//! Off-chain message container for storing non-transaction messages. #![cfg(feature = "full")] use { crate::{ hash::Hash, pubkey::Pubkey, sanitize::SanitizeError, signature::{Signature, Signer}, }, num_enum::{IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive}, }; #[cfg(test)] static_assertions::const_assert_eq!(OffchainMessage::HEADER_LEN, 17); #[cfg(test)] static_assertions::const_assert_eq!(v0::OffchainMessage::MAX_LEN, 65515); #[cfg(test)] static_assertions::const_assert_eq!(v0::OffchainMessage::MAX_LEN_LEDGER, 1212); /// Check if given bytes contain only printable ASCII characters pub fn is_printable_ascii(data: &[u8]) -> bool { for &char in data { if !(0x20..=0x7e).contains(&char) { return false; } } true } /// Check if given bytes contain valid UTF8 string pub fn is_utf8(data: &[u8]) -> bool { std::str::from_utf8(data).is_ok() } #[repr(u8)] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)] pub enum MessageFormat { RestrictedAscii, LimitedUtf8, ExtendedUtf8, } #[allow(clippy::integer_arithmetic)] pub mod v0 { use { super::{is_printable_ascii, is_utf8, MessageFormat, OffchainMessage as Base}, crate::{ hash::{Hash, Hasher}, packet::PACKET_DATA_SIZE, sanitize::SanitizeError, }, }; /// OffchainMessage Version 0. /// Struct always contains a non-empty valid message. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct OffchainMessage { format: MessageFormat, message: Vec, } impl OffchainMessage { // Header Length = Message Format (1) + Message Length (2) pub const HEADER_LEN: usize = 3; // Max length of the OffchainMessage pub const MAX_LEN: usize = u16::MAX as usize - Base::HEADER_LEN - Self::HEADER_LEN; // Max Length of the OffchainMessage supported by the Ledger pub const MAX_LEN_LEDGER: usize = PACKET_DATA_SIZE - Base::HEADER_LEN - Self::HEADER_LEN; /// Construct a new OffchainMessage object from the given message pub fn new(message: &[u8]) -> Result { let format = if message.is_empty() { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } else if message.len() <= OffchainMessage::MAX_LEN_LEDGER { if is_printable_ascii(message) { MessageFormat::RestrictedAscii } else if is_utf8(message) { MessageFormat::LimitedUtf8 } else { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } } else if message.len() <= OffchainMessage::MAX_LEN { if is_utf8(message) { MessageFormat::ExtendedUtf8 } else { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } } else { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); }; Ok(Self { format, message: message.to_vec(), }) } /// Serialize the message to bytes, including the full header pub fn serialize(&self, data: &mut Vec) -> Result<(), SanitizeError> { // invalid messages shouldn't be possible, but a quick sanity check never hurts assert!(!self.message.is_empty() && self.message.len() <= Self::MAX_LEN); data.reserve(Self::HEADER_LEN.saturating_add(self.message.len())); // format data.push(self.format.into()); // message length data.extend_from_slice(&(self.message.len() as u16).to_le_bytes()); // message data.extend_from_slice(&self.message); Ok(()) } /// Deserialize the message from bytes that include a full header pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> Result { // validate data length if data.len() <= Self::HEADER_LEN || data.len() > Self::HEADER_LEN + Self::MAX_LEN { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } // decode header let format = MessageFormat::try_from(data[0]).map_err(|_| SanitizeError::InvalidValue)?; let message_len = u16::from_le_bytes([data[1], data[2]]) as usize; // check header if Self::HEADER_LEN.saturating_add(message_len) != data.len() { return Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue); } let message = &data[Self::HEADER_LEN..]; // check format let is_valid = match format { MessageFormat::RestrictedAscii => { (message.len() <= Self::MAX_LEN_LEDGER) && is_printable_ascii(message) } MessageFormat::LimitedUtf8 => { (message.len() <= Self::MAX_LEN_LEDGER) && is_utf8(message) } MessageFormat::ExtendedUtf8 => (message.len() <= Self::MAX_LEN) && is_utf8(message), }; if is_valid { Ok(Self { format, message: message.to_vec(), }) } else { Err(SanitizeError::InvalidValue) } } /// Compute the SHA256 hash of the serialized off-chain message pub fn hash(serialized_message: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut hasher = Hasher::default(); hasher.hash(serialized_message); Ok(hasher.result()) } pub fn get_format(&self) -> MessageFormat { self.format } pub fn get_message(&self) -> &Vec { &self.message } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum OffchainMessage { V0(v0::OffchainMessage), } impl OffchainMessage { pub const SIGNING_DOMAIN: &'static [u8] = b"\xffsolana offchain"; // Header Length = Signing Domain (16) + Header Version (1) pub const HEADER_LEN: usize = Self::SIGNING_DOMAIN.len() + 1; /// Construct a new OffchainMessage object from the given version and message pub fn new(version: u8, message: &[u8]) -> Result { match version { 0 => Ok(Self::V0(v0::OffchainMessage::new(message)?)), _ => Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds), } } /// Serialize the off-chain message to bytes including full header pub fn serialize(&self) -> Result, SanitizeError> { // serialize signing domain let mut data = Self::SIGNING_DOMAIN.to_vec(); // serialize version and call version specific serializer match self { Self::V0(msg) => { data.push(0); msg.serialize(&mut data)?; } } Ok(data) } /// Deserialize the off-chain message from bytes that include full header pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> Result { if data.len() <= Self::HEADER_LEN { return Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds); } let version = data[Self::SIGNING_DOMAIN.len()]; let data = &data[Self::SIGNING_DOMAIN.len().saturating_add(1)..]; match version { 0 => Ok(Self::V0(v0::OffchainMessage::deserialize(data)?)), _ => Err(SanitizeError::ValueOutOfBounds), } } /// Compute the hash of the off-chain message pub fn hash(&self) -> Result { match self { Self::V0(_) => v0::OffchainMessage::hash(&self.serialize()?), } } pub fn get_version(&self) -> u8 { match self { Self::V0(_) => 0, } } pub fn get_format(&self) -> MessageFormat { match self { Self::V0(msg) => msg.get_format(), } } pub fn get_message(&self) -> &Vec { match self { Self::V0(msg) => msg.get_message(), } } /// Sign the message with provided keypair pub fn sign(&self, signer: &dyn Signer) -> Result { Ok(signer.sign_message(&self.serialize()?)) } /// Verify that the message signature is valid for the given public key pub fn verify(&self, signer: &Pubkey, signature: &Signature) -> Result { Ok(signature.verify(signer.as_ref(), &self.serialize()?)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use {super::*, crate::signature::Keypair, std::str::FromStr}; #[test] fn test_offchain_message_ascii() { let message = OffchainMessage::new(0, b"Test Message").unwrap(); assert_eq!(message.get_version(), 0); assert_eq!(message.get_format(), MessageFormat::RestrictedAscii); assert_eq!(message.get_message().as_slice(), b"Test Message"); assert!( matches!(message, OffchainMessage::V0(ref msg) if msg.get_format() == MessageFormat::RestrictedAscii) ); let serialized = [ 255, 115, 111, 108, 97, 110, 97, 32, 111, 102, 102, 99, 104, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 12, 0, 84, 101, 115, 116, 32, 77, 101, 115, 115, 97, 103, 101, ]; let hash = Hash::from_str("HG5JydBGjtjTfD3sSn21ys5NTWPpXzmqifiGC2BVUjkD").unwrap(); assert_eq!(message.serialize().unwrap(), serialized); assert_eq!(message.hash().unwrap(), hash); assert_eq!(message, OffchainMessage::deserialize(&serialized).unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_offchain_message_utf8() { let message = OffchainMessage::new(0, "Тестовое сообщение".as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(message.get_version(), 0); assert_eq!(message.get_format(), MessageFormat::LimitedUtf8); assert_eq!( message.get_message().as_slice(), "Тестовое сообщение".as_bytes() ); assert!( matches!(message, OffchainMessage::V0(ref msg) if msg.get_format() == MessageFormat::LimitedUtf8) ); let serialized = [ 255, 115, 111, 108, 97, 110, 97, 32, 111, 102, 102, 99, 104, 97, 105, 110, 0, 1, 35, 0, 208, 162, 208, 181, 209, 129, 209, 130, 208, 190, 208, 178, 208, 190, 208, 181, 32, 209, 129, 208, 190, 208, 190, 208, 177, 209, 137, 208, 181, 208, 189, 208, 184, 208, 181, ]; let hash = Hash::from_str("6GXTveatZQLexkX4WeTpJ3E7uk1UojRXpKp43c4ArSun").unwrap(); assert_eq!(message.serialize().unwrap(), serialized); assert_eq!(message.hash().unwrap(), hash); assert_eq!(message, OffchainMessage::deserialize(&serialized).unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_offchain_message_sign_and_verify() { let message = OffchainMessage::new(0, b"Test Message").unwrap(); let keypair = Keypair::new(); let signature = message.sign(&keypair).unwrap(); assert!(message.verify(&keypair.pubkey(), &signature).unwrap()); } }