module.exports = { // load the API specific sidebars file ...require("./sidebars/api.js"), introductionSidebar: [ { type: "category", collapsed: false, label: "Introduction to Solana", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "introduction", label: "What is Solana?", }, // This will be the future home for the economics overview page // { // type: "doc", // id: "economics_overview", // label: "How do the economics work?", // }, { type: "doc", id: "history", label: "History of Solana", }, ], }, { type: "category", collapsed: false, label: "Getting started with Solana", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "wallet-guide", label: "Wallets", }, // This will be the future home of the `staking` page, with the introductory info on what staking on Solana looks like // { // type: "doc", // id: "staking", // label: "Staking", // }, ], }, { type: "category", collapsed: false, label: "Dive into Solana", items: [ "terminology", { type: "link", href: "/developers", label: "Developers", }, { type: "ref", label: "Validators", id: "running-validator", }, { type: "ref", label: "Command Line", id: "cli", }, { type: "ref", label: "Economics", id: "economics_overview", }, { type: "ref", label: "Proposals", id: "proposals", }, ], }, ], developerSidebar: [ { type: "link", href: "/developers", label: "Overview", }, { type: "category", label: "Get Started", items: [ { type: "link", href: "/getstarted", label: "All guides", }, { type: "doc", id: "getstarted/hello-world", label: "Hello world", }, { type: "doc", id: "getstarted/local", label: "Local development", }, { type: "doc", id: "getstarted/rust", label: "Rust program", }, // { // type: "doc", // id: "getstarted/token", // label: "Create a token", // }, // { // type: "doc", // id: "getstarted/nft", // label: "Create a NFT", // }, // { // type: "doc", // id: "getstarted/c", // label: "C / C++", // }, // { // type: "doc", // id: "getstarted/web3js", // label: "Web3.js", // }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Core Concepts", // collapsed: false, items: [ { type: "doc", id: "developing/programming-model/accounts", label: "Accounts", }, { type: "category", label: "Transactions", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "developing/programming-model/transactions", label: "Overview", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/versioned-transactions", label: "Versioned Transactions", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/lookup-tables", label: "Address Lookup Tables", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/intro/transaction_fees", label: "Transaction Fees", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/transaction_confirmation", label: "Transaction Confirmation", }, ], }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/intro/programs", label: "Programs", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/intro/rent", label: "Rent", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/programming-model/calling-between-programs", label: "Calling between programs", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/programming-model/runtime", label: "Runtime", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Clients", items: [ { type: "link", href: "/api", label: "JSON RPC API", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/clients/javascript-api", label: "Web3 JavaScript API", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/clients/javascript-reference", label: "Web3 API Reference", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/clients/rust-api", label: "Rust API", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Writing Programs", items: [ { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/overview", label: "Overview", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/developing-rust", label: "Developing with Rust", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/developing-c", label: "Developing with C/C++", }, { type: "doc", label: "Deploying", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/deploying", }, { type: "doc", label: "Debugging", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/debugging", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/examples", label: "Program Examples", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/limitations", label: "Limitations", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/on-chain-programs/faq", label: "FAQ", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Native Programs", items: [ { type: "doc", label: "Overview", id: "developing/runtime-facilities/programs", }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/runtime-facilities/sysvars", label: "Sysvar Cluster Data", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Local Development", collapsed: false, items: [ { type: "doc", id: "developing/test-validator", label: "Solana Test Validator", }, ], }, { type: "doc", id: "developing/backwards-compatibility", label: "Backward Compatibility Policy", }, ], validatorsSidebar: [ "running-validator", { type: "category", label: "Getting Started", collapsed: false, items: ["running-validator/validator-reqs"], }, { type: "category", label: "Voting Setup", collapsed: false, items: [ "running-validator/validator-start", "running-validator/vote-accounts", "running-validator/validator-stake", "running-validator/validator-monitor", "running-validator/validator-info", "running-validator/validator-failover", "running-validator/validator-troubleshoot", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Geyser", collapsed: false, items: ["developing/plugins/geyser-plugins"], }, ], cliSidebar: [ "cli", "cli/install-solana-cli-tools", { type: "category", label: "Command-line Wallets", items: [ "wallet-guide/cli", "wallet-guide/paper-wallet", { type: "category", label: "Hardware Wallets", items: [ "wallet-guide/hardware-wallets", "wallet-guide/hardware-wallets/ledger", ], }, "wallet-guide/file-system-wallet", "wallet-guide/support", ], }, "cli/conventions", "cli/choose-a-cluster", "cli/transfer-tokens", "cli/delegate-stake", "cli/deploy-a-program", "offline-signing", "offline-signing/durable-nonce", "cli/usage", "cli/sign-offchain-message", ], architectureSidebar: [ { type: "doc", label: "What is a Solana Cluster?", id: "cluster/overview", }, { type: "category", label: "Clusters", collapsed: false, items: [ "clusters", { type: "doc", label: "RPC Endpoints", id: "cluster/rpc-endpoints", }, "cluster/bench-tps", "cluster/performance-metrics", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Consensus", collapsed: false, items: [ "cluster/synchronization", "cluster/leader-rotation", "cluster/fork-generation", "cluster/managing-forks", "cluster/turbine-block-propagation", "cluster/commitments", "cluster/vote-signing", "cluster/stake-delegation-and-rewards", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Validators", collapsed: false, items: [ { type: "doc", label: "Overview", id: "validator/anatomy", }, "validator/tpu", "validator/tvu", "validator/blockstore", "validator/gossip", "validator/runtime", ], }, ], "Design Proposals": [ "proposals", { type: "category", label: "Accepted Proposals", collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "proposals", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Implemented Proposals", collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "implemented-proposals", }, ], }, ], stakingSidebar: ["staking", "staking/stake-accounts"], integratingSidebar: [ "integrations/exchange", "integrations/retrying-transactions", ], economicsSidebar: [ { type: "doc", id: "economics_overview", // label: "How do the economics work?", }, { type: "category", label: "Inflation Design", items: [ "inflation/terminology", "inflation/inflation_schedule", "inflation/adjusted_staking_yield", ], }, "transaction_fees", "storage_rent_economics", ], };