extern crate bincode; extern crate clap; extern crate env_logger; extern crate rayon; extern crate serde_json; extern crate solana; use bincode::serialize; use clap::{App, Arg}; use rayon::prelude::*; use solana::crdt::{Crdt, ReplicatedData}; use solana::drone::DroneRequest; use solana::fullnode::Config; use solana::hash::Hash; use solana::mint::Mint; use solana::nat::{udp_public_bind, udp_random_bind}; use solana::ncp::Ncp; use solana::service::Service; use solana::signature::{GenKeys, KeyPair, KeyPairUtil}; use solana::streamer::default_window; use solana::thin_client::ThinClient; use solana::timing::{duration_as_ms, duration_as_s}; use solana::transaction::Transaction; use std::error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream, UdpSocket}; use std::process::exit; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::thread::Builder; use std::thread::JoinHandle; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::Instant; fn sample_tx_count( exit: Arc, maxes: Arc>>, first_count: u64, v: ReplicatedData, sample_period: u64, ) { let mut client = mk_client(&v); let mut now = Instant::now(); let mut initial_tx_count = client.transaction_count(); let mut max_tps = 0.0; let mut total; loop { let tx_count = client.transaction_count(); let duration = now.elapsed(); now = Instant::now(); let sample = tx_count - initial_tx_count; initial_tx_count = tx_count; println!("{}: Transactions processed {}", v.contact_info.tpu, sample); let ns = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + u64::from(duration.subsec_nanos()); let tps = (sample * 1_000_000_000) as f64 / ns as f64; if tps > max_tps { max_tps = tps; } println!("{}: {:.2} tps", v.contact_info.tpu, tps); total = tx_count - first_count; println!( "{}: Total Transactions processed {}", v.contact_info.tpu, total ); sleep(Duration::new(sample_period, 0)); if exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { println!("exiting validator thread"); maxes.write().unwrap().push((max_tps, total)); break; } } } fn generate_and_send_txs( client: &mut ThinClient, tx_clients: &Vec, id: &Mint, keypairs: &Vec, leader: &ReplicatedData, txs: i64, last_id: &mut Hash, threads: usize, ) { println!("Signing transactions... {}", txs,); let signing_start = Instant::now(); let transactions: Vec<_> = keypairs .par_iter() .map(|keypair| Transaction::new(&id.keypair(), keypair.pubkey(), 1, *last_id)) .collect(); let duration = signing_start.elapsed(); let ns = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + u64::from(duration.subsec_nanos()); let bsps = txs as f64 / ns as f64; let nsps = ns as f64 / txs as f64; println!( "Done. {:.2} thousand signatures per second, {:.2} us per signature, {} ms total time", bsps * 1_000_000_f64, nsps / 1_000_f64, duration_as_ms(&duration), ); println!("Transfering {} transactions in {} batches", txs, threads); let transfer_start = Instant::now(); let sz = transactions.len() / threads; let chunks: Vec<_> = transactions.chunks(sz).collect(); chunks .into_par_iter() .zip(tx_clients) .for_each(|(txs, client)| { println!( "Transferring 1 unit {} times... to {:?}", txs.len(), leader.contact_info.tpu ); for tx in txs { client.transfer_signed(tx.clone()).unwrap(); } }); println!( "Transfer done. {:?} ms {} tps", duration_as_ms(&transfer_start.elapsed()), txs as f32 / (duration_as_s(&transfer_start.elapsed())) ); loop { let new_id = client.get_last_id(); if *last_id != new_id { *last_id = new_id; break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } fn main() { env_logger::init(); let mut threads = 4usize; let mut num_nodes = 1usize; let mut time_sec = 60; let matches = App::new("solana-client-demo") .arg( Arg::with_name("leader") .short("l") .long("leader") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .help("/path/to/leader.json"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("mint") .short("m") .long("mint") .value_name("PATH") .takes_value(true) .help("/path/to/mint.json"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("num_nodes") .short("n") .long("nodes") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("number of nodes to converge to"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("threads") .short("t") .long("threads") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("number of threads"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("seconds") .short("s") .long("sec") .value_name("NUMBER") .takes_value(true) .help("send transactions for this many seconds"), ) .get_matches(); let leader: ReplicatedData; if let Some(l) = matches.value_of("leader") { leader = read_leader(l.to_string()).network; } else { let server_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)), 8000); leader = ReplicatedData::new_leader(&server_addr); }; let id: Mint; if let Some(m) = matches.value_of("mint") { id = read_mint(m.to_string()).expect("client mint"); } else { eprintln!("No mint found!"); exit(1); }; if let Some(t) = matches.value_of("threads") { threads = t.to_string().parse().expect("integer"); } if let Some(n) = matches.value_of("nodes") { num_nodes = n.to_string().parse().expect("integer"); } if let Some(s) = matches.value_of("seconds") { time_sec = s.to_string().parse().expect("integer"); } let mut drone_addr = leader.contact_info.tpu.clone(); drone_addr.set_port(9900); let signal = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let mut c_threads = vec![]; let validators = converge(&leader, signal.clone(), num_nodes, &mut c_threads); assert_eq!(validators.len(), num_nodes); let mut client = mk_client(&leader); let starting_balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap(); let txs: i64 = 500_000; println!("Airdropping {:?} tokens", txs); let _airdrop = request_airdrop(&drone_addr, &id, txs as u64).unwrap(); // TODO: return airdrop Result from Drone sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); let balance = client.poll_get_balance(&id.pubkey()).unwrap(); println!("Your balance is: {:?}", balance); if balance < txs || (starting_balance == balance) { println!("TPS airdrop limit reached; wait 60sec to retry"); exit(1); } println!("Get last ID..."); let mut last_id = client.get_last_id(); println!("Got last ID {:?}", last_id); let mut seed = [0u8; 32]; seed.copy_from_slice(&id.keypair().public_key_bytes()[..32]); let rnd = GenKeys::new(seed); println!("Creating keypairs..."); let keypairs = rnd.gen_n_keypairs(txs); let first_count = client.transaction_count(); println!("initial count {}", first_count); println!("Sampling tps every second...",); // Setup a thread per validator to sample every period // collect the max transaction rate and total tx count seen let maxes = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new())); let sample_period = 1; // in seconds let v_threads: Vec<_> = validators .into_iter() .map(|v| { let exit = signal.clone(); let maxes = maxes.clone(); Builder::new() .name("solana-client-sample".to_string()) .spawn(move || { sample_tx_count(exit, maxes, first_count, v, sample_period); }) .unwrap() }) .collect(); let clients = (0..threads).map(|_| mk_client(&leader)).collect(); // generate and send transactions for the specified duration let time = Duration::new(time_sec, 0); let now = Instant::now(); while now.elapsed() < time { generate_and_send_txs( &mut client, &clients, &id, &keypairs, &leader, txs, &mut last_id, threads, ); } // Stop the sampling threads so it will collect the stats signal.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); for t in v_threads { t.join().unwrap(); } // Compute/report stats let mut max_of_maxes = 0.0; let mut total_txs = 0; for (max, txs) in maxes.read().unwrap().iter() { if *max > max_of_maxes { max_of_maxes = *max; } total_txs += *txs; } println!( "\nHighest TPS: {:.2} sampling period {}s total transactions: {} clients: {}", max_of_maxes, sample_period, total_txs, maxes.read().unwrap().len() ); // join the crdt client threads for t in c_threads { t.join().unwrap(); } } fn mk_client(r: &ReplicatedData) -> ThinClient { let requests_socket = udp_random_bind(8000, 10000, 5).unwrap(); let transactions_socket = udp_random_bind(8000, 10000, 5).unwrap(); requests_socket .set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::new(1, 0))) .unwrap(); ThinClient::new( r.contact_info.rpu, requests_socket, r.contact_info.tpu, transactions_socket, ) } fn spy_node() -> (ReplicatedData, UdpSocket) { let gossip_socket_pair = udp_public_bind("gossip", 8000, 10000); let pubkey = KeyPair::new().pubkey(); let daddr = "".parse().unwrap(); let node = ReplicatedData::new( pubkey, //gossip.local_addr().unwrap(), gossip_socket_pair.addr, daddr, daddr, daddr, daddr, ); (node, gossip_socket_pair.receiver) } fn converge( leader: &ReplicatedData, exit: Arc, num_nodes: usize, threads: &mut Vec>, ) -> Vec { //lets spy on the network let daddr = "".parse().unwrap(); let (spy, spy_gossip) = spy_node(); let mut spy_crdt = Crdt::new(spy); spy_crdt.insert(&leader); spy_crdt.set_leader(leader.id); let spy_ref = Arc::new(RwLock::new(spy_crdt)); let window = default_window(); let gossip_send_socket = udp_random_bind(8000, 10000, 5).unwrap(); let ncp = Ncp::new( spy_ref.clone(), window.clone(), spy_gossip, gossip_send_socket, exit.clone(), ).expect("DataReplicator::new"); let mut rv = vec![]; //wait for the network to converge, 30 seconds should be plenty for _ in 0..30 { let v: Vec = spy_ref .read() .unwrap() .table .values() .into_iter() .filter(|x| x.contact_info.rpu != daddr) .cloned() .collect(); if v.len() >= num_nodes { println!("CONVERGED!"); rv.extend(v.into_iter()); break; } sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)); } threads.extend(ncp.thread_hdls().into_iter()); rv } fn read_leader(path: String) -> Config { let file = File::open(path.clone()).expect(&format!("file not found: {}", path)); serde_json::from_reader(file).expect(&format!("failed to parse {}", path)) } fn read_mint(path: String) -> Result> { let file = File::open(path.clone())?; let mint = serde_json::from_reader(file)?; Ok(mint) } fn request_airdrop( drone_addr: &SocketAddr, id: &Mint, tokens: u64, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(drone_addr)?; let req = DroneRequest::GetAirdrop { airdrop_request_amount: tokens, client_public_key: id.pubkey(), }; let tx = serialize(&req).expect("serialize drone request"); stream.write_all(&tx).unwrap(); // TODO: add timeout to this function, in case of unresponsive drone Ok(()) }