#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e skipSetup=false iterations=1 restartInterval=never rollingRestart=false extraNodes=0 walletRpcPort=:8899 usage() { exitcode=0 if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then exitcode=1 echo "Error: $*" fi cat < "$log" 2>&1 & declare pid=$! pids+=("$pid") echo "pid: $pid" echo "log: $log" } waitForNodeToInit() { declare initCompleteFile=$1 while [[ ! -r $initCompleteFile ]]; do if [[ $SECONDS -ge 240 ]]; then echo "^^^ +++" echo "Error: $initCompleteFile not found in $SECONDS seconds" exit 1 fi echo "Waiting for $initCompleteFile ($SECONDS)..." sleep 2 done echo "Found $initCompleteFile" } initCompleteFiles=() waitForAllNodesToInit() { echo "--- ${#initCompleteFiles[@]} nodes booting" SECONDS= for initCompleteFile in "${initCompleteFiles[@]}"; do waitForNodeToInit "$initCompleteFile" done echo "All nodes finished booting in $SECONDS seconds" } startNodes() { declare addLogs=false if [[ ${#logs[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then addLogs=true fi initCompleteFiles=() for i in $(seq 0 $((${#nodes[@]} - 1))); do declare cmd=${nodes[$i]} if [[ "$i" -ne 0 ]]; then # 0 == drone, skip it declare initCompleteFile="init-complete-node$i.log" rm -f "$initCompleteFile" initCompleteFiles+=("$initCompleteFile") fi startNode "$i" "$cmd" if $addLogs; then logs+=("$(getNodeLogFile "$i" "$cmd")") fi # 1 == bootstrap leader, wait until it boots before starting # other validators if [[ "$i" -eq 1 ]]; then SECONDS= waitForNodeToInit "$initCompleteFile" fi done waitForAllNodesToInit } killNode() { declare pid=$1 set +e if kill "$pid"; then echo "Waiting for $pid to exit..." wait "$pid" echo "$pid exited with $?" fi set -e } killNodes() { [[ ${#pids[@]} -gt 0 ]] || return # Try to use the RPC exit API to cleanly exit the first two nodes # (dynamic nodes, -x, are just killed since their RPC port is not known) echo "--- RPC exit" for port in 8899 18899; do ( set -x curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 --retry-connrefused \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"fullnodeExit"}' \ http://localhost:$port ) done # Give the nodes a splash of time to cleanly exit before killing them sleep 2 echo "--- Killing nodes: ${pids[*]}" for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do killNode "$pid" done echo "done killing nodes" pids=() } rollingNodeRestart() { if [[ ${#logs[@]} -ne ${#nodes[@]} ]]; then echo "^^^ +++" echo "Error: log/nodes array length mismatch" exit 1 fi if [[ ${#pids[@]} -ne ${#nodes[@]} ]]; then echo "^^^ +++" echo "Error: pids/nodes array length mismatch" exit 1 fi declare oldPids=("${pids[@]}") for i in $(seq 0 $((${#logs[@]} - 1))); do declare pid=${oldPids[$i]} declare cmd=${nodes[$i]} if [[ $i -eq 0 ]]; then # First cmd should be the drone, don't restart it. [[ "$cmd" = "multinode-demo/drone.sh" ]] pids+=("$pid") else echo "--- Restarting $pid: $cmd" killNode "$pid" # Delay 20 seconds to ensure the remaining cluster nodes will # hit CRDS_GOSSIP_PULL_CRDS_TIMEOUT_MS (currently 15 seconds) for the # node that was just stopped echo "(sleeping for 20 seconds)" sleep 20 declare initCompleteFile="init-complete-node$i.log" rm -f "$initCompleteFile" initCompleteFiles+=("$initCompleteFile") startNode "$i" "$cmd" fi done # 'Atomically' remove the old pids from the pids array declare oldPidsList oldPidsList="$(printf ":%s" "${oldPids[@]}"):" declare newPids=("${pids[0]}") # 0 = drone pid for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do [[ $oldPidsList =~ :$pid: ]] || { newPids+=("$pid") } done pids=("${newPids[@]}") waitForAllNodesToInit } verifyLedger() { for ledger in bootstrap-leader validator; do echo "--- $ledger ledger verification" ( source multinode-demo/common.sh set -x $solana_ledger_tool --ledger "$SOLANA_CONFIG_DIR"/$ledger/ledger verify ) || flag_error done } shutdown() { exitcode=$? killNodes set +e echo "--- Upload artifacts" for log in "${logs[@]}"; do upload-ci-artifact "$log" tail "$log" done exit $exitcode } trap shutdown EXIT INT set -e declare iteration=1 flag_error() { echo "Failed (iteration: $iteration/$iterations)" echo "^^^ +++" exit 1 } if ! $skipSetup; then multinode-demo/setup.sh else verifyLedger fi startNodes lastTransactionCount= while [[ $iteration -le $iterations ]]; do echo "--- Node count ($iteration)" ( source multinode-demo/common.sh set -x client_keypair=/tmp/client-id.json-$$ $solana_keygen new -f -o $client_keypair || exit $? $solana_gossip spy --num-nodes-exactly $numNodes || exit $? rm -rf $client_keypair ) || flag_error echo "--- RPC API: bootstrap-leader getTransactionCount ($iteration)" ( set -x curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 --retry-connrefused \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getTransactionCount"}' \ -o log-transactionCount.txt \ http://localhost:8899 cat log-transactionCount.txt ) || flag_error echo "--- RPC API: validator getTransactionCount ($iteration)" ( set -x curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 --retry-connrefused \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1, "method":"getTransactionCount"}' \ http://localhost:18899 ) || flag_error # Verify transaction count as reported by the bootstrap-leader node is advancing transactionCount=$(sed -e 's/{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":\([0-9]*\),"id":1}/\1/' log-transactionCount.txt) if [[ -n $lastTransactionCount ]]; then echo "--- Transaction count check: $lastTransactionCount < $transactionCount" if [[ $lastTransactionCount -ge $transactionCount ]]; then echo "Error: Transaction count is not advancing" echo "* lastTransactionCount: $lastTransactionCount" echo "* transactionCount: $transactionCount" flag_error fi fi lastTransactionCount=$transactionCount echo "--- Wallet sanity ($iteration)" ( set -x timeout 60s scripts/wallet-sanity.sh --url"$walletRpcPort" ) || flag_error iteration=$((iteration + 1)) if [[ $restartInterval != never && $((iteration % restartInterval)) -eq 0 ]]; then if $rollingRestart; then rollingNodeRestart else killNodes verifyLedger startNodes fi fi done killNodes verifyLedger echo +++ echo "Ok ($iterations iterations)" exit 0