: None, stake: 0, total_stake: 0, max_connections_per_peer, stats, max_stake: 0, min_stake: 0, } } } fn handle_and_cache_new_connection( connection: Connection, mut connection_table_l: MutexGuard, connection_table: Arc>, params: &NewConnectionHandlerParams, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, ) -> Result<(), ConnectionHandlerError> { if let Ok(max_uni_streams) = VarInt::from_u64(compute_max_allowed_uni_streams( connection_table_l.peer_type, params.stake, params.total_stake, ) as u64) { connection.set_max_concurrent_uni_streams(max_uni_streams); let receive_window = compute_recieve_window( params.max_stake, params.min_stake, connection_table_l.peer_type, params.stake, ); if let Ok(receive_window) = receive_window { connection.set_receive_window(receive_window); } let remote_addr = connection.remote_address(); debug!( "Peer type: {:?}, stake {}, total stake {}, max streams {} receive_window {:?} from peer {}", connection_table_l.peer_type, params.stake, params.total_stake, max_uni_streams.into_inner(), receive_window, remote_addr, ); if let Some((last_update, stream_exit)) = connection_table_l.try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::new(remote_addr.ip(), params.remote_pubkey), remote_addr.port(), Some(connection.clone()), params.stake, timing::timestamp(), params.max_connections_per_peer, ) { let peer_type = connection_table_l.peer_type; drop(connection_table_l); tokio::spawn(handle_connection( connection, params.packet_sender.clone(), remote_addr, params.remote_pubkey, last_update, connection_table, stream_exit, params.stats.clone(), peer_type, wait_for_chunk_timeout, )); Ok(()) } else { params .stats .connection_add_failed .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Err(ConnectionHandlerError::ConnectionAddError) } } else { connection.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_EXCEED_MAX_STREAM_COUNT.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_EXCEED_MAX_STREAM_COUNT, ); params .stats .connection_add_failed_invalid_stream_count .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Err(ConnectionHandlerError::MaxStreamError) } } fn prune_unstaked_connections_and_add_new_connection( connection: Connection, mut connection_table_l: MutexGuard, connection_table: Arc>, max_connections: usize, params: &NewConnectionHandlerParams, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, ) -> Result<(), ConnectionHandlerError> { let stats = params.stats.clone(); if max_connections > 0 { prune_unstaked_connection_table(&mut connection_table_l, max_connections, stats); handle_and_cache_new_connection( connection, connection_table_l, connection_table, params, wait_for_chunk_timeout, ) } else { connection.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DISALLOWED.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DISALLOWED, ); Err(ConnectionHandlerError::ConnectionAddError) } } /// Calculate the ratio for per connection receive window from a staked peer fn compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake: u64, min_stake: u64, stake: u64) -> u64 { // Testing shows the maximum througput from a connection is achieved at receive_window = // PACKET_DATA_SIZE * 10. Beyond that, there is not much gain. We linearly map the // stake to the ratio range from QUIC_MIN_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO to // QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO. Where the linear algebra of finding the ratio 'r' // for stake 's' is, // r(s) = a * s + b. Given the max_stake, min_stake, max_ratio, min_ratio, we can find // a and b. if stake > max_stake { return QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO; } let max_ratio = QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO; let min_ratio = QUIC_MIN_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO; if max_stake > min_stake { let a = (max_ratio - min_ratio) as f64 / (max_stake - min_stake) as f64; let b = max_ratio as f64 - ((max_stake as f64) * a); let ratio = (a * stake as f64) + b; ratio.round() as u64 } else { QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO } } fn compute_recieve_window( max_stake: u64, min_stake: u64, peer_type: ConnectionPeerType, peer_stake: u64, ) -> Result { match peer_type { ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked => { VarInt::from_u64(PACKET_DATA_SIZE as u64 * QUIC_UNSTAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO) } ConnectionPeerType::Staked => { let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, peer_stake); VarInt::from_u64(PACKET_DATA_SIZE as u64 * ratio) } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] async fn setup_connection( connecting: Connecting, unstaked_connection_table: Arc>, staked_connection_table: Arc>, packet_sender: AsyncSender, max_connections_per_peer: usize, staked_nodes: Arc>, max_staked_connections: usize, max_unstaked_connections: usize, stats: Arc, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, ) { const PRUNE_RANDOM_SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 2; let from = connecting.remote_address(); if let Ok(connecting_result) = timeout(QUIC_CONNECTION_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, connecting).await { match connecting_result { Ok(new_connection) => { stats.total_new_connections.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let params = get_connection_stake(&new_connection, &staked_nodes).map_or( NewConnectionHandlerParams::new_unstaked( packet_sender.clone(), max_connections_per_peer, stats.clone(), ), |(pubkey, stake, total_stake, max_stake, min_stake)| { NewConnectionHandlerParams { packet_sender, remote_pubkey: Some(pubkey), stake, total_stake, max_connections_per_peer, stats: stats.clone(), max_stake, min_stake, } }, ); if params.stake > 0 { let mut connection_table_l = staked_connection_table.lock().unwrap(); if connection_table_l.total_size >= max_staked_connections { let num_pruned = connection_table_l.prune_random(PRUNE_RANDOM_SAMPLE_SIZE, params.stake); stats.num_evictions.fetch_add(num_pruned, Ordering::Relaxed); } if connection_table_l.total_size < max_staked_connections { if let Ok(()) = handle_and_cache_new_connection( new_connection, connection_table_l, staked_connection_table.clone(), ¶ms, wait_for_chunk_timeout, ) { stats .connection_added_from_staked_peer .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } else { // If we couldn't prune a connection in the staked connection table, let's // put this connection in the unstaked connection table. If needed, prune a // connection from the unstaked connection table. if let Ok(()) = prune_unstaked_connections_and_add_new_connection( new_connection, unstaked_connection_table.lock().unwrap(), unstaked_connection_table.clone(), max_unstaked_connections, ¶ms, wait_for_chunk_timeout, ) { stats .connection_added_from_staked_peer .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } else { stats .connection_add_failed_on_pruning .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .connection_add_failed_staked_node .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } } else if let Ok(()) = prune_unstaked_connections_and_add_new_connection( new_connection, unstaked_connection_table.lock().unwrap(), unstaked_connection_table.clone(), max_unstaked_connections, ¶ms, wait_for_chunk_timeout, ) { stats .connection_added_from_unstaked_peer .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } else { stats .connection_add_failed_unstaked_node .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } Err(e) => { handle_connection_error(e, &stats, from); } } } else { stats .connection_setup_timeout .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } fn handle_connection_error(e: quinn::ConnectionError, stats: &StreamStats, from: SocketAddr) { debug!("error: {:?} from: {:?}", e, from); stats.connection_setup_error.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); match e { quinn::ConnectionError::TimedOut => { stats .connection_setup_error_timed_out .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } quinn::ConnectionError::ConnectionClosed(_) => { stats .connection_setup_error_closed .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } quinn::ConnectionError::TransportError(_) => { stats .connection_setup_error_transport .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } quinn::ConnectionError::ApplicationClosed(_) => { stats .connection_setup_error_app_closed .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } quinn::ConnectionError::Reset => { stats .connection_setup_error_reset .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } quinn::ConnectionError::LocallyClosed => { stats .connection_setup_error_locally_closed .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } _ => {} } } async fn packet_batch_sender( packet_sender: Sender, packet_receiver: AsyncReceiver, exit: Arc, stats: Arc, coalesce: Duration, ) { trace!("enter packet_batch_sender"); let mut batch_start_time = Instant::now(); loop { let mut packet_batch = PacketBatch::with_capacity(PACKETS_PER_BATCH); let mut total_bytes: usize = 0; stats .total_packet_batches_allocated .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .total_packets_allocated .fetch_add(PACKETS_PER_BATCH, Ordering::Relaxed); loop { if exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return; } let elapsed = batch_start_time.elapsed(); if packet_batch.len() >= PACKETS_PER_BATCH || (!packet_batch.is_empty() && elapsed >= coalesce) { let len = packet_batch.len(); if let Err(e) = packet_sender.send(packet_batch) { stats .total_packet_batch_send_err .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("Send error: {}", e); } else { stats .total_packet_batches_sent .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .total_packets_sent_to_consumer .fetch_add(len, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .total_bytes_sent_to_consumer .fetch_add(total_bytes, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("Sent {} packet batch", len); } break; } let timeout_res = timeout(Duration::from_micros(250), packet_receiver.recv()).await; if let Ok(Ok(packet_accumulator)) = timeout_res { // Start the timeout from when the packet batch first becomes non-empty if packet_batch.is_empty() { batch_start_time = Instant::now(); } unsafe { packet_batch.set_len(packet_batch.len() + 1); } let i = packet_batch.len() - 1; *packet_batch[i].meta_mut() = packet_accumulator.meta; let num_chunks = packet_accumulator.chunks.len(); for chunk in packet_accumulator.chunks { packet_batch[i].buffer_mut()[chunk.offset..chunk.end_of_chunk] .copy_from_slice(&chunk.bytes); } total_bytes += packet_batch[i].meta().size; stats .total_chunks_processed_by_batcher .fetch_add(num_chunks, Ordering::Relaxed); } } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] async fn handle_connection( connection: Connection, packet_sender: AsyncSender, remote_addr: SocketAddr, remote_pubkey: Option, last_update: Arc, connection_table: Arc>, stream_exit: Arc, stats: Arc, peer_type: ConnectionPeerType, wait_for_chunk_timeout: Duration, ) { debug!( "quic new connection {} streams: {} connections: {}", remote_addr, stats.total_streams.load(Ordering::Relaxed), stats.total_connections.load(Ordering::Relaxed), ); let stable_id = connection.stable_id(); stats.total_connections.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); while !stream_exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Ok(stream) = tokio::time::timeout(WAIT_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT, connection.accept_uni()).await { match stream { Ok(mut stream) => { stats.total_streams.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); stats.total_new_streams.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let stream_exit = stream_exit.clone(); let stats = stats.clone(); let packet_sender = packet_sender.clone(); let last_update = last_update.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut maybe_batch = None; // The min is to guard against a value too small which can wake up unnecessarily // frequently and wasting CPU cycles. The max guard against waiting for too long // which delay exit and cause some test failures when the timeout value is large. // Within this value, the heuristic is to wake up 10 times to check for exit // for the set timeout if there are no data. let exit_check_interval = (wait_for_chunk_timeout / 10) .clamp(Duration::from_millis(10), Duration::from_secs(1)); let mut start = Instant::now(); while !stream_exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Ok(chunk) = tokio::time::timeout( exit_check_interval, stream.read_chunk(PACKET_DATA_SIZE, false), ) .await { if handle_chunk( chunk, &mut maybe_batch, &remote_addr, &packet_sender, stats.clone(), peer_type, ) .await {, Ordering::Relaxed); break; } start = Instant::now(); } else if start.elapsed() > wait_for_chunk_timeout { debug!("Timeout in receiving on stream"); stats .total_stream_read_timeouts .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); break; } } stats.total_streams.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); }); } Err(e) => { debug!("stream error: {:?}", e); break; } } } } let removed_connection_count = connection_table.lock().unwrap().remove_connection( ConnectionTableKey::new(remote_addr.ip(), remote_pubkey), remote_addr.port(), stable_id, ); if removed_connection_count > 0 { stats .connection_removed .fetch_add(removed_connection_count, Ordering::Relaxed); } else { stats .connection_remove_failed .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } stats.total_connections.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } // Return true if the server should drop the stream async fn handle_chunk( chunk: Result, quinn::ReadError>, packet_accum: &mut Option, remote_addr: &SocketAddr, packet_sender: &AsyncSender, stats: Arc, peer_type: ConnectionPeerType, ) -> bool { match chunk { Ok(maybe_chunk) => { if let Some(chunk) = maybe_chunk { trace!("got chunk: {:?}", chunk); let chunk_len = chunk.bytes.len() as u64; // shouldn't happen, but sanity check the size and offsets if chunk.offset > PACKET_DATA_SIZE as u64 || chunk_len > PACKET_DATA_SIZE as u64 { stats.total_invalid_chunks.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); return true; } let end_of_chunk = match chunk.offset.checked_add(chunk_len) { Some(end) => end, None => return true, }; if end_of_chunk > PACKET_DATA_SIZE as u64 { stats .total_invalid_chunk_size .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); return true; } // chunk looks valid if packet_accum.is_none() { let mut meta = Meta::default(); meta.set_socket_addr(remote_addr); *packet_accum = Some(PacketAccumulator { meta, chunks: Vec::new(), }); } if let Some(accum) = packet_accum.as_mut() { let offset = chunk.offset; let end_of_chunk = match (chunk.offset as usize).checked_add(chunk.bytes.len()) { Some(end) => end, None => return true, }; accum.chunks.push(PacketChunk { bytes: chunk.bytes, offset: offset as usize, end_of_chunk, }); accum.meta.size = std::cmp::max(accum.meta.size, end_of_chunk); } match peer_type { ConnectionPeerType::Staked => { stats .total_staked_chunks_received .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked => { stats .total_unstaked_chunks_received .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } } } else { // done receiving chunks trace!("chunk is none"); if let Some(accum) = packet_accum.take() { let bytes_sent = accum.meta.size; let chunks_sent = accum.chunks.len(); if let Err(err) = packet_sender.send(accum).await { stats .total_handle_chunk_to_packet_batcher_send_err .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("packet batch send error {:?}", err); } else { stats .total_packets_sent_for_batching .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .total_bytes_sent_for_batching .fetch_add(bytes_sent, Ordering::Relaxed); stats .total_chunks_sent_for_batching .fetch_add(chunks_sent, Ordering::Relaxed); trace!("sent {} byte packet for batching", bytes_sent); } } else { stats .total_packet_batches_none .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } return true; } } Err(e) => { debug!("Received stream error: {:?}", e); stats .total_stream_read_errors .fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); return true; } } false } #[derive(Debug)] struct ConnectionEntry { exit: Arc, stake: u64, last_update: Arc, port: u16, connection: Option, } impl ConnectionEntry { fn new( exit: Arc, stake: u64, last_update: Arc, port: u16, connection: Option, ) -> Self { Self { exit, stake, last_update, port, connection, } } fn last_update(&self) -> u64 { self.last_update.load(Ordering::Relaxed) } } impl Drop for ConnectionEntry { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(conn) = self.connection.take() { conn.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DROPPED_ENTRY.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DROPPED_ENTRY, ); }, Ordering::Relaxed); } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum ConnectionPeerType { Unstaked, Staked, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] enum ConnectionTableKey { IP(IpAddr), Pubkey(Pubkey), } impl ConnectionTableKey { fn new(ip: IpAddr, maybe_pubkey: Option) -> Self { maybe_pubkey.map_or(ConnectionTableKey::IP(ip), |pubkey| { ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(pubkey) }) } } // Map of IP to list of connection entries struct ConnectionTable { table: IndexMap>, total_size: usize, peer_type: ConnectionPeerType, } // Prune the connection which has the oldest update // Return number pruned impl ConnectionTable { fn new(peer_type: ConnectionPeerType) -> Self { Self { table: IndexMap::default(), total_size: 0, peer_type, } } fn prune_oldest(&mut self, max_size: usize) -> usize { let mut num_pruned = 0; let key = |(_, connections): &(_, &Vec<_>)| { connections.iter().map(ConnectionEntry::last_update).min() }; while self.total_size.saturating_sub(num_pruned) > max_size { match self.table.values().enumerate().min_by_key(key) { None => break, Some((index, connections)) => { num_pruned += connections.len(); self.table.swap_remove_index(index); } } } self.total_size = self.total_size.saturating_sub(num_pruned); num_pruned } // Randomly selects sample_size many connections, evicts the one with the // lowest stake, and returns the number of pruned connections. // If the stakes of all the sampled connections are higher than the // threshold_stake, rejects the pruning attempt, and returns 0. fn prune_random(&mut self, sample_size: usize, threshold_stake: u64) -> usize { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let num_pruned = std::iter::once(self.table.len()) .filter(|&size| size > 0) .flat_map(|size| repeat_with(move || rng.gen_range(0, size))) .map(|index| { let connection = self.table[index].first(); let stake =|connection| connection.stake); (index, stake) }) .take(sample_size) .min_by_key(|&(_, stake)| stake) .filter(|&(_, stake)| stake < Some(threshold_stake)) .and_then(|(index, _)| self.table.swap_remove_index(index)) .map(|(_, connections)| connections.len()) .unwrap_or_default(); self.total_size = self.total_size.saturating_sub(num_pruned); num_pruned } fn try_add_connection( &mut self, key: ConnectionTableKey, port: u16, connection: Option, stake: u64, last_update: u64, max_connections_per_peer: usize, ) -> Option<(Arc, Arc)> { let connection_entry = self.table.entry(key).or_insert_with(Vec::new); let has_connection_capacity = connection_entry .len() .checked_add(1) .map(|c| c <= max_connections_per_peer) .unwrap_or(false); if has_connection_capacity { let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let last_update = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(last_update)); connection_entry.push(ConnectionEntry::new( exit.clone(), stake, last_update.clone(), port, connection, )); self.total_size += 1; Some((last_update, exit)) } else { if let Some(connection) = connection { connection.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_TOO_MANY.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_TOO_MANY, ); } None } } // Returns number of connections that were removed fn remove_connection(&mut self, key: ConnectionTableKey, port: u16, stable_id: usize) -> usize { if let Entry::Occupied(mut e) = self.table.entry(key) { let e_ref = e.get_mut(); let old_size = e_ref.len(); e_ref.retain(|connection_entry| { // Retain the connection entry if the port is different, or if the connection's // stable_id doesn't match the provided stable_id. // (Some unit tests do not fill in a valid connection in the table. To support that, // if the connection is none, the stable_id check is ignored. i.e. if the port matches, // the connection gets removed) connection_entry.port != port || connection_entry .connection .as_ref() .and_then(|connection| (connection.stable_id() != stable_id).then_some(0)) .is_some() }); let new_size = e_ref.len(); if e_ref.is_empty() { e.remove_entry(); } let connections_removed = old_size.saturating_sub(new_size); self.total_size = self.total_size.saturating_sub(connections_removed); connections_removed } else { 0 } } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod test { use { super::*, crate::{ nonblocking::quic::compute_max_allowed_uni_streams, quic::{MAX_STAKED_CONNECTIONS, MAX_UNSTAKED_CONNECTIONS}, tls_certificates::new_self_signed_tls_certificate, }, async_channel::unbounded as async_unbounded, crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver}, quinn::{ClientConfig, IdleTimeout, TransportConfig}, solana_sdk::{ net::DEFAULT_TPU_COALESCE, quic::{QUIC_KEEP_ALIVE, QUIC_MAX_TIMEOUT}, signature::Keypair, signer::Signer, }, std::net::Ipv4Addr, tokio::time::sleep, }; struct SkipServerVerification; impl SkipServerVerification { fn new() -> Arc { Arc::new(Self) } } impl rustls::client::ServerCertVerifier for SkipServerVerification { fn verify_server_cert( &self, _end_entity: &rustls::Certificate, _intermediates: &[rustls::Certificate], _server_name: &rustls::ServerName, _scts: &mut dyn Iterator, _ocsp_response: &[u8], _now: std::time::SystemTime, ) -> Result { Ok(rustls::client::ServerCertVerified::assertion()) } } pub fn get_client_config(keypair: &Keypair) -> ClientConfig { let ipaddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST); let (cert, key) = new_self_signed_tls_certificate(keypair, ipaddr) .expect("Failed to generate client certificate"); let mut crypto = rustls::ClientConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_custom_certificate_verifier(SkipServerVerification::new()) .with_single_cert(vec![cert], key) .expect("Failed to use client certificate"); crypto.enable_early_data = true; crypto.alpn_protocols = vec![ALPN_TPU_PROTOCOL_ID.to_vec()]; let mut config = ClientConfig::new(Arc::new(crypto)); let mut transport_config = TransportConfig::default(); let timeout = IdleTimeout::try_from(QUIC_MAX_TIMEOUT).unwrap(); transport_config.max_idle_timeout(Some(timeout)); transport_config.keep_alive_interval(Some(QUIC_KEEP_ALIVE)); config.transport_config(Arc::new(transport_config)); config } fn setup_quic_server( option_staked_nodes: Option, max_connections_per_peer: usize, ) -> ( JoinHandle<()>, Arc, crossbeam_channel::Receiver, SocketAddr, Arc, ) { let s = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let ip = "".parse().unwrap(); let server_address = s.local_addr().unwrap(); let staked_nodes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(option_staked_nodes.unwrap_or_default())); let stats = Arc::new(StreamStats::default()); let (_, t) = spawn_server( s, &keypair, ip, sender, exit.clone(), max_connections_per_peer, staked_nodes, MAX_STAKED_CONNECTIONS, MAX_UNSTAKED_CONNECTIONS, stats.clone(), Duration::from_secs(2), DEFAULT_TPU_COALESCE, ) .unwrap(); (t, exit, receiver, server_address, stats) } pub async fn make_client_endpoint( addr: &SocketAddr, client_keypair: Option<&Keypair>, ) -> Connection { let client_socket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let mut endpoint = quinn::Endpoint::new(EndpointConfig::default(), None, client_socket, TokioRuntime) .unwrap(); let default_keypair = Keypair::new(); endpoint.set_default_client_config(get_client_config( client_keypair.unwrap_or(&default_keypair), )); endpoint .connect(*addr, "localhost") .expect("Failed in connecting") .await .expect("Failed in waiting") } pub async fn check_timeout(receiver: Receiver, server_address: SocketAddr) { let conn1 = make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await; let total = 30; for i in { let mut s1 = conn1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s1.finish().await.unwrap(); info!("done {}", i); sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)).await; } let mut received = 0; loop { if let Ok(_x) = receiver.try_recv() { received += 1; info!("got {}", received); } else { sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)).await; } if received >= total { break; } } } pub async fn check_block_multiple_connections(server_address: SocketAddr) { let conn1 = make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await; let conn2 = make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await; let mut s1 = conn1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); let mut s2 = conn2.open_uni().await.unwrap(); s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s1.finish().await.unwrap(); // Send enough data to create more than 1 chunks. // The first will try to open the connection (which should fail). // The following chunks will enable the detection of connection failure. let data = vec![1u8; PACKET_DATA_SIZE * 2]; s2.write_all(&data) .await .expect_err("shouldn't be able to open 2 connections"); s2.finish() .await .expect_err("shouldn't be able to open 2 connections"); } pub async fn check_multiple_streams( receiver: Receiver, server_address: SocketAddr, ) { let conn1 = Arc::new(make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await); let conn2 = Arc::new(make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await); let mut num_expected_packets = 0; for i in 0..10 { info!("sending: {}", i); let c1 = conn1.clone(); let c2 = conn2.clone(); let mut s1 = c1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); let mut s2 = c2.open_uni().await.unwrap(); s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s1.finish().await.unwrap(); s2.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s2.finish().await.unwrap(); num_expected_packets += 2; sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await; } let mut all_packets = vec![]; let now = Instant::now(); let mut total_packets = 0; while now.elapsed().as_secs() < 10 { if let Ok(packets) = receiver.try_recv() { total_packets += packets.len(); all_packets.push(packets) } else { sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } if total_packets == num_expected_packets { break; } } for batch in all_packets { for p in batch.iter() { assert_eq!(p.meta().size, 1); } } assert_eq!(total_packets, num_expected_packets); } pub async fn check_multiple_writes( receiver: Receiver, server_address: SocketAddr, client_keypair: Option<&Keypair>, ) { let conn1 = Arc::new(make_client_endpoint(&server_address, client_keypair).await); // Send a full size packet with single byte writes. let num_bytes = PACKET_DATA_SIZE; let num_expected_packets = 1; let mut s1 = conn1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); for _ in 0..num_bytes { s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); } s1.finish().await.unwrap(); let mut all_packets = vec![]; let now = Instant::now(); let mut total_packets = 0; while now.elapsed().as_secs() < 5 { // We're running in an async environment, we (almost) never // want to block if let Ok(packets) = receiver.try_recv() { total_packets += packets.len(); all_packets.push(packets) } else { sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } if total_packets >= num_expected_packets { break; } } for batch in all_packets { for p in batch.iter() { assert_eq!(p.meta().size, num_bytes); } } assert_eq!(total_packets, num_expected_packets); } pub async fn check_unstaked_node_connect_failure(server_address: SocketAddr) { let conn1 = Arc::new(make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await); // Send a full size packet with single byte writes. if let Ok(mut s1) = conn1.open_uni().await { for _ in 0..PACKET_DATA_SIZE { // Ignoring any errors here. s1.finish() will test the error condition s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap_or_default(); } s1.finish().await.unwrap_err(); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_exit() { let (t, exit, _receiver, _server_address, _stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1);, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_timeout() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, receiver, server_address, _stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1); check_timeout(receiver, server_address).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_packet_batcher() { solana_logger::setup(); let (pkt_batch_sender, pkt_batch_receiver) = unbounded(); let (ptk_sender, pkt_receiver) = async_unbounded(); let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let stats = Arc::new(StreamStats::default()); let handle = tokio::spawn(packet_batch_sender( pkt_batch_sender, pkt_receiver, exit.clone(), stats, DEFAULT_TPU_COALESCE, )); let num_packets = 1000; for _i in 0..num_packets { let mut meta = Meta::default(); let bytes = Bytes::from("Hello world"); let offset = 0; let size = bytes.len(); meta.size = size; let packet_accum = PacketAccumulator { meta, chunks: vec![PacketChunk { bytes, offset, end_of_chunk: size, }], }; ptk_sender.send(packet_accum).await.unwrap(); } let mut i = 0; let start = Instant::now(); while i < num_packets && start.elapsed().as_secs() < 2 { if let Ok(batch) = pkt_batch_receiver.try_recv() { i += batch.len(); } else { sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await; } } assert_eq!(i, num_packets);, Ordering::Relaxed); handle.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_stream_timeout() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, _receiver, server_address, stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1); let conn1 = make_client_endpoint(&server_address, None).await; assert_eq!(stats.total_streams.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); assert_eq!(stats.total_stream_read_timeouts.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); // Send one byte to start the stream let mut s1 = conn1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap_or_default(); // Wait long enough for the stream to timeout in receiving chunks let sleep_time = Duration::from_secs(3).min(WAIT_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT * 1000); sleep(sleep_time).await; // Test that the stream was created, but timed out in read assert_eq!(stats.total_streams.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); assert_ne!(stats.total_stream_read_timeouts.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); // Test that more writes to the stream will fail (i.e. the stream is no longer writable // after the timeouts) assert!(s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.is_err()); assert!(s1.finish().await.is_err());, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_block_multiple_connections() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, _receiver, server_address, _stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1); check_block_multiple_connections(server_address).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_multiple_connections_on_single_client_endpoint() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, _receiver, server_address, stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 2); let client_socket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let mut endpoint = quinn::Endpoint::new(EndpointConfig::default(), None, client_socket, TokioRuntime) .unwrap(); let default_keypair = Keypair::new(); endpoint.set_default_client_config(get_client_config(&default_keypair)); let conn1 = endpoint .connect(server_address, "localhost") .expect("Failed in connecting") .await .expect("Failed in waiting"); let conn2 = endpoint .connect(server_address, "localhost") .expect("Failed in connecting") .await .expect("Failed in waiting"); let mut s1 = conn1.open_uni().await.unwrap(); s1.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s1.finish().await.unwrap(); let mut s2 = conn2.open_uni().await.unwrap(); conn1.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DROPPED_ENTRY.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DROPPED_ENTRY, ); // Wait long enough for the stream to timeout in receiving chunks let sleep_time = Duration::from_secs(1).min(WAIT_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT * 1000); sleep(sleep_time).await; assert_eq!(stats.connection_removed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); s2.write_all(&[0u8]).await.unwrap(); s2.finish().await.unwrap(); conn2.close( CONNECTION_CLOSE_CODE_DROPPED_ENTRY.into(), CONNECTION_CLOSE_REASON_DROPPED_ENTRY, ); // Wait long enough for the stream to timeout in receiving chunks let sleep_time = Duration::from_secs(1).min(WAIT_FOR_STREAM_TIMEOUT * 1000); sleep(sleep_time).await; assert_eq!(stats.connection_removed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_multiple_writes() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, receiver, server_address, _stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1); check_multiple_writes(receiver, server_address, None).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_staked_connection_removal() { solana_logger::setup(); let client_keypair = Keypair::new(); let mut staked_nodes = StakedNodes::default(); staked_nodes .pubkey_stake_map .insert(client_keypair.pubkey(), 100000); staked_nodes.total_stake = 100000; let (t, exit, receiver, server_address, stats) = setup_quic_server(Some(staked_nodes), 1); check_multiple_writes(receiver, server_address, Some(&client_keypair)).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; assert_eq!( stats .connection_added_from_unstaked_peer .load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0 ); assert_eq!(stats.connection_removed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); assert_eq!(stats.connection_remove_failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_zero_staked_connection_removal() { // In this test, the client has a pubkey, but is not in stake table. solana_logger::setup(); let client_keypair = Keypair::new(); let mut staked_nodes = StakedNodes::default(); staked_nodes .pubkey_stake_map .insert(client_keypair.pubkey(), 0); staked_nodes.total_stake = 0; let (t, exit, receiver, server_address, stats) = setup_quic_server(Some(staked_nodes), 1); check_multiple_writes(receiver, server_address, Some(&client_keypair)).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; assert_eq!( stats .connection_added_from_staked_peer .load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0 ); assert_eq!(stats.connection_removed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); assert_eq!(stats.connection_remove_failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_unstaked_connection_removal() { solana_logger::setup(); let (t, exit, receiver, server_address, stats) = setup_quic_server(None, 1); check_multiple_writes(receiver, server_address, None).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; assert_eq!( stats .connection_added_from_staked_peer .load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0 ); assert_eq!(stats.connection_removed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1); assert_eq!(stats.connection_remove_failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_unstaked_node_connect_failure() { solana_logger::setup(); let s = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let (sender, _) = unbounded(); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let ip = "".parse().unwrap(); let server_address = s.local_addr().unwrap(); let staked_nodes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(StakedNodes::default())); let stats = Arc::new(StreamStats::default()); let (_, t) = spawn_server( s, &keypair, ip, sender, exit.clone(), 1, staked_nodes, MAX_STAKED_CONNECTIONS, 0, // Do not allow any connection from unstaked clients/nodes stats, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TPU_COALESCE, ) .unwrap(); check_unstaked_node_connect_failure(server_address).await;, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_quic_server_multiple_streams() { solana_logger::setup(); let s = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let exit = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let ip = "".parse().unwrap(); let server_address = s.local_addr().unwrap(); let staked_nodes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(StakedNodes::default())); let stats = Arc::new(StreamStats::default()); let (_, t) = spawn_server( s, &keypair, ip, sender, exit.clone(), 2, staked_nodes, MAX_STAKED_CONNECTIONS, MAX_UNSTAKED_CONNECTIONS, stats.clone(), DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TPU_COALESCE, ) .unwrap(); check_multiple_streams(receiver, server_address).await; assert_eq!(stats.total_streams.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); assert_eq!(stats.total_new_streams.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 20); assert_eq!(stats.total_connections.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2); assert_eq!(stats.total_new_connections.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2);, Ordering::Relaxed); t.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(stats.total_connections.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0); assert_eq!(stats.total_new_connections.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2); } #[test] fn test_prune_table_with_ip() { use std::net::Ipv4Addr; solana_logger::setup(); let mut table = ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked); let mut num_entries = 5; let max_connections_per_peer = 10; let sockets: Vec<_> = (0..num_entries) .map(|i| SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(i, 0, 0, 0)), 0)) .collect(); for (i, socket) in sockets.iter().enumerate() { table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), None, 0, i as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); } num_entries += 1; table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(sockets[0].ip()), sockets[0].port(), None, 0, 5, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); let new_size = 3; let pruned = table.prune_oldest(new_size); assert_eq!(pruned, num_entries as usize - new_size); for v in table.table.values() { for x in v { assert!((x.last_update() + 1) >= (num_entries as u64 - new_size as u64)); } } assert_eq!(table.table.len(), new_size); assert_eq!(table.total_size, new_size); for socket in sockets.iter().take(num_entries as usize).skip(new_size - 1) { table.remove_connection(ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), 0); } assert_eq!(table.total_size, 0); } #[test] fn test_prune_table_with_unique_pubkeys() { solana_logger::setup(); let mut table = ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked); // We should be able to add more entries than max_connections_per_peer, since each entry is // from a different peer pubkey. let num_entries = 15; let max_connections_per_peer = 10; let pubkeys: Vec<_> = (0..num_entries).map(|_| Pubkey::new_unique()).collect(); for (i, pubkey) in pubkeys.iter().enumerate() { table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(*pubkey), 0, None, 0, i as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); } let new_size = 3; let pruned = table.prune_oldest(new_size); assert_eq!(pruned, num_entries as usize - new_size); assert_eq!(table.table.len(), new_size); assert_eq!(table.total_size, new_size); for pubkey in pubkeys.iter().take(num_entries as usize).skip(new_size - 1) { table.remove_connection(ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(*pubkey), 0, 0); } assert_eq!(table.total_size, 0); } #[test] fn test_prune_table_with_non_unique_pubkeys() { solana_logger::setup(); let mut table = ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked); let max_connections_per_peer = 10; let pubkey = Pubkey::new_unique(); (0..max_connections_per_peer).for_each(|i| { table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(pubkey), 0, None, 0, i as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); }); // We should NOT be able to add more entries than max_connections_per_peer, since we are // using the same peer pubkey. assert!(table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(pubkey), 0, None, 0, 10, max_connections_per_peer, ) .is_none()); // We should be able to add an entry from another peer pubkey let num_entries = max_connections_per_peer + 1; let pubkey2 = Pubkey::new_unique(); assert!(table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(pubkey2), 0, None, 0, 10, max_connections_per_peer, ) .is_some()); assert_eq!(table.total_size, num_entries); let new_max_size = 3; let pruned = table.prune_oldest(new_max_size); assert!(pruned >= num_entries - new_max_size); assert!(table.table.len() <= new_max_size); assert!(table.total_size <= new_max_size); table.remove_connection(ConnectionTableKey::Pubkey(pubkey2), 0, 0); assert_eq!(table.total_size, 0); } #[test] fn test_prune_table_random() { use std::net::Ipv4Addr; solana_logger::setup(); let mut table = ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked); let num_entries = 5; let max_connections_per_peer = 10; let sockets: Vec<_> = (0..num_entries) .map(|i| SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(i, 0, 0, 0)), 0)) .collect(); for (i, socket) in sockets.iter().enumerate() { table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), None, (i + 1) as u64, i as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); } // Try pruninng with threshold stake less than all the entries in the table // It should fail to prune (i.e. return 0 number of pruned entries) let pruned = table.prune_random(/*sample_size:*/ 2, /*threshold_stake:*/ 0); assert_eq!(pruned, 0); // Try pruninng with threshold stake higher than all the entries in the table // It should succeed to prune (i.e. return 1 number of pruned entries) let pruned = table.prune_random( 2, // sample_size num_entries as u64 + 1, // threshold_stake ); assert_eq!(pruned, 1); } #[test] fn test_remove_connections() { use std::net::Ipv4Addr; solana_logger::setup(); let mut table = ConnectionTable::new(ConnectionPeerType::Staked); let num_ips = 5; let max_connections_per_peer = 10; let mut sockets: Vec<_> = (0..num_ips) .map(|i| SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(i, 0, 0, 0)), 0)) .collect(); for (i, socket) in sockets.iter().enumerate() { table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), None, 0, (i * 2) as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), None, 0, (i * 2 + 1) as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); } let single_connection_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(num_ips, 0, 0, 0)), 0); table .try_add_connection( ConnectionTableKey::IP(single_connection_addr.ip()), single_connection_addr.port(), None, 0, (num_ips * 2) as u64, max_connections_per_peer, ) .unwrap(); let zero_connection_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(num_ips + 1, 0, 0, 0)), 0); sockets.push(single_connection_addr); sockets.push(zero_connection_addr); for socket in sockets.iter() { table.remove_connection(ConnectionTableKey::IP(socket.ip()), socket.port(), 0); } assert_eq!(table.total_size, 0); } #[test] fn test_max_allowed_uni_streams() { assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked, 0, 0), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked, 10, 0), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Staked, 0, 0), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Staked, 10, 0), QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); let delta = (QUIC_TOTAL_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS - QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS) as f64; assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Staked, 1000, 10000), QUIC_MAX_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Staked, 100, 10000), (delta / (100_f64)) as usize + QUIC_MIN_STAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Staked, 0, 10000), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked, 1000, 10000), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked, 1, 10000), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); assert_eq!( compute_max_allowed_uni_streams(ConnectionPeerType::Unstaked, 0, 10000), QUIC_MAX_UNSTAKED_CONCURRENT_STREAMS ); } #[test] fn test_cacluate_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node() { let mut max_stake = 10000; let mut min_stake = 0; let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, min_stake); assert_eq!(ratio, QUIC_MIN_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO); let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, max_stake); let max_ratio = QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO; assert_eq!(ratio, max_ratio); let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, max_stake / 2); let average_ratio = (QUIC_MAX_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO + QUIC_MIN_STAKED_RECEIVE_WINDOW_RATIO) / 2; assert_eq!(ratio, average_ratio); max_stake = 10000; min_stake = 10000; let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, max_stake); assert_eq!(ratio, max_ratio); max_stake = 0; min_stake = 0; let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, max_stake); assert_eq!(ratio, max_ratio); max_stake = 1000; min_stake = 10; let ratio = compute_receive_window_ratio_for_staked_node(max_stake, min_stake, max_stake + 10); assert_eq!(ratio, max_ratio); } }