//! The `repair_service` module implements the tools necessary to generate a thread which //! regularly finds missing blobs in the ledger and sends repair requests for those blobs use crate::blocktree::{Blocktree, SlotMeta}; use crate::cluster_info::ClusterInfo; use crate::result::Result; use crate::service::Service; use solana_metrics::{influxdb, submit}; use std::net::UdpSocket; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::thread::{self, Builder, JoinHandle}; use std::time::Duration; pub const MAX_REPAIR_LENGTH: usize = 16; pub const REPAIR_MS: u64 = 100; pub const MAX_REPAIR_TRIES: u64 = 128; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum RepairType { HighestBlob(u64, u64), Blob(u64, u64), } #[derive(Default)] struct RepairInfo { max_slot: u64, repair_tries: u64, } impl RepairInfo { fn new() -> Self { RepairInfo { max_slot: 0, repair_tries: 0, } } } pub struct RepairService { t_repair: JoinHandle<()>, } impl RepairService { fn run( blocktree: &Arc, exit: Arc, repair_socket: &Arc, cluster_info: &Arc>, ) { let mut repair_info = RepairInfo::new(); let id = cluster_info.read().unwrap().id(); loop { if exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } let repairs = Self::generate_repairs(blocktree, MAX_REPAIR_LENGTH, &mut repair_info); if let Ok(repairs) = repairs { let reqs: Vec<_> = repairs .into_iter() .filter_map(|repair_request| { let (slot, blob_index, is_highest_request) = { match repair_request { RepairType::Blob(s, i) => (s, i, false), RepairType::HighestBlob(s, i) => (s, i, true), } }; cluster_info .read() .unwrap() .window_index_request(slot, blob_index, is_highest_request) .map(|result| (result, slot, blob_index)) .ok() }) .collect(); for ((to, req), slot, blob_index) in reqs { if let Ok(local_addr) = repair_socket.local_addr() { submit( influxdb::Point::new("repair_service") .add_field("repair_slot", influxdb::Value::Integer(slot as i64)) .to_owned() .add_field( "repair_blob", influxdb::Value::Integer(blob_index as i64), ) .to_owned() .add_field("to", influxdb::Value::String(to.to_string())) .to_owned() .add_field("from", influxdb::Value::String(local_addr.to_string())) .to_owned() .add_field("id", influxdb::Value::String(id.to_string())) .to_owned(), ); } repair_socket.send_to(&req, to).unwrap_or_else(|e| { info!("{} repair req send_to({}) error {:?}", id, to, e); 0 }); } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(REPAIR_MS)); } } pub fn new( blocktree: Arc, exit: &Arc, repair_socket: Arc, cluster_info: Arc>, ) -> Self { let exit = exit.clone(); let t_repair = Builder::new() .name("solana-repair-service".to_string()) .spawn(move || Self::run(&blocktree, exit, &repair_socket, &cluster_info)) .unwrap(); RepairService { t_repair } } fn process_slot( blocktree: &Blocktree, slot: u64, slot_meta: &SlotMeta, max_repairs: usize, ) -> Vec { if slot_meta.is_full() { vec![] } else if slot_meta.consumed == slot_meta.received { vec![RepairType::HighestBlob(slot, slot_meta.received)] } else { let reqs = blocktree.find_missing_data_indexes( slot, slot_meta.consumed, slot_meta.received, max_repairs, ); reqs.into_iter() .map(|i| RepairType::Blob(slot, i)) .collect() } } fn generate_repairs( blocktree: &Blocktree, max_repairs: usize, repair_info: &mut RepairInfo, ) -> Result<(Vec)> { // Slot height and blob indexes for blobs we want to repair let mut repairs: Vec = vec![]; let mut current_slot = Some(0); while repairs.len() < max_repairs && current_slot.is_some() { if current_slot.unwrap() > repair_info.max_slot { repair_info.repair_tries = 0; repair_info.max_slot = current_slot.unwrap(); } let slot = blocktree.meta(current_slot.unwrap())?; if slot.is_some() { let slot = slot.unwrap(); let new_repairs = Self::process_slot( blocktree, current_slot.unwrap(), &slot, max_repairs - repairs.len(), ); repairs.extend(new_repairs); } current_slot = blocktree.get_next_slot(current_slot.unwrap())?; } // Only increment repair_tries if the ledger contains every blob for every slot if repairs.is_empty() { repair_info.repair_tries += 1; } // Optimistically try the next slot if we haven't gotten any repairs // for a while if repair_info.repair_tries >= MAX_REPAIR_TRIES { repairs.push(RepairType::HighestBlob(repair_info.max_slot + 1, 0)) } Ok(repairs) } } impl Service for RepairService { type JoinReturnType = (); fn join(self) -> thread::Result<()> { self.t_repair.join() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::blocktree::tests::{make_many_slot_entries, make_slot_entries}; use crate::blocktree::{get_tmp_ledger_path, Blocktree}; use crate::entry::create_ticks; use crate::entry::{make_tiny_test_entries, EntrySlice}; use solana_sdk::hash::Hash; #[test] pub fn test_repair_missed_future_slot() { let blocktree_path = get_tmp_ledger_path!(); { let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&blocktree_path).unwrap(); let mut blobs = create_ticks(1, Hash::default()).to_blobs(); blobs[0].set_index(0); blobs[0].set_slot(0); blobs[0].set_is_last_in_slot(); blocktree.write_blobs(&blobs).unwrap(); let mut repair_info = RepairInfo::new(); // We have all the blobs for all the slots in the ledger, wait for optimistic // future repair after MAX_REPAIR_TRIES for i in 0..MAX_REPAIR_TRIES { // Check that repair tries to patch the empty slot assert_eq!(repair_info.repair_tries, i); assert_eq!(repair_info.max_slot, 0); let expected = if i == MAX_REPAIR_TRIES - 1 { vec![RepairType::HighestBlob(1, 0)] } else { vec![] }; assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, 2, &mut repair_info).unwrap(), expected ); } // Insert a bigger blob, see that we the MAX_REPAIR_TRIES gets reset let mut blobs = create_ticks(1, Hash::default()).to_blobs(); blobs[0].set_index(0); blobs[0].set_slot(1); blobs[0].set_is_last_in_slot(); blocktree.write_blobs(&blobs).unwrap(); assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, 2, &mut repair_info).unwrap(), vec![] ); assert_eq!(repair_info.repair_tries, 1); assert_eq!(repair_info.max_slot, 1); } Blocktree::destroy(&blocktree_path).expect("Expected successful database destruction"); } #[test] pub fn test_repair_empty_slot() { let blocktree_path = get_tmp_ledger_path!(); { let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&blocktree_path).unwrap(); let mut blobs = make_tiny_test_entries(1).to_blobs(); blobs[0].set_index(1); blobs[0].set_slot(2); let mut repair_info = RepairInfo::new(); // Write this blob to slot 2, should chain to slot 1, which we haven't received // any blobs for blocktree.write_blobs(&blobs).unwrap(); // Check that repair tries to patch the empty slot assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, 2, &mut repair_info).unwrap(), vec![RepairType::HighestBlob(0, 0), RepairType::Blob(2, 0)] ); } Blocktree::destroy(&blocktree_path).expect("Expected successful database destruction"); } #[test] pub fn test_generate_repairs() { let blocktree_path = get_tmp_ledger_path!(); { let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&blocktree_path).unwrap(); let nth = 3; let num_entries_per_slot = 5 * nth; let num_slots = 2; let mut repair_info = RepairInfo::new(); // Create some blobs let (blobs, _) = make_many_slot_entries(0, num_slots as u64, num_entries_per_slot as u64); // write every nth blob let blobs_to_write: Vec<_> = blobs.iter().step_by(nth as usize).collect(); blocktree.write_blobs(blobs_to_write).unwrap(); let missing_indexes_per_slot: Vec = (0..num_entries_per_slot / nth - 1) .flat_map(|x| ((nth * x + 1) as u64..(nth * x + nth) as u64)) .collect(); let expected: Vec = (0..num_slots) .flat_map(|slot| { missing_indexes_per_slot .iter() .map(move |blob_index| RepairType::Blob(slot as u64, *blob_index)) }) .collect(); // Across all slots, find all missing indexes in the range [0, num_entries_per_slot] assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, std::usize::MAX, &mut repair_info) .unwrap(), expected ); assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, expected.len() - 2, &mut repair_info) .unwrap()[..], expected[0..expected.len() - 2] ); } Blocktree::destroy(&blocktree_path).expect("Expected successful database destruction"); } #[test] pub fn test_generate_highest_repair() { let blocktree_path = get_tmp_ledger_path!(); { let blocktree = Blocktree::open(&blocktree_path).unwrap(); let num_entries_per_slot = 10; let mut repair_info = RepairInfo::new(); // Create some blobs let (mut blobs, _) = make_slot_entries(0, 0, num_entries_per_slot as u64); // Remove is_last flag on last blob blobs.last_mut().unwrap().set_flags(0); blocktree.write_blobs(&blobs).unwrap(); // We didn't get the last blob for this slot, so ask for the highest blob for that slot let expected: Vec = vec![RepairType::HighestBlob(0, num_entries_per_slot)]; assert_eq!( RepairService::generate_repairs(&blocktree, std::usize::MAX, &mut repair_info) .unwrap(), expected ); } Blocktree::destroy(&blocktree_path).expect("Expected successful database destruction"); } }