use reqwest; use reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE; use serde_json::{self, Value}; use solana_sdk::timing::{DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT, NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND}; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use std::{error, fmt}; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct RpcClient { pub client: reqwest::Client, pub addr: String, } impl RpcClient { pub fn new(addr: String) -> Self { RpcClient { client: reqwest::Client::new(), addr, } } pub fn new_with_timeout(addr: SocketAddr, timeout: Duration) -> Self { let addr = get_rpc_request_str(addr, false); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .timeout(timeout) .build() .expect("build rpc client"); RpcClient { client, addr } } pub fn new_from_socket(addr: SocketAddr) -> Self { Self::new(get_rpc_request_str(addr, false)) } pub fn retry_get_balance( &self, id: u64, pubkey: &Pubkey, retries: usize, ) -> Result, Box> { let params = json!([format!("{}", pubkey)]); let res = self .retry_make_rpc_request(id, &RpcRequest::GetBalance, Some(params), retries)? .as_u64(); Ok(res) } pub fn retry_make_rpc_request( &self, id: u64, request: &RpcRequest, params: Option, mut retries: usize, ) -> Result> { let request_json = request.build_request_json(id, params); loop { match self .client .post(&self.addr) .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .body(request_json.to_string()) .send() { Ok(mut response) => { let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&response.text()?)?; if json["error"].is_object() { Err(RpcError::RpcRequestError(format!( "RPC Error response: {}", serde_json::to_string(&json["error"]).unwrap() )))? } return Ok(json["result"].clone()); } Err(e) => { info!( "make_rpc_request() failed, {} retries left: {:?}", retries, e ); if retries == 0 { Err(e)?; } retries -= 1; // Sleep for approximately half a slot sleep(Duration::from_millis( 500 * DEFAULT_TICKS_PER_SLOT / NUM_TICKS_PER_SECOND, )); } } } } } pub fn get_rpc_request_str(rpc_addr: SocketAddr, tls: bool) -> String { if tls { format!("https://{}", rpc_addr) } else { format!("http://{}", rpc_addr) } } pub trait RpcRequestHandler { fn make_rpc_request( &self, id: u64, request: RpcRequest, params: Option, ) -> Result>; } impl RpcRequestHandler for RpcClient { fn make_rpc_request( &self, id: u64, request: RpcRequest, params: Option, ) -> Result> { self.retry_make_rpc_request(id, &request, params, 0) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RpcRequest { ConfirmTransaction, GetAccountInfo, GetBalance, GetRecentBlockhash, GetSignatureStatus, GetTransactionCount, RequestAirdrop, SendTransaction, RegisterNode, SignVote, DeregisterNode, GetStorageBlockhash, GetStorageEntryHeight, GetStoragePubkeysForEntryHeight, FullnodeExit, } impl RpcRequest { fn build_request_json(&self, id: u64, params: Option) -> Value { let jsonrpc = "2.0"; let method = match self { RpcRequest::ConfirmTransaction => "confirmTransaction", RpcRequest::GetAccountInfo => "getAccountInfo", RpcRequest::GetBalance => "getBalance", RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash => "getRecentBlockhash", RpcRequest::GetSignatureStatus => "getSignatureStatus", RpcRequest::GetTransactionCount => "getTransactionCount", RpcRequest::RequestAirdrop => "requestAirdrop", RpcRequest::SendTransaction => "sendTransaction", RpcRequest::RegisterNode => "registerNode", RpcRequest::SignVote => "signVote", RpcRequest::DeregisterNode => "deregisterNode", RpcRequest::GetStorageBlockhash => "getStorageBlockhash", RpcRequest::GetStorageEntryHeight => "getStorageEntryHeight", RpcRequest::GetStoragePubkeysForEntryHeight => "getStoragePubkeysForEntryHeight", RpcRequest::FullnodeExit => "fullnodeExit", }; let mut request = json!({ "jsonrpc": jsonrpc, "id": id, "method": method, }); if let Some(param_string) = params { request["params"] = param_string; } request } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum RpcError { RpcRequestError(String), } impl fmt::Display for RpcError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "invalid") } } impl error::Error for RpcError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "invalid" } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn error::Error> { // Generic error, underlying cause isn't tracked. None } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use jsonrpc_core::{Error, IoHandler, Params}; use jsonrpc_http_server::{AccessControlAllowOrigin, DomainsValidation, ServerBuilder}; use serde_json::Number; use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::thread; #[test] fn test_build_request_json() { let test_request = RpcRequest::GetAccountInfo; let addr = json!(["deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx"]); let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, Some(addr.clone())); assert_eq!(request["method"], "getAccountInfo"); assert_eq!(request["params"], addr,); let test_request = RpcRequest::GetBalance; let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, Some(addr)); assert_eq!(request["method"], "getBalance"); let test_request = RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash; let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, None); assert_eq!(request["method"], "getRecentBlockhash"); let test_request = RpcRequest::GetTransactionCount; let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, None); assert_eq!(request["method"], "getTransactionCount"); let test_request = RpcRequest::RequestAirdrop; let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, None); assert_eq!(request["method"], "requestAirdrop"); let test_request = RpcRequest::SendTransaction; let request = test_request.build_request_json(1, None); assert_eq!(request["method"], "sendTransaction"); } #[test] fn test_make_rpc_request() { let (sender, receiver) = channel(); thread::spawn(move || { let rpc_addr = socketaddr!(0, 0); let mut io = IoHandler::default(); // Successful request io.add_method("getBalance", |_params: Params| { Ok(Value::Number(Number::from(50))) }); // Failed request io.add_method("getRecentBlockhash", |params: Params| { if params != Params::None { Err(Error::invalid_request()) } else { Ok(Value::String( "deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx".to_string(), )) } }); let server = ServerBuilder::new(io) .threads(1) .cors(DomainsValidation::AllowOnly(vec![ AccessControlAllowOrigin::Any, ])) .start_http(&rpc_addr) .expect("Unable to start RPC server"); sender.send(*server.address()).unwrap(); server.wait(); }); let rpc_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_from_socket(rpc_addr); let balance = rpc_client.make_rpc_request( 1, RpcRequest::GetBalance, Some(json!(["deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx"])), ); assert_eq!(balance.unwrap().as_u64().unwrap(), 50); let blockhash = rpc_client.make_rpc_request(2, RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, None); assert_eq!( blockhash.unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), "deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhx" ); // Send erroneous parameter let blockhash = rpc_client.make_rpc_request(3, RpcRequest::GetRecentBlockhash, Some(json!("paramter"))); assert_eq!(blockhash.is_err(), true); } #[test] fn test_retry_make_rpc_request() { solana_logger::setup(); let (sender, receiver) = channel(); thread::spawn(move || { // 1. Pick a random port // 2. Tell the client to start using it // 3. Delay for 1.5 seconds before starting the server to ensure the client will fail // and need to retry let rpc_addr = socketaddr!(0, 4242); sender.send(rpc_addr.clone()).unwrap(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(1500)); let mut io = IoHandler::default(); io.add_method("getBalance", move |_params: Params| { Ok(Value::Number(Number::from(5))) }); let server = ServerBuilder::new(io) .threads(1) .cors(DomainsValidation::AllowOnly(vec![ AccessControlAllowOrigin::Any, ])) .start_http(&rpc_addr) .expect("Unable to start RPC server"); server.wait(); }); let rpc_addr = receiver.recv().unwrap(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new_from_socket(rpc_addr); let balance = rpc_client.retry_make_rpc_request( 1, &RpcRequest::GetBalance, Some(json!(["deadbeefXjn8o3yroDHxUtKsZZgoy4GPkPPXfouKNHhw"])), 10, ); assert_eq!(balance.unwrap().as_u64().unwrap(), 5); } }