--- title: Backward Compatibility Policy --- As the Solana developer ecosystem grows, so does the need for clear expectations around breaking API and behavior changes affecting applications and tooling built for Solana. In a perfect world, Solana development could continue at a very fast pace without ever causing issues for existing developers. However, some compromises will need to be made and so this document attempts to clarify and codify the process for new releases. ### Expectations - Solana software releases include APIs, SDKs, and CLI tooling (with a few [exceptions](#exceptions)). - Solana software releases follow semantic versioning, more details below. - Software for a `MINOR` version release will be compatible across all software on the same `MAJOR` version. ### Deprecation Process 1. In any `PATCH` or `MINOR` release, a feature, API, endpoint, etc. could be marked as deprecated. 2. According to code upgrade difficulty, some features will be remain deprecated for a few release cycles. 3. In a future `MAJOR` release, deprecated features will be removed in an incompatible way. ### Release Cadence The Solana RPC API, Rust SDK, CLI tooling, and BPF Program SDK are all updated and shipped along with each Solana software release and should always be compatible between `PATCH` updates of a particular `MINOR` version release. #### Release Channels - `edge` software that contains cutting-edge features with no backward compatibility policy - `beta` software that runs on the Solana Tour de SOL testnet cluster - `stable` software that run on the Solana Mainnet Beta and Devnet clusters #### Major Releases (x.0.0) `MAJOR` version releases (e.g. 2.0.0) may contain breaking changes and removal of previously deprecated features. Client SDKs and tooling will begin using new features and endpoints that were enabled in the previous `MAJOR` version. #### Minor Releases (1.x.0) New features and proposal implementations are added to _new_ `MINOR` version releases (e.g. 1.4.0) and are first run on Solana's Tour de SOL testnet cluster. While running on the testnet, `MINOR` versions are considered to be in the `beta` release channel. After those changes have been patched as needed and proven to be reliable, the `MINOR` version will be upgraded to the `stable` release channel and deployed to the Mainnet Beta cluster. #### Patch Releases (1.0.x) Low risk features, non-breaking changes, and security and bug fixes are shipped as part of `PATCH` version releases (e.g. 1.0.11). Patches may be applied to both `beta` and `stable` release channels. ### RPC API Patch releases: - Bug fixes - Security fixes - Endpoint / feature deprecation Minor releases: - New RPC endpoints and features Major releases: - Removal of deprecated features ### Rust Crates - [`solana-sdk`](https://docs.rs/solana-sdk/) - Rust SDK for creating transactions and parsing account state - [`solana-program`](https://docs.rs/solana-program/) - Rust SDK for writing programs - [`solana-client`](https://docs.rs/solana-client/) - Rust client for connecting to RPC API - [`solana-cli-config`](https://docs.rs/solana-cli-config/) - Rust client for managing Solana CLI config files Patch releases: - Bug fixes - Security fixes - Performance improvements Minor releases: - New APIs Major releases - Removal of deprecated APIs - Backwards incompatible behavior changes ### CLI Tools Patch releases: - Bug and security fixes - Performance improvements - Subcommand / argument deprecation Minor releases: - New subcommands Major releases: - Switch to new RPC API endpoints / configuration introduced in the previous major version. - Removal of deprecated features ### Runtime Features New Solana runtime features are feature-switched and manually activated. Runtime features include: the introduction of new native programs, sysvars, and syscalls; and changes to their behavior. Feature activation is cluster agnostic, allowing confidence to be built on Testnet before activation on Mainnet-beta. The release process is as follows: 1. New runtime feature is included in a new release, deactivated by default 2. Once sufficient staked validators upgrade to the new release, the runtime feature switch is activated manually with an instruction 3. The feature takes effect at the beginning of the next epoch ### Infrastructure Changes #### Public API Nodes Solana provides publicly available RPC API nodes for all developers to use. The Solana team will make their best effort to communicate any changes to the host, port, rate-limiting behavior, availability, etc. However, we recommend that developers rely on their own validator nodes to discourage dependence upon Solana operated nodes. #### Local cluster scripts and Docker images Breaking changes will be limited to `MAJOR` version updates. `MINOR` and `PATCH` updates should always be backwards compatible. ### Exceptions #### Web3 JavaScript SDK The Web3.JS SDK also follows semantic versioning specifications but is shipped separately from Solana software releases. #### Attack Vectors If a new attack vector is discovered in existing code, the above processes may be circumvented in order to rapidly deploy a fix, depending on the severity of the issue.